The Scope of the Analysis The Objectives of the Analysis The Significance of the Analysis The Method of the Analysis Review of Related Literature

1.3 The Scope of the Analysis

Since literature has a wife field of studying, I focus my attention to discuss then triangle love found in the novel in order not to run away from the real topic being discussed.

1.4 The Objectives of the Analysis

The objective analyses that I explain an this thesis are : 1. To describe the triangle love among three persons from different planets. 2. To find out whether a woman, loved by two men, will be successful in solving her problem or not.

1.5 The Significance of the Analysis

This thesis offers a study on the triangle love, which often happens in daily human life. I believe that this story presumably happen in man’s life. So, through this analysis, the reader of this thesis will know the ending of the triangle love. Beside, they also know how to solve triangle love conflict and to choose the right person to be their lover. Universitas Sumatera Utara

1.6 The Method of the Analysis

In this thesis, I use methods of library research. I collected the data gained from the books related to the topic. In analyzing the novel, I was also supported by opinions, ideas, or statements of some literary critics, in order this thesis will be perfectly completed.

1.7 Review of Related Literature

In writing this thesis, I concern with have some books, which have close relation to the topic: 1. The Magic of Two, by Saranne Dawson 1997 the book “ The Magic Of Two “ is the original textbook . This book helps me draw of the story, which will be analyzed. 2. Literature : An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama, by X.J.Kennedy 1983. How to analyze and explained in this book completely. So of course this book leads me to analyze a novel as her formal objects to be analyzed. 3. Theory of Literature, by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren 977 This book is in conformity with its title, provide the theory of literature. According to this book there are two kinds of approaches, literary works, they are intrinsic and extrinsic approaches. Universitas Sumatera Utara Intrinsic approach emphasizes its analysis on texts of literary work , while on the other hand, extrinsic approach relates the literary work to the other subject such as biography, philosophy, sociology, etc. 4. An Hour in Paradise, by Joan Leegant 2000 This book concentrates on love stories that reveal the emotional trapdoors : humor, cruelty, and resiliency of mature love. This book also support my analysis which talks about Triangle love three persons living in two different planets. Universitas Sumatera Utara BAB 2 DASAR TEORI

2.1 Probabilitas