Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning Characteristics of Contextual Teaching and Learning

11 encourage and motivate the students to use the language actively with their friends in situational contexts. In teaching speaking, the teacher becomes the facilitator for the students. The teacher creates effective activities to encourage the students to use English in the classroom with the teacher and their friends. According to Davies 1988, there are four characteristics of successful speaking activity. First, the students have the chance to talk as much as possible in the limited time given. Second, all the students should participate actively in speaking without being dominated by talkative students. Third, the interesting and new topic will be delivered in learning speaking, to draw students’ attention and interest to speak. Fourth, the level of relevancy, accuracy, and comprehension are required for the effectiveness of speaking.

2. Contextual Teaching and Learning

This part discusses the theory of Contextual Teaching and Learning. There are three things related to the theory. They are definition of contextual teaching and learning, characteristics of contextual teaching and learning, and strategies of contextual teaching and learning.

a. Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning

According to Johnson 2002, “Contextual teaching and learning enables students to connect the content of academic subjects with the immediate context of their daily lives to discover meaning” p. 24. Contextual teaching and learning relates subject material learned by the students with their daily lives in order to discover meaning for their lives. 12 Blanchard, Berns and Erickson 2001, as cited by Komalasari 2010 explain that contextual teaching and learning is a teaching and learning concept to help the teacher relate subject material with real world situation and encourage the students to make connections between knowledge and the application in their lives as family members, citizens, and workers. The teacher as a facilitator in the classroom helps the students to relate subject material with real world situation by providing material which is related to the students’ lives, so that they will not have abstract ideas toward the subject material.

b. Characteristics of Contextual Teaching and Learning

There are seven characteristics of contextual teaching and learning according to Muslich 2007, first is learning in real life setting. It means that the learning process is conducted in authentic context. In the learning process, the students can make meaningful connections between school and other context in their real lives as family members, citizens, and workers. Second is meaningful learning. The students have the opportunity to do meaningful task. Third is learning by doing. The students are given a chance to experience the subject material in classroom. Fourth is learning in a group. Learning is conducted through group work, discussion, and giving peer feedback. The teacher also helps the students to work in group effectively. The teacher helps the students to communicate and work together. Fifth is learning to know each other deeply. Learning gives an opportunity to the students to create togetherness among others through working together and knowing each other deeply. Sixth is learning to ask, to inquire, and to work together. Learning is conducted actively, creatively, and 13 productively. Seventh is learning as an enjoyable activity. Learning is conducted in an enjoyable situation.

c. Teaching Methods Associated with Contextual Teaching and Learning