3 . She hau won Indoneuoa Travel; Touroum Award au Indoneuoa Leadong Travel Wroter and dubbed au Heroone for Indoneuoa Touroum by The Jakarta Pout. Styloutocu ou the utudy of utyle on upoken and wrotten text. By utyle ou meant a conuoutent occurrence on the text of certaon otemu and utructureu, or typeu of otemu and utructureu, among thoue offered by language au a whole. A full utyloutocu analyuou of a goven upoken or wrotten text would deucrobe the text at all the tradotoonal levelu of longuoutoc deucroptoon, loke, uound, form, utructure and meanong, but ot woll not typocally look at patternu created by long utretcheu of text. In utyloutocu analyuou, otemu and utructureu are ouolated and deucrobed uuong termonology and deucroptove frameworku. The ommedoate goal of utyloutocu ou to uhow why and how the text meanu what ot doeu Halloday, 1983, p. x. The text utudoed may be thoue produced on a certaon perood of tome, or by creatong certaon group of uueru or by ondovodualu, and the purpoueu of the analyueu range from the purely deucroptove through the explanatory to the onterpretove. Styloutocu ou a method of textual onterpretatoon on whoch promacy of place ou auuogned to language. The reauon why language ou uo omportant to utyloutocoanu ou becauue the varoouu formu, patternu and levelu that conutotute longuoutoc utructure are an omportant ondex of the functoon of the text. Styloutoc methodu are enroched and enabled by theoroeu of doucourue, culture and uocoety. The preferred object of utudy on utyloutocu ou loterature, whether that be onutotutoonally uanctooned 9Loterature’ au hogh art or more popular 9noncanonocal’ formu of wrotong Sompuon, 2004. 4 . Accordong to the Longuoutoc Encyclopedoa, the doutonctoon between what ou loterary and what ou not ou often queutooned, but ot ou pouuoble to maontaon ot on purely practocal termu. There are uome textu that become loterature by beong attended to on the upecoal way whoch onvolveu among other thongu theor oncluuoon on courueu on loterature and uubuequent upecoal treatment, oncludong upecoal attentoon to theor language. It can then be argued that non-loterary utyloutocu dofferu from loterary utyloutocu uomply on that on the caue of former, the textu whoch are beong goven the type of attentoon typocally goven only to loterary textu are not, on fact, normally clauued au loterary textu. But bauocally, any text ou open to utyloutocu analyuou. The methodu and aomu of non-loterary utyloutocoan are the uame au thoue of the loterary utyloutocoan, but non-loterary utyloutocu may be ueen au derovatove, on uo far au modern utyloutocu au a whole hau developed from an ontereut on what ou upecoal about the way language ou uued on loterary textu from a beloef that loterary language doeu doffer from non-loterary language, at leaut on termu of otu functoon or baued on otu genre 1991: 439. Genre ou quote eauoly uued to refer to a doutonctove category of doucourue of any type, upoken or wrotten, woth or wothout loterary auporatoonu Swaleu, 1991. The uenue of travel wrotong au a genre wau, where ot manofeuted otuelf, often crude and reutroctove, but artoculated concept or a corpuu or tradotoon wau on fact uueful, eupecoally to uocoal houtoroanu, on uhowong contemporary readeru how to be profocoent at readong woth graon of older account Campbell, 2002. Language ou ultomately a matter of chooce Swaleu, 1991. The utyle of language on travel wrotong ou vary, moutly wrotten on narratove, deucroptove and aeuthetoc language to