Students` perceptions on the use of role play for XI grade students of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Ignatius Martino Sanditya Student Number: 101214059




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I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work of parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 9 December 2014 The writer

Ignatius Martino Sanditya



















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Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama

Nomor mahasiswa

: I gnat i us ヽ 4ar t i no Sandi t ya

: 101214059

E》el pi pengel nbangan i l l nu penget ahu/ al l , s aya membel ■ kan kepada Per pus t akaan Uni ver s i t as Sanat a Dha□ na k″ ya i l mi t t s aya yangbet t udul :
























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Dengan demi ki an s aya mc l nber i kan kc pada Uni ver s i t as Sanat a Dht t ma hak unt uk

mc nyl mpan, mengal i hkan dal anl bent uk mc di a l ai n, mengel ol a dal ar n bc nt uk

panよal an dat a, mc ndi s t 五bus i kal l l l ya s ec ar a t c r bat as dan mc r npubl i kas i kal mya di l nt c net at ・au medi a l ai n unt uk kepc nt i ngan akademi s t anpa pc r l u mel ni nt a t t i n daH s aya maupun mel nbc r i kan r oyal t i kc pada s aya s c l al na t et ap mc nc ant ul nkan nama

s aya s ё bagai penul i s .

Del ni ki an pmyat aan i ni s aya buat dc ngan s ebenar nya.

Di buat di Yogyakar t a

Pada t anggal : 91Des c l ■ bc r 2014

Yang r nenyat akan

Ignatius Martino Sanditya



Sanditya, Ignatius Martino (2014). Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role

Play for XI Grade Students of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

The aim of this research is to investigate and identify the students’ perceptions on the use of role play to increase students’ speaking ability for XI grade class students of Tourism department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. There were two research questions in this research. Those were; 1) How was the implementation of role play for grade XI students of Tourism Department? 2) What are the students’ perceptions on the use of role play for XI grade students of Tourism Department?

This research was a mixed research method between qualitative and quantitative research method. As the research instruments, the researcher used an observation sheet and questionnaires. The researcher also conducted an interview with 11 respondents that consisted of 10 students and an English teacher. The interview was held to get detail information. There were ten questions which were used in the interview.

Based on the result of the data, there were two conclusions. The first conclusion was about the implementation of role play. Based on the result of observation, it could be concluded that role play was implemented well in the class. On the previous meeting before the role play performance, the teacher gave some explanation about the scoring criteria which were used in role play. The teacher also divided the class into several groups. Every group had two to three members. The topic which was used in role play was about guest handling and giving direction. The second conclusion was that the students had positive perceptions about the use of role play. The use role play as one of learning activity gave positive impact for the students. Role play helped the students to improve their speaking ability and their self-confidence.

Finally, there are some suggestions for the English teacher, the XI grade class students of Tourism department, and the future researchers. For the English teachers in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta, the researcher hopes that the teacher can give clearer instruction than before. It makes the students become more understand about what should the do to prepare their performance. For the XI grade students of Tourism Department. The researcher hopes that the students have enough time to prepare everything before they have their performances. For the future researchers, the researcher hopes that the future researcher have enough time to prepare everything related to this research.



Sanditya, Ignatius Martino (2014). Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role

Play for XI Grade Students of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti dan mengetahui tentang persepsi para siswa terhadap penggunaan role play untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara para siswa kelas XI jurusan Pariwisata di SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua pertanyaan yang menjadi pembahasan, yaitu: 1) Bagaimana penerapan role play di dalam kelas? 2) Apa persepsi para siswa terhadap penggunaan role play di kelas XI Pariwisata?

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian gabungan antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan lembar observasi dan kuesioner sebagai instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Peneliti juga melakukan wawancara terhadap sebelas orang responden yang terdiri dari sepuluh orang siswa dan satu orang guru bahasa Inggris. Wawancara dilakukan untuk memperoleh berbagai macam informasi lebih jauh yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Jumlah pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam wawancara adalah sebanyak tujuh pertanyaan.

Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara, ada dua kesimpulan. Yang pertama adalah berdasarkan hasil observasi, dapat diketahui bahwa role play sudah diterapkan dengan baik di dalam kelas. Pada pertemuan sebelum role play dimulai, guru memberikan penjelasan mengenai aspek-aspek yang dinilai pada role play. Guru juga membagi siswa di dalam kelas ke dalam beberapa kelompok. Tiap kelompok beranggotakan dua sampai tiga orang. Topik yang digunakan dalam role play adalah tentang guest handling dan giving direction. Kedua, semua siswa memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap penggunaan role play untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris bagi para siswa. Penggunaan role play memberikan pengaruh yang positif bagi para siswa. Role play membantu para siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri mereka.

Pada akhirnya, ada beberapa saran yang ditujukan pada guru bahasa Inggris di SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta, para siswa kelas XI Pariwisata, dan para peneliti selanjutnya. Untuk guru bahasa Inggris kelas XI Pariwisata, diharapkan untuk memberi instruksi yang lebih jelas pada para siswa agar mereka lebih memahami apa yang harus mereka siapkan untuk role play. Bagi para siswa kelas XI Pariwisata, diharapkan agar memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk melakukan persiapan sebelum penampilan mereka di kelas. Bagi peneliti berikutnya, diharapkan agar memiliki waktu yang melakukan persiapan yang lebih baik lagi dan menambah jumlah responden yang dipilih.




First of all, I would like to give all my greatest thankfulness to Lord Jesus Christ for His blessing and the greatest love so that I can complete this thesis. I realize that without His blesses, I could not complete this thesis. I would like to thank my advisor, F.X. Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ed.D., who spent the time to guide me so that I can finish my thesis.

My thankfulness also goes to SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta, especially to Diana Sukartiningsih, S.Pd, as the English teacher who has allowed me to conduct research in her class and to the XI grade students of Tourism department for the willingness to be my respondents. My special gratitude goes to my beloved family, especially to my beloved parents Drs. Agustinus Susanto, M.Pd and Yovita Maria Yuniastuti S.Pd, and my lovely sister Angela Christa Meydita for the love, support, and the great spirit for me so that I can finish my study. I also want to thank my beloved girlfriend, Khatarina Aprilia Susilomurtifor the love, support, and advice so that I can complete my thesis.

I would like to thank my best friends: Albertus Eko, Afri Dita, Friska Dita, Maria Dea Wrestiningtyas, Yanuari Christyawan, Nanda, and Vita for the help and support. My next gratitude goes to Probo Adi Yuniawan for helping me to process my data and to Stefanus Dio and Mbak Detta for their help and suggestion.



I would also like to express my great appreciation to all lecturers and secretariat staff of the English Language Education Study Program, the secretariat staff of the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, and the library staff of Sanata Dharma University. I thank them for their help and services during my study.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to all people and my friends that I cannot mention here one by one. I am so thankful for their help, support, and suggestions.









ABSTRACT ………. vi

ABSTRAK………..……… vii







1.1 Research Background ……….. 1

1.2 Research Question ……… 5

1.3 Problem Limitation ………... 6

1.4 Research Objective ……… 6

1.5 Research Benefits ………..………… 7

1.6 Definition of Terms ………..………….…… 8

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical Description ……….. 10

2.1.1Perception …………...……….……….. 10

2.1.2 Factors of Perception ………...… 11 Stereotype ……… 11 Self-Concept ………...…... 12 Situation ………..………. 13 Selectivity …………..………….….. 13 Need ………..………… 14 Emotion ……….……...……… 14

2.1.2 Speaking …………..…...………... 15

2.1.3 Role play ………..………...…... 16

2.1.4 Vocational High School ………..…………... 18




3.1 Research Method ……….………... 23

3.2 Research Setting ….………. 24

3.3 Research Participants …….……….. 24

3.4 Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique……….. 25

3.4.1 Observation ……….….………... 25

3.4.2 Questionnaire ……….. 25

3.4.3 Interview ………. 27

3.5 Data Analysis Technique ……….. 28

3.6 Research Procedures ………. 30


4.1 Research Results …....……… 31

4.1.1 The Implementation of Role play ……… 31

4.1.2 Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play …...……….. 34

4.2. Discussion ……….……....……... 38

4.2.1 The Implementation of Role play ………….. 39

4.2.2 Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play .……….….. 40


5.1 Conclusions ………... 47

5.2 Suggestions ………... 49





Tables Page

4.1 Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role play ……….. 41 4.2 The Advantages of Role play ………. 42 4.3 The Implementation of Role play ……….. 44




Tables Page

4.1 Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role play ………. 41 4.2 The Advantages of Role play ………... 43 4.3 The Implementation of Role play ……….… 45





A.1 Permission Letter for the Headmaster of

SMK Negeri 7Yogyakarta ………...…………... 55

A.2 Research Letter from SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta…………...……... 56

APPENDIX B B.1 Observation Sheet ………...………….. 58

B.2 Student’s Questionnaire ………...………. 60

B.3 Raw Data of Students’ Questionnaires ………...……….. 62

B.4 Samples of the Questionnaire ………...…………. 66

B.5 Students’ Interview Guideline ………...………… 68




This research investigated the students’ perceptions on the use of role play to increase students’ speaking ability in SMKN 7 Yogyakarta grade XI of Tourism Department. This chapter consisted of five parts. They were research background, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definitions of each term.

1.1 Research Background

Language and communication are two things that are interrelated one to another. It is also one of the important elements which is used in the modern era. Language plays a very important role in communications. These days many people are required to be able to learn, master and use a variety of languages other than their own language in order to be able to compete with the many people who come from other countries. By realizing these things, and in order to equip the young generation to have a high skill to compete with the other international society, many schools in this country equip their students with many knowledge such as science, social, language especially in foreign language.

As one of the education institutions, vocational education and the teacher should be able to provide the learning materials with some creative learning techniques. The teaching technique should be suitable to be implemented for the students in particular education level. As stated by Kotsikis in Mortaki (2012), vocational education is an education system which includes every form of education. The aims of vocational education are to acquire the qualifications


related to a certain profession such as art or employment, which is provides the necessary training and the appropriate skills as well as technical knowledge. So that the students are able to exercise a profession such as art or activity, independently of their age and their training level

As an education system, vocational education also has some objectives or goals in the end of the education process. According to Wahyudin (2008) the objectives of vocational education, are to prepare students in entering the employment, to develop students’ professional skills, to prepare students in selecting their career, to instill the ability of performing competiton and development independently and to foster a national workforce in order to meet the manpower needs of business and industry.

Based on those objectives of vocational education, the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia should be able to provide a curriculum which is suitable for the vocational education system in Indonesia. According to Maknun (2014) the content of curriculum should focus on and able to be coordinating between ideas, problems, and themes which are broader, more complicated, and deeper than the other curriculum.

The curriculum of vocational high school, as written in Permendiknas No.

22 Tahun 2006 about standard of content for each education unit, the major

subjects of vocational high school should include the religion subject, civics education, science education, social education, mathematic, art and culture, language education, and other vocational subjects. Based on the statement from


Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture, English should be taught as one of the major subjects which have the same level as other vocational subjects.

There are four skills that are usually taught by the teacher during the English learning process. They are reading skill, listening skill, writing skill, and speaking skill. The teacher should be able to master those four skills. However during the learning process, teachers sometimes see some difficulties to mastering and teach those four language skills. It is difficult for the teachers to decide what kind of methods and techniques which can be used in the class appropriately.

As one of the educational institutions in Yogyakarta, SMK Negeri 7 also faced many problems related to the language learning process. The problem do not only come from the students, but also the teachers. The teachers should be able to see what kind of problems which usually occur in the class. Those problems force the teachers to be able to see the problems carefully.

The first problem is that the students usually cannot sustain spoken interaction beyond short segments. The second problem is that the students have lack number of vocabulary and communication strategy. The third problem is that the students also have poor pronunciation and grammar. In this case, the teacher played an important role. The teacher should provide enough time to make the students have good pronunciation. The last problem is that the students sometimes feel that their speaking do not sound natural. It will make the students speak slowly, because it takes so long time to compose their speaking sentences.

Sometimes the teachers only blame the students when the teachers know that the students cannot reach the learning goals, especially when the teachers


have to teach speaking skill. In this case the teachers have to realize that there is something else which makes the students cannot reach the learning goals which had been expected by the teachers. According to Richards (2014), there are several factors which make the students have poor speaking skills. The first reason is lack of curriculum emphasis on speaking skills. Government usually designs the curriculum just to prepare the students to be ready for the final examination. It makes the teachers only focus to written materials. The teachers do not realize that those four skills should be taught to the students. For this reason, both of the government and the teacher should be able to create a curriculum design which can cover those four skills.

The second reason is about the teachers’ limitation on English proficiency. For this reason, the teacher should be able to improve their skills on English proficiency by join some training programs. By joining some training programs which is related to English proficiency, the teachers are expected to improve their English proficiency more.

The third reason is that the students do not have enough opportunities outside the class to practice. On this reason, the teachers and the schools should be able to create a program which can give enough opportunities for the students to have speaking practice to improve their speaking skills.

The fourth reason is about the class conditions do not support oral activities. In this case, the teacher should be able to create a good class conditions to support students’ oral activities. The last reason is about the examination system. Examination system does not emphasize oral skills. On this reason, the


teachers are forced to be able to create an examination system which is emphasize not only written skills, but also listening and oral skills.

As a facilitator, the teacher should pay attention to some factors which can influence the learning process. There are some important factors that may influence the learning atmosphere, such as the use of teaching techniques, students’ perceptions about teaching methods and techniques that used by the teacher, students’ learning motivation in a teaching and learning process, there are some techniques that can be used by the teacher, in language learning, such as using video, games, and role play. However it is not easy for the teachers to decide which technique that can be used appropriately in a class, because each methods and techniques have their own characteristics with their own strength and weaknesses.

The teacher also should be able to choose a suitable teaching technique which can be used in the class. In this case, the teacher decided to use role play as one of the teaching techniques. The teacher decided to use role play because role play is a suitable teaching technique and teaching activity which can be used for XI grade class students of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. Role play can help the students to develop their speaking fluency in their real life. 1.2 Research Question

Based on the explanation above, the researcher formulated the following research questions:

1. How was the implementation of role play in XI grade class of Tourism Department?


2. What are the students’ perceptions on the use of role play? 1.3 Problem Limitation

In the English learning process, teachers sometimes find some difficulties during the learning process and learning activities, especially when the teacher asked the students to have a conversation with their classmate by using the target language. It is not an easy problem to solve because students do not have many chances to speak in the target language (English) in their daily conversation. To solve and anticipate this problem, teachers should be able to use certain language teaching technique to teach the students, especially in teaching speaking skill

Technique is more applicable than method and approach (Richards and Rodgers, 1986). In language learning process, there are some techniques which are usually used by the teacher, such as role play, video, debate and discussion, games, etc. However there are some techniques and methods that can be used on language learning process, people cannot claim that one method or technique is the best one, and the other is bad, because people now live in post-method era.

Students of XI grade of Tourism department in SMKN 7 Yogyakarta are expected to be able to speak in foreign language. Based on that expectation, role play technique is chosen to be used during the learning process to increase students’ speaking ability. By using role play, students are expected to train themselves to be more confidence and they will get more chance to speak using target language, because they are forced by the situation that force them to speak using target language.


Based on those explanations, the researcher focuses on the students’ perceptions on using role play for students XI grade of Tourism department. The research took place in XI grade class of Tourism Department in SMKN 7

Yogyakarta. The researcher chose the class because during the learning process,

the teacher sometimes used role play for one of the teaching activities. 1.4 Research Objective

Based on the problem formulation, the researcher wanted to find out the implementation on the use of role play in the class and the students’ perceptions about the effect of using role play for XI grade class students of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta.

1.5 Research Benefits

From this research, the researcher expects that the result of the research give some benefit not only for the students of XI grade class of Tourism department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakartaand the English teachers.

For the Students of XI Grade of Tourism Department, the researcher hopes that this research gives positive impact to the students of Tourism department grade XI in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. So that the students will have a good understanding about the positive impact of role play to their study in Tourism Department of SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta and they have high motivation in the learning process. It makes the students get maximum achievement and to increase their speaking ability.


For the English teachers in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta, the researcher hopes that by knowing the students’ perceptions on the use of role play, the English teacher are expected to develop the role play technique for the teaching strategy to improve the students’ achievements. So that if the students do not have a good perception about the use of role play for the learning strategy, then the teacher should make it more interesting for the students.

1.6 Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding on this research, the researcher gives some definitions of the terms.

1.6.1 Perception

It is not easy to define the real meaning of perception, because there are some definitions from some different experts based on different point of view. According to Huffman (1997), perception is a process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data into useful mental representations of the world. According to Robbins (2005), perception is a process by which individual organize and interpret their sensory impression in order to give a meaning to their environment. It means that people cannot force their perception to the other because it depends on someone perception about something whether it is good or bad. Perception is about someone’s interpretation about something.

1.6.2 Speaking

In the language learning process, there are four skills that are usually taught by the teachers. Those four skills are reading, speaking, writing, and


listening. This research wanted to define what speaking is. There are some definitions about speaking. According to Nunan (2003), speaking is a productive oral skill which consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. According to Paulstan and Bruder (1976), speaking is defined as a competency to communicate in the target language.

From those two definitions, it can be concluded that speaking is a production skill to be used in a particular language orally. This can be one of the goals of language learning process that the students have to be able to produce or use a particular language orally.

1.6.3 Role Play

According to Livingstone (1983), role play is a classroom activity which gives the students the opportunity to practice the language they may need outside the classroom. Role Play can be an effective technique to create the teaching and learning atmosphere to become more interesting. According to Lucatoni (2002), role play can be very enjoyable for learners and provide excellent opportunities for using language in real life situations. It helps students to develop their speaking fluency in their real life. According to Larsen and Freeman (1986), role play is an important thing in the communicative approach because it gives students an opportunity to practice communicating different social contexts and roles





This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical description and the second part is theoretical framework. The theoretical description provides some important concepts related to the research. Those concepts are: perception, factors that affect someone in making perception, speaking, role play and vocational high school. In the other part of the research, the researcher also provides the theoretical framework which consists of summary from some theories which were used to solve the research problems.

2.1 Theoretical Description

This part discusses some important theories related to the research. The research is about students’ perceptionss on the use of role play to increase students’ speaking ability for XI grade students of tourism department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. There are some related theories that want to be discussed. The theories are Perception, Factors that affect someone in making perception, Speaking, Role Play and Vocational High School.

2.1.1. Perception

According to Huffman (1997), perception is a process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data into useful mental representations of the world. Robbins (2001) stated that perception is a process by which individual organize and interpret their sensory impression in order to give meaning to their


environment. Worchel and Shebilske (1998) defined perception as a process of interpreting information. Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts (1985) defined perception as the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person, so that they can be meaningfully interpreted. Perception is a person’s view of reality.

From those definitions, perception can be defined as a personal cognitive process of interpreting information about something. Perception is about personal opinion and belief. People cannot force their own perception about something to other person, because it depends on someone opinion, interpretation, and belief about something.

2.1.2. Factors of Perception

Donnelly, Gibson, and Ivancevich (1985) stated that each person can ‘see’ the same thing in different ways. According to Donnelly, Gibson, and Ivancevich (1985), there are six factors which can affect someone in making their own perception. Those six factors are stereotyping, self-concept, situation, selectivity, emotions, and needs. Stereotype

The first factor is stereotype. There are some definitions about stereotype. According to Lippmann (1992), stereotype comes two from Greek words. Those two words were stereosand tupos. Stereosmeans solid and tuposmeans image or impression. Based on those statements, stereotype is defined as a solid printing mold or plate which, once cast, was difficult to change.


Hilton and Von Hippel in Khan and Benda (2012), stereotype is defined as the characteristics, attributes, and behaviors of members of certain groups. According to Mackie and Hamilton (1993), stereotype is defined as relatively fixed and oversimplified generalization about groups or class of people or something new that someone never knows before. Donnelly, Gibson, and Ivancevich (1985) defined stereotype as a set of beliefs about the characteristics of people or something new in a particular group that is generalized to all members of the group. Stereotype can be negative or positive. It depends on personal’s perspective and conception about something. Self-concept

The second factor that affects someone to make their perceptions are self-concept. According to Yahaya (2013), self-concept is defined as the totality of a complex, organized, and dynamic system of learned beliefs, attitudes and opinions that each person holds to be true about his or her personal existence. It is important for us to know deeply about ourselves. As what Donnelly, Gibson, and Ivancevich (1985) stated that by knowing oneself, it makes us easier to see others accurately. If a person can know and understand him or herself successfully, it will affect him or herself in making perception about something. Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts (1985) defined self-concept as the way people feel and perceive themselves. The way people see something affects their perceptions about something.

(27) Situation

Situation is one of the important factors that affect someone in making perception about something especially about learning process. As stated by Donnelly, Gibson, and Ivancevich (1985) that situational factor here is about the press of time, the attitudes of the people, and other situational factors which will influence perceptual accuracy. That statement is supported by Kumar (2014). Kumar stated that an effective learning situation is one in which all the essential elements for promoting learning. It means that there is a relation between situation, perception, and students’ learning activity in the class. The teacher should be able to create an interesting learning situation by using any kinds of teaching techniques. By creating an interesting learning activity, it will make the students have positive perception about the learning process in the class. Selectivity

The other factor which can influence people to make perception is selectivity. People have an ability to catch all the information, but the people cannot use all of the information. People should be able to select what kind of information which can support their viewpoints. It is supported by Gibson, Ivancevich, and Donnely (1985). They stated that people tend to ignore some information or cues that can make them discomfort. In this case, teachers may give information to the students as much as they can. However, the students should be able to select what kind of information which is useful for them.

(28) Need

The other factors which can influence people to make their perception is need. Gibson, Ivancevich, and Donnely (1985) stated that perceptions are significantly influenced by needs and desires. In the learning process, the learners will learn what they want to be learned. Teachers should be able to know the students’ needs. Teachers should be able not only to create a creative teaching technique, but also a learning material which is suitable for the students’ need. Those two things will affect the students’ perceptions about the learning process. If the teacher can create a creative learning material which is suitable with the student’s need, it will make the students have positive perception about the learning process. Emotion

The last factor which can influence people to make their perception is emotion. Emotion plays an important role in shaping someone’s perception. That is supported by Gibson, Ivancevich, and Donnelly (1985). They stated that a strong emotion can make a person create a negative or positive perception. In the learning process, the teacher should be able to make a good learning atmosphere for the students. If the teacher can create a good learning atmosphere, the students will have a good emotion to enjoy the learning process. If the students can enjoy the learning process, they will have good motivation to learn.


2.1.3 Speaking

In the language learning process, there are four skills which are usually taught by the teachers. Those four skills are reading, speaking, writing, and listening. Mastering speaking skill is a must not only for the teacher but also for the foreign language learners. As what had stated by Richards (2008) that the succeed measurement of foreign language learning process can be measured from how well the students can improve their speaking skill. According to Nunan (2003), speaking is a productive oral skill which consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. According to Paulstan and Bruder (1976), speaking is defined as a competency to communicate in the target language.

Richards (2008) stated that there are three functions of speaking, they are speaking as interaction, speaking as transaction, and speaking as performance. According to Richards (2008), speaking as interaction is defined as a conversation. It describes interaction that serves a primarily social function, such as greetings, telling someone about our past experiences, and so on. The focus of this function is how the speakers wish to present themselves to each other rather than on the message that want to be delivered. It means that this function plays a social role.

The other function of speaking is as a transactional process. According to Richards (2008), it refers to situations where the focus is on what is said or done. The focus of this function is might be different from the previous function. On the previous function, speaking as interaction is focused on how to build a social role rather than on the message that want to be delivered. This function focuses on


how well the speakers deliver the message to the addressee. It means that the main focus of this function is on the message not on the participants.

The last function of speaking skill is as a performance. According to Richards (2008), this function refers to public speech. It means that this function wants to build the public speaking skills of the speakers. This function is focused on the content of the message which wanted to be delivered by the speakers to the audiences, and the audience itself.

2.1.4 Role Play

Role play is one of the teaching techniques which can be used in language learning process, especially in English learning process. There are some definitions about role play based on experts’ opinion. According to Livingstone (1983), role play is a classroom activity which gives the students the opportunity to practice the language they may need outside the classroom. Role Play can be an effective technique to create the teaching and learning atmosphere become more interesting. According to Lucatoni (2002), role play can be enjoyable for learners and provide excellent opportunities for using language in real life situations. It helps students to develop their speaking fluency in their real life. According to Larsen and Freeman (1986), role play is an important thing in the communicative approach because it gives students an opportunity to practice communicating different social contexts and roles. As what had been stated by Doff (1990), that role play is a way to bring some situations from the real life into the classroom activity.


Doff (1990) also explained some benefits about the use of role play as a teaching technique and classroom activity. These are some benefits of the use of role play as a teaching technique and classroom activity according to Doff (1990). The first benefit of role play is that role play is a fun technique. The second benefit is that role play allows the students to have some experiments with language they have learned. The students will have a chance to apply some kind of expressions which is usually used in target language conversation.

The third benefit is that role play provides a special opportunity to go beyond what has been taught in class and to draw on the full range of their language competencies. It gives the students a great chance to apply what they have learned in the class. The students also can make some improvements in their role play performances. The fourth benefit is that role play engages the learner physical activity. By having role play as a learning activity in the class, it forced the students to have some kind of physical activities. When the students have their role play performances, they have to act as the role that they are played.

The next benefit is that role play provides a context for understanding attitudes, expectations, and behavior related to the target culture. Before the students have their performances, they have to understand the culture background of their role. By understanding the culture background of their role in the role play, the students are expected to be able to have a good role play performance. The other benefits is that role play allows students to express who the students are, students’ sense of humors, and the students’ personal communication style. As one of the teaching technique, role play allows the students to express


themselves freely. The students are free to build up their expressions and their communication style during their performances. The last benefit is that role play offers good listening practice.

2.1.4 Vocational High School

Vocational high school is one of two forms of vocational education. According to Kotsikis in Mortaki (2012), vocational education is the form of education that aims to the acquirement of qualifications related to a certain profession such as art or employment or provides the necessary training and the appropriate skills as well as technical knowledge. So that the students are able to exercise a profession, art or activity, independently of their age and their training level, even if the training program contains also elements of general education.

According to Mulyadi (2009), the term vocational education in Indonesia was born with the same basic idea as same as in other country. The aim of vocational high school based on Permendiknas No 6 tahun 2006 are to increase intelligence, knowledge, the identity, the nobel moral, as well as participants’ skill educated to live independent and followed education further in accordance with the program Vocational Education.

In this case, the vocational school students are prepared to be ready to enter the labor market. As what Mayan and Nicodemo (2013) have stated on their paper that young people can enter the labor market with vocational high school. It means that vocational school students are more ready to enter labor market rather than senior high school students. Because senior high school students are prepared to continue their study in the higher level (undergraduate degree).


2.1.5 Theoretical Framework

In this research, the researcher wanted to investigate about the students’ perception on the use of role play for XI Grade students of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. According to Glynn (2005), there is a relationship between the positive perception of the students and the learning motivation. Glynn (2005) stated that in a learning process, a good perception about something new is very important. If the students have a good perception during the learning process, they will have big motivation to learn something new. To make an enjoyable learning process, the teacher should be able to create or chooses one of the interesting learning activities. Before creating the learning activity, the teacher should be able to understand about the students’ need.

Based on the theory of perception, there are six factors which affect people to make their perceptions. Those six factors are stereotype, self-concept, situation, selectivity, emotions, and needs. According to Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnely (1985), one of the factors which is affected someone to make their perceptions is need. Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnely (1985) stated that perceptions are significantly influenced by needs and desires. The teachers should pay attention to the students’ need. Teachers also should be able to create not only the creative teaching activities, but also the learning materials which are suitable with the students’ need.

Role play can be one of the learning activities which can be used in the class. Role play can be an effective technique which can make the teaching and learning atmosphere become more interesting. Role play gives some benefits for the


students. Larsen and Freeman (1986) stated that role play gives an opportunity to the students to practice communicating in different social contexts and roles. It is supported by Lucatoni (2002). Lucatoni (2002) stated that role play can help the students to develop their speaking fluency in their real life. In this research, the researcher finds a fact that role play is a suitable teaching technique which can be implemented as a learning activity.

Doff (1990) also gives some explanations about the benefits of using role play as a learning activity in the class. The first benefit of role play is that role play is a fun technique. The second benefit is that role play allows the students to have some experiments with language they have learned. The students will have a chance to apply some kind of expressions which is usually used in target language conversation.

The third benefit is that role play provides a special opportunity to go beyond what has been taught in class and to draw on the full range of their language competencies. It gives the students a great chance to apply what they have learned in the class. The students also can make some improvements in their role-play performances. The fourth benefit is that role play engages the learners’ physical activity. By having role play as a learning activity in the class, it forced the students to have some kind of physical activities. When the students have their role-play performances, they have to act as the role that they are played.

The next benefit is that role play provides a context for understanding attitudes, expectations, and behavior related to the target culture. Before the students have their performances, they have to understand the culture background


of their role. By understanding the culture background of their role in the role play, the students are expected to be able to have a good role-play performance. The other benefits are that role play allows students to express who the students are, students’ sense of humors, and the students’ personal communication style.

As one of the teaching techniques, role play allows the students to express themselves freely. The students are free to build up their expressions and their communication style during their performances. The last benefit is that role play offers good listening practice. Based on Doff’s (1990) theory about the advantages of role play, it is hoped that role play can be an effective technique to improve students’ speaking skill.

As one of the learning activities, role play should be able to make the students have good experience about it. It can influence the students’ perceptions on the use of role play as one of the learning activities. According to Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnely (1985), there are six factors which can affect the people to build their own perceptions. Those six factors are stereotype, self-concept, situation, selectivity, emotions, and needs. It is important for the teacher to pay attention on those six factors. The teacher should be able to make the students have positive perception about the learning activities.

Glynn (2005) stated that there is a relationship between the positive perception of the students and the learning motivation. If the students already have positive perception during the learning process, they will have big motivation to learn. In this research, the teacher should be able to make the students have positive perception about role play.


It is not an easy way to make the students have positive perceptions about role play. Firstly, the teachers should pay attention to the six factors which influence people to create their perceptions. Then, if the teachers have already made the students to have positive perceptions, the students will have motivation to improve their speaking skills. After the teachers know that the students already have positive perceptions on the use of role play as one of the learning activities. It will help the teachers to create good learning activities which are suitable to the students’ needs. In this research, the researcher also used questionnaires and conducted an interview to answered the first research question about the implementation of role play for XI grade students of tourism department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta and the second research question about the students’ perceptions on the use of role play for XI grade students of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta.



This chapter discusses about the method of this research. This chapter is divided into seven parts. They are Method, Research Participants, Setting, Research Instruments, Data Gathering Technique, Data Analysis Technique, and Research Procedure.

3.1 Research Method

In this research, the researcher used mixed research methods. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen (2010), mixed research method is a new research methodology in which the same study uses both quantitative and qualitative approach.

According to Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen (2010), qualitative research focused on the understanding of social phenomena from the perspective of the human participants in natural settings. Denzin and Lincoln (2000) defined the qualitative research as the qualities of entities, processes, and meanings that are not experimentally examined or measured in terms of quantity, amount, intensity, or frequency. The data collection methods which are usually used in qualitative research method are observation, interview, and document analysis. In the other side, the researcher also used quantitative research method. As stated by Minchiello in McLeod (2008) that the concept of quantitative research was concerned about discovering facts of social phenomena and it assumed a fixed and measurable reality. In this research, the researcher also used questionnaires and


conducted an interview to answered the first research question about the implementation of role play for XI grade students of tourism department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta and the second research question about the students’ perceptions on the use of role play for XI grade students of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta.

3.2 Research Participants

The research participants on this research were the XI class students of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. The researcher took 31 XI grader students of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta.

In this research, the researcher used purposive sampling to get the interviewee. According to Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen and Razavieh (2010) purposive sampling is a non probability sampling technique in which subjects judged to be representative of the population are included in the sample. The researcher took 12 students from 31 students in the class. Those 12 students were the representatives of the students who had the most positive perception and the most negative perception. So there were six students who have the most positive perceptions and six students who had the most negative perception.

3.3 Research Setting

The researcher conducted the research on March 25th, 2014 in the second semester of the Academic Year of 2013-2014. The setting of the research was XI grade class of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta.


3.4 Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

In this research, the researcher used three kinds of research instruments to collect some datas related to this research. Those research instruments were observation, questionnaire, and interview. After that the researcher conducted an interview with the students and the English teacher.

3.4.1 Observation

The first technique was observation. Observation is the basic way to find out some data in qualitative research. According to Stenhouse (1975), observation is more than just looking or listening and it must in some ways to be selective. The researcher also used a checklist to record the collected data. Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, and Razavieh (2010) defined a checklist as a simplest device that used in qualitative research which is presenting a list of something that want to be observed. During the observation, there were 15 aspects which had observed in order to get some important supporting data.

Table 3.1. Observation Guidelines Observation Guidelines Class :

Date :

No Statements Yes No Notes

1 The teacher gave some explanations before the students show their performance.

3.4.2 Questionnaire

The second technique and instrument was questionnaire. Questionnaire is one of the research instruments which were used by the researcher to collect the data. According to Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen and Razavieh (2010), questionnaire is


an instrument in which respondents provide written responses to questions or mark items that indicate their responses.

There are two types of questionnaire. Those are open-ended and close ended questionnaire. According to Foddy in Reja, Manfreda, Hlebec and Vehovar (2003), there are some differences between open-ended and close-ended questionnaire. One of the differences is that open-ended questionnaire allows to express an opinion without being influenced by the researcher. In this research, the researcher used the combination between open-ended and close-ended questionnaire.

In this research, the researcher distributed a questionnaire to 31 students. The questionnaire consists of some questions about the implementation of role play in the class, the students’ perceptions on the use of role play, and the effect of using role play for their speaking ability. The questionnaire which was used in this research consisted of 22 questions. Those were 20 closed type questions, and 2 opened type questions. The closed type questions were used to make the respondents easy when they have to fill it. The researcher divided the question in the questionnaire into three parts. The first part was about the students’ opinion about the use of role play. The second part was about the benefits on the use of role play as a teaching technique. The last part was about the implementation of role play in the class.

In this research, the researcher used Likert scale to evaluate the questionnaire. According to Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen and Razavieh (2010), likert scale is a method of summated ratings which is assessed the attitudes toward a


topic by presenting a set of statements about the topic and asking respondents to indicate for each whether they strongly agree, agree, are undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree. The statements about the responds of the statements were symbolized in numerical symbol which is represent the indicator of the responds (1 stands for strongly disagree, 2 stands for disagree, 3 stands for undecided, 4 stands for agree, and 5 stands for strongly agree).

Table 3.2. Example of Questionnaire Form

No Statements 1 2 3 4

1 Role play is an interesting technique to be used in a learning process.

In this research, the researcher measured the students’ perceptions whether the perceptions strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree by using Likert scale. It was measured by statement which was given by the researcher. The researcher omitted the undecided point in order to avoid misunderstanding because it did not contribute any responses.

Table 3.3. Categories of Statement

No Categories of Statement Number of Statement

1. Students’ perceptions on the Use of Role play 1 – 5 2. The Advantages of Role play 6 – 14 3. The Implementation of Role play 15 – 20

3.4.3 Interview

Another research instrument which was used by the researcher was interview. According to Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen and Razavieh (2010), interview is a process of oral questioning of a subject. That was supported by to Bogdan and Biklen in Hoepfl (1997). According to Bogdan and Biklen in Hoepfl (1997) interview can be used as the primary strategy for data collection or in conjunction


with observation, document analysis, or other techniques. Interview was used by researcher in order to verify the data result of the questionnaire.

In this research, the researcher used purposive sampling to get sample for the interview. The researcher took 12 students from 31 students in the class. Those 12 students were the representative of the students who had the most positive perception and the most negative perception. So there were 6 students who had the most positive perception, and 6 students who had the most negative perception.

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

There were three kinds of data which could be collected to support this research. Those three kinds of data were observation, interview, and questionnaires. The data which came from observation and interview were presented in descriptive form. However, the result of the questionnaires were presented in form of table and in form of chart. In order to answer the first research question about the implementation of role play in the class, the researcher analyzed the data which came from observation and interview comparing to some theories about the implementation of role play.

For the second research question, the researcher used the data from questionnaires which had distributed to XI grade students of tourism department. There was a questionnaire which had distributed to 31 respondents in the class by the researcher. There were three categories of statement in the questionnaire. The first category was about the students’ perceptions on the use of role play. It consisted of five statements. The second category was about the advantages of


role play. It consisted of eight statements. The last category was about the implementation of role play in the class. The last category consisted of five statements. The questionnaires also had four values which could be used to response and measure every statement which had chosen by the respondents in the class, they were strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), agree (3) and strongly agree (4).

In order to find the result of the data, the researcher counted the average score to determine the major response of each statement. The formula for getting the average score (mean) was:




X = Mean score (average score)

Σ = the summary of the score (the total score) X = Raw score

N = the number of respondents.

The researcher also calculated the median score for each category of statement to determine the middle score. The median score is used as the central point and the range score to decide whether the response about each statement of each category which had given by the respondents were positive or negative. After finding the average score of each statement, the researcher presented the data in form of table and chart. The researcher also made some description based on the data in the table and chart.


3.6 Research Procedures

There were some steps which had done to get the data by the researcher. The first step was asking for permission from the school and the teacher to do a research in the school. The second step was doing an observation to know about the implementation of role play in the class. The third step was distributing the questionnaire to the students. The fourth step was doing an interview with 12 students. The researcher took 12 students from 31 students in the class. Those 12 students were the representative of the students who had the most positive perception and the most negative perception. So there were six students who had the most positive perception and six students who had the most negative perception. The last step was analyzing the result of observation, questionnaire, and interview.





This chapter consists of two main parts. Those are research results and discussion. In the first part, the researcher presented the results of the research. The results of the research contains of some data which are taken from observation about the implementation of role play in the class and questionnaire about the students’ perceptions on the use of role play for XI grade students of tourism department. In the second part, the researcher presented the discussion about the implementation of role play in the class and the result of the questionnaire about the students’ perceptions on the use of role play.

4.1 Research Results

This section discusses the results of the research which consisted of two parts. Those were the implementation of role play in the class and the students’ perceptions on the use of role play as a teaching technique. The first part presented the research results based on the observation which had been conducted in the class by the researcher. The second part talked about the analysis of the data which had been taken from questionnaires about the students’ perceptions on the use of role play.

4.1.1 The Implementation of Role Play

In order to answer the first research question in chapter I about the implementation of role play, the researcher conducted an observation on March


25th, 2014 in XI Grade of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. During the observation, the researcher used an observation checklist to get the data. By using observation checklist, the researcher was able to record the learning process and which had happened in the class. Based on the observation, the researcher found some facts. Those facts came from the students and the teacher.

The first fact showed that the students were very interested and enthusiastic with role play as a teaching technique. All of the students paid attention to their friends’ performances. The students also prepared everything before they had their performance. They prepared the dialogue script and were also practicing before the performance. There were some students who brought some properties to support their performance. As what had been explained by Richard-Amato (1996) that role play can improve students’ ability to work cooperatively, the researcher found a fact that the students were able to work cooperatively not only when they had to show their role play performance, but also in preparation before they had their performance.

The second fact showed that role play was implemented well in the class. Based on the observation, the teacher gave a clear instruction to the students in previous meeting and on the performance day. It made the students did the role play correctly. However, the instruction which was given by the teacher not only used English, but also bahasa and javanesse. The teacher used mix languages only to make sure that the students were able to do the instruction correctly.


The teacher also gave some explanations about the goal of the role play activity. The teacher did not give any corrections to all of the students about the students’ grammar mistakes after the role play activity. The reason was because it would take longer times. So, the teacher only gave some comments on several groups. The teacher also gave the duration to every performance. The duration was about five to ten minutes for each group. The teacher gave time duration to make every group of student were able to have their role play performance in one meeting. The duration was not including the preparation for each group. In role play, the teacher gave a freedom to the students to express their feeling through role play.

On the other hand, the teacher also faced some challenges to use role play as one of the teaching technique. The first challenge was that the teacher found some difficulties to decide the learning topic which can be used in the role play. Based on the interview, it was difficult for the teacher to decide the learning topic which can be used as the role play’s topic. However, the teacher tried to match the learning topic which can be used as the role play’s topic.

The second challenge was that the students had poor speaking skill. The teacher felt surprised when the first time the teacher knew that the students’ speaking ability were so bad. Based on the interview, the teacher had tried some teaching technique to improve the students’ speaking ability. One of the teaching techniques which had been tried by the teacher is role play. The teacher used role play because it is a suitable teaching technique and learning activity to be used for Tourism Department’s students in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta.


4.1.2 Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play

The description of the data which was taken from questionnaire shown that all of the XI grade students were interesting to used role play as one of teaching technique in the class. It was proven by the percentage of the students who were agree that role play was one of interesting teaching technique to teach English especially to improve their speaking skill. It was 77.42% of the total respondents or 24 students out of 31 students agree and 22.58% of the total respondents or 7 students strongly agree with the statement that role play was an interesting technique to teach English especially to improve the speaking skill. It meant that 100% of respondents or 31 students in that class agree if they were very interested when they had to show their performance in front of the class. They enjoyed their friends’ role play performance. Some of the students felt that they became more confident when they had to perform their performance. As what the researcher stated in questionnaire at statement number 7 that students were more confident when they had their performances. There were 19 students or 61.29% and only 2 students or 6.45% from total respondents who agree and strongly agree that they became more confident when they had their performance. However, only 10 students or 32.26% from total respondents disagree with the statement. They were not confident to perform their performance and it made them could not present their role play optimally.

As what had been stated by Oyabu in Haruyama (2010) that role play and drama are suitable for making an environment in which students do not remain silent but rather can naturally speak in and listen to the target language. It means


that one of the goal of role play was to make students are able to speak in target language naturally and actively. It was proven by the number of students who had chosen statement number 3 which stated that role play can be a media for the students to be able to speak in English actively. There were 28 students out of 31 students or 90.32% agree with that statement and 3 students or 9.68% from total respondents strongly agree that role play can be a media for the students to be able to speak in English actively.

Another goal of role play, as what had been stated by Doff (1992) that in role play, the students needed to imagine a role, a context, or both and improvise a conversation. It meant that role play need students’ creativities. It was proven by the number of students who had chosen statement number 4 which stated that role play could increase students’ creativity. There were 29 students or 93.55% and 3 students or 9.68% who agree and strongly agree with the statement. They were free to express not only their creativity, but also their sense of humor, and their personal communication style. As what Doff (1992) stated that one of the benefits of role play was that role play allowed the students to express who they are, their sense of humor, and their own personal communication style.

Some of the total respondents gave their positive responds to the statement which stated that role play was an effective media to increase the students’ fluency to speak in English. There were 21 students or 67.74% who agree and 10 students or 32.26% strongly agree with statement. Based on the interview with some respondents, they thought that the use of role play was suitable for the students in tourism department. Some respondents said that in the


future they would work in tourism field as a tour guide, travel agent, etc. It forced them to deal with many foreigners. It made them being forced to learn English. They had to be able to have a good speaking ability. In their opinion, role play was an effective teaching technique which was suitable and effective to use in English learning process in the class.

As what had been stated by Pintrich and Schunk (1996), motivation give some effects to the reason and the way people learn as well as how they perform. It means that there is a relationship between students’ learning motivation and students’ learning achievement. According to Chun-Shih and Gamon (2001), the relationship between those two things are that motivation can be the best predictor of students’ learning achievement. In order to find the relation between students’ learning motivation and students’ learning achievement in XI grade students of tourism department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta, the researcher distributed a questionnaire which one of the statements stated that through role play students are motivated to speak in English. Some respondents, 22 respondents or 70.97% from the total respondents agree and nine respondents or 29.03% strongly agree with the statement that they were more motivated to speak in English through role play. They became more motivated to speak in English when they saw their friends’ performances.

The data also showed that there were 25 students or 80.65% from the total respondents who gave their positive responds to the statement which stated that the students were able to learn some new expressions which was used in their friends’ performance (statement number 14). Those 25 students or 80.65%


respondents agree with the statement that they could learn some new expressions which were used in their friends’ performance. Some students, 6 students or 19.35% strongly agree with the statement. They can learn some new expression which will be used in tourism field as their work field in the future. The students should be able to know and understand the meaning of the word and the expression which was used by the students in order to avoid some misunderstanding when they used some kind of expressions not only in role play activity, but also in their real life.

From the additional data which was gathered from the questionnaire, most of students or respondents in the class gave their opinion about the effectiveness on the use of role play. In their opinion, role play was an effective technique which was suitable to be used in as a language teaching technique in the class. They stated that role play could build their personal confident and it could be motivating the students to be able to speak in English. The students also gave some suggestion to some players of role play to bring some supporting properties to support their performances. It made the audience could understand not only the story of the role play, but also the message that wanted to be delivered to the audience.

From the data, the central tendency showed that the mean score of the respondents was three point fifteen. In order to find the mean score, the researcher calculated the average score from total respondents then divided by the total score of respondents. For the median score, the result was three point zero and the mode was three point zero. The researcher not only calculated the average score of each


respondent, but also the average score based on the category of the questions. As what written in questionnaire, there were three categories in the questionnaire. The first category was about the students’ perceptions on the use of role play. The second category was about the advantages of role play for the students. The last category was about the implementation of role play in class XI of Tourism Department.

4.2 Discussion

This section consisted of two parts, namely the implementation of role play and students’ perceptions on the use of role play. In this section, the researcher presented the detail description based on the findings on the previous section about the implementation of role play in the class and students’ perceptions on the use of role play.

4.2.1 The Implementation of Role play

Based on observation on XI grade of Tourism Department in SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta about the implementation of role play in the class, that role play which had conducted in the class were held by performing a story which had prepared by the students. The topic of role play was based on students’ daily life situation. As what stated by Doff (1990) about the definition of role play that role play is a way of bringing situation from real life into the classroom Based on the definition of role play, so that the teacher gave the topic of role play based on students’ daily life situation to make the students easy when they had to made the script of role play.


Overall, the students’ performances in the role play were good. They were able to make the learning activity became more enjoyable than before. They could entertain the audience by giving some improvement through their performances. On the previous meeting before the day of role play’s performance, the teacher also gave a clear instruction about what the students should did and prepared for the role play. They should prepare the dialogue script and the properties which can be used by the students in their performances. However, the instruction which was given by the teacher used mix language.

The teacher used mix language in order to make sure that the students were able to do the instruction which had given by the teacher correctly. The teacher also divided the students in the class into some small groups which consisted of two to three members for each group to make it more efficient. On the day of role play’s performance, the teacher told the students about the goal of role play. In addition, the teacher gave information about the scoring criteria of the role play. The scoring criteria were including the content of role play, fluency, grammar, the diction, and the pronunciation. The teacher also gave time limitation for each group. It was about five to ten minutes for each group to show their performance. The teacher gave time duration in order to make every group of students are able to had their role play performance. The time duration was not including the preparation for each group. In role play, the teacher gave a freedom to the students to express their feeling through role play.


4.2.2 The Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role play

Based on the statement which had been written in the questionnaire, there were three categories of statement. The first category was about students’ perceptions on the use of role play. Most of the respondents in the class had good perception about the use of role play as a teaching technique. It was shown from the data in questionnaire that most of respondents chose agree and strongly agree as their optional answers.

In order to present the detailed data, the researcher presented the average score of each statement category in the form of chart and table. The first statement’s category was the students’ perceptions on the use of role play.

Table 4.1. Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role play No Respondents’ Opinion Number of Students

1 Strongly Disagree 0

2 Disagree 1

3 Agree 23

4 Strongly Agree 7

N 31

Table 4.1 showed the number of the students who had positive and negative perception by answering the first category of the question about the students’ perceptions on the use of role play. There were only two respondents who had negative perception about the use of role play by choosing disagree as their choice. However, the other respondents had their positive perception. There were twenty three respondents who chose agree and only seven respondents who chose strongly agree as their choice.


Figure 4.1. Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play

Figure 4.1 described the first statement’s category in the questionnaire which consisted of five statements. It showed that most of the respondents in the class had positive perception on the use of role play as a language teaching technique. The good perception of the students was shown by 58.06% from the total respondents in the class chose agree and 22.58% from the total respondents chose strongly agree as their choice. However, only a few respondents who had negative perception on the use of role play as a language teaching technique. There were only 2.42% from total respondents who had negative perception about the use of role play.

The second statements’ category was about the advantages of role play. This category consisted of nine statements about the advantages of role play as a language teaching technique. Most of the respondents in the class showed their positive perception about the advantages of role play. In order to present the detailed of the data, the researcher also presented the average percentage score of the second category in form of figure.

Strongly Disagree


Disagree 3% Agree,


Strongly Agree, 22.58%

Category 1

Students' Perce ption on The Use of Role-Play


B.4 Sample of Questionnaire



B.5 Students’ Interview Guideline


1. Masalah apa saja yang sering dihadapi oleh para siswa selama proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di dalam kelas?

Para siswa sering menghadapi kesulitan dalam hal penguasaan vocabulary,

grammar, dan speaking. Karena guru bahasa Inggris di tingkat sebelumnya tidak memberikan cukup waktu untuk memperbanyak jumlah vocabulary

yang dimiliki para siswa dan mempelajari grammardan speaking.

2. Apa sajakah yang dipelajari oleh para siswa pada tingkat sebelumnya sehingga para siswa merasa mengalami kesulitan dalam hal penguasaan vocabulary, grammar, dan speaking?

Pada tingkat sebelumnya, guru hanya mengajak para siswa untuk menonton film yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan materi pembelajaran di dalam kelas, tanpa diikuti dengan follow up activity. Hal ini yang membuat para siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di dalam kelas.

3. Bagaimana pendapat para siswa tentang penggunaan role play sebagai teknik pembelajaran?

Role play merupakan salah satu teknik pembelajaran yang menarik dan efektif untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas. Selain itu role playjuga bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa.

4. Apa sajakah dampak positif yang ditimbulkan dari penggunaan role play?

Role play memberikan dampak positif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan belajar siswa. Role play mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Selain itu, role play juga mampu meningkatkan keberanian dan rasa percaya diri siswa untuk lebih berani berbicara dan tampil di depan umum.

5. Kendala apa saja yang dihadapi para siswa dalam mempersiapkan role play?


Biasanya tenggang waktu yang diberikan oleh guru untuk mempersiapkan

role play sudah terlalu lama dan itu membuat siswa merasa malas untuk mempersiapkan. Selain itu, lamanya tenggang waktu yang diberikan guru dapat membuat para siswa cepat melupakan teks dialog role play yang telah dibuat.

6. Teknik pembelajaran apa lagi yang diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh para siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?

Selain role play, para siswa mengharapkan untuk bisa praktek berbicara langsung dengan native speaker.


B.6 Teachers Interview Guideline


1. Sudah berapa lama anda mengajar mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Saya mengajar mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris sudah sekitar 6 tahun.

2. Selama mengajar, teknik dan metode apa saja yang biasa anda gunakan dalam proses pembelajaran?

Biasanya saya menggunakan metode pembelajaran komunikatif dan kadang saya menggunakan video sebagai salah satu bentuk media pembelajaran. Selain itu, saya juga menggunakan role play sebagai salah satu kegiatan pembelajaran. Tapi saya tetap memilih bentuk metode, teknik atau kegiatan apa yang hendak saya gunakan dalam proses belajar di kelas, tergantung dari jurusan kelas tersebut.

3. Sudah berapa lama anda menggunakan role play sebagai teknik dan aktivitas pembelajaran?

Saya menggunakan role playsebagai teknik dan aktivitas pembelajaran sudah dari sejak awal saya mengajar bahasa Inggris. Karena menurut saya, dengan menggunakan role play¸saya bisa melibatkan siwa dan siswi di kelas untuk terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.

4. Bagaimana tanggapan guru tentang penggunaan role playsebagai teknik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam bahasa Inggris?

Role play menurut pendapat saya merupakan salah satu bentuk teknik dan kegiatan pembelajaran yang menarik untuk digunakan di kelas, terutama bagi siswa dan siswi di jurusan Pariwisata. Role play sangat efektif untuk digunakan karena memiliki berbagai macam kelebihan, antara lain role play

dianggap mampu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Selain itu, role play juga mampu membantu siswa untuk meningkatkan keberanian dan rasa percaya diri mereka untuk tampil di depan umum.


5. Kendala apa saja yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam mempersiapkan materi role play?

Pada awalnya, saya mengalami kesulitan untuk menentukan topik apa saja yang bisa digunakan oleh para siswa, khususnya topik yang tepat dan bias diterjemahkan ke dalam bentuk naskah yang akan digunakan dalam role play

nantinya. Selain itu, kesulitan lain yang saya temui adalah tentang bagaimana menentukan aspek-aspek yang akan dinilai dalam penampilan mereka.

6. Teknik pembelajaran apa lagi yang mungkin digunakan oleh guru selain role play untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam bahasa Inggris?

Selain menggunakan role play, sebenarnya jika ada kesempatan, saya ingin mengajak para siswa di kelas untuk praktek ngomong langsung dengan native speaker. Itu juga dianggap mampu untuk mengukur sejauh mana kemampuan siswa untuk berani berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan penutur aslinya.

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