Expressing frustration or annoyance Modality

Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional G 61 B: First right, second left. You can‟t miss it. A: Thank you. B: That‟s OK. Dialog 5 A: Does this bus go to the station? B: No, you‟ll have to get off at the bank, and take 178. A: Can you tell me where to get off? B: It‟s the next stop. Dialog 6 A: Is this the right bus for the Town Hall? B: No, you should have caught a 12. Get off at the bridge and get one there. A: Could you tell me when we get there? B: It‟s the next stop but one. Dialog 7 A: Let‟s go shopping. I have got quite a number of things to buy, and I believe I can getthem all in this shop. You see, I ought to buy a present for my friend. She has invited me to her birthday. What shall we look at first? B: Gloves, I think. They must be on the ground floor. Yes, here we are, and I can see just the kind I want. A: Well, that didn‟t take us long, now let‟s go up by the escalator to the third floor. B: We‟ll just take a quick look around to see if there is anything we could take back as presents for the family. A: I like these books, and do you? Shall we ask how much they are? B: I want to get a comb and some hair clips. Where do you think I can find them? A: Oh, you must go to the ha berdashery department. That‟s on a lower floor, I believe. We‟ll get them on our way out. B: How do you like those white shoes just over there, on the right? A: I like them very much, indeed. They are perfect for summer wear. B: Do you think they‟re my size? They look just about right. 62 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional G A: You should try them on.

D. AktifitasPembelajaran

Dalam modul ini peserta mempelajari ulasan teori tentang language expression dengan tujuan peserta dapat menggunakannya dalam berbagai situasi sesuai konteks sebagai ukuran dari indicator pencapaian dalam modul ini. Dari ulasan teori tersebut diharapkan juga peserta mampu menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan terkait dengan apa yang sudah dipelajari sebelumnya

E. LatihanTugasKasus

The following exercises refer to the previous theory of language expressions given. Exercise 1 1. Mention the various kinds of language expressions known beyond the laguage expressions you learned in this section 2. Give example in the form of dialog the language expression you found 3. Read carefully the following dialogs: Dialog 1 Amin : Another piece of cherry pie? Budi : No, thanks. I‟m on a diet. Amin : Please, do. You‟ve hardly eaten anything. Budi : It‟s delicious, but I don‟t think I ought to. Answer the following questions based on dialog 1 a. The expressions used on dialog 1 are ... b. Write Modal Verbs found on dialog 1 above Dialog 2 Asti : Can Tom go out to lunch? Bimo : No, he can‟t. Asti : Why can‟t he go to lunch? Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional G 63 Bimo : He must go to the doctor. Asti : The doctor? Is he sick? Bimo : No. He must get a physical Answer the following questions based on dialog 2 a. The expressions used on dialog 1 are ... b. Write Modal Verbs found on dialog 1 above Exercise2 Choose the right answer by crossing X A, B, C, D, or E 1. Inta : Hi, Ndra. What‟s your result for the English test? Indra : Not too bad. I got 90. Intan: What You said it is not bad. It‟s really good mark you know. Well done guys. In the underline sentence above Intan shows her expressions of… A. congratulation. B. unbelieve. C. surprise. D. believe. E. shock. 2. Irham: Hi. I heard that you‟ve been accepted in one of the best school in town Yuli : Yeah, that‟s right. It makes me so nervous before. But, I‟m relief now. Irham: Congratulation on that. Yuli : Thanks anyway. The underline phrase in the dialogue shows the expression of… A. compliment. C. agreement. E. surprise. B. congratulation. D. like. 3. Isfa : Congratulation, Vika You‟re really the best Javanese dancer. Vika : No, not at all. I just want to share what I know. 64 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional G The underlined expression means t hat Vika…. A. can‟t deny that D. wanted to say that Isfa was wrong B. didn‟t believe Isfa E. really wished to become a good C. agreed with Isfa dancer 4. Suci : Hey you look nice with that dress. Ami : Thanks. I made it by myself. Suci : Really. What a wonderful dress. You are such a talented tailor The underlined sentence in the dialogue above shows the expression of… A. like D. giving attention C. Complement B. gratitude E. Pleasure 5. Bintang : Sorry, I came late. Firda : You look pale. What‟s the matter with you? Bintang : My head is a little bit dizzy. Firda : That‟s bad. I‟m sorry for asking you to come. Should I take you to see a doctor? Bintang :________________________ The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is … A. Sorry, I can ‟t. B. Thanks for your help. C. Are you sure about it? D. That‟s a terrible thing. E. No, thanks. I‟ll be just fine. 6. Mirna : What‟s wrong with you? You look unhappy today. Sinta : I lost my purse this morning. Mirna : Oh, how awful I‟m sorry to hear that. The under lined sentence shows the expression of … A. gratitude. D. giving attention. B. congratulation. E. disappointment. C. compliment.