Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study

identity, is “to erode the colonizer‟s ideology by which their past had been devalued ”. Chia shows how the writer of Daniel characterizes Nebuchandezzar as “an arrogant fool” who never realized that it was the narrator‟s lord who makes him victorious. By doing this, Chia argues that the writer of Daniel wants to share the history which devalues the colonizer. This means that the writer of Daniel considers the colonizers “from a taker to a receiver”. This of course “upgrades” the identity of the colonized from the “passive manipulated to active manipulator, and from powerless loser to powerful giver ”. Here, the narrator who mirrors the writer of Daniel shows how, as the colonized, experience the identity crisis as he and his friends are in a hybrid situation; being in the identity of the nativity and the identity imposed by the colonizer. What lies behind the problems, according to Chia, are religious factors implanted with culture. The faith of the narrator also takes part here. The narrator relies on no military power to defend him but religious power. By relaying on faith, he is the victorious. What the writer wants to look from the findings of this study is the problem of identity or the identity crisis undergone by the Jerusalem people as Jewish nation. Though they are in a hybrid situation, they still struggle to defend their identity as Jewish people. This related study shows its relevance with this research as it also talks about the impact of colonialism experienced by the Jewish people and how the Jewish people reacted to it. In this research, the idea of hybridity from this study is used as the background to see the context of colonialism from where they start to conflict with Jesus. The impacts of Babylonian Empire influence the writing of scripture and the Jewish culture. It does not only influence the writing of Daniel but also the writing of Kings. Another study that supports this idea is written by Kari Latuvus with the title, “Decolonizing Yahweh: A Postcolonial Reading of 2 Kings 24- 25 1 ”. In this essay, Latuvus uses Postcolonial theory in order to see the problem of Babylonian Empire experienced by Jehoiachin, the next king of Judah after Jehoiakim. The aim of his study is to first, elucidate the message in the end of 2 Kings, more elaborates on the rehabilitation of Jehoiachin, and the second is to observe how theology is affected by colonialism. In his essay, Latuvus finds out that 2 Kings 24-25 mainly talks about the loss of political and social independence of southern state of Judah. Latuvus says that the “core crisis” of Hebrew Bible is the destruction of Jerusalem temple and the deportation of Jewish people. This deportation then makes Judah dispers and consequently leads to the contact and interaction with other cultures, which Latuvus says as “multicultural Orient”. As the result, this also leads to the condition of uncertainty then threats the ethnic identity Sugirtharajah, 2006: 186 . Politics of Babylon plays a serious role here. Colonialism takes part in shaping the way Israelites religion and how they pray to their God and also their contents of theology. This is because the Israelites construct their relationship with their God based on the reality they have as the colonized people. Latuvus says that the power of imperialism is showed through the destruction of the city 25: 9-10, the slaughter of royal family and officers 25: 7, 11, and deportation of some society groups 24: 12, 14, 15-16; 25:27, 11 . In the deportation,