The Backround Of The Study

B. The Problem of the Study

As related to the background of the study, the problem is formulated as follows: “Is students’ achievement in speaking taught by using debate technique higher than the students’ taught by lecture methhod?”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to investigate whether the students’ achievement of the eleventh graders in MA Robitotul Istiqomah Padang Lawas year of academic of 20152016 in speakingtaught by using debate technique is higher than the students’ taught without deabte technique.

D. The Scope of the Study

The study is limited and focused on the use of Debate Technique in speaking, especially to improve students’ achievement in speaking. And the process speaking refers to student’ perception toward Debate Technique.

E. The Significance of the study

The finding of the study are expected to have both theoretrical and practiced importance in speaking as a process and product, especially the framework of speaking. 1 Theoretically, the findings of the study are expected to enhance the theories of speaking. 2 Practically, the finding of the study is expexted to give a feedback to the: a. English teacher. As a source of valuable information about how to increase students’ speaking ability by using Debate Technique. b. Students. Can have more information on how the selection of the interesting and effective media to improve their speaking ability. c. Other researcher, as a reference material for the conducting of a more in depeth research on students’ speaking performance. 49


This chapter provides information about the conclusion of the research, and suggestion. The discussion of each point will be presented as follows.

A. Conclusion

The Debate Technique in teaching speaking Analytical Exposition text was effective when applied in the Eleven grade of MA Swasta Robitotul Istiqomah Based on the result of research, there was a significance difference in the achievement between students in class XI-IA 1 who were taught Analytical Exposition text through Debate Technique and students in class XI-IA2 who were taught Analytical Exposition text without using Debate Technique. The mean score of the experimental group was higher than control group 19.32 14.29. It was also proved by the result of t-test. The result of the t-test calculation also showed that t-observed value 3.12 was higher than t-table value 2.000 with α = 0.05 and df = 60. It means that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected.

B. Suggestion

In the relation to the conclusion above, the writer points out some suggestion as following: 1 The English Teachers are suggested to apply Debate Technique in teaching learning process, especially in teaching speaking achievement because it can help student become easier in understanding the material and they were easy to remember the information of the text in long term memory. 49 2 Students or English learners should be brave and always want to practice in speaking English because this strategy can help students to improve their achievement in speaking. 3 Other researchers who intend to use Debate Technique in teaching learning process; he or she is hoped to do the research by using another strategy and try to find another effective media, so it will enrich the research in improving students’ speaking achievement.