The Person Deixis Analysis Of Mirror Movie


A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial to fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strata 1 Degree

ITSNA RUHILLAH NIM. 109026000126






Itsna Ruhillah, NIM: 109026000126, The Deixis Analysis of Mirror Mirror Movie Release on December 27th, 2009. Thesis: English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2014.

The objects of the research are to determine what kinds of person deixis are presented in Mirror Mirror script movie and to determine how the use of person deixis in the conversation between queen and her interlocutor.

In this research the writer uses descriptive method by analyzing the usage and the kinds of person deixis based on related theory of deixis by Levinson. After collecting the data, the writer identified and classified the data which are needed from the dialogue in Mirror Mirror movie script by Lisa Wallack and Jason Keller. To focus of the research, she limits herself to analize the conversation between Queen Clementianna with her interlocutor. After that the writer analyzed the data. From the analysis, she finds two kinds of deixis person, they are: deictic use and non deictic use. The deictic use consists of gestural usage and symbol usage. The selected data are analyzed by qualitative method and descriptive analysis technique.

The writer uses some theories of deixis. Finally, the writer finds 30 data from the conversation in movie script. There are, 29 words that classified to deictic use with 18 words has gestural and 11 words has symbol deictic use. And only 1 word that classified to non-deictic expression. Based on result of analyzing, the writer conclude that in this movie the speaker is dominant used the gestural deictic expression.




knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which substantial, extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, July 2014




In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin, all my praises to Allah Subhanahu wata‟ala and Muhammad Solallahu Alaihi Wasallam who always give true spirit and strength so this thesis entitled ―The Person Deixis Analysis in Mirror Mirror movie‖ had successfully been completed.

The writer would like to give her sincerest and deepest gratitude to her beloved parents, H. E. Usman, and Hj. Yuyu Yuningsih. To her sisters and brother, Yuni Aryani, Millah Nuramillah, Helmi Jouhari and Syifa Amalia for their endless passion, silent prayer and who always accompany her with love and attention.

This thesis could not be completed without a great deal of help from many people, especially Ms. Ummi Kultsum, M. Pd, the deepest gratitude for her guidance, helpful correction, patient, cooperation, time, and kindness until this thesis completed.

The writer would like to express her gratitude to these following parties who always give uncountable supports in finishing her thesis:

1. Prof. Dr. Oman Faturrohman, MA, the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Drs. Saefuddin, M. Pd, the Head of English Letters Department and Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department.


4. All the librarians and the Academic staff of Adab and Humanities Faculty and State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

5. For the writer‘s classmate Septy Tantriaty, her „teman seperjungan‟ Mugni Labib, Akhmad Yousuf, Fauzan Ramdhoni, Faudzan Baihaky and her best friends ever Dini Anggraini and Wida Kartika Basyiroh. Keep struggle and may we all be successful.

6. The big family of BEM FAH.

7. The big of Himpunan Mahasiwa Islam (HMI) KOFAH, thank you for a rewarding experience that will never be forgotten.

8. For the especially writer‘s heartmate Tutur Ahsanil Mustofa, your spirit and loyalty that so perfect like a number 8.

9. All the people and friends that are not mentioned here, for their memories, their laughs, their activities, their supports, their spirit, their souls, their love conveyed her into life-mature.

May Allah SWT, the Almighty and the Merciful, bless them all. The writer realizes this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, suggestions and criticisms will be accepted for the improvement of this thesis.










CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Focus of the Research ... 4

C. Research of the Question ... 4

D. Significance of the Research ... 4

E. Methodology of the Research ... 5

1. Objective of the Research ... 5

2. Method of the Research ... 5

3. Technique of data Analysis ... 5

4. Instrument of the Research... 6

5. Unit of Analysis ... 6

6. Time and Place of analysis ... 6

CHAPTER II : THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Deixis in Semantics and Pragmatics ... 7


2. Time Deixis ... 12

3. Place Deixis ... 13

4. Discourse Deixis ... 14

5. Social Deixis ... 15

D. Deictic and non-Deictic Expression ... 16

E. Deictic Usage ... 17

1. Gestural Deixis ... 18

2. Symbolic Deixis ... 18

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH FINDING A. Description of the Data ... 20

B. Analysis of the Data ... 28


B. Suggestion ... 44



A. Background of the Research

Human beings are created different from other creatures endowed with reason to think. Ability to think is equipped with language skills to express ideas, thoughts, and messages or the will of another person thinks. The ability to reflect the needs of man will need to interact with others. Humans have the potential or the provision of natural to master the dominant language in the environment. If humans do not have the ability to think, it is certain that humans can not communicate with each other. It certainly makes people unable to speak and his behavior can be likened to an animal.

Alwasilah describes the characteristics that became the essence of language is the language of systematic, uniform or patterned, the language was arbitrary (arbitrary), the language or languages the vowel a sound system, the language of symbols, the language refers to the himself, the human language, and the language of communication.1 Systematic means uniform or patterned. Language has a sound system and a uniform system of meaning. In terms of sound, the sound can not be arbitrarily used as a symbol of a reference (referent) in the language. The sound should be arranged so that the unspoken. Arbitrary is random, can appear for no reason. Words (as symbol) in a language can arise without any logical relationship with they symbolize.


A. Chaedar Alwasilah, Linguistik suatu pengantar, (Bandung: penerbit Angkasa, 1993), pp. 82-89


Language is a system of arbitrary sound symbol used by the members of the social group to work together, communicate, and identify themselves.2 Language is one of humans who never separated from all the activities and movements of human beings and civilized society. There is no human activity that is not accompanied by language. One of the human activities performed on a daily basis to communicate. In communication, language has an important role to deliver the news.

The most important function of language is a means of communication and interaction. The function of this utterance as a communication tool by experts generally decomposed into multiple functions. Finocchiaro explained that the function of language in communication is as personal, interpersonal, directive, referential, metalinguistic, and imaginative.3

One function of language in communication is referential, which means speech to talk about objects / events in the surrounding environment or in the culture at large. A word or lexeme called referential meaning if there is a reference.4 Words such as book, cow, and pencil include words are meaningful referential because there is reference in the real world. With regard to this there are a number of reference words, called deictic words, the reference does not settle on a single entities, but entities that can move from one to the other entities. To know the meaning of the reference uttered by the speaker, deixis study is needed to find out. The words that includes the deictic words is including pronouns, such as he/she, me, and you; words that states


Kushartanti, dkk., Pesona Bahasa, (Jakarta: PT gramedia pustaka Utama, 2005), p. 3 3

Alwasilah, (1993), op.cit, p.90 4



space, as here, there, and there; the words which express the time, as now, tomorrow, and later; and the words are called word pointer, like this and that.

Deixis is a way to refer to something that is closely related to the context of the speakers. Thus, there is a referral from the speakers, close to the speakers, and away from the speakers. There are three basic types of deixis, namely space deixis, person deixis and time deixis. The three types of deixis is dependent on the interpretation of the speaker and hearer, or writer and reader, which is in the same context.5

In this research, the writer focus in one kind of deixis, that is person deixis. She will analyze the type of person deixis in to two kinds, the deictic use and non-deictic use. The words containing deictic use will be analyzed into two uses, gestural and symbolic.

The writer researches a movie script entitled Mirror Mirror by Lisa Wallack and Jason Keller in 2012. In this movie, the characters use the deixis words in the interaction, for example:

Queen: do it again. Say it again. Come on! Ooh, you‘re no fun!

You, do it!

To find reference "you" referred to by the speaker, must be known in the context of the movie. In the context of utterance, there are three people involved in this conversation. Queen as the speaker, Snow White and Brighton as the addressee. Speakers use gestural to designate a reference. Her eyes and bodies movements, ―you‖ in the first sentences, the speaker pointed Snow



White to perform speaker commands, and the word ―you‖ in the second sentence, speaker switching reference to Brighton to do the same with her eyes movements.

Thus, the identification of meaning deixis is a language that can only be known when it is in a language event because it is influenced by the context of the situation referred to by the speaker talks.

B. Focus of the Research

This research focuses on the study of person deixis are implied in conversation between Queen Clementianna and with her interlocutor in transcript of Mirror Mirror movie by Lisaa Wallack and Jason Keller. The transcription was downloaded from Levinson‘s theory of deixis is used in this research.

C. Research of the Question

The writer formulates research into some questions:

1. What kinds of person deixis in Mirror Mirror movie based on Levinson‘s categorization?

2. How does the character Queen Clementianna use person deixis in the conversation based on Levinson‘s categorization?

D. Significance of the Research

The objects of the research are to determine what kinds of deixis and to find out the deictic uses presented in Mirror Mirror movie script by Lisa



Wallack and Jason Keller. This research is expected of giving a useful knowledge in the development of linguistics in pragmatics field in general and especially in the study of deixis.

E. Methodology of the Research 1. Objective of the Research

This research is intended to:

a. To find out what types of person deixis used in the Mirror Mirror movie script.

b. To analyze how the usage of person deixis are found in the Mirror Mirror movie script by Lisa Wallack and Jason Keller.

2. Method of the Research

In this research the writer uses descriptive qualitative method. Therefore, the writer tries to describe and analyze the type of deixis and the usage of person deixis in the Mirror Mirror movie script by Lisa Wallack and Jason Keller. It means that the research uses verbal data as a basic of analysis and solves the problem that is studying.6

3. Technique of Data Analysis

The research process of data collection take place in several stage. First, the writer finds out the Mirror Mirror movie script by Lisa Wallack and Jason Keller. The next step, the writer watched and reads the movie script then classifies the dialogues that might contain deixis person in the


Muhammad Farkhan, Proposal Penelitian Bahasa & Sastra (Edisi Revisi),(Jakarta: Adabia Press, 2011), p. 2


movie. Furthermore, the third step, the writer analyzes the data based on the theory.

4. Instrument of The Research

The instrument of this research is the writer herself as a research subject. As the main instrument, the writer will obtain and analyze the required data in various ways, such as reading, identifying, and grouping the dialogue and making it as data to analysis by using pragmatics approach. Then, she analyzed the type and the usage of deixis based on the context of utterance.

5. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this study the writer usage the Mirror Mirror movie script by Lisa Wallack and Jason Keller, produced by Goldmann and Josh Pateyang released on March 16, 2012.

6. Time and Place of the Research

This research was held on the 8th semester in 2013, in English and Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and several libraries that support the theory and reference materials as well as the writer needed, other information media elements, and also other related places to get some better references to support the analysis of the data.




A. Deixis in Semantics and Pragmatics

Semantics and pragmatics is the study of meaning in language. According to Kreidler, semantic is the study of how languages organize and express meaning, and pragmatics is another branch of linguistics that is concerned with meaning.7 Meanwhile Levinson state that semantic is the study of ‗the relations of signs to the object to which the signs are applicable‘, and pragmatics is the study of the relation of signs to interpreters.8

Pragmatics and semantics can be viewed as different parts, or different aspects, of the same general study. Both are concerned with people‘s ability to use language meaningfully. While semantics is mainly concerned with a speaker‘s competence to use the language system in producing meaningful utterances and processing (comprehending) utterances produced by others, the chief focus of pragmatics is a person‘s ability to derive meanings from specific kinds of speech situations—to recognize what the speaker is referring to, to relate new information to what has gone before, to interpret what is said from background knowledge about the speaker and the topic of discourse, and to infer or ‗fill in‘ information that the speaker takes for granted and doesn‘t bother to say.9 Without some semantic knowledge of the language we wouldn‘t be able to explain the difference in meaning between I and you, but


Charles W. Kreidler, Introducing English Semantics (New York: Routledge, 1998), pp. 3-18 8

Stepen C. Levinson , Cognitive anthropology (London: Cambridge University Press, 1995) p.1



without some pragmatic knowledge of context we would never be able to know who is being referred to.10

Deixis concerns the ways in which languages express features of the context of utterance or speech event in a different way. It concerns ways in which the interpretation of utterance depends on the analysis of that context of utterance. Deictic information is important for the interpretation of utterance. Deixis helps semantics to better analyze the context of an utterance. If semantics is taken to include all conventional aspects of meaning, then perhaps most deictic phenomena are probably considered semantic in Levinson‘s point of view.11

Accoridng to explanation above, it can be conclude that deixis belongs to the domain of pragmatics, because it directly concerns the relationship between the structure of languages and the contexts in which they are used.

B. Context

The term context is defined by Mey as the surrounding, in the widest sense, that enable the participants in the communication process to interact, and that make the linguistic expressions of their interaction intelligible.12

Pragmatics which uses context, can describe the phenomenon of the language such as, deixis, implicatures, presupposition, and speech act. Context


Siobhan Chapman, Pragmatics (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), p. 40 11

Levinson, (1995), op.cit, p. 34 12



in here is a kind of language development which adds meaning into the pronunciation and the speaker‘s environment.13

The importance of context in pragmatic emphasized by Wijana that examines pragmatic context-bound meanings,14 this is confirmed by the explanation Levinson that Pragmatic is the study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of language.15

Context includes only some of the basic parameters of the context of utterance, including participants, identity, role and location, assumptions about what participants know or take for granted, the place of an utterance within a sequence of turns at talking, and so on.

C. Deixis

Deictic word derived from the Greek word ―deiktikos‖ designation it directly.16 Levinson explain that the word deixis comes from Greek which means pointing or indicating.17 The means of pointing or indicating has close relation with how words put into the context. In other words, deixis is based on the context depending on the time and place of his spoken word. If the hearer or the reader does not know it, then it will be difficult for them to understand.


Gabrielle Kasper & Shosana Blum-Kulka, Interlanguage Pragmatics, (New York: Oxford, 1978). p. 51


Nadar, (2009), op.cit, p.4 15

Levinson, (1983), op.cit, p. 9 16

Nadar, (2009), op.cit, p. 54 17


Deixis makes the reader or hearer have to broaden the limitation of mind. As Yule explains that two referents, proximal (near from the speaker) and distal (far from the speaker) influence the deixis context. When the context words such as this, here, now, that, there, and then appear, the addressee has to think twice where the location of the speaker. For example, there is a statement that room, and then the addressee has to figure out where the room is and which is meant by the speaker. So, the context does not just depend on distal or proximal perception of the speaker, but it also uses the hearer‘s logic.18

The function of deixis is to point or indicate something. Then, this function creates something or someone to be the referent. Many referents are created by deixis.

Levinson mentions three the traditional categories of deixis are person, place and time.19 In addition to the three types, Lyson and Fillmore add two types of deixis, there are discourse (or text) deixis and social deixis.

1. Person Deixis.

Person deixis is about who involves in the speech event or in the text. The reader or the listener has to know who the referent is; otherwise, he can not give an appropriate perception. Moreover, the concept of context also takes the role of person deixis.

The basic concept of person deixis is based on person. Levinson says there are three categories of person deixis. They are first person,


George Yule, Pragmatics, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), p.9 19



second person, and third person.20 According to Verhaar, person deixis that can be considered as ‗trully‘ deictic are personal pronoun, first and second person pronoun.21

However, as stated by Burling and Ingram in Levinson, pronominal systems also can be considered deictic. Those pronominal systems are as follows: for first person, speaker inclusion (+ S); for second person, addressee inclusion (+ A); and for third person, speaker and addressee exclusion (– S, – A). Besides, in many languages, there are two first person pronouns plural known as exclusive and inclusive ‗we‘. As the term, exclusive ‗we‘ includes speaker and other, but excludes the addressee (+S, –A), whereas inclusive ‗we‘ includes speaker, other and addressee or /+S, +A/. Let‘s take a look at the example below:

Let‘s go to the cinema

Let‘s go to see you tomorrow (?)

The first sentence is inclusive as it includes the addressee, while the second one is exclusive as it excludes the addressee. In the fact that -„s in the word ―let‟s” stands for „us‟, it may be inappropriate for the second sentence because the word „us‟ is considered inclusive while the second sentence is exclusive as it also mentions the pronoun ‗you‘.22


Levinson, (1983) Op.cit, p.69 21

J. W. M. Verhaar. Asas-Asas Linguistik Umum. (Yogyakarta:Gadjah Mada University, 1996) p. 69



2. Time Deixis

The predetermination of temporal points and spans relative to the time at which an utterance was spoken (or a written message inscribed) is called as time deixis. As place deixis, time deixis also deals with CT (coding time) and RT (receiving time). Time deixis is generally grammaticalized by the form of adverbs of time, like now, then, yesterday and of tense.23 When an event happens, it must be dealt with time. The participants of an utterance always create time when they speak or the time when they refer to. So, it deals with how time deixis is formed. Time deixis always concerns with the time when an utterance is spoken or when a written text creates time.

Then, time deixis is divided into some categories. According to Cruse, three kinds of time deixis there are; before the moment of utterance, at the time of utterance, and after the time utterance.24 These three kinds have relation with grammatical features. In English language it is called tenses. These tenses are present, past, and future tense.25

Present and past tense in time deixis (temporal deixis as Yule called) differentiate proximal and distal form, e.g26.:

I live here now. I lived there then.


Ibid, p. 62 24

Alan Cruse, Meaning in Language, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 321 25

Levinson, (1983), Op.cit, p. 77 26



When somebody uttered the first sentence, it means that the deictic center is close to him or is considered proximal because he is still involved in a current situation at which he uttered the utterance or the situation is still in a progress, while the second sentence is considered distal as the situation does not exist anymore.

3. Place Deixis

Place deixis is a given form to a place seeing from the speaker‘s location in the speech event27. When an event happens, it should have dealt with where the speech event takes location. Place deixis concerns with where an utterance was pointed to or refer to somewhere. Levinson states that place deixis is formed by adverbs, such as here and there, and demonstrative pronouns such as this and that.28

In common, place deixis is influenced by what kind of position described in a context. This condition makes a context closer or farther. Then, Nababan splits place deixis into two kinds, proximal and distal. Proximal is the close object position from the speaker or sometimes far from the hearer position, but distal is used to show the far distance from the object position. The proximal form is performed by ‗this‟ and ‗here‟, and for distal, it is formed from „that‟ and „there‟.29

The basic of deixis is from context. Sometimes the referent of placendeixis is different from the meaning of its situation. As Yule says


Prof. Dr. P.W.J Nababan, Ilmu Pragmatik (Jakarta: Depdikbud, 1987) p.41 28

Levinson, (1983). Op.cit, p.79 29


that learning place deixis from the speaker‘s perspective can be fixed mentally and physically.30 The example of Yule‘s statement can be explained by place deixis ‗here‘. It may refer to a place which is close to the speaker, but there, it can refer to the place which a little far from the speakers. So, even though it has a short distance, but if the context is included into proximal terms, there it is still considered as close to the speaker.

Sometimes, place deixis is not as simple as it looks. It also can refer to the person, location, and feelings of someone or something. The example can be seen from Yule below31:

I was looking at a little puppy in a cage with such a sad look on its face.

It was like, „Oh, I‟m so unhappy here, will you set me free? The application of here above is the location of a person who is performing the role of puppy; instead of the speaker‘s role. This example also can refer to person deixis. The shift of referent needs other context application because of different person deixis role.

4. Discourse Deixis

According to Louis Cummings, in discourse deixis, linguistic expressions are used to refer to some part of the wider discourse (either a written text or an oral text) in which these expression occur.32 Nababan


Yule, (1996), Op.cit, p. 12 31

Ibid, p.13 32



also state that discourse deixis is a reference to certain parts of the discourse that has been given or are in progress, this phenomenon is called anaphora or refer to already known.33 The meaning of discourse deixis then broaden by Levinson by saying that discourse deixis concerns the use of expression within some utterance to refer to some portion of the discourse that contains that utterance (including the utterance itself).34

Finally, discourse deixis is to be distinguished from a related nation, that anaphora. Consider the following utterance:35

Fred washed the dishes and he did some gardening.

The teacher explained the Inquisition and then asked the pupils to spell it.

In the first utterance the pronoun ‗he‘ and the proper name ‗Fred‘ refer to some and are co-referential. This example of anaphoric reference contrast with the second utterance, where the pronoun ‗it‘ refers, not to historical event denoted by the term ‗Inquisition‘, but to the word ‗inquisition‘ it self.

5. Social Deixis

Laurence R. Horn and Gregory Ward state that social deixis involves the marking of social relationship in linguistic expressions, with direct or oblique reference to the social status or role of participants in the speech event. Special expressions exist in many languages, including the


Nababan, (1987) Op.cit, p.42 34

Levinson, (1983), Op.cit, p.85 35


honorifics well known in the language of Southeast Asia, one of which is Javanese.36

Social deixis is described by honorifics. The honorifics system can be seen by social differentiation between speaker and hearer. Honorifics show up when the speaker or hearer has social differentiation or they want to respect someone who is older than them.37 So, their language‘s application will be more polite than before. Then Levinson divides vocatives into two kinds; these are summonses and addresses. Summonses is the form of beginning of speech in a conversation, but addresses is something inserted and can be inserted by other insertion.38 The examples of them are:

You are to fasten your seatbelts now (summonses) The truth is, madam nothing is as good nowadays (addresses)

D. Deictic and Non-Deictic Expression

According to Levinson, it is essential to distinguish different kinds of usage of deictic expression. Indeed by deictic expression we mean those linguistic units or morphemes that have a deictic usage as basic or central, for most such expression have non-deictic usage.39

Deictic expressions or deictics are expressions that have a deictic usage as basic or central; non-deictic expressions are expressions that do not


Laurence R. Horn and Gregory Ward, The Handbook of Pragmatics (Australia: Blackwell Publishing, 2006) pp.119-120


Yule, (1996) Op.cit, p.10 38

Levinson, (1983), Op.cit, p.71 39



have such a usage as basic or central. For example, while second-person pronouns are deictic expressions, as in (a), third-person pronouns are not, as in (b).40

(a) You and you, but not you, go back to your dorms! (b) Mary wishes that she could visit the land of Lilliput.

The word ―you‖ in (a) used gestural with some physical indication. The speaker spoke to three people, and he pointed out one by one with his body movement or with his gaze. The word ―you‖ in this sentence is called as a deictic expression because it clearly references.

It should be pointed out, however, that a deictic expression can be used non-deictically, as in (c):

(c) If you travel on a train without a valid ticket, you will be liable to pay a penalty fare.

In (c), you is used as impersonal, because the addressee is not fixed because the word ―you‖ in this sentences is not intended for one person, but this word is addressed to all those who read it, in other words it is used non-deictically.41

E. Deictic Usage

Besides the five basic kinds of deixis, Levinson mention gestural usage and symbolic usage as a deictic usage.42 So, the writer adds these two kinds usages into her research.


Yan Huang, Pragmatics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), p. 133 41

Ibid, pp. 133-134 42


1. Gestural Deixis

Huang explain that Gestural use can be properly interpreted only by a direct, moment by moment monitoring of some physical aspects of a speech event.43 Huang‘s statement also strengthened by Levinson by saying that terms used in a gestural deictic way can only be interpreted with reference to an audio-visual-tactile, and in general physical, monitoring of the speech event.44 These statements mean that when the speaker talks by pointing something or someone, the hearer has to discover the speaker‘s body movement. In the clearest cases, the hearer is able to see the speaker and their gestures. The example of gestural deixis:45

This one‘s genuine, but this one is a fake

At the example, the speaker wants to point the different something is genuine or fake. He uses his body movement such as with eyes or pointing eith finger to explain to the hearer.

2. Symbolic Deixis

Huang state that interpretation of the symbolic use of deictic expressions only involves knowing the basic spatio-temporal parameter of the speech event. If you hear someone uttering, you do not expect the utterance to be accompanied by any physical indication of the referent. Provided that you know the general location of the speaker, you can understand it without any problem.46 The hearer has to know what kinds of


Huang, (2007), Op.cit, p. 134 44

Levinson, (1983), Op.cit, p.65 45

Ibid, p.65 46



context and who is the participants which involved in an utterance. Similar with Levinson which says that symbolic usages make reference only to contextual co-ordinates available to participants antecedents to the utterance.47

This town is famous for its small antiques shop.

In the example sentences above, both the hearer and the speaker have known the context of it. In other word, they have the same interpretation of their conversation. The information about the place they have is clear, and then they do not need to describe it anymore. This is what makes it different between gestural deixis and symbolic deixis. When gestural deixis needs to watch closely, hear, and even by touch, symbolic deixis does not need those things. The important thing is both the speaker and the hearer have known the context of referent.



A. Description Of The Data

In this data description, the writer uses Mirror Mirror movie script by Lisa Wallack and Jason Keller. The data are collected based on the movie script. The writer compiles and selects the data that will be analyzed. Before analyzing the data in order to find out the conversation that is suspected use deixis word, the writer watch the movie and reads the movie script many times. Then, the writer categorizes and classifies the collected data according to what the conversational are occurred and the addressee that have been explained in chapter II.

The discussion of the data that have been obtained will be presented in a sequence. Following the discussion of each data, they are:

NO. Data

Deictic use Non-deictic use Gestural Symbolize


Queen: Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, a baby girl was born. She was beautiful. Her skin was pure as snow. Her hair was dark as night.




Queen: They called her Snow White. Probably because that was the most pretentious name they could come up with.


Queen: Left on his own Her father spoiled the young girl. He could afford to, of course. He was the king.


Queen: So he sought out a new queen. This queen was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was intelligent and strong. And just to clarify, she was me. And this is my story. Not hers.


Queen: To your left, Lord Waverly. If someone would please teach Lord Waverly his left from his right, I would be so very grateful.



Baron: My lady, I feel it is my duty to tell you of the rumors that I've been hearing.

Queen: Rumors?


Queen: Rumors?

Baron: Well, there have been rumblings that the kingdom is close to destitute. If we were to join two houses in marriage...I feel the gentry would be reassured that the kingdom was stable once again.


Queen: Is your bedroom on fire? Because I'm searching for an explanation as to why you would be out of your bedroom and in here, and my first guess was fire.




Baron: B to F-6. Queen: C to D-4.

You've been beaten for the last five minutes and didn't even know it.


Queen: It's important to know when you've been beaten. Yes.


Queen: Can you believe that? I mean, honestly, did he really think I would consider marrying him? Mirror: Interesting.


Queen: Can you believe that? I mean, honestly, did he really think I would consider marrying him? Mirror: Interesting.


Brighton: Pardon, Your Majesty, have a visitor.

Queen: I'm not in the mood, Brighton.


Brighton: He's young, handsome...and semi-nude.


Prince Alcott: Your Majesty. Please pardon our dress. I'm afraid my valet and I were robbed by bandits as we entered your kingdom.

Queen: Bandits? How awful. How absolutely terrifying and smooth and hairy.


Prince Alcott: Could I trouble you for a covering? Perhaps a shirt? Queen: If you must.


Queen: (QUEEN

CHUCKLES) Valencia, you say. I've never heard of it. Is it a wee hamlet? Prince Alcott: No, quite the contrary. It's a



bountiful province. We have many natural resources. Gold, silver, bustling silk trade.


Queen: I want you to organize a ball like this kingdom has never seen before. We are gonna sweep this kid right off his feet.


Queen: I want you to organize a ball like this kingdom has never seen before. We are gonna sweep this kid right off his feet.


Queen: Brighton, the prince is rich. He's built like an ox.


Queen: I can feel you smiling.


Queen: Good for you, Snow White! Someone's


been taking their confidence pills, hmm?


Queen: Do it again. Say it again. Come on.

Oh, you're no fun! You do it.


Queen: Not irritating enough.

Come on. Say it again. She can!

Be more irritating, more infuriating. Hmm?


Queen: She is a threat to everything.

Take her to the woods and feed her to the beast. Brighton: Is this about the dress?


Queen: (EXHALING) Yes! We must release the news of the tragedy, right? The usual stuff. You know, "struck down in her



youth," "terrible loss."


Queen: We'll fly the flags at half-mast.


Queen: Are you enjoying the quail?

Prince Alcott: Mm. It looks delicious, Your Highness. Thank you.


Queen: Prince Alcott, I have a proposition for you. We're both single adults, roughly the same age.

Prince Alcott: I don't think we're the same.


Queen: Well, well, Prince Alcott. We must stop meeting like this. Prince Alcott: We were ambushed. Bandits caught us by surprise.


Queen: Well, I feel... Oh, for the love of God, could


someone please get this man a shirt so I can concentrate!

Not you! Not you!

B. Analysis Of The Data

In this section, the writer uses the data from the conversation all of the speakers in the movie script. From the tabulated data above that contains 30 the deixis words which are chosen by consideration whether it has implied the deictic use or not, the writer tries to classify and analyze the selected data by using Levinson Theory.

Datum 1:

Queen: Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, a baby girl was born. She was beautiful. Her skin was pure as snow. Her hair was dark as night.

In the first dialogue the deictic word has a deictic use with symbolize. Narrator also acts as a Queen describes events that occurred previously. Narrator mentions a character called with the word "she" that refers to a baby girl. ―She‖ has a symbolize usage because there is no some body movement to pointed out someone.

Datum 2:

Queen: They called her Snow White. Probably because that was the most pretentious name they could come up with.



In this dialogue, the narrator explains that a baby girl mentioned earlier is called Snow White. "Probably because that was the most pretentious name they could come up with." In the context of this speech, "they" refers to Snow White‘s family. The word "they" in this speech belongs to the category of non-deixis because we don‘t know "they" refers to someone.

Datum 3:

Queen: Left on his own Her father spoiled the young girl. He could afford to, of course. He was the king.

The word "he" in the above sentence is refers to "her father" mentioned in the previous sentence, which means Snow White‘s father. The word "he" has a symbolize deixis because it does not participate in the conversation. Narrator introduces a character who is not directly mentioned him. The audience are required to understand that the narrator mentioned is the Snow White‘s father, and he was a king.

Datum 4:

Queen: So he sought out a new queen. This queen was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was intelligent and strong. And just to clarify, she was me. And this is my story. Not hers.

In this dialogue the narrator tries to introduce a character who married the king after his wife left. There is something unique here when


we already know the narrator in the context of earlier that she was a queen in this story. Queen introduced herself as she. The first sentence we can not know who "she" was shown without the next sentence explains. "And just to clarify, she was me" In the next sentence may know that "she" is narrated to herself (Queen / narrator). So, "she" in this sentence included the category of gestural deictic use, because "she" refers to herself. Although no body movement, the speaker say that ―she was me‖ to pointed her self.

Datum 5:

Queen: To your left, Lord Waverly. If someone would please teach Lord Waverly his left from his right, I would be so very grateful.

There are two words possessive pronoun "your" and "his". The words in this sentence is a person deixis with gestural conducted. In the context of the movie, the queen was in a place to play chess, she ordered the "lord waverly" move according to her direction, when the lord waverly move to the right hand, the hand movements occurring speaker refers to the "lord waverly" that instruction is done by him is wrong.

Datum 6:

Baron: My lady, I feel it is my duty to tell you of the rumors that I've been hearing.



Object pronoun "you" that exist in this dialog shows the deictic use is addressed to the queen. deixis word "you" is shown as a gestural, when starting a conversation with the queen, the Baron as a speaker make gestures slightly bent to give respect when talking to the queen.

Datum 7: Queen: Rumors?

Baron: Well, there have been rumblings that the kingdom is close to destitute. If we were to join two houses in marriage...I feel the gentry would be reassured that the kingdom was stable once again.

Deictic use of existing in this dialogue is the subject pronoun "we". The use of the word deixis "we" are pronounced by Baron is a symbol that is addressed to those who are experiencing bankruptcy kingdom. User "we" also mean "we-inclusive-of-addressee" which includes a Queen as addressee, as the kingdom led by her.

Datum 8:

Queen: Is your bedroom on fire? Because I'm searching for an explanation as to why you would be out of your bedroom and in here, and my first guess was fire.

In this conversation queen using gestural use the word "you", when the queen were playing chess. Suddenly, her body move and her face turn to the left and said "is your bedroom on fire?". Utterance addressed to Snow White who secretly entered the queen's play area.


Datum 9: Baron: B to F-6.

Queen: C to D-4.

You've been beaten for the last five minutes and didn't even know it.

Deixis word "you" in this dialogue is refers to Baron as servant and occurs gestural. In previous dialogue, the speaker who was talking to Snow White, continued her chess game and make her movement leads are turning Baron, the speaker said "You've been beaten for the last five minutes and did not even know it." It is means that the addressee lost in this game.

Datum 10:

Queen: It's important to know when you've been beaten. Yes.

Deixis word "you" in this dialogue occurs gestural, with a displacement body movement either left, speakers restore the addressee to Snow White. After that, Queen grabbed her hair and almost said the same thing with the previous dialogue to Baron. Unlike the previous datum, the addressee said it was to awaken Snow White that she had lost by the speaker too.

Datum 11:



consider marrying him? Mirror: Interesting.

Deixis word "you" in this dialogue occurring gestural, and the addressee is a mirror. Gestural performed by the speaker is done by opening the secret door to the mirror, when the speaker is talking to the mirror, the women's face appears with its magic powers.

Datum 12:

Queen: Can you believe that? I mean, honestly, did he really think I would consider marrying him?

Mirror: Interesting.

The word "he" in this dialogue has a symbol deictic use. The Addressee in this dialogue is someone in mirror, speakers talked about the figure of Baron as addressee like to know what is going on in the conversation when the chess games in the arena. Deixis word "he" in this dialog has a symbol as the speaker and addressee know someone who discussed.

Datum 13:

Brighton: Pardon, Your Majesty, have a visitor. Queen: I'm not in the mood, Brighton.


The deixis word ―he‖ in this dialog has a symbol deictic expression. In the context of the conversation, Brighton tell the queen that there is a quest who want to meet with the queen. So, ―he‖ in this sentences is refers to guest.

Datum 14:

Prince Alcott: Your Majesty. Please pardon our dress. I'm afraid my valet and I were robbed by bandits as we entered your kingdom.

Queen: Bandits? How awful. How absolutely terrifying and smooth and hairy.

In this dialog, there is a word deixis first person plural "we". Deixis word "we" is means "we-exclusive-of-Addressee" because in this dialog the addressee is not included in "we". With motion, the speaker apologized for his performance which was not fully dressed because it was stolen by robbers. The word "we" in this dialogue refers to the speaker and speaker guard.

Datum 15:

Prince Alcott: Could I trouble you for a covering? Perhaps a shirt? Queen: If you must.

In this dialog there is a second person deixis word "you" that occurs gestural. The speaker perform a gestural movements with his eyes



directed to Brighton as the addressee for help. But in this dialog queen felt that she was the right addressee, so she said "If you must."

Datum 16:

Queen: (QUEEN CHUCKLES) Valencia, you say. I've never heard of it. Is it a wee hamlet?

Prince Alcott: No, quite the contrary. It's a bountiful province. We have many natural resources. Gold, silver, bustling silk trade.

In this dialog there is a first person plural "we" occurring as a symbol. The Queen as addressee not know the state of Valencia and she asked to speaker. The word "we" in this dialogue is refers to the country of Valencia, Prince Alcott as speakers answer questions and tell the addressee that the country has abundant wealth. The word "we" in this dialog also has a sense of "we-exclusive-of-Addressee" because the queen as the Addressee is not included in the "we" that is intended by the speaker.

Datum 17:

Queen: I want you to organize a ball like this kingdom has never seen before. We are gonna sweep this kid right off his feet.

Deixis word "you" in this dialogue occurs gestural. Speaker ordered Brighton as Addressee to prepare a magnificent feast. We can


know that Brighton is Addressee, when he walked movement following the steps to her room speakers, and you is refers to Brighton

Datum 18:

Queen: I want you to organize a ball like this kingdom has never seen before. We are gonna sweep this kid right off his feet.

In this dialog there a deixis word "we". The word "we" here has the meaning of "we-exclusive-of-Addressee" that does not involve the Addressee. The word ―we‖ occurs in the symbol and refers to the kingdom because in the sentences before, queen wanted her kingdom to hold a welcoming party.

Datum 19:

Queen: Brighton, the prince is rich. He's built like an ox.

In this dialog queen as speakers use the deixis word. That is third person "he" which refers to the prince that exist in the previous sentence. If we look at the context of the scene in the previous, the prince is meant by the speaker is Prince Alcott. Deixis word "he" has a symbol deictic use because the reference was not involved in the conversation but Brighton know who was queen discussed.



Queen: I can feel you smiling.

The word deixis is second person "you" are shown gestural. In this context, the speaker is in beauty treatments performed by a baker lady, and the treatment was very complicated. When a baker lady smiled slightly as she saw the speaker is very funny, although the speaker's eyes closed, the speaker can feel the smile of a baker lady. So, the deixis word ―you‖ is refers to Baker lady.

Datum 21:

Queen: Good for you, Snow White! Someone's been taking their confidence pills, hmm?

In this conversation, there are two words that contain deixis. The first word is object pronoun "you" and the possessive pronoun "their". The deixis word occurring gestural is addressed to Snow White. Although the speaker uses the word plural personal pronoun "their", this word is only addressed to Snow White. We can see in the context of the conversation, that Snow White undertake alone the opposition to the speaker, and we can also see from the previous discussion that says "good for you, Snow

White!" it is means that the conversation was only addressed to Snow



Queen: Do it again. Say it again. Come on. Oh, you're no fun!

You do it.

In this conversation, the speaker said the word "you" in twice. We do not know whether the word "you" above is intended for one person or more without seeing the context of the conversation. If we look at the context of the discussion in this movie, the conversation is done by three people, they are queen as the speaker, Snow White and Baron as the addressee. The word "you" in the first sentence is refers to Snow White because she has transgressed and rebelled to the speaker, finally she was angry and say to Snow \White "Do it again. Say it again. Come on"

because she did not want to repeat her words, the speaker move her body and look to Brighton and said “You do it” to repeat the words of Snow White.

Datum 23: Queen: Not irritating enough. Come on. Say it again. She can!

Be more irritating, more infuriating. Hmm?

The word deixis in this dialogue is the third person singular "she" and contains a deictic use. In previous dialogue, the speaker ordered Brighton to repeat the words of Snow White. Brighton who could not replicate the sound of Snow White, the speaker was not satisfied and said



"Come on. Say it again. She can!". When the speaker says ―she can!‖ eyes

and hands of the speaker leads to snow white. The deixis word in this dialog contains deictic use as a third person "she" because the referent is obvious and engaged in this conversation.

Datum 24:

Queen: She is a threat to everything.

Take her to the woods and feed her to the beast. Brighton: Is this about the dress?

The word deixis in this dialogue is the third person singular "she" has a symbol deictic use. In the context, queen has done a conversation with Snow White and the queen was annoyed with her presence. After that, the queen discussed to Brighton that she want to kill the Snow White.

Datum 25:

Queen: (EXHALING) Yes! We must release the news of the tragedy, right? The usual stuff. You know, "struck down in her youth," "terrible loss."

In this dialogue, the speaker uses the first person plural words that have different meanings. "Yes! We must release the news of the tragedy, right?" The word "we" in the first sentence means "we-inclusive-of-addressee ". In the context of the conversation between two people just do by Queen and Prince Alcott. Speakers said condolences for the death of


Snow White and said that between the speaker and the Addressee must condolence over his death with a toast drink.

Datum 26:

Queen: We'll fly the flags at half-mast.

In this sentence "We'll fly the flags at half-mast”, the word "we" means "we-exclusive-of-Addressee" and occurs in the symbol because the word "we" return to the kingdom that will do the flag at half-mast.

Datum 27:

Queen: Are you enjoying the quail?

Prince Alcott: Mm. It looks delicious, Your Highness. Thank you.

In this dialogue, the speaker did the deixis word ―you‖ in gestural. The word "you" addressed to the prince Alcott when they're doing dinner together. Speakers sat not far away from the prince Alcott, then she turned her head to the left and looked the addressee, and she said "Are you

enjoying the quail?" to start a conversation in the dinner.

Datum 28:

Queen: Prince Alcott, I have a proposition for you. We're both single adults, roughly the same age.



Speakers do the deixis word with symbols. The dialogue is carried out between the queen as a speaker and Prince Alcott as addressee, no gestural movements that occur in this conversation. The word "we" here also means "we-inclusive-of-Addressee" involving the addressee as part of the word "we‖.

Datum 29:

Queen: Well, well, Prince Alcott. We must stop meeting like this. Prince Alcott: We were ambushed. Bandits caught us by surprise.

In this dialog, there are two words "we" are recited each speaker has a different meaning. The word "we" in the first sentence pronounced by the queen means "we-inclusive-of Addressee" involving the prince Alcott as addressee as part of the word "we". It is intended as a speaker was interrupted for coming second in a state of half-naked.

The word "we" in the second sentence spoken by prince Alcott as a speaker means "we-exclusive-of-Addressee" that does not involve the queen as Addressee as "we" in this sentence refers to the speaker and his servant who fought alongside the speakers.

Datum 30:

Queen: Well, I feel... Oh, for the love of God, could someone please get this man a shirt so I can concentrate!


In previous dialogue, when speakers dealing with someone who is in a state of half-naked, the speaker felt his concentration disturbed and told someone to give prince outfit to cover the entire body. When the speaker says "Oh, for the love of God, could someone please get this man

a shirt so I can concentrate!", With alacrity, Brighton as a guardian of the

queen's confidence immediately rushed to carry out orders from his master, when Brighton stepped, speakers directly to stop step and said "not you! Not you!‖




A. Conclusion

Humans can not be separated from language. Language is a tool of communication and interaction. A language expert explained that the function of language in communication as referential, which is to talk about objects / events in the surrounding environment or in the culture at large. Reference is the relationship between the outside elements designated language by language element with the symbol used to represent or describe it. To determine the reference in that sentence is not fixed, deixis is the proper study to find out

After analyzing the data, the writer concludes that in this research, the writer finds 30 words person deixis in the utterance. Based on result of analyzing, the writer conclude that in this movie the speaker is dominant used the gestural deictic expression. There are, 29 words that classified to deictic use with 18 words has gestural and 11 words has symbol deictic use. In addition, only 1 word that is classified as non-deictic expression.

Determining the use of gestural deictic expression or symbol in a movie needed context, without knowing the context, the conversation can be categorized as a symbol of deictic expressions. Therefore, gestural deictic expression is more dominant than the symbol deictic expression.


The deictic in conversation like in the Mirror Mirror movie often happened in the character‘s conversation, and there are many words with the deixis as mentioned above. It means that, the deixis can not be known without looking at the previous sentence and the context of utterance.

B. Suggestion

After finishing this paper, the writer suggests to those who are interested in studying deixis words especially in conversation on movie script, they should understand the context of utterance and types of deixis, not only deixis person, but also the other deixis. She also suggests to the readers espescially the students of English Letters Department to study and discuss about the deixis in English, in order to know that there are two uses of a deictic expression, there are deictic use and non-deictic use.




Alwasilah, A. Chaedar, Linguistik suatu pengantar. Bandung: penerbit Angkasa, 1993.

Chapman, Siobhan. Pragmatics. Great Britain: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. 2011.

Cruse, Alan. Meaning in Language. New York: Oxford University Press. 2000. Cummings, Louise. Pragmatics. British: Edinburgh University Press, 2005.

Farkhan, Muhammad. Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra. Jakarta: Adabia Press. 2011.

Horn, R. Laurence and Gregory Ward. The Handbook of Pragmatics. UK: Blackwell Publishing. 2006.

Huang, Yan. Pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Kreidler, Charles W., Introducing English Semantics. New York: Routledge, 1998 Kushartanti, ( Pesona Bahasa: Langkah Awal Memahami Linguistik.

Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 2005.

Levinson, C. Stephen. Pragmatics. London: Cambridge University Press. 1983. Nababan, P. W. J. Ilmu Pragmatik (Teori dan Penerapannya). Jakarta:


Nadar, FX. Pragmatik dan Penelitiam Pragmatik. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. 2009 Verhaar, J. W. M., Asas-Asas Linguistik Umum. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada

University, 1996

Yule, George. Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxord University Press. 2002.

Website: accessed on June, 16th 2013 at 08.35 PM



Snow White and said that between the speaker and the Addressee must condolence over his death with a toast drink.

Datum 26:

Queen: We'll fly the flags at half-mast.

In this sentence "We'll fly the flags at half-mast”, the word "we" means "we-exclusive-of-Addressee" and occurs in the symbol because the word "we" return to the kingdom that will do the flag at half-mast.

Datum 27:

Queen: Are you enjoying the quail?

Prince Alcott: Mm. It looks delicious, Your Highness. Thank you.

In this dialogue, the speaker did the deixis word ―you‖ in gestural. The word "you" addressed to the prince Alcott when they're doing dinner together. Speakers sat not far away from the prince Alcott, then she turned her head to the left and looked the addressee, and she said "Are you enjoying the quail?" to start a conversation in the dinner.

Datum 28:

Queen: Prince Alcott, I have a proposition for you. We're both single adults, roughly the same age.


Speakers do the deixis word with symbols. The dialogue is carried out between the queen as a speaker and Prince Alcott as addressee, no gestural movements that occur in this conversation. The word "we" here also means "we-inclusive-of-Addressee" involving the addressee as part of the word "we‖.

Datum 29:

Queen: Well, well, Prince Alcott. We must stop meeting like this. Prince Alcott: We were ambushed. Bandits caught us by surprise.

In this dialog, there are two words "we" are recited each speaker has a different meaning. The word "we" in the first sentence pronounced by the queen means "we-inclusive-of Addressee" involving the prince Alcott as addressee as part of the word "we". It is intended as a speaker was interrupted for coming second in a state of half-naked.

The word "we" in the second sentence spoken by prince Alcott as a speaker means "we-exclusive-of-Addressee" that does not involve the queen as Addressee as "we" in this sentence refers to the speaker and his servant who fought alongside the speakers.

Datum 30:

Queen: Well, I feel... Oh, for the love of God, could someone please get this man a shirt so I can concentrate!



In previous dialogue, when speakers dealing with someone who is in a state of half-naked, the speaker felt his concentration disturbed and told someone to give prince outfit to cover the entire body. When the speaker says "Oh, for the love of God, could someone please get this man a shirt so I can concentrate!", With alacrity, Brighton as a guardian of the queen's confidence immediately rushed to carry out orders from his master, when Brighton stepped, speakers directly to stop step and said "not you! Not you!‖


A. Conclusion

Humans can not be separated from language. Language is a tool of communication and interaction. A language expert explained that the function of language in communication as referential, which is to talk about objects / events in the surrounding environment or in the culture at large. Reference is the relationship between the outside elements designated language by language element with the symbol used to represent or describe it. To determine the reference in that sentence is not fixed, deixis is the proper study to find out

After analyzing the data, the writer concludes that in this research, the writer finds 30 words person deixis in the utterance. Based on result of analyzing, the writer conclude that in this movie the speaker is dominant used the gestural deictic expression. There are, 29 words that classified to deictic use with 18 words has gestural and 11 words has symbol deictic use. In addition, only 1 word that is classified as non-deictic expression.

Determining the use of gestural deictic expression or symbol in a movie needed context, without knowing the context, the conversation can be categorized as a symbol of deictic expressions. Therefore, gestural deictic expression is more dominant than the symbol deictic expression.



The deictic in conversation like in the Mirror Mirror movie often happened in the character‘s conversation, and there are many words with the deixis as mentioned above. It means that, the deixis can not be known without looking at the previous sentence and the context of utterance.

B. Suggestion

After finishing this paper, the writer suggests to those who are interested in studying deixis words especially in conversation on movie script, they should understand the context of utterance and types of deixis, not only deixis person, but also the other deixis. She also suggests to the readers espescially the students of English Letters Department to study and discuss about the deixis in English, in order to know that there are two uses of a deictic expression, there are deictic use and non-deictic use.


Alwasilah, A. Chaedar, Linguistik suatu pengantar. Bandung: penerbit Angkasa, 1993.

Chapman, Siobhan. Pragmatics. Great Britain: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. 2011.

Cruse, Alan. Meaning in Language. New York: Oxford University Press. 2000. Cummings, Louise. Pragmatics. British: Edinburgh University Press, 2005.

Farkhan, Muhammad. Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra. Jakarta: Adabia Press. 2011.

Horn, R. Laurence and Gregory Ward. The Handbook of Pragmatics. UK: Blackwell Publishing. 2006.

Huang, Yan. Pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Kreidler, Charles W., Introducing English Semantics. New York: Routledge, 1998 Kushartanti, ( Pesona Bahasa: Langkah Awal Memahami Linguistik.

Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 2005.

Levinson, C. Stephen. Pragmatics. London: Cambridge University Press. 1983. Nababan, P. W. J. Ilmu Pragmatik (Teori dan Penerapannya). Jakarta:


Nadar, FX. Pragmatik dan Penelitiam Pragmatik. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. 2009 Verhaar, J. W. M., Asas-Asas Linguistik Umum. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada

University, 1996

Yule, George. Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxord University Press. 2002.

Website: accessed on June, 16th 2013 at 08.35 PM