Students’ Perception toward the Contribution of Group Presentation Possible Suggestions toward Group Presentation to Improve Its



This chapter presents the final discussions of the research. Two major sections are presented in this chapter. First section, which is discussed, is the conclusions drawn from the result of the research in the previous chapter. The next section discussed is the suggestions to improve the implementation and the quality of students’ group presentation as well as he directions for the future research.

A. Conclusions

The objective of this research is to know students’ perception toward the contribution of group presentation in Sociolinguistics and Mass Media Communication Class and to find out possible suggestions that can be concluded from students’ perception toward group presentation to improve its implementation. This research involved 57 students of Mass Media Communication class A and Sociolinguistics class B Academic Year of 20092010 as the participants. Based on the discussions presented in Chapter IV, the researcher could draw the conclusions as followed :

1. Students’ Perception toward the Contribution of Group Presentation

Technique in Learning Process The first research question was answered by taking the data from close-ended questions of the questionnaire distributed to the participants. Based on the research result and discussion in the previous chapter, almost participants had positive perceptions toward the contribution of group presentation in 57 Sociolinguistics and Mass Media Communication Class. Most participants who chose ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ illustrated that group presentation technique should be applied in learning process because of its contributions. In addition, they thought that group presentation was one of effective teaching technique which could be applied in learning process. Group presentation offered the contribution for both presenter and audience. All the participants were interested in the use of group presentation in class because of its familiarity. They already knew what group presentation is and how to practice it in class, although they did not know well what should be prepared before presentation because of their lack of information of what good group presentation is. Moreover, they enjoyed having this group presentation technique in their class because they could train their critical thinking and creative thinking. Moreover, the participants could promote their responsibility and autonomy in learning process. On the other hand, they could promote their responsibility in doing, preparing, and presenting the material before the presentation.

2. Possible Suggestions toward Group Presentation to Improve Its

Implementation The second research question was answered by taking the data from open- ended questions of the questionnaire distributed to the participants. Based on the research result and discussion in the previous chapter, there were some possible suggestions that could be drawn from students’ perception toward the contribution 58 of group presentation technique to improve its implementation. Those were interactive situation in presentation, group dynamics, preparation, media, and teacher participation. Interactive situation has the explanation that in presentation, the presenter should use simple language that can be understood by the audiences easily, fluently and clearly. It is good if the presenter can answer the questions from the audiences satisfactorily. It should be good discussion and interaction between presenters and audiences. The presenter should make the presentation more fun and interesting. Meanwhile, group dynamics means that cooperation among the members is needed to create good group presentation. Each member should be equal on level of participation. The member of the group should give their contribution. Everyone should be responsible in preparing the presentation. Furthermore, some related references could help both presenter and audience in understanding the material. The references could support the presentation. The preparation included the preparation of the group in making presentation material. The media which is used will support the presentation. The attractive media will help the audience to understand the material presented well. It means that media could be the essential thing in group presentation to make the presentation clearer. Then, when the presenter cannot convey the material which is presented clearly, the lecturer should give additional information besides the information from presenter. Also, the teacher is better to have a rubric for the group presentation to give an assessment to group presentation as one of evaluation types. 59 Besides the conclusions of the research, this chapter also describes some suggestions from the researcher.

B. Suggestions