The Characteristics of Motivated Students

d High aspiration, means that student is ambitious, and he or she goes for demanding challenging, high proficiency and top grades. e Goal orientation, means that student directs his or her own effort towards achieving them. f Perseverance, means that student consistently invests high level of effort in learning and is not discouraged by setbacks or apparent lack of progress. g Tolerance of ambiguity, means that student is not disturbed by situation involving a temporary lack of understanding or confusion; he or she can live with this patiently, in the confidence the understanding will come later. From the characteristics mention above, it can conclude that a motivated student is someone who has a positive mind and who finds the importance of learning. Motivated students also needs for success, aspiration, goal and directs their effort to achieve the goal consistently. Thus, they also learn patiently although they have not understood what they learn. They also have confidence that they will understand better about the material that have been taught to them. F. Conceptual Framework Teaching listening comprehension on the old learning model which the students just listen to the teacher voice or listen to the cassette and answer the teacher’s questions correctly, it can make listening become uninteresting material and get minimum attention from the students. Therefore, the students seems to have thought in mind that if they will learn listening material, then it will be usi ng the teacher’s voice or using the audio from the cassette or tapes. Listening comprehension is a process of receiving, focusing attention on, and assigning meaning to aural stimuli. It means that how the delivered message is comprehended or understood relies not only on the information from the conversational environment and the speakers’ background, but also on listeners’ existing knowledge and their anticipation of the speaking situation. It is usually supposed that listening comprehension is difficult for L2 learners because of many aspects of speech which are more or less obvious. Learning to listen effectively is a continuously changing process in which teachers need to be mindful of individual leaner background knowledge and preferences in order to model listening strategies and provide listening practice in authentic situations: those listening situations that learners are most likely to encounter in using ESL outside of the classroom. This may include giving students listening activities that require them to relate what has been said during whole class discussion or after watching a movie in which students will be able to assess their listening skills based on their recall of what has been said as well as evaluate their learning goals in relation to their listening ability. The use of video, and in particular films, offers some advantages for enhancing listening skills. Video can be valuable tools for language learning. The first major advantage of using video is that it can provide sample of real life situations . Employing video materials in a classroom can enhance students’ motivation to learn since it can expose them to a wide variety of situations that can help them comprehend similar situations in real life. Meanwhile, picture can be used as an aid to give the students illustration on the natural situation where the language is used. Picture provides the information for the students on what they will listen. With exercise designed to develop particular skills in listening, picture can be used to provide either the general context or to illustrate particular points. Motivation could be defined as a power that involves desire, effort, and enjoyment which gives someone energy to do something or move toward an end or goal. Motivation is the combination of effort that refers to the time spent for studying the language and desire that shows how much the learner wants to become proficient in the language and affect that refers to enjoyment in learning the language. One of the ways to orient learners to a listening comprehension task is by providing them visual material. Video and picture are the example of instructional media that can be used in teaching listening. It is a new way in teaching listening which can make the students having a new way and expected to increase their motivation when they got the listening material from the teachers. From the point of view above, this research formulates, it is expected that there is a positive significant result using Video and Picture that can be effective in increasing students motivation in learning Listening Comprehension. G. Previous Related Studies There are some research about using teaching aids such as video and picture, the first one is from Thanajaro, Thanajaro, 2000 he conducted a study concerning the use of authentic materials; such as video or picture, to develop listening comprehension in the English as a Second Language ESL classroom through analysis of the class observation and interviews with students. The results revealed that the use of authentic materials in ESL classroom provided a positive effect on ESL student’s motivation to learn the language Another research about using teaching aids also conducted by Hamdan Hamdan, 2015 he conducted a study on using authentic material and tasks to enhance listening skill for undergraduate students majoring in English. The results revealed that students’ listening skill increased to a higher level when using authentic materials and tasks after watchin g native speakers’ video program. Another research also done by Woottipong, 2014 he conducted a study using video materials in the teaching of listening skills for university students to develop the listening skills of university students studying English with the use of video materials. The result revealed that video can contribute positively to language learning and processing. It helps learners in developing listening skills, in learning new lexical terms and in encouraging autonomous learning. From the research above, they have been using authentic materials such as video and picture in teaching listening comprehension in their research. They had a significant and positive effect from their research for the university students. Therefore, in this research the writer specifically used video and picture as the authentic materials for her research. The writer wants to know which is more effective between video and picture in teaching listening skill to enhance students’ motivation and their listening comprehension. The writer conducted the research for Junior High School students while the research above conducted their research for university students. The research conducted to reveal the effect of learning media using video and picture towards students’ motivation on the students of Eighth Grade of SMPN 8 Tangerang Selatan. Students in Junior High School range in 11-15 years old. The age range for Junior High School students can also identified as teenagers, at this age the use of learning media such as video and picture can attract and motivate them to learn material in the classroom. Colorful picture and attractive sound from the picture and video can make the students interest to the material given by the teacher. When they get involved and motivated by the lesson, it can lead into better achievement. One of the ways to orient learners to a listening comprehension task is by providing them visual material. Video and picture are the example of instructional media that can be used in teaching listening. It is a new way in teaching listening which can make the students having a new way and expected to increase their motivation when they got the listening material from the teachers. Based on perusing and critical discussion of those previous related studies above it could be drawn that there is a big different age gap from the Junior High School students with the university students, the writer then conducted the research to know whether there is also a positive effect in teaching listening comprehension for Junior High School students’ used authentic materials such as video and picture. Video and picture are the example of instructional media that can be used in teaching listening. It is a new way in teaching listening which can make the students have a new way and increased their motivation when they got the listening material from the teachers.


This chapter provides the information relating to place and time of research, method of research, population and sampling technique, variable of the research, the technique of collecting data, research instrument, hypothesis, and the technique of data analysis. A. Place of Time of Research This research conducted at SMPN 8 Tangerang Selatan which is located on Puspiptek housing complex, Serpong, South Tangerang. The researcher carried out her research to VIII grade students of SMPN 8 Tangerang Selatan, in the 20152016 academic year. The time of the research was carried out from August 3, 2015 until October 14, 2015.

B. Research Method

Goddard and Melville 2001, p.1 said that research is not just a process of gathering information; rather it is about answering questions or creating something that does not exist. Based on Goddard and Melville 2001: 8 experimental research is primarily concerned with cause and effect. Researchers identify the variables of interest and try to determine if changes in one variable called the independent variable, or cause result in changes in another called the dependent variable, or effect. Experimental research might be used to determine if a certain material is fire-resistant or if a new teaching method achieves better results. This research paper uses quasi experimental study. The experiment is treated to two groups and each of group is given different treatment. The first group is taught by using Video and the other group is taught by using Picture. The reason of this research uses quasi experimental study is to see the effect of Video and Picture treatments to the eighth grade students’ listening achievement. C. Research Design Before doing the research, the researcher arranged a research design. Considering the purposes of the research and the nature of the problems, this research is quantitative one. In this research, the researcher used quasi experimental research, because in this research, the researcher does not control all the variables that affected the experiment. This study was a quasi experimental investigation as it sought to compare and measure the effect of two different listening instructions video and picture on students ’ motivation and listeners’ comprehension. According to Hatch and Farhady 1981, p.23, quasi experimental design is commonly implemented in applied linguistics research although the design has some intermediate level of internal validity as 36 it is very difficult to carefully define many of the numerous variables involved in language learning. Therefore, some factors such as subject selection, instrumentation, and history, which may contribute to the internal validity of the study, are controlled. Table 3.1 Research Design Factorial Data Analysis 2 x 2 Learning Motivation Instructional Media Video A1 Picture A2