Background of the Study

The writer intends to analyze the difficulty level of English summative test because he found some problems at the second grade of SMP Negeri 13 Tangerang Selatan. First, some students commented that the test is too difficult or too easy and so forth. Also, the main problem is that many students got low score. The writer tried to investigate about this problem. He wants to know how difficult the test is. Based on the description given previously, the writer would like to perform items analysis toward the English Summative Test items for the second grade of SMP Negeri 13 Tangerang Selatan. The writer did the research under the title “AN ANALYSIS ON THE DIFFICULTY LEVEL OF ENGLISH SUMMATIVE TEST FOR SECOND GRADE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AT ODD SEMESTER 20102011 A Case Study at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 13 Tangerang Selatan ”. B. Limitation of the Study To make this study easier to understand, the writer limits the study as follow: 1. The research focused only on the difficulty level of English Summative Test at the odd semester 20102011 2. The test which is analyzed is English Summative Test for the second grade at odd semester, 20102011 academic year 3. The research focused only on the second grade students of SMP Negeri 13 Tangerang Selatan

C. Statement of the Problem

From the limitation of problem which has been explained above, the writer formulates the statement of the problem in this research as follow: “Does the English Summative Test for the second grade of SMP Negeri 13 Tangerang Selatan at the odd semester 20102011 fulfill the criteria of a good test, in term of difficulty level? ”

D. Objective of the Study

In line with the limitation of the problem, the objective of the study is to measure the quality of English Summative Test for second grade of SMP Negeri 13 Tangerang Selatan at the odd semester 20102011 and to know the difficulty level of each item.

E. Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to have some benefits in English teaching. It suggests to the test makers or classroom teachers when they find an item test which has a high or low difficulty. They could review which items that make the test too easy or too difficult and it can be followed up by rearranging the test. So, this study can give contributions or a useful input and feedback as bases for improving English Summative Test. Besides the purpose above, the stu dy will fulfill the writer’s final assignment for his bachelor’s degree. Finally, other researchers who are interested in analysis on the difficulty level can get basic information from this study to do the further research.

F. Method of the Study

The methods used in the research are descriptive analysis and quantitative. The writer took the English Summative Test paper and students’ answer sheet, then analyzed the difficulty level of each item. Quantitatively, the writer used some numerical data which is analyzed statistically. The writer also did library research by studying a number of references and literatures related to the topic of discussion to support the theoretical aspect of investigation. 6


In this chapter, the writer tries to give clear description of theoretical framework which covers definition and types of test, types of test item, characteristics of good test, definition and types of item analysis, and the importance of the item analysis.

A. Test

1. Definition of Test

In the process of evaluation, one of the method that can be used to gather data is a test. Many experts have stated some definitions of test. In his book, Educational Test and Measurement an Introduction, Anthony J. Nitko writes “Test is a systematic procedure for observing and describing one or more characteristics of a person with the aid of either a numerical scale or category system.” 1 Another opinion states that test is a technique or way consisting of some questions, statements, or tasks that are delivered to students in term of measuring their performance or behavior. 2 Victor H. Noll also writes 1 Anthony J. Nitko, Educational Test and Measurement, an Introduction, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1983, p. 6. 2 Zainal Arifin, Evaluasi Pembelajaran, Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2009, p. 118. that a test usually includes the use of several certain instrument or set of instruments to determine a specific quality or trait. 3 Moreover, Jum C. Nunnally states that, “A test is a standardized situation that provides an individual with a score.” 4 Based on some definitions above, it can be concluded that a test is a method or way to measure the behavior or performance of individuals and it consists of some systematic procedures for gathering data about their achievement. It is usually carried out under standardized situation in teaching and learning process.

2. Types of Test

There are many types of test used to measure students’ achievement. However, there are four basic types of language tests: achievement tests, proficiency tests, progress tests, and aptitude tests. 5

a. Achievement Test

In his book, Language Testing, Tim McNamara writes, “Achievement tests accumulate evidence during, or at the end of, a course of study in order to see whether and where progress has been made in terms of the goals of learning. They relate to the past in that they measure what language the students have learned as a result of teaching.” 6 Furthermore, Nunnally states that, “The purpose of achievement test is to measure progress in school up to a particular point in time. Achievement test is based on the core educational objectives shared by the educators across the country.” 7 3 Victor H. Noll, Educational Measurement, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1965, 2 nd Ed., p. 13. 4 Jum C. Nunnally, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1964, p. 6. 5 Rebecca M. Valette, Modern Language Testing, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc., 1977, 2 nd Ed., p. 5. 6 Tim McNamara, Language Testing, New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 6. 7 Jum C. Nunnally, Educational Measurement..., p. 169-170.