Problem Statements Research Objectives Research Limitation Research Significance Research Methodology

xviii example, an appropriateness, which has accured is done here by Host 1. Nevertheless, it is the host 2 who carries out the second part of the repair. Host 2 corrected his expression with ‘timid guy’. We see that repairs can be stated in many forms. The examples of repairs above can be categorized in many interactional types. They are other-initiated, other-repair; self-initiated, self-repair; and other-initiated, self-repair. From these phenomena, it is interesting to find out the repair occurred in the English Program and to provide evidences of using repair by the participants. The research is entitled ANALYSIS OF REPAIRS IN THE INTERACTIVE ENGLISH PROGRAM BROADCAST BY RADIO PTPN SURAKARTA.

B. Problem Statements

Regarding to the background above, the problem statements are stated as follow: 1. How do interactional repairs occur among the hosts and the callers in the interactive English Program broadcast by Radio PTPN Surakarta? 2. Why do the hosts and the callers use repairs in the interactive English Program broadcast by Radio PTPN Surakarta?

C. Research Objectives

The objectives of the study are as follow: xix 1. To describe kinds of repair that occurred in the interactive English Program broadcast by Radio PTPN Surakarta. 2. To provide evidence of which the participants used repair in the interactive English Program broadcast by Radio PTPN Surakarta.

D. Research Limitation

This research uses pragmatics as an approach in analyzing the conversations. There are some aspects of pragmatics, i.e. deixis, conversational implicature, presupposition, speech act, and conversation analysis. The researcher only focussed on conversation analysis especially conversational repair in order to intensify the analysis. This analysis emphasizes on interactional repair including repair initiation and repair correction.

E. Research Significance

It is expected that this research contributes some significant progresses in conversational repair. The significances of this research are: 1. to familiarize the understanding of conversational repair in telephone conversation involving interactional types of repair, repair initiation, and the reason of repair which is used by participants of conversational English Program; 2. as a replica for other researchers to analyze conversational repair from other points of view. xx

F. Research Methodology

This research is a descriptive qualitative study, which has a purpose to describe systematically factual situation. This research is conducted by collecting data, classifying them, and then drawing conclusion Surakhmad, 1994. This research also applies qualitative study. This type of research does not deal with numerical measurement or statistic procedure. Bogdan and Taylor in Afandi pointed out that qualitative research tends to a research procedures which produces descriptive data involving written or oral words of people and behavior in observing. In chapter III, the research methodology will be described in detail.

G. Thesis Organization