User Requirements Existing Conditions



4.1 User Requirements

The requirements of each user at least five users have been identified, e.g.: 1 Central Government KMLH as a decision maker needs information on the industrial profile and its pollution status. Based on the information, the Government can make the environmental decision at the national level. 2 Local Government Pemda in charge of releasing industrial license and permit. The information is needed as a basic record of industrial compliance. 3 Environmental Agency BPLHD in charge of making good planning and monitoring of environmental sectors. The information is needed to support the decision process at the regional level. 4 Industry in relation to support regular report of industrial waste water and to get information on water quality status. The information is needed to improve the industrial waste-water management. 5 Public in order to know the pollution status industry and river. Usually, they can obtain the information from the Environmental Agency.

4.2 Existing Conditions

Nowadays the environmental monitoring mechanism is still conducted manually. It means that the monitoring is done without the application system, especially related to the recording of the monitoring result. Therefore, the performance of monitoring activities is not optimal, especially in the regular reporting and data communication. The IWMS is implemented to increase the performance and to provide the information based on user requirement. IWMS has been implemented at Environmental 51 Agency DLH of Bandung Regency at Soreang. Although the data inputting is still on going, but can make use of the current information, such as the visualization of industry, visualization of monitoring site, comparing the chart pattern, identifying polluted industry, identifying polluted river, findings of industrial compliance level, findings of the priority scale of river, storing of environmental problems, findings of the potential of polluted industry, water management intake or exploration. reward and punishment based on possessing of license and possessing of environmental documents, and estimation of BOD potential sources.

4.3 Non-Spatial Database Analysis