Theoretical Framework Review of Related Research

27 Virgin movie are certain game animal terms, such as “anjing” dog. The second research is from the thesis of Kurniawan 2015 from Sanata Dharma University. The title is ―The Analysis of taboo words and Swear Words in George Carlin‘s Monologue Seven Words You Can‟t Say on Television‖. In his thesis he discussed the reference or senses of the taboo words and swear words in the monologue. Besides, he told about how those swear words were used in the monologue. He used document analysis to conduct his research. He classified the swear words and taboo words that were found by using Pin ker‘s typology 2007 about swear words and Ljung ‘s theory 2011. Meanwhile, the researcher in this research has different aims. Firstly, it will describe the classification of the swear words as portrayed in 12 Years a Slave movie and then the purposes of swearing that are employed by the characters in the movie. She uses Battistela‘s classification about swear words and Rothwell‘s theory to decide the purposes of using swear words. The method used is also document analysis by using the movie transcription to obtain the data.

B. Theoretical Framework

This study focuses on the swear words that are found in 12 Years a Slave movie. Having known the concept of swear words including the types and the purposes of swearing, the theories above are needed to answer the research questions that are stated in chapter one. From the movie, it is known that the characters are White Americans and African Americans in the slavery period around 19 th century. Thus the background of the story is also used to analyze how PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 the characters speak and act related to the implementation of swear words. Since language and society cannot be separated, the scope of the research is sociolinguistics which discusses the way people use language in different social contexts and the use of language to convey messages Holmes, 2013. This research study both good language and bad language which are often prohibited to be spoken in a society like taboo words and swear words. The theories will be applied as the basic understanding to analyze the problems. The intentions of uttering swear words can be explained by paying attention to the context in which swearing takes place Beers-Fägersten, 2007. Thus, to know the reasons and the purposes of swearing, it is needed to see the context because it is highly context- dependent. This research aims to investigate 12 Years a Slave movie covering two major points of objectives, i.e. types of swear words and the purposes of using the swear words based on the characters‘ utterances. To answer the first research question, the researcher refers to Batistella‘s categorization of the types of swear words. They are epithets, profanity, vulgarity, and obscenity Batistella, 2005. To obtain the answer for the second research problem, the researcher then uses the reference from Rothwell 1973 about the purposes of uttering swear words. He describes five purposes of swearing, i.e. to create attention, to discredit, to provoke, to create personal identification, and to provide catharsis. Different types of swear words will have the different purposes of uttering swear words. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 To make it easier for the researcher to answer the research questions, then she classifies the theoretical review based on the problem formulations. Here is the theoretical diagram about the review of related literature. 30 Language and Society Sociolinguistics Society Language Bad language Good language Taboo Words Swear Words Types of Swear Words Batistella 2005 Profanity Epithet Vulgarity Obscenity Purposes of Using Swear Words Rothwell 1973 To create attention To discredit To provoke To create interpersonal identification The Analysis of Swear Words that Are Uttered by White and Black Characters in 12 Years a Slave Movie 12 Years a Slave Movie Ethnicity To Provide Catharsis Figure 2.1 Theoretical Framework Diagram 31 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this chapter, in order to answer the research questions as mentioned in Chapter I, the researcher would like to discuss the method used in this research. This chapter contains some parts. They are the research method, research setting, research subjects, research instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method