Perancangan Strategi Pengembangan Green Supply Chain Dengan Metode Analytical Network Process (ANP) Pada Pt Pacific Palmindo Industri

PT. Pacific Palmindo Industri merupakan salah satu perusahaan pengolahan
CPO menjadi produk refinery CPO. Saat ini industri berbasis minyak kelapa
sawit tengah menghadapi tantangan global terkait isu-isu ramah lingkungan.
Untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut maka diperlukan adanya suatu supply
chain yang ramah lingkungan. Namun adanya keterbatasan sumberdaya
yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan menuntut diperlukannya strategi lingkungan
yang terintegrasi dengan strategi bisnis perusahaan. Model dikembangkan
berdasarkan orientasi manajemen terhadap tekanan eksternal, sumberdaya
inti internal dan keunggulan kompetitif yang dapat diperoleh sebagai faktor
keputusan. Metode pengambilan
keputusan yang digunakan adalah
Analytical Network Process (ANP). Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh
tekanan institusional menjadi kriteria dengan pengaruh terbesar terhadap
inisiatif green supply chain dan subkriteria keinginan pelanggan dan
integrasi stakeholder memiliki pengaruh paling signifikan terhadap inisiatif
green supply chain. Terdapat lima alternatif green inisiatif yang dapat
dilakukan yaitu green product design, greening upstream, greening
production, greening downstream dan greening post use. Berdasarkan hasil
perhitungan yang telah dilakukan terpilih alternatif greening upstream
sebagai inisiatif terbaik dalam melakukan inisiatif praktis.

Kata Kunci: Green Supply Chain, Natural-Resource-Based
Institutional Theory Analytical Network Process (ANP).


PT. Pacific Palmindo Industri. The company is one of the manufacturing of
CPO into refenery CPO product. Today palm oil based industries are facing
global challenges related to environmental issues. To face these challenges
it is necessary to have an environmentally friendly supply chain. However,
the limited resources owned by the company requires the need for an
integrated environmental strategy with the company's business strategy. The
model is developed based on management orientation towards external
pressure, internal core resources and competitive advantage that can be
obtained as decision factor. The decision making method used is Analytical
Network Process (ANP). Based on the results obtained institutional pressure
becomes the criterion with the greatest influence on green supply chain
initiatives and subcriteria of customer desires and stakeholder integration
having the most significant influence on green supply chain initiatives.
There are five green alternative initiatives that can be done: green product
design, greening upstream, greening production, greening downstream and

greening post use. Based on the results of the calculations that have been
done selected greening upstream alternative as the best initiative in
conducting practical initiatives.
Kata Kunci: Green Supply Chain, Natural-Resource-Based
Institutional Theory Analytical Network Process (ANP).


Universitas Sumatera Utara