a. Cytology: Effects on Legumes

Kaur Nayyar : Heavy metal toxicity to food legumes: effects, antioxidative defense and tolerance mechanisms 3 the application of zinc Fontes and Cox 1998. Prolonged exposure to zinc causes chlorosis in the younger leaves, which can extend to older leaves Ebbs and Kochian 1997.

3. Effects on Legumes

Legumes belonging to the family Fabaceae are responsible for substantial part of the global flux of nitrogen from atmospheric nitrogen to the fixed forms such as ammonia, nitrate and organic nitrogen. Most of these are agriculturally important food crops and are a rich source of proteins to the animals and human beingsGupta 1987. Most of the leguminous crops are affected by metal stress present in the soil mainly due to contaminated agrochemicals and sewage sludge. Due to this, various plant physiological activities like seed germination, nutrition distribution, enzymes activity, alternation of the membrane permeability, nitrogen fixation, photosynthesis, transport of the assimilates and respiration are adversely affected.

3.1. a. Cytology:

Heavy metals adversely affect the cytology of the plant cells. The genotoxicity of heavy metals influences the DNA synthesis, duplication of DNA and chromosomes causing many chromosomal aberrations Cheng 2003. They are known to cause deleterious effect on the cell division of the plants, which depend upon the concentration and the intensity of the exposure of the same. Fig: 1 Heavy metal induced chromosomal abnormalities in plant cells The effects of Cd on the cell division of the root tips in beans were studied by Mo and Li 1992. The treatment of beans by Cd, Pb , and Hg at concentrations 0.01,1.0 and 10 ppm, respectively shortened the cell division but extended the cell cycle. The chromosomes of beans exposed to Cd, Pd, Hg got injured and revealed polyploidy, C-karyokinesis and various chromosomal abnormalities like formation of chromosomal bridges, chromosomal rings and chromosome fragmentation, chromosome micro-nuclei and nuclear decomposition Mo and Li 1992, Liu et al.1992, Duan and Wang 1995. Fig. 1. Gomez- Arroyo et al. 2001 reported that the salts of nickel, cobalt and cadmium increased the frequency of the sister chromatid exchanges SCE in Vicia faba. It has been observed in the some plants that mercury poisoning leads to the disturbance in the spindle activity resulting in the formation of polyploid and aneuploid cells and c-tumours. Kumar 2007 studied the mutagenic potential of lead 25, 50, 100, 200, and 300 ppm in Lathyrus sativus and showed that chromosomal abnormalities increased with the lead nitrate concentration. These abnormalities included condensed bivalents, laggards, bridges, cytomixis and stickiness of the chromosomes. Siddiqui et al.2009 studied the effect of cadmium on the root tips of Pisum sativum L. Seeds of P. sativum were treated with a series of concentrations ranging from 0.125, 0.250, 0.500 and 1 mM Cd for 6 h. It was reported that the overall percentage of aberrations generally increased with increasing concentrations of Cd. The most common chromosomal abnormalities were laggards, bridges, stickiness, precocious separation and fragments. Zhang et al. 2009 investigated the effects of different concentrations of Cd 1-50µM on cell division and nucleoli in root tip cells of Vicia faba. Results revealed that Cd induced c-mitosis, chromosome bridges, chromosome stickiness and lagging chromosomes. Small amounts of nucleolus materials were extruded from the nucleus into the cytoplasm at 1µM Cd when the root tips were exposed for 24 hours. Zhang et al. 2009 studied the effects of different concentrations of Al 10 µM, 50 µM, 100 µM on nucleoli in root tip cells in hydroponically grown Vicia faba L. It was revealed that aluminum significantly inhibited root growth of V. faba treated with 50 µM and 100 µM concentrations. In the nucleolus of root tip cells, some particulates containing agyrophilic proteins were extruded from the nucleus into the cytoplasm, and some were scattered in the nucleus after Al stress in the plants. In the root tips of green gram Vigna radiata. L, arsenic and manganese induced chromosomal stickiness at higher concentrations. However it was reported that arsenic had more toxic effect than manganese on the root tip cells of greengram during mitosis Mumthaz 2010. Studies were carried out by Muneer et al. 2011 on root tips and leaves of Vigna radiata, where 15 days old plantlets grown in nutrient Hoagland media were exposed to various levels of cadmium chloride 0.05, 0.10 and 0.50 mM for 48 and 72 hours. It was shown that Cd exhibited inhibitory effect on cytological studies namely, mitotic index and chromosome number. Chromosomal studies showed various chromosomal abnormalities such as laggard chromosomes, anaphasic bridges, and uni-distribution of chromosomes. Bhat 2011 reported that heavy metals around automobile refining shops induce synergistic cytogenetic effects in Trifolium repens and noticed a significant increase in micronucleus MN, chromosomal aberrations CAs, percentage of nuclei with comet tails NCTs, the relative comet 4 Journal of Food Legumes 263 4, 2013 tail length CTL, comet tail DNA CT, DNA, and tail moment TM with increased concentration of three heavy metals, like Cd, Pb and Hg. The most prominent abnormalities induced by heavy metals were micronucleus, precocious separation, and laggard formation. Ritambhara et al.2010 carried out some cytogenetic studies to evaluate the genotoxic effect of lead Pb and zinc Zn on the gametic cells of grass pea Lathyrus sativus . A severe chromosome stickiness in meiosis impairing normal chromosome segregation was reported, which persisted upto microspore stage, ultimately leading to chromosome degeneration. Recently, Oladele et al. 2013 reported thatincreased metal pollution can lead to some irreversible cytogenetic effects in plants and higher organisms. Their group investigated the effects of lead and zinc nitrates at different concentrations: 25, 50 and 100 mgL on the chromosomes of bambara groundnut Vigna subterranean. The results show the most frequent chromosomal anomalies induced by these heavy metals as stickiness and bridges. 3.1.b. Anatomy and Ultrastructure Han et al. 2004 have reported that uptake and accumulation of metals at higher concentrations cause ultra- structural and anatomical changes in the plant cells. These include structural modifications in the chloroplast, thylakoid membranes, deposition of electron dense globules in vacuoles, increase or decrease in the size of cells, reduction of the intercellular spaces and also changes in the turgor pressure of the plant cells. In the thylakoids, modifications include swelling and curling of the thylakoidal membranes. Also, it has been reported that heavy metal stress causes degradation of polypeptide compositions of the thylakoid membrane, reduction, disappearance or swelling of the grana cascade of chloroplast mitochondria Cheng 2003. Heavy metal induced cellular and ultrastructural modifications have been illustrated in Fig.2. There was accumulation of callus on the sieve plates of phloem of Phaseolus vulgaris seedlings exposed to excess of Co, Ni and Zn Peterson and Rauser 1979. In case of beans, toxicity of chromium has also found to decrease the diameter of the treachery vessels, which resulted in reduced longitudinal water movement Vazques et al.1987. Reduced turgor pressure and plasmolysis in the epidermal and cortical cells of bush bean plants, which were exposed to chromium was also observed Vazques et al.1987. Formation of wall ingrowths in hypodermal cells of the cadmium treated Phaseolus vulgaris roots was reported Vazques et al.1989. Cadmium treatments to Arachis hypogea plants induced xerophyte anatomic features of leaves i.e. thick lamina, upper epidermis, palisade mesophyll, high palisade to spongy thickness ratio, as well as abundant and small stomata Shi and Cai 2008. In 5µgml cadmium treated roots of bush bean plants Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender grown on perlite, plastid ultrastructure was hardly affected, while in the upper parts of the plant the chloroplasts showed severe alterations. Younger trifoliate leaves showed greater disruption of chlorophyll synthesis and plastid ultrastructure Barcelo et al. 1987. In the experiments of Baszynski et al. 1980 and Stoyanova and Chakalova 1990, it was established that cadmium, applied in toxic concentrations, disturbs the chloroplast envelope and the integrity of the membrane system and leads to increased plastoglobule number, changing the lipid composition and the ratios of the main structural components of thylakoid membranes. Heavy metals effects on the structure and functions of the photosynthetic membranes of the higher plants showed that the sub- microstructure of the chloroplast was changed Yang 1991. Ultra structural alternations in the cortical root cells of pigeon pea in response to zinc and nickel both at cellular and the organelle level were observed Sresty et al. 1999. Unusual deposition of electron dense globules in the vacuoles of the root cortical cells and appearance of unusual two nucleoli occurred. The ultra structural analysis of the leaves of pea plants grown with 50µM CdCl 2 showed the internal cell disturbances characterized by an increase of mesophyll cell size, a reduction of the intercellular spaces and severe disturbances in the chloroplast structure Sandalio et al. 2001. In the pea leaves treated with Cd, there was disorganization of the chloroplast structure, with an increase in the number of plastoglobuli and formation of vesicles in the vacuoles Mc Carthy et al. 2001. The effect of Cu 2+ at concentrations 50 and 75uM on the ultra-structure of the chloroplasts of the bean seedlings revealed that excess of copper induced changes in the ultra-structure of chloroplasts visible in form of deterioration in the grana structure and the accumulation and swelling of starch grains in the stroma Bouazizi et al . 2010. Fig: 2: Heavy metal induced ultrastructural modifications in the cell and chloroplast Kaur Nayyar : Heavy metal toxicity to food legumes: effects, antioxidative defense and tolerance mechanisms 5

3.2 Germination of legume seeds