Abstrak Berbahasa Inggris Publikasi Ilmiah.


Udayana University Press







Daftar Isi



1.1 Definisi Abstrak 1.2 Bahasa Inggris Ilmiah 1.2.1 Kosakata

1.2.2 Ungkapan Pasti

1.2.3 Verba dengan Partikel Tertentu 1.2.4 Struktur Kalimat

1..2.4.1 Struktur Pasif Present Participle Construction Past Participle Construction Struktur Aktif Bermakna Pasif


2.1 Istilah

2.2 Kalimat Pembuka 2.2.1 Pronomina 2.2.2 Verba 2.3 Tujuan

2.4 Metode dan Bahan 2.5 Hasil

2.6 Simpulan



3.1.1 Abstrak dari Ilmu Humaniora 3.1.2 Abstrak dari Ilmu Eksakta

3.2 Abstrak Berbahasa Indonesia diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris

3.2.1 Abstrak dari Ilmu Eksakta 3.2.2 Abstrak dari Ilmu Humaniora


5.1 Kesalahan Sintaksis 5.2 Kesalahan Semantik


6.1 Abstrak Dua Bahasa 6.2 Abstrak Satu Bahasa


Daftar Singkatan dan Istilah Pustaka Acuan

Daftar buku/makalah

Daftar Jurnal sumber Abstrak

Te n Ta n g Pe n u li s


Terbitnya buku Merebut Hati Audiens Internasional :

Strategi Jitu Meraih Publikasi di Jurnal Ilmiah oleh Zifirdaus

Adnan, SPd, BA Hon, MA, PhD dan Dra. Indrawati Zifirdaus,

MEd, tahun 2009; tersedianya buku Penulisan Akademik :

Esai, Makalah, Artikel Jurnal Ilmiah, Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi

oleh Freddy K. Kalidjernih, PhD, tahun 2010 ; dan beredarnya Panduan Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Udayana yang memuat

ketentuan Abstrak (LPPM, 2012:12) serta ramainya tanggapan

atas SE Dirjen Dikti No. 152/E/T/2012 tentang publikasi karya ilmiah, memberi inspirasi untuk menulis buku ini.


Buku ini memuat beberapa definisi tentang abstrak, ketentuan bahasa Inggris ilmiah, contoh abstrak berbahasa Inggris, contoh abstrak berbahasa Indonesia dengan terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris, cara mengoreksi bila ada kesalahan dan

latihan untuk pembaca mereview contoh abstrak sebagai upaya

peningkatan kemampuan dan keterampilan.

Harapan saya, semoga buku ini bisa memberi manfaat bagi yang berkepentingan dan saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada para penulis abstrak yang dikutip sebagai model serta Prof. Dr. Jufrizal, M.Hum, Universitas Negeri Padang atas saran yang konstruktif.

Denpasar, 31 Juli 2012

I Nengah Sudipa


1.1 Definisi Abstrak

Menurut Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English (Hornby, 1987:4)

ABSTRACT is short account, e.g. of the chief points of a piece of writing , a book, speech, etc.

Graetz (1985 dalam Zifirdaus: 2009:117)

The abstract is characterized by the use of past tense, third person, passive and the non-use of negatives. It avoids subordinate clauses, uses phrases instead of clauses, words instead of phrases. It avoids abbreviation, jargon, symbols and other language short cuts which might lead to confusion. It is written in tightly worded sentences, which avoids repetition, meaningless expressions, superlatives, adjectives, illustrations, preliminaries, descriptive details,


examples, footnote. In short it eliminates the redundancy which the skilled reader counts on finding in written language and which usually facilitates comprehension.

Lebih lanjut Graetz mengatakan bahwa sering ditemukan struktur persoalan – penyelesaian (problem-solution structure), yang terdiri dari empat bagian : persoalan, metode, hasil dan simpulan.

Abstrak berisi pernyataan ringkas dan padat tentang ide-ide yang paling penting. Abstrak memuat masalah dan tujuan penelitian, prosedur penelitian dan ringkasan hasil penelitian. Tekanan diberikan pada hasil penelitian. Hal-hal lain seperti hipotesis, pembahasan, dan saran tidak disajikan. Abstrak hendaknya ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Panjang abstrak 50-75 kata dan ditulis dalam satu paragraph. Abstrak diketik dengan spasi tunggal dengan menggunakan format yang lebih sempit dari teks utama. Kata kunci adalah kata pokok yang menggambarkan daerah masalah yang diteliti atau istilah-istilah yang merupakan dasar pemikiran gagasan dalam karangan asli, berupa kata tunggal atau gabungan kata (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Univ. Negeri Malang 2000:44)

Abstrak memudahkan pembaca melakukan scanning

dan skimming. Bila pembaca tertarik kepada abstrak Anda,

mereka cenderung akan membaca karya Anda lebih lanjut. Oleh karena itu, abstrak perlu disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga menarik dan mudah dipahami (Kalidjernih, 2010:103)

Panduan Hibah Unggulan Udayana (2012:13) memuat Pedoman Penulisan Abstrak sebagai berikut:


a) Abstrak merupakan pemadatan dari hasil penelitian, biasanya lebih singkat daripada ringkasan/summary.

b) Ringkasan dibuat sebagai rangkuman dari penelitian untuk penulisan laporan, sedangkan abstrak dibuat untuk sebuah artikel yang akan diterbitkan dalam jurnal ilmiah atau prosiding seminar/simposium.

c) Abstrak ditulis satu spasi, maksimum 200 kata. Isi Abstrak mencakup.

a) Tujuan yang ingin dijawab oleh peneliti. b) Metode penelitian


c) Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian. d) Kata kunci (maksimum 6 kata)

Definisi dan Panduan seperti ini perlu dilengkapi dengan informasi bahasa yang dipakai, apakah menggunakan bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris. Dalam dunia akademik dewasa ini, jurnal atau majalah ilmiah mensyaratkan penggunaan dua bahasa dalam abstrak, yaitu Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Pedoman Khusus penggunaan bahasa Inggris standar dan ilmiah untuk abstrak nampaknya belum

pernah ada, sehingga ini memicu beberapa penggunaan bahasa

Inggris yang tidak standar dalam abstrak berbahasa Inggris

(Sudipa,2011). Ketiadaan pedoman khusus penulisan abstrak

berbahasa Inggris inilah sekaligus salah satu faktor yang

memacu saya untuk menulis buku ini.

1.2 Bahasa Inggris Ilmiah

Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan dalam jurnal ilmiah memiliki ciri-ciri tertentu seperti : pemilihan kosakata, pengurutan frasa, dan ungkapan, penyusunan kalimat beserta implikasinya untuk menghasilkan makna berkadar ilmiah.

1.2.1 Kosakata :

Bahasa Inggris ilmiah dan akademik, biasanya dicirikan dengan penggunaan kosakata (leksikon) tertentu yang berbeda dengan leksikon bahasa Inggris sehari-hari. Beberapa leksikon yang biasa digunakan untuk tulisan ilmiah adalah sebagai berikut:

(1) conduct/do/perform untuk make ‘membuat,mengerjakan,

melakukan, melaksanakan’

This research was conducted in the rural areas

Students performed such scientific activities in the

forms of seminars

Social work done by the group will be innagurated by

the President

… the Bali State Polytechnic Community Service Team

carried out a guided training to the local people

(2) furthermore untuk then, next ‘lebih lanjut, lalu, kemudian’

… this study, is furthermore considered as the scientific


(3) however untuk but ‘tetapi’

hence achieves relatively good living standard for most

of the population, however it appears there are …

(4) in order to untuk to ‘untuk, agar’

In order to establish an immunological detection of

rabies virus in tissues of infectected dogs, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against rabies virus (RV) were produced

In order to anticipate such problem, the Bali State

Polytechnic Community Service Team carried out a guided training to the local people especially those who are members of the PKK groups (40 persons).

(5) obtain untuk get ‘ memperoleh, mendapat,’

This data was obtained from reading a number of

references in library

(6) only, merely untuk just ‘hanya’

This discussion is only about the unanswered problems.

Don’t argue further, because this article is concerning

merely with the academic matters

(7) require untuk need ‘memerlukan, perlu’

This kind of Community Service requires a lot of active

participants from the youth

Further readings are required to fulfil such conditions

(8) therefore untuk so ‘jadi’

The traditional house uniqueness is the floor made of mixture from buffalo’s dirt, therefore it looks shiny


the local wisdom will, therefore give the function and

meaning to the traditions of the architecture, and the implication

Many of the wiring installation is done without taking

into account security and safety of the user. Therefore,

lots of the residentials’ installation do not comply with the electrical installation code, PUIL 2000.


1.2.2 Ungkapan Pasti

Beberapa ungkapan yang sudah pasti ‘fixed expression’ biasa digunakan dalam bahasa ilmiah untuk mengungkapkan konsep-konsep tertentu, seperti:

(a) In terms of ‘dalam hal’

this knowledge makes its behavior as a result of society adaptation with the environment, is the continuity of settlement shape in terms of traditional architecture for

long periods

(b) as a means of ‘sebagai alat’

Language is a means of communication for human

beings ‘Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi’

Bus is a means of transportation in the city ‘bis

merupakan alat angkut di kota itu’ (c) Interested vs Interesting

be interested => tertarik; be interesting => menarik

We are interested in doing research on language uses

’kami tertarik melakukan penelitian pada penggunaan


It contains interesting narrations and is importantly

related to the dharmayatra,

‘Ini memuat narasi yang menarik dan terkait erat

dengan Dharmayatra’

The topic was so interesting that the students are interested in discussing it

Topik itu demikian menarik sehingga mahasiswa

tertarik mendiskusikannya

(d) like more atau prefer ‘lebih suka’

- Like more ……. than ……..

I like doing research in Lab more than in the field

‘Saya lebih suka melakukan penelitian di Lab daripada di lapangan

I like tea more than coffee


Prefer …… to …….

I prefer doing research in Lab to in the field

We prefer tea to coffee

(e) as well as; dan …. also … as well berarti : ‘juga’

The data were obtained through observation and

documentation as well as assessment using a diagnostic


’data diperoleh melalui observasi dan dokumentasi,

juga asesmen menggunakan tes diagnostik’

This research is not only finding the qualitative result

but also the quantitative ones as well

“Penelitian ini tidak saja menemukan hasil kualitatif

tetapi hasil-hasil kuantitatif juga.

1.2.3 Verba dengan Partikel Tertentu

Beberapa partikel yang memiliki pasangan pasti

dengan verba tertentu biasanya digunakan dalam bahasa


(a) relate to bukan relate with untuk mengungkapkan ‘yang

berkaitan dengan’

The subject of this research is related to the use of


‘Subjek penelitian ini berkaitan dengan penggunaan


(b) different from bukan different with untuk mengungkapkan

‘berbeda dengan’

The traditional house of Western Nusa Tenggara has specifically characteristic and unique shape, which is

different from other traditional houses.

(c) interested in bukan interested with untuk mengungkapkan

‘tertarik dengan’

We are all interested in learning English for academic


‘Kita semua tertarik mempelajari bahasa Inggris untuk

tujuan akademik’

(d) refer to bukan refer saja untuk mengungkapkan ‘merujuk


The preservation of traditional architecture refers to the

local society knowledge to manage the environment, 1.2.4 Struktur Kalimat

Kalimat bahasa Inggris untuk Jurnal ilmiah biasanya mengunakan struktur pasif, struktur sederhana yang bermakna pasif, struktur sederhana bermakna aktif, dan struktur aktif bermakna pasif. Struktur Pasif

Struktur pasif bahasa Inggris dibentuk dengan pola BE +VERB III :

the sample was taken from

sampel diambil dari ….’

Before the analysis of reception was conducted, the

corpus text of DT text compeletely and structurally telling

Bila ada adverb of manner ‘keterangan keadaan’, yang

biasanya di-akhiri –ly yang diterjemahkan ‘dengan

cara’, maka adverbia ini biasanya diletakkan di antara

BE dan Verb Past Participle (VERB III), contoh :

…. the religious journey made by Dang Hyang Nirartha was successfully determined.

Kata successfully adalah adverb of manner ‘secara

berhasil’ yang menempati posisi diantara BE (was) dan Verb in Past Participle form (determined)

The results of the analysis are informally presented,

meaning that they are verbally described in the form of

words which are systematically composed based on the

problems formulated in this study. Present Participle Constructions.

Struktur kalimat bahasa Inggris ilmiah bisa

disederhanakan dengan menggunakan Present Participle

Construction untuk mengungkapkan nuansa ‘aktif’ bermakna

‘yang me …‘, dengan bentuk Verb+ING, seperti contoh:

The stricking point of this dissertation is about the


The point which stricks from this dissertation is about

the unique new finding

‘point yang penting dari disertasi ini adalah tentang temuan baru yang unik’

The research concerning with biology was conducted in

…. , bandingkan dengan :

The research which concerns with biology was

conducted in ….

The corpus of DT text compeletely and structurally

telling the religious journey made by Dang Hyang

Nirartha was successfully determined, bandingkan dengan:

… the corpus of DT text which tells compeletely and

structurally the religious journey made by Dang Hyang Nirartha was successfully determined.

…‘korpus tentang teks DT dengan lengkap dan secara struktural yang menjelaskan perjalanan dibuat oleh

Dang Hyang Nirartha …..’

The analysis in this study was made to answer the

following questions , bandingkan dengan : The analysis

in this study was made to answer the questions which


‘analisis dalam kajian ini dibuat untuk menjawab

masalah yang berikut:’

(Catatan: konstruksi present participle (Vb+ing)

nampak berperanan menyederhanakan susunan kalimat, dengan makna ‘yang me/ber….. dan/atau bernuansa aktif) Past Participle Construction

Struktur kalimat bahasa Inggris ilmiah bisa

disederhanakan dengan menggunakan Past Participle

Construction untuk mengungkapkan nuansa ‘pasif’ bermakna

‘yang di …‘, dengan bentuk Verb+ed (VbIII) , seperti contoh: The collected data will be descriptively analyzed,


The data which was collected will be descriptively


‘data yang dikumpulkan akan dianalisis secara


the Bali State Polytechnic Community Service Team carried out a guided training to the local people

especially those who are members of the PKK groups (40 persons).

…. carried out the training which was guided to the


‘… melaksanakan training yang dipandu untuk …

The mAbs produced were then characterized and used

for the detection of rabies virus in brain tissues of the infected dogs, bandingkan dengan :

The mAbs which were produced, were then

characterized and used for the detection of rabies virus in brain tissues of the infected dogs.

‘mAbs yang diproduksi, lalu di beri ciri serta

digunakan untuk ...

The research conducted by John and friends from

Faculty of Technology is about the urban transport, bandingkan dengan

The research which was conductedby John and friends

from Faculty of Technology is about urban transport ‘Penelitian yang dilaksanakan oleh John dan

teman-teman dari Fakultas Teknik adalah tentang transportasi perkotaan’

The cultural values implied in this ceremony are

religious, spiritual, esthetics, ethics, mutual assistance and social, bandingkan dengan :

The cultural values which are implied in this ceremony

are religious, spiritual, esthetics, ethics, mutual assistance and social.

‘nilai –nilai budaya yang termuat/tersirat dalam

upacara ini adalah bersifat keagamaan, spiritual, estetik, etik, gotong royong dan sosial’

The theories adopted in this study are the theory of


introduced by Pierce and the theory of mythology introduced by Barthes. Bandingkan dengan

The theories which was adopted in this study are the

theory of reception which was introduced by Jauss, the

theory of semiotics which was introduced by Pierce

and the theory of mythology which was introduced by


(Catatan : pada data terakhir nampak peranan struktur kalimat past participle ini sangat penting untuk

menyederhanakannya sehingga para pembaca yang diharapkan memiliki kompetensi sebagai ilmuwan, memahami maksud kalimat itu dalam waktu singkat) Struktur Aktif Bermakna Pasif

Bila mengungkapkan konsep bahasa Indonesia ke dalam bahasa Inggris tanpa memperhatikan konteks, sering kita tergelincir salah karena menerjemahkannya secara langsung. Konteks seperti ini perlu dipahami bahwa ada dalam bahasa Inggris, struktur kelihatan aktif, tetapi bermakna pasif. Contoh:

This indicates that tofu sold at Badung and Kumbasari

markets is safe to consume.

‘Ini mengindikasikan bahwa tofu yang dijual di pasar

Badung dan Kumbasari aman untuk dikonsumsi’

Bukan - ….. *) is safe to be consumed ‘aman untuk


This new book is good to read

bukan - *)This book is good to be read

‘Buku ini bagus untuk dibaca’

(Catatan : Cermati dua data bercetak miring yang dikutip dari Pustaka, edisi Pebruari 2012:128), sbb: - The used of English term in Indonesian text are very easy to find, but the used of Balinese in English text is

quite unique and very interesting to be analyze.


2. 1. Istilah : paper, article, study (kajian), essay, report

Istilah untuk nama tulisan bisa dipilih : paper, article, study, essay, report, seperti contoh berikut:


This paper attempts to fill the gap by examining the

variation in the lexical verb apparent in the speech on Inner-Sydney adolescents. (BY Edina Eisikovis (Monash University-Australia : Australian Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 7, Number 1, June 1987, page 1-24)

Data for this study were taken from an early version of

the MPI-EVA Jakarta Chils Language Database (Gil and Tadmor 2007)

The article aims at presenting a description of

languages and cultures and the effect on the teaching of English as a Foreign Language in schools in Papua.( By Yohana Susana Yembise Universitas Cendrawasih)

This essay examines the playing aesthetic features in

Ekuechi facekuerade festival of the Ebira of Kogi State


University of Maiduguri, Nigeria)

The research reported here is an investigation on the

current status of un-electrified sub-villages around Bali. 2. 2.Kalimat Pembuka

2.2.1 Pronomina: saya ‘I’ vs kami ‘we’

Untuk kata ganti (pronomina) orang pada opening phrase dalam abstrak berbahasa Inggris biasanya lebih umum

digunakan Pronomina /I/ daripada /We/. Penggunaan /I/ ini pada umumnya terjadi apabila kalimat itu tidak bisa dibuat pasif, atau kalau dipasifkan, bernuansa kurang gramatikal.

… As for phonetic data, fortunately it can be now collected, stored and then analyzed using advanced

digital technology such as what follows, I will report

certain aspects of documenting,…. (Kalimat Aktif) Untuk menghindari apakah memakai I atau We, dalam bahasa ilmiah diusahakan menggunakan struktur pasif, bukan aktif. Tujuannya adalah bahwa sebuah tulisan ilmiah umumnya

lebih menonjolkan product daripada agent.(Quirk, et. 1985)

We carried out this research in Denpasar (Kalimat aktif)

--This research was carried out in Denpasar (kalimat


2.2.2 Verba : melakukan, melaksanakan ‘do…, carry out, ….


Verba yang lazim digunakan dalam kalimat aktif untuk mengungkapkan kalimat : ’Kami melakukan/mengadakan riset


ini di …….’ kalau diterjemahkan langsung menjadi ‘We made this research in …’ padahal ada yang lebih standar ilmiah yaitu : We did/carried out/performed this research in ….

Kalimat ini kalau dalam kalimat pasif menjadi : This research was done/carried out/performed in …….

2.3 Tujuan : aim/objective/goal/purpose

Untuk mengungkapkan tujuan, maksud, dan sasaran

sebuah tulisan ilmiah tersedia sejumlah leksikon yang bisa dipilih tanpa ada perbedaan makna yang signifikan, tetapi perlu diwaspadai bahwa jenis kata yang berbeda (Noun,Verb) bisa membuat kita tergelincir salah sehingga membuat struktur kalimat yang tidak standar.

(a) Nomina : aim, goal, purpose, objective ‘tujuan’

the aim of this paper is ……….

The specific aim of this study was to access the effect


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the

relation between ….

The goal of this paper is to describe the …..

The purpose of this study was to examine the potential

benefit of …

The objectives of this community service are …..

(b) Verba : to aim ‘bertujuan’; be intended ‘dimaksudkan’; attempt ‘berusaha’; design ‘merancang’; investigate

‘menginvestigasi’; examine ‘memeriksa,mengamati;

seek’mencari’. Khusus untuk leksikon verba aim yang

berpeluang diikuti oleh preposisi (i) AT dan (ii) TO, kita mesti berhati-hati dalam menggunakannya secara tepat. Aim AT

diikuti bisa oleh Verb+ING atau Frasa Nomina (FN); sedangkan Aim TO diikuti oleh Verba Infinitive (Verba I),

perhatikan contoh berikut ini (i) aim at …. : It aimed at + ing

It aimed at describing the potency of …. (describing

adalah Verb+ING) This paper aims at + FN


This article aims at an interpretation of the political current issues …. (an interpretation of the political current issues ….adalah Frasa Nomina)

(ii) aim to ….. vbI

The present study aimed to assess the development of

curriculum in this study program (assess adalah Verb

Infinitive/Verb I)

Untuk verba aim bisa dibentuk dalam kalimat pasif 

be + aimed ‘ditujukan untuk’

This paper was aimed at describing about ……

This article is aimed to ……

Pilihan lain untuk mengungkapkan maksud sebuah tulisan ilmiah adalah sebagai berikut :

This paper was originally intended to focus …..

This will attempt to address …

The present study attempted to enhance what is known

about the influence of

The present study was designed to compare the

analgesic efficacy, safety and adverse effects of …

The study was designed to determine the …. and ….

Leksikon investigate, evaluate, dan examine bisa

diikuti oleh beragam konstruksi, seperti berikut ini

The present study investigated how schemata activated

by …

The present study sought to evaluate the effects of

maximizing time spent in …

This study examined the instructional actions and

decisions of pre-service English as second language

2. 4. Metode dan Bahan :

Untuk mengungkapkan metode dan bahan penelitian atau tulisan, sejumlah leksikon yang disesuaikan bentuknya

dapat digunakan. Leksikon dimaksud adalah : random,

measure, compare, assess, obtain and digitalize, analyze, give, documentize, take, administer, carry out, conduct


…were randomly selected ... were randomized to ……

… were measured and compared to …. … were assessed in …..

… were obtained and digitalized at …… … were visually compared ……

… were analyzed through/using/by …. …. was given …..

…was documented by selecting … (tests) were administrated to student …. … is normally taken from …

... are administered and scored under the direction of… … was carried out/conducted ‘dilaksanakan’

2. 5 Hasil

Untuk mengungkapkan hasil dari sebuah penelitian, dalam abstrak bisa diungkapkan dengan sejumlah leksikon :

indicate, show, suggest, reveal

This analysis indicates that the following factors …

Of the 80 delineated joints, 30 showed upward ….

Analysis ……. reveals a significant difference

between ….. and ….

The result suggests that ….

The results suggest that …

Results from the interpretation of the data revealed that


Results indicate ….

2. 6 Simpulan

Bagian akhir dari sebuah abstrak berisi simpulan yang bisa diungkapkan dengan sejumlah leksikon : contribute,


improve, provide, achieve, realize, seem to …, appear to be, demonstrate, witness, be well advised that …., be considered that …

… may contribute to … can also improve …. … may provide ….. … should achieve … … should be realized … seem to have

There is evidence that reduces both positive and


Further studies are required to demonstrate any ….

In recent year, it has been witnessed that …

It was already argued that …

… System like schools is highlighted

It was emphasized that …

When traditional tests of reading comprehension are considered in

… by the critics’ arguments are well-advised

… can be significantly improved…

the xerostomia inventory appears to be a valid

multi-item method for …


3.1 Abstrak Berbahasa Inggris

Untuk memberi contoh penggunaan leksikon, ungkapan dan struktur kalimat yang tepat, beberapa contoh abstrak berbahasa Inggris disertakan pada bagian ini. Sumber abstrak – ada yang tidak dilengkapi dengan kata kunci – dikutip sedemikian rupa sesuai dengan aslinya. Pembaca diharapkan bisa mengadopsi cara-cara bagaimana mengungkapkan sesuatu dengan bahasa Inggris ilmiah. Mengingat beragamnya bentuk dan isi abstrak, tentu hal ini perlu disesuaikan dengan apa yang hendak pembaca tulis.


3.1.2 Abstrak dari Ilmu Humaniora


By : Edina Eisikovis (Monash University-Australia : Australian Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 7, Number 1, June 1987,

pages 1-24)

This paper attempts to fill the gap by examining the variation in the lexical verb apparent in the speech on Inner-Sydney adolescents. The focus of this paper will be on variation in irregular past tense and past participle forms. Two main questions will be addressed in order to identify the system underlying the variation apparent, and where appropriate, some remarks relating this variation to historical patterns are also included (1) what kinds of variation occur; (b) what linguistic/non-linguistic factors influence this variation


By : John Penhallurick

(Australian Journal of Linguistics,Vol. 7, Number 1, June 1987, pages 97-127)

The form and scope of auxiliary inversion in English is examined, and it is suggested that auxiliary inversion is a word-order form, signaling that some uncertain attaches in some way to the predicate. This meaning is shown to be semantically appropriate for all of the contexts (conditional clause, questions, initial negatives, ‘other openers’ and wishes) in which inversion appears. The importance of discourse context is stressed. Cases of pseudo-auxiliary inversion, involving be and have, are explained.




oleh : I Wayan Arka

(dalam WIBAWA BAHASA : untuk Prof. Dr. I Wayan Bawa, 2004. Halaman 40-50)

Language description and analysis requires good linguistic data. Linguistic research involving linguistic fieldwork aiming at linguistic data of high quality should take into account how such good data could be obtained. As for phonetic data, fortunately it can be now collected, stored and then analyzed using advanced digital technology such as what follows, I will report certain aspects of documenting, investigating, and analyzing of two alveolar sounds in Rongga using technique known as palatography. The analysis and conclusion are rather tentative as the Rongga Project is still in progress at the time of writing this paper.


By Peter Cole, Gabriella Hermon, David Gill and Uri Tadmor,

Max Planck Institute,Kelana Bahana sang Bahasawan,

persembahan untuk Prof. Soenjono Dardjowidjojo, 2008: 321-365)

The goal of this paper is to describe the distribution and acquisition of WH questions in the language of young children in Jakarta Indonesian. Very little work exists on the acquisition of Indonesian. One notable exception is the detailed description of the acquisition of Jakarta Indonesian by Soenjono Dardjowidjojo, in his book which documents the language development of his grandchild Echa (Soenjono, 2000). Our study was inspired by Soenjono’s pioneering research on acquisition. Data for this study were taken from an early version of the MPI-EVA Jakarta Child Language Database (Gil and Tadmor 2007)




I Nengah Sudipa, Frans I Made Brata, I Made Rajeg, Luh Putu Laksminy,

Ni Ketut Sri Rahayuni

Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra (Sumber:Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi)


This Community Service was conducted in Carangsari-Badung Utara, July-August 2010 in the form of Communicative English Training for the members of Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis). The members mostly work in providing services in terms of rafting, tracking, elephant camp, horse riding and safari as the potential tourism attractions owned by this village. The training materials were given through the respective steps namely : Orientation, Drills, Feedback and Continuation. It turns out that the members of Pokdarwis managed to improve their communicative ability since they have experienced in using English previously. The

members expected the team to continue giving more training in the future.

Key words : Orientation, Drills, Feedback, Continuation.


Yohana Susana Yembise

(Universitas Cendrawasih - Journal TEFLIN (Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia) vol. 22, Number 2

July 2011)

The article aims at presenting a description of languages and cultures and the effect on the teaching of English as a Foreign Language in schools in Papua. It starts with a general picture of the uniqueness of languages and cultures in Papua : its geography, the originality of the people, and the languages and cultures of both NAN and AN. The word “Papua” in the above title is the name of the Eastern Province in Indonesia. The article further presents ongoing controversial issues on the impact of linguistic and cultural diversity in Papua towards the educational development


including the TEFL pogram in this province. It then provides alternative solutions as reflected in the pedagogical

implications to be employed in multicultural classrooms particularly in Papua.

Key words : NAN = Non Austronesian, AN =Austronesian, TEFL =Teaching English as a Foreign Language



(University of Maiduguri : Bahan Lokakarya : Bahasa Inggris dalam Penulisan Artikel di Jurnal Internasional oleh Ali

Saukah, 2011)

This essay examines the playing aesthetic features in Ekuechi facekuerade festival of the Ebira of Kogi State I

Nigeria. The festival is interrogated from the view of participated-audience with sustained interpretation of its

performance form. Defining what constitutes playing within

the African performance sensibilities, the dynamics of Ekuechi festival and their artistic qualities as theatrical products become

the key ingredients used for examining the playing aesthetics: the playing space, the arts of singing, dancing and dramatizing with other supernumeric actions. It concludes that these artistic elements stand out as the primary coordinating aesthetic forces of the performative design of the Ekuechi event.


I Made Sumerta

(Sumber : Jurnal Penelitian BPSNT Denpasar) Penti traditional ceremony is carried out in Manggarai regency and it has spread to West Manggarai regency. This ceremony is a kind of thanksgiving ceremonies especially for the community members who have livehood based upon agriculture. Penti ceremony has cultural values which can be used as guidance by its society supporters. The cultural values implied in this ceremony are religious, spiritual, esthetics, ethics, mutual assistance and social.


Key words : Penti Traditional Ceremony and Cultural Values



A.A Gde Rai Griya dan Kadek Dwikayana (Sumber : Jurnal Penelitian BPSNT)

This research aims to reveal the kinds of silver and brass handicrafts, the existing production process and distribution in Kamasan village. It is moreover to understand the function and value of silver and brass crafts in Kamasan village based on Balinesse culture. This study uses deep interviews and observation techniques to collect the data, which is then analyzed by qualitative technique. Silver and brass crafts in Desa

Kamasan, Kabupaten Klungkung produce various kinds of handicrafts such as: bokor, batil (the small container

for holy water), dulang (the place for offerings ), caratan (place for holly water (kettle) and many others

depending on costumer orders. The craft made of silver and brass by the craftsmen in Kamasan village has economic, social, cultural functions as well as religious, spiritual and aesthetic values.




Oleh :

Abdul Asis

(Sumber: Jurnal Penelitian BPSNT)

Local wisdom is a means of local knowledge learned by the local society from generation to generation and is based on their experience towards their environments. It is considered suitable to conserve their environments. Since this is a descriptive research, the data was collected by interview and library research. Forestry management in traditional area of Karampuang society in Sinjai district holds consistently the principles of life using values and norms inherited traditionally from the former generation. Those local wisdoms are manifested in oral tradition containing the ancestor’s message to conserve and preserve the continuity of living well. The

intended message-expressions are in the forms of prohibition, inviting, and sanction. The traditional society of Karampuang still considers that the rules and norms are as the forms of local wisdom which should be preserved because they involve the continuity of human life, especially the traditional society of Karampuang.

Key words: local wisdom, prohibition, inviting,


(11) Tanah Tabu:

(sumber : Jurnal PUSTAKA Fakultas Sastra Unud)

The Papua’s rich nature made all foreign investors be attracted to explore it. Almost every year, the surrounding civilians have never had great opportunity to use those rich natures. Modernism brought by the foreign people has caused those Papua people to keep suffering from this capitalism.. There are some women domination under the capitalism rules, such as in politic party, capitalism of economic, militarism, and cultural hegemony that always happens there, and this made


kind of resistance, especially for women. The spirit of struggle by women still increases although they try to face social, cultural and political discrimination, for example as described in Tanah Tabu novel (2009) which took place at Papua. There are a lot of women depicted in this novel with many kind of expressions, such as Mabel, Mace, and Leksi. A family that had three different generations.

The relationship between environment and women problems were interesting enough to analyze through ecofeminism perspective. Mabel tried to save her mother land from environment exploitation by foreign people, it was done just for the next generation. It was also the same perspective as the socio-transformatiion of ecofeminism brought by Maria Mies dan Vandana Shiva. They offered subsistence perspective as a key to stop all destructive system for the beloved earth. This writing tried to construct women resistance in Papua by looking at Mabel in Tanah Tabu novels, from socio-transformation of ecofeminism perspective.

Keywords: Resistance, Environment, ecofeminism, Papua.

(12) Slang

(Sumber : Jurnal Pustaka, Fakultas Sastra Unud)

Slang is a specialized vocabulary used by a group of people of low position as their common language (vulgar type). This definition explains that slang has low status, and often associated with a particular social group that has vulgar features (rude, dirt, obscene). Interestingly, despite the negative connotations, slang has been absorbed into literature in Malaysia. In some works, such as Ahadiat Akashah, slang is very dominant in his narrative. He has created a different style as compared literary works produced before the 1990's. The

slang word that can be detected is kerek which means stubborn,

set (agree), tak ble (short form for tak boleh), kut-kut

(takut-takut) and sorang (seorang). In terms of form, slang can be

divided into two types: (i) an entirely new word with new meaning, and (ii) new words by recombining old words into new meanings (Fromkin & Rodman 1988).

The analysis of slang in this paper is based upon the division. This paper, particularly l examined the various forms of popular slang in literary works in Malaysia, and its impact on the style of authorship. Slang is discussed in terms of


stylistics, which is a subbranch of linguistic disciplines providing special attention to aspects of style in literary works. The study is expected to show the style of Malay literature in the 21st century, in particular, popular literature influenced by urban culture. What is meant by 'urban culture' is a contemporary lifestyle, which is not static but dynamic. Therefore, the urban lifestyle is exposed in literature.

Key words: slang, vulgar, social group, urban culture, Malay literature


(Sumber : SKRIPSI Sastra Inggris)

Children learn to speak by copying sound patterns heard around them and continue to improve their own production until it matches with the adult model. They are curious to know about the new vocabularies they have heard and try to pronounce it through the adult guidance. There are many methods can be used in introducing language to children. One of the best methods is by reading story book to children.

Through this activity, children can learn and acquire new vocabulary in the fun and relax situation.

This paper is entitled ”The Parents’ Influences to Children in Acquiring English Vocabulary through Reading Story Books’. Generally, it is aimed to analyze the effectiveness of story books in supporting children’s language acquisition. Specifically, it is aimed to analyse the language development of children through the story books as the media and to identify the factors influencing children’s language development. There are two main theories used in this research, namely theory of Laguage Acquisition(Berry and Eisenson,1973) and Language Development (Lee, 1979)

The data were collected by doing observation through 3 children (two children at age 3 and one child at age 6 yeras old) during the reading story session. This observation method was supported by documentation technique by recording the reading activity between children and mother to see the progress of children in acquiring English and by taking note all the English vocabulary pronounced by children. The story books chosen for this research are different for each child, based on their age and stage of language development.


From the result of the obeservation and analysis of the data, it was found that the story book, especially picture book, provides many values for children and effective to support children in acquiring English if it is given continuously. It was also found that the development of language is different from child to child, although they are in the same age. The factors influencing language development depend on environment, sex, economic status, and physiological condition and motor ability (Ida Ayu Mas Agung Prama Iswari)

Key words : story book, motor ability


(Sumber : Tesis Kajian Pariwisata, Unud)

Tourism especially in Bali, has given a real big influence into the regional economy. Tourism sector will remain as the leading sector for Bali’s economy for many years to come. In order to anticipate it, Bali provincial government through the tourism authority and other related divisions try to improve, and restructure the available tourist attractions, also develop new tourist attractions throughout the villages in Bali.

One of those villages is Kesiman Kertalangu village, Denpasar Timur district, in Denpasar city. Based on a mutual agreement,

Desa Budaya Kertalangu was officially opened on June 22nd,

2007. As a relatively new tourist attraction, Desa Budaya Kertalangu has a mission to bring conservation, education and Balinese cultural values.

The research purpose is to know Desa Budaya Kertalangu potencies and its well being as a relatively new tourist attraction in Denpasar city, from the tourist’s perspectives, especially concerning their motivation and perception about Desa Budaya Kertalangu. The research was conducted in October 2011, the informants were the Head of Kesiman Kertalangu Village, the manager of Desa Budaya Kertalangu and several staffs taken as samples through purposive sampling method. While the respondents were 30 foreign and domestic tourists taken as samples through accidental sampling method.

The result shows that Desa Budaya Kertalangu has an abundant cultural and natural potencies which still require to be developed. These potencies act as the motivators encouraging the tourists to visit. The dominant motivator is physical ones, which 30% of the respondents claimed. While


the tourists’ perception about Desa Budaya Kertalangu regarding attraction variables, indicates landscape/view, agriculture, and community activities as Very Good (VG) with 5,0, 4,4 and 4,3 score. From the accessibility variable, indicators which get Good (G) perception scores of 4,0 are location and the road’s condition to location. Next, from the amenities/facilities variable, jogging track and fishing pond indicators get Very Good (VG) perception from the respondents with 4,6 and 4,4. And the last from tourist organization variable, security indicator gets a Good (G) perception from the respondents with 4,0 score. Based on the research, generally speaking, the existence of Desa Budaya Kertalangu as a tourist attraction gets a good perception, although some indicators which get bad perception grades from the visitors require to be improved, and be able to deliver a more memorable tour experience.

Key words: Potencies, Motivators, Perception, Tourist Attraction.


(Sumber : Tesis Konsentrasi Terjemahan Linguistik, Unud) This study focusses on the translation of emotion in

Eat, Pray Love into Makan, Doa, Cinta by applying the

theories of : Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) and the techniques of translation .

The study was conducted based on the method of documentary study and observation. In presenting the analysis, the qualitative descriptive technique was applied in accordance with the problems and theoritical framework of this study. First the data were identified and classified based on the category of emotion concepts proposed by Wierzbicka(1999). After that, some of the relevant data were chosen to represent each emotion concept to analyze. The classified data were, furher analyzed based on the NSM theory in order to know the semantic features of the English emotion lexicon and its translation.


The study used the theory of translation (Larson, 1998), the category of emotion concepts based on six general themes, the NSM, and the techniques of translation.

The result of this study shows that there are six emotion concepts found in Eat, Pray,Love as well as Makan, Doa,

Cinta. They covers all the categories of emotion concept proposed by Wierzbicka. This study proves the importance of applying NSM theory in translatio. It emphasizes that NSM is useful and applicable in determining the closest equivalent of a lexicon. In translating the English emotion lexicon into Indonesian, the techniques used were literal translation, reduction, discursive creation, modulation and established equivalent technique.(Putu Dian Aryswari Octania Dewi)

Key words : translation , emotion, NSM, Translation technique




(sumber: tesis S2 konsentrasi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Bahasa)

This study aimed at finding out whether the use of

chain card game approach could improve the writing skill of

passive simple presenet tense mastery. The subjects of this study are the eight grade studets of SMPN 1 Tegallang in the academic year of 2011/2012. The samples were purposely taken from class F consisting of 38 students (18 male and 20 female).

The study was designed in the form of action-based research involving four steps in each cycle, namely : planning, action, observation and reflection. Each cycle consisted of three sessions, two sessions are for conducting the actions and one for administering pot-test. In order to collect the data, four instruments were used: test, observation, sudents’ diary and interview. The data analysis was presented in the table and


chart of progressive analysis, as well as also in descriptive narrative sentences.

The results of the quantitative data showed that the use of chain card game could improve the passive simple present tense mastery of the eight grade student at SMPN 1 Tegallang. It could be seen from the result of the students’ achievement tests and the students’ involment which improved continously during the application of the technique. The mean score of students was 60 in the pre-test, which was categorized into fair level of mastery. After having treatment in the first cycle, the students’ mean improved to 72.1 categorized into a fair level of mastery. In the second cycle, the students’ mean score improved to 80.4 categorized into good level of mastery. This improvement was supported by the qualitative data. The qualitative data indicated that the students could master passive simple present tense. Furthermore, the result of students’ diary was 71.05% in the first cycle and 94.74% in second cycle. Besides, observation reveals that 76.31% in first cycle and 92.1% in second cycle.

It is highly expected that this study on the use of chain card game in teaching passive simple present tense will

encourage other researchers to implement linguistic theories in performing either classroom action or experiment research in the field of language teaching and learning, for the sake of improving the students’ skills in English and also advancing the theories of linguistics and language teaching.

Key words : approach, writing, passive simple present tense


(sumber : Tesis konsentrasi LINGUISTIK MURNI, Unud)

This cognitive Linguistics and corpus-based study investigates the polysemic nature of the English body-part lexeme, i.e. HEAD, in terms of (i) the cognitive motivations

grounding the various type of head’s extended senses, (ii) the

correlation with the constructions within which head exhibits

its semantic extensions, and (iii) the relatedness among the

clsuter of head’s distinct senses in the context of its semantic

network. The data comes from the web achieve of eight British


Thirteen types of extended senses are found within the figurative citations with the lexeme HEAD. The ’leader; to

lead’ sense quantitatively tops the figurative citations (354 out of 492 figurative citations). The other types of the extended senses include ’mind’, ’motion I & II’, most important part, spatial location, advantage, hair, scalp, person, forestall, propel (the ball) by striking it with the head, sand strike (someone) with the head.

The head’s prototypical meaning motivates its

extensions via the interaction between metaphor, metonymy, and also the shematic constructional meanings of the constructions framing those senses. Typically, head initially

undergoes metonymic extensions. Later, some of these are involved in a metaphoric relation, either as the source or target domain, evoked as the motivation behind the whole constructions’ meaning associated with the extensions. Two core configurations for the metonymic extensions emerge:

”WHOLE- PART” and ”PART-PART”. The head’s diverse

senses can be categorized by one phonological form [hed] based on family resemblance. It means the extension do not necesssarily embody all of head’s prototypical properties.

Metaphor and metonymy build the link between the extended

senses and the head’s prototypical properties. The head’s

prototypical meaning and its extensions form a semantic network via elaboration and extension relationships.(Gede Primahadi Wijaya R)

Key words : Cognitive Linguistics, Polysemy, HEAD,



(Sumber : LPPM Unud)

The object of the study is Dwijenda Text (hereinafter abbreviated to DT). It contains interesting narrations and is importantly related to the dharmayatra, the holy religious

journey made by Dang Hyang Nirartha, the chrarismatic figure, in Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa. Before the analysis of reception was conducted, the corpus of DT text compeletely and strucrurally telling the religious journey made by Dang Hyang Nirartha was successfully determined. The analysis in this study was made to answer the following questions: what is the narrative structure of DT text; what are the enlightenment


image entities of the dharmayatra of DT text; how do people appreciate the dharmayatra of DT text? The answers to the narrative structure of DT text; the image entities and the appreciation provided by people are the main objectives of this study. The theories adopted in this study are the theory of reception introduced by Jauss, the theory of semiotics introduced by Pierce and the theory of mythology introduced by Barthes. As a qualitative study, the data needed were collected by the methods of observation, note-taking, documentation and interview supported with a sound recorder and pictures. The results of the analysis are informally presented, it means that they are verbally described in the form of words which are systematically composed based on the problems formulated in this study. The analysis of the narrative structure of DT text contains narrarative units which are in the forms of theme, characters and plots. They all unite to form stories which are mythological, legendary, symbolic, hagiographic and suggestive in nature. Based on the analysis of enlightenment image entities, it can be said that there are three basic entities leading to the creation of DT text. They are : first enlightment, second protection of Hindhuism, and third construction of temple institutions. Based on the reception

analysis, it can be concluded that people, through their literary works, books, articles and websites, appreciate the discourse of the dharmayatra performed in Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa. ( Disertasi S3 oleh Ida Bagus Rai Putra)

Key words : dharmayatra, Dwijendra tattwa text; journey

3.1.2 Abstrak dari Ilmu Eksakta





1Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana;

2Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Udayana Denpasar Bali


The activity of this community services was carried out on September 20, 2009 at Taro Village, Gianyar Regency. The purpose of this community services is to share knowledge about the health management of livestocks to the Taro cattle’s breeders. The other purposes are to avoid the economic loss caused by the death of animals, by giving animal health service and epizootic septichemic vaccination to the Taro cattle.

Among this thirty nine Taro cattles, twenty five (64.10%) were vaccinated with epizootic septichemic vaccine and three of

them were injected with B complex vitamin. All the cattles were also sprayed with insecticide to control the insect attack. From the enormous responses and enthusiasm of the Taro cattle’s breeders, it can be concluded that the activity came into satisfying result. Since the Taro cattles are an asset in Bali, in the future the similar activities should be done regularly. It is suggested that the government should spend budget for Taro cattle maintenances and their health services.

Key Words: Knowledge-Share, Animal Health Service, Taro Bali Cattle



Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma viride

Oleh : Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, Nyoman Semadi Antara and Anak Agung Made Dewi Anggreni

Department of Agroindustrial Technology Faculty of Agricultural Technology

Udayana University (sumber : LPPM Unud)

Objective of the research was to find out sources of lignocelluloses that could be converted to simple sugars especially glucose as raw material in bioethanol production as renewable energy resource. Bioethanol production in efficient process particularly on step of delignification was another aim


of the research, so that the process could be applied in industrial scale.

Some solid wastes such as paddy straw, corn stalk, bagasse, waste of wood industry, were used as raw material of lignocelluloses resource. The raw material was dried, ground into small particles, and delignified by using sodium hydroxide

(NaOH) solution, ammonia, and H2O2 in different

concentration and soaking time. These chemical treatments were done to reduce lignin content of the raw material and to change the amorphism of cellulose to be more amorphous. Two kinds of cellulose resources were chosen based on value of its potency with the best chemical treatment for delignification. These selected cellulose and chemical used for delignification

process were then used on the next experiment continued by

saccharification using crude enzyme of Aspergillus niger and

Trichoderma viride. Combination treatment of substrate as raw

material and filtrate of mould used in saccharification process that produced the highest simple sugars (glucose) was then selected for the next step of bioethanol production.

Results of the research showed that NaOH solution was the most effective chemical substance used in delignification process. This solution also could increase the water retention

value (WRV) of the lignocelluloses. Bagasse and corn stalk were the potential agriculture waste to be used as raw material in bioethanol production. After delignification process, this raw material contained cellulose, lignin, and WRV of about 69.46%, 8.79%, and 8.42, respectively. Crude enzyme

produced by Aspergillus niger showed higher activity than the

enzyme produced by Trichoderma viride. The crude enzyme

had FP-ase activity (bagasse as substrate) was about 0.0226 U and CMC-ase activity (corn stalk as substrate) was about

0.0606 U. The other advantages of using Aspergillus niger is

able to grow in wide range of temperature and easier to grow than T. viride.

Key words: chemical treatment, lignocellulose, saccharification, culture filtrate, Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma viride

(3) Un-electrified Sub-villages around Bali and Local Resources

For Renewable Electrical Energy Generation


Nyoman S Kumara, WG Ariastina, IAD Giriantari, W Sukerayasa

Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Udayana University

(Sumber : LPPM Unud)

Bali is one of main tourist destinations in Indonesia both for domestic and international travelers. This has transformed the island into one of the provinces in Indonesia that enjoys good economy and hence achieves relatively good living standards for most of the population. However, it appears there are areas in Bali still without access to electricity which is an essential need in today’s life. World has recognized that electricity is a necessary support for achieving many of the millennium development goals. The research reported here is an investigation on the current status of un-electrified sub-villages around Bali. It also presents results on assessment of local resources such as natural, social and human resources available in those areas. Solution based on application of renewable electrical energy generation is proposed to provide green and sustainable electrical energy for basic uses in the sub-villages around Bali.

Key words: Bali rural electrification, un-electrified

sub-villages, renewable electricity generation, Bali electricity system

(4) Evaluasi Crude Antigen Dari Cairan Kista Taenia saginataUntuk Uji Serologis Taenia saginata Sisteserkosis

Oleh :

Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, I Made Dwinata, dan I Made Damriyasa

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar - Bali, INDONESIA

(Sumber : LPPM Unud)

Taeniasis-cysticercosis is still an animal and public health problems in developing countries, that pig and cattle are the primary intermediate hosts. Many provinces in Indonesia are endemic for taeniasis/cysticercosis. Data on these zoonotic


diseases in Indonesia are scarce due to lack of diagnosis methods for detecting the diseases. Serological assays are important methods for epidemiological studies; this method can be applied to identify endemic areas. Antigen preparation

from cyst fluid of Taenia saginata metacestode was used for

diagnosis by using ELISA methods with the objective of further validating the method as a field diagnostic test. After check board titration the optimal results of ELISA were obtained by employing the antigen dilution at 1:160, with conjugate diluted at 1:4000 and serum at 1:80. Cut off value was 0.655. Using cyst fluid as antigen in ELISA method we observed sensitivity 87.5% and specificity 88.9%. We concluded that ELISA performed with cyst fluid antigen of

Taenia saginata metacestodes is a good tool for the diagnosis


Key Words: Cyst fluid, Taenia saginata, antigen, ELISA

(5) Immunological Detection of Rabies Virus in BrainTissues of Infected Dogs by Monoclonal Antibodies

Nyoman Mantik Astawa1, Ida Bagus Kade Suardana1,

Luh Putu Agustini2, Faiziah2

1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University,

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia 2Virology Laboratory, Disease

Investigation Centre Regional VI Denpasar, Bali Indonesia (Sumber : LPPM Unud)

In order to establish an immunological detection of rabies virus in tissues of infected dogs, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against rabies virus (RV) were produced. The Mabs were produced by fusion of mieloma cells with the lymphocytes of mice immunized with RV. The mAbs produced were then characterized and used for the detection of rabies virus in brain tissues of the infected dogs. Six mAbs designated CC6, EG4, DG10, BB12, CA9 dan EB5 were used in this study. In Western blotting test, some mAbs reacted with 66 KDa which is the glycoprotein of the virus. In immunoperoxedase, 2 mAbs (CC6 and DG10) detected RV in th brain of infected dogs. By direct immunoflourescenec, flourescnce isotyocyanate (FITC) labelled DG10 mAbs detected RV in fresh and formaldehyde fixed brain tissues. RV was detected in 12 infected dogs but not in normal uninfected dogs. In this study it was confirmed that rabies virus can be


detected in the brain tissues of infected dogs by monoclonal antibodies.

3.2 Abstrak Berbahasa Indonesia diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia

Bagian ini memuat contoh Abstrak berbahasa Indonesia yang diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan, pemilihan leksikon, pengurutan kata, dan penyusunan kalimat yang diterjemahkan.

3.2.1 Abstrak dari Ilmu Eksakta



Ida Bagus Made Suryatika, S.Si, M.Si. Dra. I Gusti Agung Ayu Ratnawati, M.Si. Prof. Dr. Drs. I Made Dira Swantara, M.Si.

(Sumber : LPPM Unud)


Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisa konsentrasi aktivitas tritium dalam sampel air laut di beberapa pantai yang dipakai sebagai obyek wisata di Bali. Sampel air laut diambil, kemudian didestilasi dan dielektrolisa, hasilnya di cacah dengan liquid scintilation counter (LSC). Kosentrasi aktivitas tritium di pantai

kotamadya Denpasar dan Kabupaten Badung diperoleh dengan sebaran 4,2 x 10-5 Bq/L hingga 4,5 x 10-5 Bq/L.

Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan kosentrasi Tritium di pantai tersebut masih jauh dari ambang batas yang diperkenan melalui SK Bapeten, yakni KA. BAPETEN at

SK. No. 2 / Ka BAPETEN / 1999, i.e. 1 x 105 Bq/L. Dari

penelitian ini direkomendasikan pantai di kedua wilayah itu layak dipakai sebagai daerah tujuan pariwisata jika ditinjau dari bahaya pencemaran radiasi Beta dari radio Isotop Tritium.

Kata kunci: 3H, air, elektroda, pencacah sintilasi cair,

Tritium,Beta, pariwisata


It has been carried out an investigation of tritium activity concentration in seawater samples in some beaches of tourism area in Bali. Seawater samples were distilled, electrolyzed, and


then the results obtained from electrolyze were counted by

liquid scintilation counter (LSC). The Tritium activity

concentration obtained in Denpasar and Badung beaches was from 4,2 x 10-5 Bq/L to 4,5 x 10-5 Bq/L. The result obtained

from this research figures out that the tritium activity concentration is much less than the limited concentration of Government rule of Bapeten, based on the SK Bapeten, namely KA. BAPETEN At SK. No. 2 / Ka BAPETEN / 1999, i.e. 1 x

105 Bq /L. Base on this research, it can be recommended that

both beach areas are safe from tritium and Beta of tritium isotope radiations for tourism objects.

Key words: 3H, water, electrolyze, electrode, liquid

scintillation counter, tourism, tritium




Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono, I Gusti Ngurah Agung dan M. Surya Pramana Mahardika

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Udayana (Sumber : LPPM Unud)


Tujuan penelitian adalah 1) mengetahui pengaruh jenis olahan kering, cara pengolahan akhir ketela dan interaksi keduanya terhadap kandungan gizi dan kadar pati resisten olahan kering ketela serta kenaikan glukosa darah setelah dikonsumsi tubuh, 2) mengetahui olahan kering dan cara pengolahan akhir ketela yang tepat sehingga menghasilkan produk yang mengandung pati resisten dan gizi yang tertinggi tetapi menyebabkan peningkatan kandungan gula darah yang terendah.

Metode penelitian disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan percobaan faktorial. Faktor pertama yaitu jenis olahan kering dengan perlakuan : keripik, chips, kerupuk dan snack. Faktor kedua cara pengolahan akhir dengan perlakuan penggorengan dan pengovenan. Percobaan dilaksanakan secara bioassay menggunakan 80 ekor hewan coba tikus yang dibagi menjadi 8 kelompok perlakuan kombinasi. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap kandungan gizi dan kadar pati resisten


olahan kering ketela serta kenaikan glukosa darah setelah dikonsumsi tubuh

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis olahan kering, cara pengolahan ketela dan interaksi keduanya berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar pati, namun berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kadar air, abu, protein, lemak, total gula, gula reduksi, kadar pati resisten dan kenaikan glukosa darah dalam tubuh setelah mengkonsumsi olahan ketela tersebut. Olahan kering ketela yang dapat digunakan untuk pencegahan dan konsumsi penderita diabetes mellitus adalah keripik ketela yang dioven dan memiliki kadar air 3.27%, abu 2.58%, protein 3.42%, lemak 1.79%, total gula 7.98%, gula reduksi 3.35%, pati 50.02%, pati resisten 39.29% dan menyebabkan kenaikan glukosa darah sebesar 8 mg/lt.


The research was aimed to determine the effect of the form of dry food products, and final processing of sweet potato and their interaction, on the nutrition content, resistant starch of the products, and the increasing level of blood glucose of mice after consuming the products. The research was also aimed to find out the best form of dry product that contained the highest

resistant starch and nutrition, and the product was expected to be able suppressing the increasing level of blood glucose content.

The method of the research was based on the completed random design with the factorial experiment two factors were experimented, the first factor was the form of dry food products with four kinds of the product from namely: crispy, chip, cracker and snack. The second factor was final processing with two kinds of methods were experiment was done using so nice which divided into eight blocks of combination treatments of the experiments. The nutrition content, resistant starch of dry food products and the increasing level of blood glucose of mice after consuming the products were observed during the experiment.

The result of the research showed that the form of dry food products and the final processing of sweet potato, and their interaction as well, have a significant effect on starch content of the products and content of moisture, ash, protein, lipid, total sugar, reducing sugar, resistant starch and the increasing level of blood glucose of mice after consuming the product. The crispy form of dry sweet potato product and final


processed by oven roasting was the best product which could suppress the increasing level of blood glucose of mice to 8 mg/L and has resistant starch of about 39.29%. This product also had the best nutrition content such as content of protein, lipid, total sugar and starch of about 3.42%, 1.79%, 7.98%, and 50.02%, respectively.



Suata,K*, A.A.N.Gunawan**, Retno Kawuri**. *: Bagian Mikrobilogi Fak.Kedokteran Univ.Udayana

**: Fakultas MIPA Univ.Udayana (Sumber : LPPM Unud)


Pengobatan alternatif dengan tenaga biomagnetik berkembang dengan pesat dalam menangani kasus-kasus infeksi maupun non infeksi yang masih banyak ditemukan di Indonesia, namun belum ada penelitian ilmiah yang dilaporkan mengenai hal ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bentuk

dan besar amplitudo gelombang, kekuatan energi dan hambatan

pertumbuhan bakteri ETEC B2432 pada media nutrient agar

(NA). antara kelompok dengan tenaga biomagnetik tidak terlatih (kontrol) dan yang terlatih (Persiapan Payung/PP dan Bayu Pamungkas/BP ). Penelitian menggunakan metoda obserfasional dan eksperimental, antara bulan Mei sampai dengan Agustus 2009.

Hasil penelitian dari 30 orang sampel (masing-masing sepuluh orang dari kelompok kontrol, PP dan BP), menunjukkan bahwa bentuk gelombang antara kelompok kontrol, PP, dan BP tampaknya ada perbedaan, yang ditentukan oleh besarnya amplitudo masing-masing gelombang. Dari analisa amplitudo ditemukan beda rerata amplitudo kelompok PP dan BP berturut-turut 5,90 dan 8,91 volt lebih besar bermakna dari kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p<0,01. Hal yang sama juga terlihat antara kelompok BP dan PP dimana BP menghasilkan rerata amplitudo 3,01 volt lebih besar dari PP yang secara statistik berbeda bermakna dengan p<0,01 Analisa kekuatan energi menunjukkan bahwa kelompok PP dan BP menghasilkan energi lebih besar dari kelompok kontrol, berturut-turut 8,573 dan 4,204 -Joule. Perbedaan tersebut secara statistik


bermakna dengan p<0,05. Sedangkan antara kelompok PP dan BP menunjukkan kekuatan energi tidak berbeda bermakna secara stattistik dengan p>0,05. Pertumbuhan bakteri ETEC B2432 menunjukkan bahwa rerata pertumbuhan koloni kelompok PP dan BP adalah 174,16 dan 220,50 koloni secara berturutan, lebih kecil dari kelompok kontrol ; antara kelompok BP dan PP, rerata pertumbuhan koloni kelompok PP adalah 46,33, lebih kecil dari kelompok BP. Perbedan diatas secara statistik bermakna (p<0.01). Perbedaan tersebut secara statistik sangat bermakna dengan p<0,01.

Dari hasil penelitian di atas dapat kami simpulkan bahwa kelompok PP dan BP mempunyai amplitudo gelombang, kekuatan energi, dan hambatan pertumbuhan ETEC B2432 pada media NA, lebih besar dari kelompok kontrol, namun antara kelompok PP dan BP menunjukkan kekuatan energi yang tidak berbeda bermakna. Masih banyak hal yang belum diketahui yang berkaitan dengan tenaga biomagnetik, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan untuk mengkaji lebih dalam tentang peranan tenaga biomagnetik khususnya yang berkaitan dengan bidang kesehatan.

Kata kunci : tenaga biomagnetik, amplitudo gelombang, energi, bakteri ETEC.B2432


Alternative therapy using biomagnetic power has developed very fast recently on infectious and non infectious cases, which are still very common in Indonesia. However, there is no scientific study has been reported on this matter.The purposes of this study were to determine the wave pattern and amplitude, the energy power, and the growth inhibition of ETEC B2432 onto nutrient agar plate (NA) between group of people with biomagnetic power who has not been trained (control) and those who have well trained (Persiapan Payung /PP and Bayu Pamungkas/BP), The study method comprised observational and experimental method, carried out from May and August 2009.

The results of study among 30 people (10 people each of the control, PP, and BP) showed that the wave pattern between control, PP, and BP groups differed depending on the level of wave amplitude. From analysis of amplitude we found that the amplitude mean of PP and BP groups were 5.90 and 8.91 volt respectively, significant higher than control group


(p<0.01). Similar finding was also seen between BP and PP groups, the amplitude mean of BP group was 3.01 higher than PP group which was significantly different (p<0.01). From analysis of energy power showed that the energy power of PP and BP groups were 8.575 and 4.204 Joule respectively, statistically significant difference higher than control group (p<0.05), however the energy power between PP and BP group showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Mean colonies growth of PP and BP groups were 174.16 and 220.50 colonies respectively, less than control group; between BP and PP groups, the mean colonies growth of BP group was 46.33 colonies, less than PP group. The above differences were significant difference (p<0.01).

From the results of this study we conclude that PP and BP groups had wave amplitude, energy power, and growth inhibition of ETEC B2432 on NA agar plates higher than control group, however between PP and BP groups, the energy power was not significant difference. Many aspects of biomagnetic power are still not yet clear, therefore, further studies are needed to explore in more detail the role of biomagnetic power especially in the field of health.

Key words : biomagnetic power, wave amplitude, energy power, ETEC B2432.

3.2.2 Abstrak dari Ilmu Humaniora


Cok Istri Suryawati

(Sumber : Jurnal Penelitian BPSNT Denpasar)


Rumah adat tradisional di NTB mempunyai bentuk yang khas dan unik yang tidak terlihat ada pada rumah adat lainnya. Yang memberikan ciri khas dan unik itu adalah lantainya yang terbuat dari campuran kotoran kerbau, sehingga kelihatan hitam mengkilap. Pelestarian arsitektur tradisional yang dimaksud di sini adalah pengetahuan yang dimiliki masyarakat setempat untuk mengelola lingkungan. Pengetahuan tersebut melahirkan perilaku hasil dari adaptasi mereka terhadap lingkungan, sehingga


post-test results in which there were fewer students whoc made mistakes in listening and pronouncing distinctive sounds. The audio-lingual method was appropriate to the teaching of the aural skill as it employed listening-imitation-practice-production to teach English pronunciation. By listening to how it is supposed to sounds, students should be able to mimic the model.

It is highly expected that this study on the use of articulatory phonetics in listening courseswould encourage other researchers to implemen linguistic theories in performing either class action research or experimental research in the field of language teaching and learning, for the sake of improving the students’ skills in English and also advancing the theories of linguistics and language teaching.( Denok Lestari)

Keywords : listening; pronunciation; articulatory phonetics; language teaching and learning.

(Catatan: contoh Abstrak ini menggunakan kalimat-kalimat panjang, para pembaca diharapkan menghindarinya dengan cara membuat kalimat yang lebih pendek, tetapi tetap bermakna)


Panduan dalam buku ini tidak saja hanya dibaca melainkan tentu mesti dicoba dipraktekkan untuk ditulis. Mencoba dari bentuk dan makna kalimat bahasa Inggris yang sederhana, lalu menulis kalimat yang lebih panjang dan kompleks untuk mewakili kompleksitas pikiran seorang ilmuan. Bersandar dari pemahaman akan frasa, klausa dan kalimat serta pemilihan leksikon yang standar, jalan menuju penulisan artikel ilmiah bersifat internasional bukanlah hanya impian.


Ajektiva = adjective ‘ kata sifat, kata keadaan’ Adverbial = adverb ‘kata keterangan’


Cf = compare ‘bandingkan’ Essay = esai

Gerund ‘bentuk –ing berfungsi setengah nomina, setengah verba, biasanya digunakan setelah kata depan ‘Preposisi, atau Verba tertentu’

Kajian ‘study’

Kategori = jenis kata : kata benda, kerja, sifat dllnya. Keyword ‘kata kunci’

Laporan ‘report’

Leksikon = vocabulary ‘kata, kosakata’ Makalah ‘paper’

Morfologis ‘yang bersifat pembentukan kata dengan : awalan, akhiran atau sisipan’

Nomina = Noun ‘kata benda’

Paper ‘makalah, sejenis tulisan ilmiah’

Past Participle Construction ‘bentuk verb+ed (VbIII) bernuansa

Present Participle Construction ‘bentuk verb+ing (Vb+ing) bernuansa aktif bermakna ‘yang me ….’

Pronomina = Pronoun ‘kata ganti’

Sintaksis ‘yang berhubungan dengan susunan frasa, klausa, kalimat, alenia sampai wacana’

Semantik ‘yang berkaitan dengan makna, atau arti’ Verba = verb ‘kata kerja’


Daftar Buku/makalah

Ambarawati, I Gusti Agung Ayu. 2011. Kiat-kiat Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah untuk Jurnal. Bahan Lokakarya Penulisan Artikel Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 17 Nop 2011 di Hotel Patricia Sanur

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Ferguson, GA. 1971. Langage Structure and Language Use. Stanford:Standford University Press.

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Hunddleston, R. 1984. Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Platt, John T. 1979. ‘Variation and Implication Relationships Copula Realization in Singaporean English in General Linguistics. 19.1-14.

Quirk, Randolp; Sydney Greenbaum; Starvit and Leech. 1985. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London:Longman

Saukah, Ali. Bahasa Inggris dalam Penulisan Artikel di Jurnal Internasional. Bahan Lokakarya di ISI Denpasar, 9 Desember 2011.

Sudipa, I Nengah, dkk. 2010. Interferensi Bahasa Ibu pada Bahasa Tulis Mahasiswa di Bali, hasil Penelitian Hibah Udayana

Sudipa, I Nengah. 2011. Interferensi Bahasa Indonesia pada penulisan Abstrak Berbahasa Inggris Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi, paper disajikan pada Konferensi Internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (KIMLI) di Bandung, 9-12 Oktober 2011.

Sudipa, I Nengah. 2012. Tip Menyikapi Surat Edaran Dikti, No, 152/E/T/2012. Majalah Wahana, Universitas Udayana.


Zifirdaus Adnan, SPd, MA, Phd. Dan Dra. Indrawati. 2009. Merebut hati Audiens Internasional: Strategi Jitu Meraih Publikasi di Jurnal Ilmiah.Jakarta: MLI

Pedoman Penulisan Karya lmiah, 2000. Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah.Depdiknas: Universitas Negeri Malang

LPPM Unud, 2012. Panduan Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Udayana Dana DIPA PNBP Universitas Udayana

Surat Edaran Dirjen Dikti, No. 152/E/T/2012, tertanggal 27 Januari 2012, tentang Publikasi karya Ilmiah bagi mhs S1,S2 dan S3 sebelum menyelesaikan studi.

Daftar Jurnal sumber Abstrak

LPPM kumpulan Abstrak jurnal (laman LPPM)

Pustaka : Jurnal lmu-ilmu Budaya, Diterbitkan oleh Yayasan Guna Widya Fakultas Sastra Unud

KIMLI (Kongres Internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia) Kumpulan makalah, 9-12 Oktober 2011, UPI Bandung

JOURNAL TEFLIN (Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Australian Journal of Linguistics, vol 7, Number 1, June 1987 Jurnal Jnana Budaya, media Informasi Sejarah Sosial dan Budaya, vol. 16. No. 1 Pebruari 2011, diterbitkan oleh Balai Pelestarian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional (BPSNT),

Jurnal Penelitian : Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional, vol 18, No. 1, Maret 2011, diterbitkan oleh Balai Pelestarian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional (BPSNT)

Wibawa Bahasa, untuk Prof. Dr. I Wayan Bawa, penerbit Program Pascasarjana (S2/S3) Linguistik Universitas Udayana, 1 Agustus 2004

Kelana Bahana sang Bahasawan, Persembahan untuk Prof. Soenjon Dardjowidjojo, Phd dalam rangka ulang tahun yang ke-70. Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya, Agustus 2008

Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi, Penerbit Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Udayana, 2009-2010-2011

Jurnal Ilmiah, Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia “Linguistik Indonesia”, tahun ke-29, No. 2 Agustsu 2011


Kumpulan Abstrak Tesis PS Linguistik Unud Kumpulan Abstrak Tesis Kajian Pariwisata Unud


i n e n g a H su Di P a , lahir di Pesangkan-Duda Timur, Selat - Karangasem, 31 Juli 1954, S1 : Sastra Inggris Unud, S2 : Linguistic Department of Monash


University-Melbourne Australia, S3 : Linguistik Unud, Guru Besar, 1 September 2006.

Buku-buku yang sudah dihasilkan :




MUTAKHIR, (memperingati Jubilium Emas Fakultas Sastra Unud)


2010. STRUKTUR SEMANTIK VERBA KEADAAN BAHASA BALI, penerbit : Udayana University Press, ISBN 978-602-8566-88-9

2011. INTERFERENSI : Pengaruh Bahasa Indonesia dalam Bahasa Inggris. Penerbit Udayana University Press. ISBN 978-602-9042-27-6

2012 BAHASA INGGRIS PADA ABSTRAK JURNAL ILMIAH, Memperingati Ulang Tahun Emas Universitas Udayana.