Research Method Research Participants Research Instruments



This chapter discusses the method of the research. It also discusses a certain analysis used to prove the research from the data gathering. This chapter is divided into five parts discussions. They are research method, research participants, research instrument, research procedures, data gathering, and data analysis.

A. Research Method

This research was a survey research. Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh 1990 state that survey research is a research technique which data are gathered by asking questions of a group of individuals. Since this research investigates students’ perception toward the contribution of group presentation in Sociolinguistics and Mass Media Communication Class, survey is possible to be employed in this research. The instrument which the researcher used was questionnaire to gain the data. Some theories which are presented in chapter 2 were used to help the researcher to find out the answers in this research.

B. Research Participants

The participants of this research were students of Sociolinguistics Class B and Mass Media Communication Class A Academic year 20092010 English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The researcher chose the 28 students of Sociolinguistics Class and Mass Media Communication which implemented group presentation technique.

C. Research Instruments

The researcher used questionnaire instrument in obtaining the data. Answering the first research problem, the researcher used questionnaire. Arikunto 1998 states that questionnaire is some written questions which are used to gain information known by respondents. On the questionnaire, the researcher would record perceptions of students of Sociolinguistics Class B and Mass Media Communication A Academic year 20092010 English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University towards the contribution of group presentation, students’ opinion of good group presentation, and some suggestions to the implementation of group presentation in class. The questionnaire used would combine close-ended questions and open-ended questions. Ary et al. 1990 state some types of questionnaire questions which can be structured in several ways, namely completion or fill-in items, checklist, scaled items, ranking, and likert-type items. According to Arikunto 1998, on close- ended questions, the respondents choose the answer from the question provided, while on open-ended questions, the respondents are given a chance to answer the questions by their own words. To gather data, this research used completion or fill-in items as open-ended question and likert-type items as close-ended question. In close-ended questions, the students were asked to register their reactions on a number between 1 until 4 29 in the Likert Scale to indicate their level of agreements. Brown and Rodgers 1998 state that “Likert scales are generally useful for gaining at respondents’ views, judgments, or opinions about almost any aspects of language learning”. On close-ended questions, the researcher provided twenty five questions to be answered by the students. To obtain more focused responses, the researcher divided the questionnaire into three sections. The first part Questions 1–15 is aimed at investigating the students’ perception when they acted as presenter and audience to give the general opinion. The second part Questions 15–22 is aimed at investigating the students’ perception when they acted as presenter. The third part Questions 23–25 is questions for the students who acted as the audience. To make it clearer, the questionnaire blueprint is provided in Appendix 2. In close-ended questions, the students were asked to write their reactions on a number between 1 until 4 in the Likert Scale to indicate their level of agreements. Score 1 was for strongly disagree, 2 was for disagree, 3 was for agree, and score 4 was for strongly agree. The scale does not provide undecided or fair because according to Galls and Borg 2007, it might be used by the respondents to express their ignorance. The 1 to 4 scale is able to conceal the respondent to express their ignorance or because they feel social pressure to express particular opinion. Meanwhile, there were two questions which belong to open-ended questions type in this research. The open-ended questions are aimed at investigating what a good group presentation is and suggestion in applying group presentation in Sociolinguistics and Mass Media Communication Class. In open- 30 ended question, the respondents could make any response in their own words based on their wish.

D. Data Gathering