Using Colorful Pictures of Mind Mapping in BKOF and MOT stages for studying the narrative text

Teacher : Ya bisa dilihat pada waktu membuat kalimat itu, walaupun masih ada yang salah namun secara keseluruhan bisa dibilang tulisan mereka sudah bagus. It could be seen when they made sentences. Although sometimes they still made mistakes, overall there was an improvement on their writing Interview 2 By implementing this activity, the students could write faster by following the framework of the mind mapping. Besides they could use their new words to produce the narrative text.

4. Summary I

Based on the reflection above, there were successful and unsuccessful actions. The researcher described the successful and unsuccessful actions as follows. a. The successful actions 1 Using pictures in combination of materials was successful. Implementing colorful pictures helped the students in understanding the material. Besides, the students could use the mind mapping to develop their ideas and it also could reduce the boredom. 2 In the process of writing narrative text, it can be categorized as a successful action because the students could use the words they learnt by producing narrative text. b. The unsuccessful action In the process of pre-writing planning strategy, the researcher and the English teacher found that there were some students who had difficulties to choose the suitable words.

C. The Report of Cycle 2

Based on the reflection of Cycle 1, it was found that some activities in using the mind mapping were not successful yet to improve students’ writing skills. It was found that there were still some students who made a noise in the classroom activity and it was also found that some students who did not bring a dictionary, that was why they made mistakes in choosing the suitable words.

1. Planning of Cycle 2

The English teacher and the researcher planned some efforts as treatments to solve the problems which were related to the problems identified above. In order to solve the problems identified above, the researcher and the English teacher would still use the similar activities like in Cycle 1, i.e. using mind mapping as a pre writing strategy and writing narrative text as the final activity. Besides, the English teacher and the researcher would also focus the efforts on making group work and requiring the students to bring dictionary with them. This was done to fulfill the democratic and dialogic validity. The efforts were described as follows: