Definition of Fiil لـعفلا Definition of Fiil Madhi Form of Fiil Madhi


2.3 Definition of Fiil لـعفلا

Fiil is a word that shows the meaning of the work or events that occur in a period or time past, present and future. Almost like a sense of the verb in the Indonesian language, but there are slight differences. Example: go to work Being will work Has worked ْْلــعْفا ْلــعــْفي ْلــعــف Fiil sentence division: 1. by the time a. Fiil Madhi b. Fiil Mudhari c. Fiil Amar 2. According to type the letters: a. Fiil Saheeh 1 Fiil Salim 2 Fiil Mahmuz 3 Fiil Mudhoaf b. Fiil Mutal 1 Fiil Mithal 2 Fiil Ajwaf 3 Fiil Naqish 4 Fiil Mafruq Universitas Sumatera Utara 13 5 Fiil Maqrun 3. According to the Attractions Sufferers: a. Prevalent Fiil b. Fiil Mutaadi 4. According to the form of Active Passive: a. Fiil Malum b. Fiil Majhul 5. The composition according to letters: a. Fiil Mujarrad b. Fiil Mazid

2.4 Definition of Fiil Madhi

Fiil Madhi is a verb that indicates the occurrence of a job or event in the past past tense. Marking of Fiil Madhi The signs include a look at the original letter verb and generally contain the sound a, for example ْبـتـك wrote, أرــق َ read.

2.5 Form of Fiil Madhi

Fiil Madhi has 14 forms in accordance with the number of dhamir actor. Dhamir serves as fail actor. Taking the example of the word ْبـتـك kataba, then there are 14 forms as follows: No Dhami F.Madhi Meaning Explaining 1 ْوـه ْبتك He wrote The original form without any changes 2 ـمه ـبتك They two man wrote ا + i n the last letter Universitas Sumatera Utara 14 3 ْه ْْمـ ْْوـبتك They much man wrote َ + وُـــ in the last letter 4 ْيـه ْْتـبتك She wrote + تـ in the last letter 5 ـمه تـبتك They two woman wrote + ا َ ـتـ in the last letter 6 ْ نـه ْنـْبتك They much wrote + نــ ـ in the last letter 7 ْتـْنا ْتـْبتك You man wrote + تــ ـ in the last letter 8 ْ ـمتْنا ـمتْبتك You two man wrote + اـ مُتــ ـ in the last letter 9 مـتْنا ْْمـتْبتك You much man wrote + مُتــ ـ in the last letter 10 ْتـْنا ْتـْبتك You woman wrote + تـ ـ in the last letter 11 ـمتْنا متْبتك You two woman wrote + اـ مُت ـ in the last letter 12 ْ نـتْناَ ْ نـتْبتك You much woman wrote + َنـُتـ ـ in the last letter 13 ـنا ْتـْبتك I wrote + ُتــ ـ in the last letter 14 ْن ْحن نـْبتك We wrote + اـ نـ ــ in the last letter Pattern of Fiil Madhi 1. Fiil Tsulatsi Madhi, the past tense verb that consists of three letters. The patterns are: ْلـعــف ْرـفـكْ,رـصنْ, رض hit, help, reject ــف لـع ْ َْ ْمــهف ,ْ ْـهـش ,ْ ْمـ ـع understand, see, know ْلــعـف ْ ْرــح ,ْ رــك ,ْ ـعـب forbid, glorify, distance 2. Fiil Rubai Madhi, the past tense verb consisting of four letters. There are three patterns: 1 ْلــ عف ْل زــن ْم ــسْ,م ـعْ, 2 ْلـعـْفْأ ْلزــْنأْ,م ــْسأْ,لــسْرأ 3 ْلـع ـف ْلـت ـقْ,مس ـخْ,رف ــس Universitas Sumatera Utara 15 3. Fiil Khumasi Madhi, the past tense verb consisting of five letters. There are four patterns: 1 ْلــعـفْنا ـ طْناْ,ب ـقْنا ْعـطقْناْ,قـ 2 ْلـــعتْفا ْبـنت ْجاْ,عــمت ْجاْ, رــتْقا 3 ْلـ عــفت ْ ــقتْ,رــ خأــتْ,مــ عت 4 ْلـع ــفت ْله ـــجتْ,لـه ـــستْ,فق ــست 4. Fiil Sudasi Madhi, the past tense verb consisting of six letters. The pattern is only one: Pattern Example ْلـــعْفتْسا ْرــ ْختْساْ,رــــفْغتْساْ, وــ ْحتْسا ْج Examples of changes fiil Madhi, rubai, khumasi, and sudasi: Sudasi Khumasi Ruba’i Dhomir ْلـــعْفتْسا ْلـ عــفت ْلـــعتْفا ْلــعـفْنا ْلــْفْأ ْلــ عف ْرــفْغتْسا ْ ــقت ْعــمت ْجا ْعـطقْنا ْلــسْرأ ْل زــن ْوه ْْترــفْغتْسا ْْتم ــقت ْْتعــمت ْجا ْْتعـطقْنا ْْت ــسْرأ ْْتل زــن ْيه ْتْرــفْغتْسا ْتْم ــقت ْتْعــمت ْجا ْْنا ْتْعـطق ْتْ ــسْرأ ْتْل زــن ْتْنا ْتْرــفْغتْسا ْتْم ــقت ْتْعــمت ْجا ْتْعـطقْنا ْتْ ــسْرأ ْتْل زــن ْتْنا ْتْرــفْغتْسا ْتْم ــقت ْتْعــمت ْجا ْتْعـطقْنا ْتْ ــسْرأ ْتْل زــن نا Universitas Sumatera Utara 16 Note: 1. All of fiil Madhi inaccessible by ْْـــق which means really, examples: Arabic English ْتْرـــفـْغتــْساْْ ــق Indeed, I have asked for forgiveness 2. If in the future there ْ ـم in Fiil Madhi, it means no, for example: Arabic English ْتْرـــفـْغتــْساْ ــم I did not ask for forgiveness Universitas Sumatera Utara 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of study For every human, language is one of the important things to communicate to each other. Language as a means of communication has a very important role. Role of the language as a communication tool among others, as a means of maintaining good relations between individuals, for the sake of the world for tourism, business, and so forth. The relationship is not only limited to regional and national relationships, but also of international relations. Chiercia 1990: 11 states that language carry meaning unable us to use them express message, to convey information to another. There are many languages in the world. English and Arabic as the international languages are learned as a foreign language in Indonesia. It is not easy to learn them in Indonesia. Besides English and Arabic is still known and studied as a foreign language, there are many factors that influence the mastery of English and Arabic. The factors that become difficult in mastering them for many students are the difference particularly as regards the rules of language or grammar. James 1980: 3 says that Contrastive analysis is a linguistic enterprise aimed at producing inverted two valued typologies a contrastive analysis is always concerned with a pair of languages, and founded on the assumption that languages can be compared. Universitas Sumatera Utara