The Scope of the Study

5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are offered to the following: 1 The lecturers of sociolinguistics to introduce the theory of politeness strategis to their students so that it can be trigger for the students to conduct a research related to the field. 2 The speaker or listener to understand the usage of politeness strategies particularly the four types of politeness strategies in order to make the communication is relax and comfortable. 3 Other researchers to conduct further research about the types of politeness strategies in different episodes used by interviewees in order to know the different significant from the previous utterances and to enrich the theory of politeness strategy. REFERENCES Annisa. 2009. Politeness Strategies Used by Javanese. Unpublish M. Hum Thesis. Medan: English Applied Linguistic Study Program, State University of Medan. Bogdan, R. and Biklen, S. 1992. Qualitative Research for Education 2 nd ed. Boston: Ally and Bacon. Brown, P. and Levinson, S. 1987. Politeness, Some Universal in Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Crowley, David and Mitchell, David. 1994. Communication Theory Today. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Cutting, J. 2002. Pragmatic and Discourse: A Research Book for Students. London: Longman. Denzim, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. 1994. Introduction: Entering the Field of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Grundy, Peter. 1995. Doing Pragmatics. London: Edward Arnold. Haris, Wiraswastika. 2010. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Conversation Control Strategies Used at Metro TV in Kick Andy Show. Journal Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, 10 2. Hobbs, Pamela. 2003. The Medium is the Message: Politeness Strategies in Men’s and Women’s Voice Mail Messages. Journal of Pragmatics 35 2003 243- 162. Holmes, J. 1995. Women, Men, and Politeness. London and New York: Longman. Hofmann, R. 1980. On the Derivation of a Conversational Maxim. Shimane National University Matsue City, Shimane, Japan 690. 85