Background of the Study

characterized by providing the audience with a forebiding sense of terror. The plot is often inner demons and mental afflictions. The killer has motive and reasoning and their cause is usually a mental disorder that exist in real life. Their enemy is paranoia, that explores the sickest and darkest aspects of the human psyche. However, there are some elements in this film that are not consistent with the characteristics of psychological genre. There are some elements which strengthen that this film is Neo Noir 8 . The first is from plot structure. In this film, the plot use flashback. This structure usually makes the story being confusing. The second is narrative events. The narrative uses love romantic narration. The third is character. Characters indicate that this film is Neo Noir because there are amnesia man Simon and femme fatale 9 Elizabeth, Femme fatale usually appears in Noir scene. The last is setting, iconography and location that reflect Neo Noir characteristic . All of them as the characters are too good to be true to complete the film thus became the Neo Noir film. This research argues that Trance film has genres which contain Neo Noir. Therefore i analyze Trance film by using the six genre conventions concept of genre by Jane Stokes : setting, location, iconography, narrative events, characters and plot structure. 8 Coming after the classic Noir period that contains Noir themes and Noir sensibility but not shot in black and white and don‘t contain play of light and shadow like classic Noir had. 9 A French term that literally means fatal woman‖; an irresistibly attractive woman who leads men to destruction

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, the research focuses on the conventions of genre : 1 Setting, 2 Location, 3 Iconography, 4 Narrative Events, 5 Characters, and 6 Plot Structure 10 in Trance film directed by Danny Boyle in order to determine and to analyze the Neo Noir genre of the film.

C. Research Question

Based on the research focus of the study, the question of the research is : How Neo Noir genre is constructed in Trance film through Jane Stokes‘ conventions ?

D. Significances of the Study

The significance of the research is to give contribution for knowledge understanding, especially in cinema, film genre, and Neo Noir genre. Secondly, this research is to contribute the understanding of film analysis by using Jane Stokes‘ concept of genre conventions.

E. Methodology of the Research 1.

The Objective of the Research The objective of the research is to analyze and to explain Trance film is Neo Noir genre construction. 2. The Method of Research I use structural method in conducting this research. Structural research is a research that emphasizes relationship building in each intrinsic element. Structural 10 Stokes. Op. Cit., p. 88 research is done in several ways : identificating, reviewing, and describing function and each intrinsic elements that concerned. 11

3. The Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing data, i use descriptive analysis technique by : a. Collecting data DVD picture and text, books, and some references b. Identifying data film c. Analyzing data of film by using the convention of genre by Jane Stokes in Trance and focusing the elements that build Neo Noir genre in this film.

4. The Instrument of the Research

This qualitative research sets i myself as the main instrument who do research by formulating the problems of research, collecting data, identifying data, and analyzing data.

5. The Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis of this research is Trance film produced by director Danny Boyle which was released in 2013 in DVD format. The film produced by Fox Searchlight Pictures.

6. Place and Time of the Research

The research is done at English Letters Departement, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta during the academic year 11 Burhan Nurgiyantoro. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 2007. p. 10 20142015. The research is also done in other places such as : library, class, and my house.

6. Research Design

This thesis is divided into four chapters, which in every chapter has sub chapter. Chapter I 1 Introduction a. Background of the Study b. Focus of The Study c. Research Question d. Significances of the Study e. Methodology of the Research contains of : a. The Objective of the Research b. The Method of Research c. The Technique of Data Analysis d. The Instrument of The Research e. The Unit of Analysis f. Place and Time of the Research g. Research Design. Chapter II 1 Theoretical description a. Previous Researches and Concepts. This part contains :