Vulgarity To Create Attention

56 write. A slave who can read and write should be punished or even killed. However, Solomon has smart solution to avoid his punishment. He tells him that Armsby is a liar. He just creates untrue story, so Epps will elect him as an overseer in his plantation. He still does not believe that he lies to him. Epps utters I‟ll be damned which contains profanity. It is an expression of surprise and shock.

3. Vulgarity

Vulgarity is different from the other two types above because it refers to words or expressions that contain sexual anatomy and excretion anatomy in a rough manner, such as ass, tit, cock, dick, and cunt. In the findings, the researcher does not find any conversation that contains this type of swear words. It is because the words belong to vulgarity were not popular and common to be used in 19 th century in which the movie took the setting of time. According to McEnery 2006, ―as the 19 th century progressed, swear words also can fall from their popularity and some words change the function and some of them are evolved and ameliorated. Vulgar terms related to sexual anatomy were also avoided and replaced because of the developing of the refinement of manners in the society ‖ p. 99. In this century, some words got their popularity in daily conversation and some of them replaced by other new words. For example, the word damn and fuck gained their popularity and people sometimes said mother mastiff to soften the word bitch. Moreover, McCutcheon 1993 in his book have listed swear words often used in 1800s. He states that ―the common types of swear words are dominated by epithet, such as nigger, negro, bastard, bitch, son of a bitch bull, and 57 redneck; profanity like damn, damnation, tarnation, hell, and goddamn; obscenity type, like shit, piss, and fuck” pp. 21-22. Based on these explanations, vulgarity type does not uttered by White and Black characters in their dialogues in the movie since the words are not commonly used in that period.

4. Obscenity

Obscenity is described as a term which is characterized by sexual activity and bodily effluvia in a crude way such as fuck, piss, and shit. Obscenity and vulgarity have the same reference but both are different. The distinction between vulgarity and obscenity is related to the level of prurience. Obscenity is believed to be prohibited from public use since they involve repulsion to the sense, abhorrent, impolite and detestable to morality. In the 12 Years a Slave movie, here are some conversations containing obscenity. Datum no.5 Solomon and Tibeats are confronting because Tibeats blames him not doing his instruction well. He swears at him by saying fucking dog. The word fucking comes from fuck. In literal meaning, it refers to the act of sexual intercourse and it is also commonly used as an intensifier or to disdain. The word fucking here is as an intensifier for dog. According to Fairman 2009, the word fuck has a very flexible pole in English grammar, including use as both transitive and intransitive verb, an adjective, an adverb, and a noun. The most common usage is figurative

a. Tibeats

: Oh, my, you are brute. You are a fucking dog. And no better for following instruction Solomon : I‘ll do as ordered , sir. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58 which is used to indicate the speaker‘s strong sentiment and to offend or to shock the listener. Likewise the swear words that Tibeats has said to Solomon, the meaning of the words shows that Tibeats wants to assimilate Solomon as a dog. From the gathered data and the explanation about the types of swear words, the result shows that White people uttering swear words frequently. It is different from Peter Trudgill‘s statement. According to Trudgill 2000, ―different social groups use different linguistic varieties. Many speakers that use swear words come from anarchic or lower-class backgrounds ‖ p. 34. Besides, Ellis 1999 adds that ―any number of scholars has made reference to African-American Black people, i.e. emotional, more vigorous, and expressive communication style ‖ p. 147. In other words, the use of swear words is often associated with the lower class status and Black people. However, from the movie, Black people rarely use swear words. In 18 th and 19 th centuries, it was extreme avoidance of saying taboo words directly, including upper class society which was dominated by White Americans who were trying hard not to use those words. Although they were under the repression, but swearing became their own habit and began to be used to shock and offend others Mbaya, 2002, p. 225. It can be concluded that swearing had become White p eople‘s habit in that centuries. They often swore at everyone especially their slaves since it was in slavery period. The most dominant type of swear words found in the movie is profanity. Burnham states that in early America, profanity and obscenity belonged together in the category of taboo language. However, ―during 18 t h century and the late 19 th century taboos words and swear words focused primarily on religious ideas and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 59 symbols, especially taking the Lord‘s name in vain‖ as cited in Mohr, 2013, p. 173. Besides, according to Mencken 1921, ―most of Americans in 19 th century had a larger profane vocabulary than the Englishmen; they swore more at other people, but they attempt an amelioration of many bad words by softening them such as the word damn came from darn, tarnation for damnation, goldarned for Goddamned, gosh for God, and what‟ell for what the hell are all Americanisms‖ pp. 3-4. The earliest swearing centred on the ideas of gods, God, and religion. The early forms of swearing were often regarded as subversive of social and religious institutions, as when the names of the gods were profanely evoked. Based on the rating of offensiveness, profanity gave strong effect to the listeners. Damn was more powerful swear word in 19 th century than now. Swearing in early America was seen as an antisocial behaviour whether the swearer was attacking religious or sexual institutions. Hence, using profanity to swear was common at that time in American society. Both White people and Black people uttered profanity as seen in the movie.

B. Purposes of Using Swear Words

Here is the table containing data which were taken from the movie. The researcher provided information about the purposes of using swear words uttered by White and Black characters. The researcher gathered the data from the conversations among the characters in the movie, then presented the data in the form of a table. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 60 Table 4.2 The Purposes of Using Swear Words in 12 Years a Slave Movie Purposes of Swearing The Occurrence in Conversations Total White People Tibeats, Mr. Epps, Mistress Epps Black People Solomon, Clemens, Patsey To Create Attention 4 4 To Discredit 13 1 14 To Provoke 2 2 To Create Interpersonal Identification 10 1 11 To Provide Catharsis 3 2 5 Total 28 8 36 Percentage 78 22 100 There are five purposes of swearing, i.e. to create attention, to discredit, to provoke, to create interpersonal identification, and to provide catharsis. All of them appear in the conversations which are spoken by Black and White characters in the movie. From the data above, the most dominant purpose of swearing is to discredit. It occurs 14 times. To create interpersonal identification appears 11 times and to provide catharsis appears 5 times. To create attention occurs 4 times. The last purpose is to provoke which only appear 2 times. Since White people are dominant in using swear words, their purpose of swearing is to discredit other people. Meanwhile, Black people ‘s purpose of swearing is to create attention. 61 To be more detailed about the explanation of the purposes of swearing, this part will get along with the examples that are taken from the conversations from the movie.

1. To Create Attention

The first purpose of using the swear words is to create attention. In order to gain attention, we can use strong and passionate language whose connotation evokes an immediate emotional response to the listeners. The speakers usually want to get much attention from their friends or people around them. They can use swear words to inform something to their friends or to the people nearby in order to get attention in expressing their opinion or feelings. From the movie, the characters in the movie utter swear words with this purpose. Here are the samples of the dialogues found in the movie.

a. Clemens

: If you want to survive, do and say as little as possible. Tell no one who you really are and tell no one that you can read and write. Unless you want to be a dead nigger. Datum No. 1 Clemens and Solomon are in a steamboat in which they are going to be shipped to Orleans. Clemens tries to remind Solomon how to survive. He uses swear word to create attention, so his suggestion will be heard by him. The use of word nigger by Blacks reflects this hatred, even when the user is unaware of the psychological forces involved. Nigger is the ultimate expression of racism and superiority no matter how it is pronounced Middleton Pilgrim, 2001, p. 3.In addition, the word nigger at that time was considered as strong and powerful swear 62 word based on the degree of offensiveness. Its connotation and effect could stimulate an instant reaction from the listener. Thus, by saying this word Clemens believes he can attract other‘s attention in order to make his friends listen to his words.

b. Robert

: I say we fight. Solomon : The crew is fairly small. If it were well planned, I believe they could be strong armed. Clemens : Three can‘t stand against a whole crew. The rest here are niggers, born and bred slaves. Niggers ain‘t got the stomach for a fight, not a damn one. Datum No. 2 The scene is in a ship where the slaves are going to be sent to the slave pen. From the conversation above, Clemens tries to gain attention from the other Black people because he wants to be the point of attention. Clemens warns the others because they cannot be quiet and want to fight back the ship crews. He tries to calm them down by saying niggers instead of saying African-Americans or Blacks. Besides, he utters damn which is considered as a swear word. He says ―not a damn one ” as the repetition of the sentence: “Niggers ain‟t got the stomach for a fight”. He tries to attract them in order to be heard in a such kind of chaotic situation. Based on the explanation previously, the word nigger is as the reflection of their own hatred towards themselves. Therefore, uttering swear words like nigger or damn can attract the listeners‘ attention because these words contain emotional meaning. Besides, people whom he talks to are all Blacks. By using this word, Clemens‘ intention to be heard by his other friends is achieved. After hearing that, Robert and Solomon keep silent for a while. It indicates that they are listening to what Clemens has said. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 63

c. Solomon

: There are others. Beg them. Patsey : Im begging you Solomon Why? Why would you consign me to damnation with such an ungodly request? Patsey There is God here God is merciful, and He forgive merciful acts. Hell. Do it. Do what I aint got the strength to do myself Datum No. 15 This dialogue happens when Pat sey tries to ask for Solomon‘s help. It is uncommon because she asks him to kill her. She cannot stand living as a slave in Mr. Epps‘ Plantation. She persuades him, but he keeps refusing it. She insists that he should do it. It seems that she does not want to hear his refusal. It leads to a debate because both of them want to be listened. So, he utters damnation which has strong effect to the listener. He wants her to listen to his words. Thus, using swear word can evoke people ‘s attention. The speakers usually want to get much attention from their friends or people around them. It works because it causes an immediate emotional response from Patsey who acts as the listener. In order to response to his words, she also utters swear word. The purpose also is to grab attention from the listener. Both of them want their opinion to be heard.

2. To Discredit