



Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


ENNI EFRIDA NASUTION Reg. Number: 8136112012










Efrida Nasution, Enni. Politeness Strategies In “Kick Andy” Talk Show Program on Metro TV. A thesis: English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. 2015.

This qualitative descriptive research deals with the Politeness Strategies in “Kick Andy” Talk Show Program on Metro TV. The objectives of this study were to find out the types of politeness strategies used by the interviewees in “Kick Andy” talk show program, and to investigate the reasons of the types of politeness strategies are used. The data were taken from three episodes of Kick Andy Talk Show Program in 2014 years. The data were collected by downloading the video of Kick Andy talk show Program from www.youtube and then were transcribed. The data were analyzed by qualitative research based on interactive model which is created by Miles and Huberman. The result of the research shown that all types of politeness strategies used in “Kick Andy” talk show program. However, these strategies were not used by all interviewees in three different episodes. Off record was not used in episode III with topic “Jadi Guru, Ya Harus Kreatif”. The percentage in using bald on record strategy was 9,81%, positive politeness strategy was 42,03%, negative politeness strategy was 5,01%, and off record strategy was 11,01%. Positive Politeness strategy used since the interviewees want to build familiarity, solidarity, and friendship, to come closer to the interviewer, to recognize H’s positive face and he also has the same want and they want to satisfy the H’s positive face so that the conversation feel relax and comfortable in that show. Other reasons found in this research since the interviewees want to make a joke or humor and they want to avoid a deep evaluation because of the show broadcasted on television station.



Efrida Nasution, Enni. Politeness Strategies In “Kick Andy” Talk Show Program on Metro TV. A thesis: English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. 2015.

Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini berhubungan dengan strategi kesantunan yang digunakan dalam “Kick Andy” program di tiga episode yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jenis strategi kesantunan yang di gunakan oleh para tamu di Kick Andy program dan untuk menginfestigasi alasan-alasan mengapa strategi kesantunan ini digunakan. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil download dari youtube Kick Andy program yang terdiri dari tiga episode yang berbeda di tahun 2014. Datanya di download dari www.youtube dan kemudian sudah di transkrip. Data di analisis berdasarkan interaktif model yang diciptakan oleh Miles dan Huberman. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa semua jenis strategi kesantunan digunakan di acara “Kick Andy” program. Namun, strategi-strategi tersebut tidak digunakan oleh semua interviewee di tiga episode yang berbeda. Off record strategi tidak digunakan di episode III dengan topic “Jadi Guru, Ya Harus Kreatif”. Persentase penggunaan bald-on record adalah sebesar 9,81%, positive politeness adalah sebesar 42,03%, negative politeness adalah sebesar 5,01%, dan off record strategy adalah sebesar 11,01%. Jenis strategi kesopanan yang positif digunakan oleh semua tamu karena mereka ingin untuk membuat solidaritas, pertemanan, kedekatan, mereka ingin mengakui wajah positive pendengar dan dia juga mempunyai keinginan yang sama, dan mereka ingin memuaskan wajah positif si pendengar agar mereka dalam berbicara merasa lebih santai dan nyaman. Alasan-alasan lain yang ditemukan dalam penelitian yaitu karena tamu di Kick Andy program ingin untuk bercanda atau humor dan mereka ingin untuk menghindari di evaluasi lebih mendalam tentang dirinya karena acara talk show ini di tayangkan di acara televisi.




In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful whom she would like to express her sincere gratitude, Allah the almighty who has given her blessing health, strength and patience in the process of completing this thesis which entitle Politeness Strategies in “Kick Andy” Talk Show Program on Metro TVas a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Magister Humaniora at the Postgraduate of English Applied Linguistics Program, State University of Medan.

This thesis would not also have been possible brought into existence without the help of a great many people. The writer would like to express her gratitude to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M. Hum., her first and second adviser for their so generous assistance, guidance, advice, and precious time they spent on supervising and guiding this thesis.

The writer would also like to express her gratitude to the head of English Applied Linguistics Program, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M. Pd., her secretary, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S and Farid who have assisted her in the process of administration requirement during the process of her study in the postgraduate program. Special thanks to the all lecturers of the English Applied Linguistics Program, State University of Medan who have given their valuable knowledge to her in their lectures.

Thanks are due to her proposal reviewers and examiners, Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S and Dr. Rahmad Husein, M. Ed, for their appropriate and helpful commentaries and constructive suggestions.

An un-expressible gratitude to her beloved parents, Nurhamidah Hasibuan and Ali Gusnar Nasution, for their love, patience, prays, and supports in keeping encouraging the writer to finish her study. This thesis is for you Ummi, Aby. Her sisters Murniany Nasution, S.Pd.I, Tnah Khoiroh Nasution and Baihaqi Nasution for their sincere and most reliable comfort, and above all, their love and support.

And the last, it is honor for her to convey thanks to her colleagues for their helps and supports. Special thanks to her beloved friends Luhut Martua Lubis, S.Pd., Dedi Arianto, Nurwidya Rizky Siregar, Nur Afni Nasution, Derliana Hsb and all my classmates B 1 LTBI 2013 for their motivation and support. Lastly, the writer offers her regards and blessings to all of those who supported her in any respect during the completion of this thesis. Thank you very much.

Medan, August 2015 The writer,

Enni Efrida Nastion Reg number: 8136112012











1.1 The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 The Problems of the Study ... 7

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ... 8

1.4 The Scope of the Study ... 8

1.5 The Significance of the Study ... 9


2.1 The Nature of Politeness ... 10

2.2 Politeness Strategies ... 13

2.3 Types of Politeness Strategies ... 17

2.3.1 Bald on Record ... 17

2.3.2 Positive Politeness ... 18

2.3.3 Negative Politeness ... 19

2.3.4 Off Record ... 20

2.4 The Reason of Politeness Strategies Usage ... 21

2.4.1 The Reason of Bald on Record Strategy ... 21

2.4.2 The Reason of Positive Politeness Strategy ... 22

2.4.3 The Reason of Negative Politeness Strategy ... 22

2.4.4 The Reason of Off Record Strategy ... 23

2.5 Television Talk Show ... 23

2.5.1 The Nature of Talk Show ... 24

2.5.2 The Different of Talk Shows and Natural Conversation ... 25

2.5.3 Kick Andy Talk Show Program ... 27

2.6 Relevant Studies ... 28

2.7 Conceptual Framework ... 30


3.1 The Research Design ... 32

3.2 The Data and Data Source ... 32

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ... 33

3.4 The Technique of Data Analysis ... 34




4.1 Data Analysis ... 39

4.1.1 Politeness Strategies Used in Kick Andy Program in Episode I ... 41 Bald on Record Strategy... 41 Positive Politeness Strategy ... 43 Negative Politeness Strategy ... 45 Off Record Strategy ... 46

4.1.2 Politeness Strategies Used in Episode II ... 47 Bald on Record Strategy... 48 Positive Politeness Strategy ... 49 Negative Politeness Strategy ... 51 Off Record Strategy ... 52

4.1.3 Politeness Strategies Used in Episode III ... 55 Bald on Record Strategy... 55 Positive Politeness Strategy ... 56 Negative Politeness Strategy ... 58 The Recapitulation of Politeness Strategies Used by all Interviewees in three different Episodes ... 60

4.1.4 The Reasons of the Types of Politeness Strategies are Used in Kick Andy ... 61 The Reasons of the Types of Politeness Strategies used in episode I ... 62 Bald on Record Strategy ... 62 Positive Politeness Strategy ... 64 Negative Politeness Strategy ... 66 Off Record Strategy ... 67 The Reasons of the Types of Politeness Strategies used in episode II ... 69 Bald on Record Strategy ... 69 Positive Politeness Strategy ... 71 Negative Politeness Strategy ... 72 Off Record Strategy ... 73 The Reasons of the Types of Politeness Strategies used in episode III ... 75 Bald on Record Strategy ... 75 Positive Politeness Strategy ... 76 Negative Politeness Strategy ... 78

4.2 Findings ... 79




5.1 Conclusions ... 83

5.2 Suggestions ... 84





Table The List of Tables Pages

1 The List Of Episode in Kick Andy Program ... 33

2 The Occurances of Politeness Strategies

Used by the Interviewee in episode I ... 47

3 The Occurances of Politeness Strategies

Used by the Interviewee in episode II ... 54

4 The Occurances of Politeness Strategies

Used by the Interviewee in episode III ... 60

5 The Recapitulation of Politeness Strategies Used by All Interviewees in

three different episodes... 61



List of Figures Pages

Figure I. Possible Strategies for Doing FTAs... 15 Figure 2. Communicating Schema in a Talk show ... 27 Figure 3. Communicating Schema in Natural Conversation ... 27



List of Appendices Pages

Appendix 1.Transcriptions of Data Collection from

Kick Andy Program in Three Different Episodes ... 89 Appendix 2. All Interviewees’ Utterances in three

Different Episodes in Kick Andy

Before Doing data Reduction ... 129 Appendix 3. The List of Interviewees’ Utterances After Doing Data

Reduction in Three Different Episodes ... 154 Appendix 4. The Data Display from Result of Selecting, Focusing,

Simplifying, and Transforming the Interviewees’ Utterances Belong to

the Types of Politeness Strategies Based on




1.1The Background of the Study

Language is used for conveying the message from the speaker to the listener in communication. In daily communication, people have their own way to convey their intention to the listener. To say one intention, people can say it in different way of communication. Holmes (1992:4) stated that language provides a variety of ways of saying the same thing. It means that in expressing the same thing, someone can say it in different ways.

Regarded to Holme’s statement above, there are some factors that can influence to the way of speakers and listeners in speaking is called politeness. Furthermore, social distance, power, and ranking of imposition that influence to the politeness strategy of someone speak in the conversation (Brown and Levinson, 1987). Then, Yule (1996) stated that getting other’s trust in conversation, showing up knowledge, avoiding a confrontation and a deep evaluation are the reasons as well to make people speak differently. Another factor relating to differences in communicative styles is gender, based on the idea that men and women are different in their language. One of the differences is that women are said to be more polite than men. According to Speer (2002:347), women have a higher tendency than men to apply politeness strategies in their speech such as the use of more compliments, more apologies, and more thanks. Hobbs (2003:243) notes that when talking with same sex peers, women will use



many positive politeness strategies. On the other hand, men in similar circumstances do not show this tendency.

Thus, language and politeness are two unseparated things, it has close relationship in term of communication. Because in term of communication, when people want to communicate with others of course s/he uses a language and s/he has to consider the way they communicate, they have to consider the term of politeness in language.

In the study of language and politeness, there are numerous studies that have described and raised many issues on the different strategies in their way of speaking. The way of people to make communication comfortably is known politeness strategies. Hence, Thomas (1983: 92) proposes politeness is a part of pragmatics. An individual’s linguistic competence consist of grammatical competence and pragmatic competence. According to Yule (1996:112), the study of what speakers mean or “speakers meaning” called Pragmatics. In line with this, the speaker meaning deals with the utterance in communication. Communication clearly depends on not only recognizing the meaning of words in an utterances but recognizing what speakers mean by their utterances. In other word, if we want to know the politeness of a speaker’s utterance, we also have to study the meaning of the utterance. The principle of politeness is to make all the parties relaxed and comfortable with one another in common social situation and is further Brown and Levinson (1987) broken down into four strategies of politeness, namely Bald on Record, Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness, and Off Record Politeness Strategies.



The aim of investigating this study is to find out the types of politeness strategies usage, and to find out of their reasons they way they do. Further, as Brown and Levinson (1987: 74) consider a number of variables which might affect the politeness strategies, such as power, distance, and rank of imposition. It has been proven by Peng (2012) in her research found that positive and negative politeness strategies are mainly used by college teachers in EFL classrooms, which shows the teacher of this research is highly aware of politeness and have high level of English proficiency. Whereas according to Holmes (1995), there are three dimensions which have proved useful in analysing linguistic politeness, namely “solidarity- social dimension, the power dimension, and the formality dimension. Therefore, power, distance, and rank of imposition are important in determining politeness strategies.

Indeed, the phenomenon above is available in Western Culture. However, it could be that the same happening also occurs in Indonesian setting. The setting itself refers to a situation where the happening happens. It can be in many forms including in program of television. In terms of television program, there are many programs offered by the television station to its watchers. One of these television programs is Kick Andy Talk Show Program. It is broadcasted in Metro TV.

Kick Andy is a television talk show program on Metro TV that is highly qualified and very educational. This program always has the invited guests who are competent, informant, and has a smart host, named Andy F. Noya. This event gives a lot of dedications and also information about many important things and provide motivation for the Indonesian people to keep the spirit face despite any difficult circumstances. Furthermore, by watching Kick Andy Talk Show Program



give us inspiration in order our life will be better. Then this program is a unique one because at the end of each episode the host (Andy F. Noya) gives the free book to all audiences in accordance to the topic discussion itself and give souvenir to the guest that present in that show. This program also discusses many different topics such as politics, entertainment, economy, social, life relationship, education, and spiritual topic. Thus, in this research, the researcher will investigate on three episodes such as, “Basuki Tjahaya Purnama”, “Korupsi di Indonesia”, and “Jadi Guru, ya Harus kreatif”.

In this Talk Show which has three elements, such as the host (interviewer), the guest (interviewee), audience, and raise certain topic to discuss each other, where all those elements involved in the discussion during the program. Further, this talk show always invite the guest that related to the topic will be discussed. Therefore, the speaker and listener discuss certain topic in each episode in order the audience catch the information clearly.

Both of the speakers and listeners, however, used one of the types of politeness strategies. The speakers and listeners are comfortable as required (used Bald on record strategy), relevant class of other (used positive politeness strategy), there is redressive action in saying something (used the negative politeness) and indirect way of saying something (used off record politeness strategy). This is due to some reasons, for example, the information cannot be caught properly, intention to lie, and deliberately for jokes or humors.

In communicating each other, the guest (interviewees) in talk show often use the principle politeness by giving comfortable answer to what interviewer



asks in talk show. In line with this, the researcher will give the example of this phenomenon and choose the Episode “Basuki Tjahaya Purnama or Ahok” (Agust. 29, 2014). Then, in that talk show the guest used one of the type of politeness strategy namely off record strategy. Thus, the example can be seen as follow:

Andy : Sesuatu yang baru, memang di rapat-rapat internal, anda kemudian unggah di youtube, itu bisa semua orang melihat termasuk ketika anda memarah-marahi anak buah anda, atau bawahan anda, awalnya keren tapi ada sebagian orang sudah merasa bahwa apakah ini bukan hal yang salah, kenapa begitu? Karena orang yang anda marah-marahin itu walaupun di kantor adalah bawahan anda, dia kan punya istri, punya anak, punya keluarga, apakah itu tidak mempermalukan keluarga mereka juga, apakah itu sudah anda pikirkan?. (U36)

(Something new, in internal meetings, then you upload on youtube, it can everyone see included when you blow up your employee, or your official, initially cool but there are some people already feel that it is not wrong thing , why is it? Because the person you are angry-mad, even though in the office is your official, he's got a wife, have children, have a family, if it does not embarrass their families as well, have you been thought it?) Ahok : Jadi saya baru 10 hari kira-kira jadi WAGUB, ada demo buruh menuntut

kenaikan gaji, upah. Ada itu 2.500 orang, janjinya pak Jokowi, pak Jokowi kan hadapi bukan saya sebetulnya. Jadi beliau minta saya untuk temui 30 orang saja. Saya keluar aja, saya bilang dari luar halo-halo ayo masuk-masuk, gitu kan. “Hey tapi pilihan rakyat”, sini dong. Gimana ni saya pikir, orang gitu banyak. Terus kata pengawal kalau bapak lewati batasnya brimob, kita gak bisa ikut lagi pak. Saya ditengah-tengah, mundur kena maju kena ni. Masak saya lari dari belakang, lucu juga kan?.(U37)

(So I had 10 days roughly vice-governor, there is a demo of workers demanding higher wages, wages. There were 2,500 people, promise Mr. Jokowi, Mr. Jokowi will face it, it is not me actually. So he asked me to meet 30 people. I went out, I said from the outside” hello let's come in, right”. "Hey, but the choice of the people", came in here!. How about it, I think. There are many people. Then, guard man said if you passed Brimob limit, we can not participate again. I was in the middle, if forward hit, hit rewind.impossible I ran from behind, it was funny, right?).



The responses of Ahok in his utterances uses off-record strategy. Andy in his utterance asks about the reason and opinion of Ahok about the youtube video about his angry to his employee in the meeting. Ahok responds with other sentences which give indirect answer to Andy’s question. Ahok’s answer is realize off-record strategy and it can occur since Ahok answered the question indirect way. It is used to avoid the inescapable accountability, the responsibility for his action. And also it breaks the hope the interviewer and audiences to have the information.

Another example in Episode “Jadi Guru, ya Harus Kreatif” on May, 09, 2014, and the guest is Sarah Suaib Hanafi (SS). In this interview, the interviewer ask the interviewee (guest) about his profession. It can be seen as follow:

Andy : Ok. Kalau guru formal itu sudah berapa lama?(U10) (Ok. How long have you been a formal teacher?)

SS : Kalau guru formal saya mengajar sejak tahun 98.(U11) (if a formal teacher, I have been taught since 98 years).

Andy : Ooo, sejak tahun 98. Tidak pernak keluar atau tidak mau melamar pekerjaan lain?.(U12)

(Oooo, since 98 years. Never go out or do not want to apply for other jobs?

SS : Pingin jadi artis sih, tapi gak ada yang mau ngontrak.(U13) (I want to be an Artist, but nobody to contract me.

Based on the example above, we know that Sarah’s answer applied positive politeness strategy. Andy in his utterance asks about her career or her profession. Sarah Suaib responds with sentence “mau jadi artis sih, tapi gak ada yang mau



kontrak”.And it can occur since Sarah Suaib want to make Joke or Humor. It breaks the hope the interviewer and audiences to have clear answer.

Based on the utterances of the interviewees above, it can be seen the interviewees in this study such as episode ‘Basuki Tjahaya Purnama’ give the answer indirect way which is Basuki uses off record since he may wants to avoid the inescapable accountability, the responsibility for his action . And also for the guest in ‘Episode Jadi Guru, ya harus kreatif’‘as the guest is Sarah Suaib Hanafi’s answer the question of Andy F. Noya by joking. Sarah Suaib in this conversation uses positive politeness strategy since she wants to make joke or humor. This makes the listener not take it seriously when the speaker does an FTA. Therefore, every guests have different reasons in using the types of politeness strategies in three different Episodes.

Thus, based on the phenomena mentioned above, this study tries to find out the usage of the types of politeness strategies by the interviewees in three different episodes during the show in Kick Andy talk Show Program on Metro TV.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

In relation to the background of the study, the problems of the study was formulated in the following questions:

1. What types of politeness strategies are used by the interviewees in Kick Andy Talk Show Program on Metro TV?



1.3 The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study can be described as follows:

1. To find out the types of politeness strategies used by the interviewees in Kick Andy Talk Show Program on Metro TV.

2. To investigate the reasons of they do it the way they do.

1.4The Scope of the Study

As stated in the previous explanation that politeness strategies can occur not only in daily communication but also in the talk show program on television as well. And this study attempts to find out the usage the types of politeness strategies in three different episodes namely; Ahok; Mr. Governor, Korupsi di Indonesia, and Jadi Guru, Ya Harus Kreatif, in Kick Andy Talk Show Program on Metro TV which shown by the interviewees. The aspects will be observed are the usage, and the reasons of interviewees in using the types of politeness strategies during the talk show.



1.5 The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study have two general significances, theoretical and practical significances.

Theoretically, the findings of this research are useful for:

1. As a reference for the university students who are interested in studying pragmatics and interested in conducting any further research in politeness strategies.

2. Development studies on communication principle about communication comfortably which is known as politeness strategies.

Practically, the results of this research are useful for:

1. The enrichment of Linguistics knowledge of the university students in the field of Pragmatics especially in politeness strategies.

2. For speakers and listeners in daily communication. By obeying politeness strategies, they have a comfortable situation in communication. Then, they can create good understanding in daily communication.





Having analyzed the data in Kick Andy talk show program, the conclusions were drawn as the following:

(1) All types of politeness strategies were used in Kick Andy talk show

program, but the proportion of their occurrences is not equal. Positive politeness strategies was the type of politeness strategy dominantly used by all interviewees in three different episodes in Kick Andy talk show program, while off record politeness strategies was not used in episode III

with topic (field) “Jadi Guru, ya Harus Kreatif”.

(2) Positive politeness strategy was used since the interviewees want to build

the solidarity, familiarity, and friendship, and also to recognize H’s positive face want and he also has the same want so that they can feel relax in conversation. While new finding out of Brown’s and Levinson’s theory that the usage of positive politeness strategy since they want to make a joke or humor, and also the usage off record strategy since the interviewee wants to avoid a deep evaluation. It happened since this show broadcasted on television station.



5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are offered to the following:

(1) The lecturers of sociolinguistics to introduce the theory of politeness

strategis to their students so that it can be trigger for the students to conduct a research related to the field.

(2) The speaker or listener to understand the usage of politeness strategies

particularly the four types of politeness strategies in order to make the communication is relax and comfortable.

(3) Other researchers to conduct further research about the types of politeness

strategies in different episodes used by interviewees in order to know the different significant from the previous utterances and to enrich the theory of politeness strategy.




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Having analyzed the data in Kick Andy talk show program, the conclusions were drawn as the following:

(1) All types of politeness strategies were used in Kick Andy talk show program, but the proportion of their occurrences is not equal. Positive politeness strategies was the type of politeness strategy dominantly used by all interviewees in three different episodes in Kick Andy talk show program, while off record politeness strategies was not used in episode III with topic (field) “Jadi Guru, ya Harus Kreatif”.

(2) Positive politeness strategy was used since the interviewees want to build the solidarity, familiarity, and friendship, and also to recognize H’s positive face want and he also has the same want so that they can feel relax in conversation. While new finding out of Brown’s and Levinson’s theory that the usage of positive politeness strategy since they want to make a joke or humor, and also the usage off record strategy since the interviewee wants to avoid a deep evaluation. It happened since this show broadcasted on television station.



5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are offered to the following:

(1) The lecturers of sociolinguistics to introduce the theory of politeness strategis to their students so that it can be trigger for the students to conduct a research related to the field.

(2) The speaker or listener to understand the usage of politeness strategies particularly the four types of politeness strategies in order to make the communication is relax and comfortable.

(3) Other researchers to conduct further research about the types of politeness strategies in different episodes used by interviewees in order to know the different significant from the previous utterances and to enrich the theory of politeness strategy.




Annisa. 2009. Politeness Strategies Used by Javanese. Unpublish M. Hum Thesis.

Medan: English Applied Linguistic Study Program, State University of Medan.

Bogdan, R. and Biklen, S. 1992. Qualitative Research for Education (2nd ed).

Boston: Ally and Bacon.

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