Angket Melengkapi Informasi Website UNY Berbahasa Inggris

Angket Penyediaan Informasi untuk website UNY Berbahasa Inggris
Website UNY berbahasa Inggris menyediakan informasi bagi calon mitra atau mitra
mancanegara tentang UNY. Kelengkapan informasi menentukan kualitas website, namun saat ini
konten website tersebut belum lengkap karena belum ada informasi tentang jurusan/program
studi dan lembaga-lembaga di UNY. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, kami mengharapkan Bapak/Ibu
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angket ini.
Untuk pengisian angket ini, mohon Bapak/Ibu memberikan informasi terkait:
deskripsi jurusan/program studi atau lembaga,
program unggulan jurusan/program studi atau layanan lembaga beserta deskripsinya,
struktur kurikulum,
persyaratan khusus calon mahasiswa,
prospek karir,
fasilitas yang dimiliki jurusan/program studi atau lembaga.

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Pengisi Data
Nomor Telepon

1. Program Study Overview and Aims


2. Highlighted Programs


3. Curriculum Structure


4. Minimum Admission Requirement


5. Career Prospect


6. Facilities


7. More Information


Contoh Penulisan Informasi
Angket Penyediaan Informasi untuk website UNY Berbahasa Inggris

(Informasi yang digunakan adalah informasi dari
Bachelor of Education in Social Sciences, University of Hongkong)
1. Study Program Overview and Aims
(Program studi atau jurusan dijelaskan maks. 2 paragraf. Tujuan program dijelaskan
dalam bentuk butir-butir)

This programme is a three-year full-time programme, which is offered jointly by the Faculty
of Education. It is a programme offering both academic and professional studies. It
incorporates a graduate teaching qualification and is regarded as the equivalent of a BSS
plus a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE). This programme allows students to
obtain two degrees in five years.
The curriculum is designed for students to:
- develop interest and knowledge in social sciences from a range of Social Sciences Majors
- develop expertise in teaching Liberal Studies and Humanities-related curricula
- identify and reflect critically upon contemporary issues in Liberal Studies and education
- develop personal strengths and professional commitment to education
- complete two degrees in five years
2. Highlighted Programs
(Program Unggulan Jurusan/Program Studi dijabarkan dalam bentuk butir-butir disertai
dengan penjelasan masing-masing program)

Research projects

Community Projects Workshop

Cultural Immersion

19-week teching practices

4. Curriculum Structure
(struktur kurikulum dijelaskan dengan tabel yang membagi setiap semester. Di setiap
semester, kurikulum dijabarkan berdasarkan jumlah kredit per kategori mata kuliah)

Year 1

Year 2

Language course

Professional core courses

(6 credits)

(Liberal Studies Education) (12 credits)

Introductory courses

Common Core courses

Free electives

(18 credits)

(12 credits)

(12 credits)

Language courses

Professional core courses

(6 credits)

(Liberal Studies Education) (12 credits)

Language courses

Disciplinary electives

Free electives

(6 credits)

(12 credits)

(6 credits)

Year 3

Professional core courses (Liberal Studies
(18 credits, including 6 credits in Professional

Year 4

Advanced courses in

Free electives

SocSc (30 credits)

(12 credits)

Professional core courses (Liberal Studies
Free electives (12 credits)

(48 credits, including 12 credits in Professional

5. Minimum Admission Requirement
(Silakan diisi bila jurusan/program studi yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin memiliki persyaratan
khusus untuk calon mahasiswa yang bisa diterima)

There are no additional requirements other than the University entrance requirements.

6. Career Prospect
(Prospek karir dijelaskan berdasarkan capaian lulusan)

Graduates obtain a combined academic and professional qualification. Their thorough
knowledge of the Social Science majors, broad understanding of educational issues, and
high level of classroom expertise make them ideally suited to teaching Liberal Studies at all

levels in mainstream Hong Kong secondary schools, and in international schools.
Graduates will also have access to employment opportunities in the broader field of
education as well as the many fields in which BSocSc graduates have been employed.

3. Facilities

(Fasilitas disebutkan dalam butir-butir)

CAD Laboratory
Digital Laboratory
Internet Infrastructure
AV Room