Conclusions To Provide Catharsis

76 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In this chapter, the researcher divides the part into two major parts. They are conclusions and recommendations. In the first part, the researcher presents the conclusions of the research findings related to the research problems. The second part contains the suggestions for the students, the readers, and the future researchers.

A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis in Chapter IV, the following findings can be drawn to answer the research questions in Chapter I. The first research question is: What the types of swear words are uttered by White and Black characters in 12 Years a Slave movie? Based on the analysis in Chapter IV, the types of swear words found in the movie are various. The types are epithet, profanity, and obscenity. Epithet is characterized by the several types of slurs which have derogatory meaning. It includes racial or ethnic slurs, animal terms, genders , one‘s appearances, and disabilities. From the analysis, the swear words belong to epithet are nigger, bastard, dog, and bitch. Meanwhile, damn, goddamn, goddamned, damnation, and hell are included in profanity. The last type which is found in the movie is obscenity and the word fuck is as the example. Based on the ethnicity of the 77 characters in the movie which is White and Black people, they show differences in using swear words. White characters often use profanity. 19 th century swear words were dominated by profanity type. Thus, profanity is often used as swearing. It is different from Black characters in the movie who use epithet and profanity. The second research question is: What are the purposes of using swear words uttered by White and Black characters in 12 Years a Slave movie? The purposes of using swear words found in the movie are: to create attention, to discredit, to provoke, to create interpersonal identification, and provide catharsis. All of them appear in the conversations which are spoken by Black and White characters in the movie. White characters in the movie tend to use swear words to discredit other people. Due to their superiority, the characters tend to use these words to harm their slaves. Meanwhile, Black people use swear words to create attention. The types of swear words have relation with the purposes of using it. When using swear words, the characters have intention. Some types of swear words may have more than one purposes when they are used. Epithet can be used to create attention, to create personal identification, to discredit, and to provoke. Profanity type is mostly used to discredit other people. This type is effective to insult and hurt people. When the characters in the movie use obscenity, their purpose of using swear word is to provoke somebody. Using swear words also can be used to provide catharsis. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 78

B. Recommendations