The Design of the Research The Subjects of the Research The Target Community Setting



This part discussed about research method that is divided into some sections. They are the design of the research, the subjects of the research, the target community setting, the place and time of the research and the proceduressteps of the action research.

A. The Design of the Research

In the objective of this research, it is stated that this research aims at improving the speaking skills of the students through the use of conversational assessment; hence this research is action research. It tries to find the problems during the English teaching and learning process especially in teaching speaking and tries to find the solutions of the problems. Figure 1. Cyclical AR model based on Kemmis and McTaggart in Burns 2010

B. The Subjects of the Research

The subjects of this study were VII B students of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Mlati. The choice of the class was based on the information from the English teacher that Grade VII B students have difficulties in speaking in English. It happened because the students were generally academically low and most of them were not acceptable in state school. Therefore, the ability of the students to understand what their teacher teaches still needs to be improved.

C. The Target Community Setting

The setting of this research was SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Mlati that is located in Mlati, Sleman. This school has 10 classrooms, 1 teachers’ room, one room for the school principal’s office, laboratories for computer, one for the official administration. It also has a basketball court, toilets, canteens, parking area, and a library. For the 357 students, 21 teachers and 5 staffs, these facilities give them some contribution to the teaching and learning process. In this school, English is taught in 4 x 35 minutes per week. Moreover, this school also has extracurricular activities such as Hizbul Wathan, bands, reading the Qur’an, soccer and basketball. During the English classes, the students usually listen to the teacher’s explanation, work on the exercise given, discuss the answers, and so on. The materials given in the English classes are sometimes unrelated with the curriculum. For example, the teachers gives the materials only reading and writing, the teacher used that skills because the semester examination just only tests reading and writing skills.

D. The Place and Time of the Research