Spondilitis tuberkulosa merupakan salah satu bentuk tuberkulosis
ekstrapulmonal yang paling sering dan membahayakan. Selain meningkatkan
angka morbiditas dan mortalitas, penyakit ini juga menurunkan produktivitas
masyarakat. Mengingat insidensi dari penyakit ini masih banyak di Indonesia,
perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai penyakit ini.
Penelitian telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan studi deskriptif
dengan rancangan kros-seksional, data diambil dari rekam medis pasien
spondilitis tuberkulosa yang dirawat inap di RSUP Dr.Hasan Sadikin selama
periode Januari 2008- Desember 2011. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk
mengetahui karakteristik penderita spondilitis tuberkulosa.
Dari 54 penderita sebanyak 26 (48,1%) pria dan 28 (51,9%) wanita
dengan perbandingan pria:wanita = 1:1,08. Insidensi tertinggi terjadi pada
kelompok usi 31-40 tahun (33,3%). Pendidikan penderita terbanyak adalah SMP
(7,4%) dan paling banyak bekerja sebagai ibu rumah tangga (16,7%). Penderita
terbanyak tidak memiliki riwayat spondilitis tuberkulosa dalam keluarga (25,9%).
Keluhan utama penderita yang paling sering didapatkan adalah nyeri punggung
(59,3%) dan lokasi infeksi yang paling banyak terdapat di segmen vertebra lumbal
(48,1%). Kebanyakan pasien datang tanpa adanya defisit neurologis (46,3%).
Pada penelitian ini ditemukan terjadinya penurunan hemoglobin dan hematokrit

(72,2%), sedangkan hitung leukosit nomal (51,9%) begitu pula dengan hitung
trombosit yang kebanyakan normal (92,6%). Hasil laju endap darah kebanyakan
penderita naik (75,9%). Pemeriksaan ICT menunjukan hasil yang negatif pada 25
penderita (46,3%). C-reactive protein ditemukan meningkat pada kebanyakan
penderita (72,2%). Pada hasil pemeriksaan radiologis toraks, paling banyak
(25,9%) ditemukan positif, terdapat tuberkulosa paru aktif. Terapi yang paling
banyak dilakukan adalah terapi operatif (85,2%).
Kata kunci : spondilitis tuberkulosa




Tuberculosis spondylitis is one of the most frequent and dangerous form of
extrapulmonary tuberculosis. In addition to increased morbidity and mortality,
this disease also reduces the productivity of society. The incidences of this disease
are still high in Indonesia, therefore it is necessary to conduct further research
on this subject.

A descriptive study has been conducted using cross sectional methode, data
were taken from medical records of patients who were diagnozed tuberculosis
spondylitis and hospitalized in RSUP Dr.Hasan Sadikin during the period of
January 2008 until December 2011. The purpose of this study is to investigate the
characteristics of patients with tuberculosis spondylitis.
From the observed 54 patients, 26 (48.1%) is male and 28 (51.9%) is female
with a ratio of male : female = 1:1,08. The highest incidence occurred at the age
group of 31-40 years (33.3%). Education’s level mostly are Junior High School
(7.4%) and the mostly occupancy is as housewives (16.7%). Most patients do not
have a family background of tuberculosis spondylitis (25.9%). The symptoms of
diseases that most patients suffer is back pain (59.3%) and location of the
infection occurs mostly in the lumbar vertebral segments (48.1%). Most patients
arrive at the hospital without any neurological deficits (46.3%). It is found in this
study that there is a decline in hemoglobin and hematocrit (72.2%), while the
leukocyte count is normal (51.9%) as well as the platelet count mostly is also
normal (92.6%). The results of erythrocyte sedimentation rate of most patients
show an increase (75.9%). ICT examination shows negative results in 25 patients
(46.3%). C-reactive protein is found to be increased in most patients (72.2%). The
result of thoracic radiologic examinations are found to be mostly positive (25.9%)
that there is an active pulmonary tuberculosis. In this case, operative therapy is

the most widely performed therapy (85.2%).
Keywords: tuberculosis spondylitis