Research Method Population and Sample The Technique of Collecting Data


3.1 Research Method

The method of the study is an important thing. In writing this thesis, I do the library research, that is, by reading and studying some books and also research findings concerned with the topic of the problem. I also apply descriptive quantitative method to analyze them to determine the dominant type of conjunction used in The Jakarta Post editorials. Hadjar 1996:32 states that quantitative approach presents the results in description of number.

3.2 Population and Sample

Population is a large number of groups which we want to know. The part of population which can represent the whole population is called sample. Data in this thesis are all the sentences consist of conjunctions found in the Jakarta Post editorials. There are 222 conjunctions found in the Jakarta post editorial. The sources of this thesis are six editorials that are published in 14 th November 2007, 16 th November 2007, 20 th November 2007, and 22nd November 2007 in the Jakarta Post editorials. The list of the data can been seen in the table 1 below NO TITLES DATE SOURCE 1. Tribute to the people 14 th November 2007 The Jakarta Post 2. Beat the bully 16 th November 2007 The Jakarta Post 3. The more the merrier 16 th November 2007 The Jakarta Post 4. Barking up the wrong tree 20 th November 3007 The Jakarta Post 5. Myanmar spoils the party 22 nd November 2007 The Jakarta Post 6. Binding ASEAN 22 nd November 2007 The Jakarta Post To decide the number of the sample in this analysis, I apply stratified sampling method according to Manase Manalo 1985: 158. He said that if the population number of the analysis more than one hundred data we can take half of the data becomes the Universitas Sumatera Utara sample, we also can takes all the data as the sample. But if the population number of the analysis less than one hundred data we must take all the data as the sample.

3.3 The Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting the required data, I underline the sentences consist of conjunctions found in the Jakarta Post editorials. And then I classified the conjunctions based on their types.

3.4 The Technique of Analyzing Data