Tingkat kecemasan terhadap perawatan gigi dan mulut pada pasien Poli Gigi RUSD Dr.Pirngadi Medan.



1. Dennis G, Christine A, Padesky A. Manajemen pikiran : Metode ampuh menata
pikiran untuk mengatasi depresi, kemarahan, kecemasan, dan perasaan merusak
lainnya. Cet I. Penerbit Kaifa PT Mizan Pustaka Anggota IKAPI. Bandung: 2004:
2. Stefanace J. Stephen, Nesbit SP. Treatment planning in dentistry. 2nd ed. Mosby
Elsevier’s Health Sciences Rights Department in Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2008:
3. Daniel SJ, Harfst SA, Wilder RS, Francis B, Mitchell SH. Mosby’s dental hygiene:
concepts, cases, and competencies.2nd ed. Elsevier’s Health Sciences Rights
Department in Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2008: 754-55.
4. Greenwood M, Seymour RA, Meechan JG. Textbook of human disease in
dentistry. 1nd ed. British Library, USA, 2009: 275.
5. Hmud R, Walsh LJ. Dental anxiety: causes, complication and management
approaches. J Minim Interv Dent. The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Australia. 2009; 2(1).
6. Naidu RS, Lalwah S. Dental anxiety in a sampleof west Indian adults. West Indian
med J 2010; 59.

7. Natarajan S, Seenivasan MK, Paturu R, Arul QA, Padmanabhan T. Dental fear and
anxiety in different gender of Chennai population. The Internet Epidemiology,
2003; 9(10). 5580/197. (14 januari 2013).
8. Kumar S, Bhargav P, Patel A, Bhati M, Balasubramanyam G, Duraiswamy P. et. al.
Does dental anxiety influence oral health-related quality of life? Observation from
a cross-sectional study among adults in Udaipur district, India. Oral Science, 2009;
2: 245-54.
9. Mappahijah N. Rasa takut dan cemas anak terhadap perawatan gigi di SDN 20
Panyula Kab. Bone tahun 2010. Media Kesehatan Gigi 2010: 28-35.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


10. James LW. Dental management of the medically compromised patient. 7nd ed.
Mosby Elsevier’s Health Sciences Rights Department in Philadelphia, PA, USA.
2008: 488.
11. Cappelli DP, Mobley C. Prevention in clinical oral health care. Elsevier’s Health
Sciences Rights Department in Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2008: 145-53.
12. Oktay EA, Kocak MM, Sahinkesen G, Topcu FT. The role of age, gender,

education and experiences on dental anxiety. Gulhane Med J 2009; 51: 145-8.
13. Wals LJ. Anxiety prevention: implementing the 4 S principle in conservative
dentistry. Special Needs 2007. Sept/Oct: 24-6.
14. Bernson JM. Dental coping strategies and dental anxiety: Adaptive and
Maladaptive strategies among adults patients with regular or irregular dental care.
Tahun 2012. Tesis. Swedia: Department of Behavioral and Community Dentistry
Institute of Odontology Sahlgrenska Academy University of Gothenburg, 2012: 710.
15. Kirova DG. Dental anxiety among dental students. J IMAB 2011; 17: 137-9.
16. Soelarso H, Soebakti R, Mufid H. Peran komunikasi interpersonal dalam
pelayanan kesehatan gigi. Maj Ked Gigi (Dent J) 2005; 38: 124-9.
17. Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health. Australian Dental
Association Inc. The avoidance and delaying of dental visits in Australia. Aust
Dent J 2012; 57:1-5.
18. Jahja Y. Psikologi perkembangan. Prenada media Jakarta, 2011: 237-54.
19. Kusumawati. Kepemimpinan dalam perspektif gender. Journal administrasi bisnis.
2007:1(1): 37-40.
20. Mehboob B, Khan E, Khan M. Dental anxiety scale in exodontias patient. JKCD
2011; 1(2): 66-8.

Universitas Sumatera Utara