



Registration Number: 8136112080

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistic Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora










Sumarni. NIM : 8136112080. Politeness Strategies of Directive Utterance Used by the Host of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat talk show on TV One. Tesis. Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Program Studi Pascasarjana Unimed. 2016.

Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai strategi kesantunan ujaran langsung yang digunakan oleh pembawa acara dalam acara satu jam lebih dekat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan menggambarkan strategi kesantunan ujaran langsung yang digunakan oleh pembawa acara dalam acara satu jam lebih dekat. Strategi kesantunan yang diusulkan adalah menurut Brown dan Levinson (1987) yaitu Bald on record strategy, Positive politeness, Negative politeness, dan Off-record strategy. Ujaran langsung yang diusulkan adalah menurut Vanderveken (1990); ada 56 tipe ujaran langsung. Subyek penelitian ini adalah pembawa acara sebagai pewawancara dalam 3 episode. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembawa acara dalam acara satu jam lebih dekat mengekspresikan ujaran langsung dengan permintaan, pertanyaan, interogasi, mengundang , dan mengingatkn. Pembawa acara mengaplikasikan keempat strategi kesantunan yang diusulkan oleh Brown dan Levinson yaitu (1) strategi langsung, (2) kesantunan positif, (3) kesantunan negatif, dan (4) strategi tidak langsung. Ujaran langsung yang paling dominan adalah pertanyaan (30%) sebagai kesantunan positif yang lebih dominan. Hal itu disebabkan oleh karena pembawa acara ingin memberikan pertanyaan dengan sopan.



Sumarni. Registration Number: 8136112080. Politeness Strategies of Directive Utterance Used by the Host of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat talk show on TV One. A Thesis. Postgraduate School, English Applied Linguistics. State University of Medan. 2016.

This study deals with the politeness strategies of directive utterance used by the host of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat Talk Show on TV One. This study employs qualitative design which aims at describing the politeness strategy of directive utterance used by the host. The strategy of politeness is related to those proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987); Bald on record strategy, Positive politeness, Negative politeness, and Off-record strategy. Directive utterance is related to those proposed by Vanderveken (1990); there are 56 types of directive utterance. The subject is the host as the interviewer in three episodes who participated in this research. The results show that the host expresses her directive utterances in request, questions, interrogates, urge, invite, and cautions. The host apllied the four types of politeness strategies to relate directive utterances as politeness strategies stated by Brown and Levinson they are (1) bald on record, (2) positive politeness, (3) negative politeness, (4) off record. The most type is question (30%) as positive politeness. It is caused by the host wants to give questions respects the H’s negative face want and will not (or will only minimally) interfere with the H’s freedom of action.




Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Alhamdulillahirrabbil a’lamin. In the name of Allah SWT the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT the most gracious and the most merciful for giving the power and ability to finish her thesis. Secondly, blessing and peace be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought from the darkness to the brightness.

The writer would like to thank her marvelous thesis advisers, Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S. and Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum. for all brilliant ideas, valuable advices, affection, patience, and precious time spent on reading, commenting, and supervising the process of writing until it comes to its present form.

The writer would like to express the profound gratitude to her examiners, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D, Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D, and Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed for their detailed reviews, correcting, revising, and suggestions in her thesis.

Sincere thanks goes to Dr.Rahmad Husein, M. Ed and Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S as the head and secretary of English Applied Linguistic Study Program, as Farid as the administration staff for completing the administrative procedures.

The writer would like to thank and appreciation to her beloved parents Jakaria Pohan and Siti Rahma who always given countless love, pray, support and material during the preparation of this thesis.

The writer thanks to her beloved sisters Herlian, Am.Keb, Fadila Rosa and Fariha Khaira Lufna and to her beloved brothers Suardi Pohan, Akmal Jawandi, Sayyid Madani, and



Mirza Aiman, who always entertain the writer when she was sad and want to give up, and The writer thanks to her best friend Intan Rizqy, S.Pd.I who always spent her time together in many places with her and taught the writer without complain.

The writer also thank to her best friend Suprina, S.Pd, Juniarti S.Pd, Mas Bulan, S.Pd.I, Rahmat Huda, M.Hum, and Mayang, MA who always help her and a fresh smile everyday, thank to LTBI B3 class who has accompanied her as long as this study in master degree program. And Thanks to other unmentionable who are always so kind and help fulll.

Finally, she is aware that nothing is perfect as well as this thesis. For that, any constructive criticism, suggestions, or comments will be highly appreciated to bring this next to perfection.

Medan, 2016 The writer

Sumarni 81361132039






ABSTRAK ... ii






CHAPTER: I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of Study ... 1

1.2 The Problem of the Study ... 5

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ... 6

1.4 The Scope of the Study ... 6

1.5 The Significance of the Study ... 6

CHAPTER: II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Politeness Strategy ... 8

2.1.1 The Politeness Principle ... 9

2.1.2 Characteristics of Politeness ... 11

2.1.3 Process of Using Politeness Strategy... 12

2.1.4 Criteria of Politeness ... 15

2.1.5 Reasons of Using Politeness Strategy ... 16

2.2 Directive Utterances ... 17

2.3 The Politeness of Directive Utterance ... 18

2.4 The Television Talk Show ... 30

2.4.1 The Nature of Talk Show ... 30

2.4.2 The Difference of Talk Show and Natural Conversation ... 31

2.5 The Relevant of Studies’ ... 32

2.6 The Conceptual Framework ... 34

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 The Research Design ... 37

3.2 The Data and Data Source ... 37

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ... 38

3.4 The Technique of Data Analysis ... 39

3.5 The Trustworthiness of the Study ... 40


4.1.1 The Recapitulation of Directive Utterances used by the Host in Three Different Episodes in Satu Jam Lebih Dekat talk show ... 44

4.1.2 The Relation of Directive Utterance to Politeness Strategy used by the Host in Three Different Episodes in Satu Jam Lebih Dekat talk show ... 51

4.1.3 The Reasons of the Host Used the Directive Utterances as Politeness Strategy on Sau Jam Lebih Dekat alk show ... 57



4.2 Findings ... 61

4.3 Discussions ... 63


5.2 Suggestions ... 66






Pages Figure 1 ... 36




Pages Table 4.1 ... 44





Appendix 1 ... 70

Appendix 2 ... 84

Appendix 3 ... 85

Appendix 4 ... 85

Appendix 5 ... 87

Appendix 6 ... 89

Appendix 7 ... 89

Appendix 8 ... 90

Appendix 9 ... 91

Appendix 10 ... 91

Appendix 11 ... 92

Appendix 12 ... 94

Appendix 13 ... 97




1.1 The Background of Study

People need language to communicate or interact with others. Sometimes we do not realize that during our communication, we actually use some aspects of communication. Within this study, the researcher would like to look out more clearly about the uses of conversation interaction aspects within a interview.

Interview is a conversation between two or more people to ask something or some information about the interviewee. Conversation is determined to develop a social relationship or even to make a decision. Conversation is more than merely the exchange of information because through conversation it can be decided whether the message is received by the hearer or not. Politeness strategies influence conversation because the content in the talking goal of politeness is to make all the parties relaxes and comfortable with anothers.

Politeness is the way of people in expressing their feeling in good attitude. In social life we need communication to share with others and we also need interaction in society to build solidarity. But when we talk each other, we should consider the way of speaking and the choice of word. Sometimes, misunderstanding occurs in conversation especially from speaker’s assumtion. In the other words, we should apply politeness as the strategy of communication. It can creates good respond and atmosphere.

Being polite is crucial to successful communication with other people and impoliteness negatively influences the way a person is perceived, bringing judgments of being “rude”, “uncooperative” or “offhand” Watts (2002:2). While some of these studies have examined Apology as a politeness strategy (Mahmoud, 2013), Person deixis in relation to politeness function (Ike, 2007), Phatic utterances as politeness strategies (Manuel, 2012),



Politeness language patterns in request (Dwi, 2014), Conventional indirectness, questions and hedge as negative politeness strategies (Ali, 2011), Politeness strategies in requesting (Viollen, 2007). In addition to these studies, (Liz, 2005) examined Politeness strategies in conversation closings. The study, however, has not given attention to the politeness strategy of directive utterances used by the host in talk show. The correlation among the studies are politeness and the way in using politeness utterances.

The standard of polite or impolite of the utterances is different, it depends on the existence and standard norm or value in that place. An utterance, which is considered polite in certain area, may be considered as impolite in another area. It is determined by the place where the utterance is used.

Yule (1996:60) stated that “politeness is a fixed concept in idea of polite social behavior or etiquette within a culture”. In interview, the interviewer as the host conveies a message in order to save the hearer’s face when the face threatening acts are inevitable or desired. It’s means that the host avoids embarrassing the listener or making him to feel uncomfortable.

People use politeness strategy in various ways. Brown and Levinson ( 1987 : 94 ) proposed five strategies of politeness. They are Bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, off record, and don’t do FTA. These strategies can be used as the framework to analyze the language behavior and language phenomenon that occur in social life. As we know that, we need interaction everywhere and we also have to know the background and culture of them cause it most influence when conversation occur.

Politeness has related to the language pattern and context. Language pattern referred to word form. It means that in language pattern includes word choice in communication. Moreover, context referred to the situation, time, place and participant. According to Leech(1983), to increase the degree of politeness by using indirect utterances. It means that



the more indirect the utterance is, the more polite the utterance is. On the other hand, the more direct the utterance is, the more impolite the utterance is.

According to Kreidler (1998:189) “directive utterances are those in which the speaker tries to get the addressee to perform some act or refrain from performing an act.”Speaker can produce directive utterance in various ways. Usually, the speaker conveys directive utterance in a direct question forms in order to create a polite situation, more indirect an utterance, more polite it is. Directive utterance commonly occur in forms of direct, request, ask, question, inquire, interrogate, urge, encourage, discourage, solicit, appeal, petition, invite, convene, convoke, beg, supplicate, beseech, implore, entreat, conjure, pray, insist, tell, instruct, demand, require, claim, order, command, dictate, prescribe, enjoin, adjure, exorcise, forbid, prohibit, interdict, proscribe, commission, charge, suggest, propose, warn, advise, caution, alert, alarm, recommend, permit, allow, authorize, consent, invoke, imprecate, and intercede. Vanderveken (1990:189)

In case of communication, the host will choose the strategies to have polite conversation. People use politeness strategies in order to get their conversation run well and go smoothly. Brown and Levinson (1987: 57) state that recognizes what people are doing in verbal exchange (e.g. requesting, offering, criticizing, complaining, etc) not so much by what they overtly claim to be doing as in the fine linguistics details of utterances. It means that not only speaking in fine linguistics but also considering other’s feeling are important. In other word, speaking politeness involves other’s feeling and being polite person means that s/he should make others feel comfortable.

In this research, the writer is interested in conducting a study on politeness strategies of directive utterance used by the host of satu jam lebih dekat talk show on tv one. The reason for choosing this talk show to be analyzed was since satu jam lebih dekat talk show is a populer program on tv one and the guests who have the power in this country.



From that issue, politeness became good character of using language point of view. Because of the function of politeness applied which not only a duty but also a favor, it would be interesting to lift politeness as topic analyzed. Politeness was one of strategies usually used to cover some goals, it also became attribution in communication. Compare to the other language strategies, politeness had higher position in its function to achieve good responses than another. It is believed that politeness is a principle of language identified character.

The exclusive interview between the host of satu jam lebih dekat talk show and some interviewers is presented on TV One. In the Exclusive Interview there are politeness and impoliteness strategies used by the host. She has to use politeness strategies in that interview, because he spoke to the people who has the power in indonesia and has higher status than her. Through this research, the researcher wants to analyze the politeness strategies of directive utterances used by the host of satu jam lebih dekat in the Exclusive Interview between the host and some interviewers on 18th Oct 2014, 28th Jun 2014, and 25th April 2015 on TV One. Like the conversation below between Indri Rahmawati as the host and Tri Rismaharini as the guest, (the preliminary data):

Host (HS) : Ini mohon ma’af lho bu’, kita mengganggu barang satu jam. Satu jam untuk ibu ini bisa melakukan banyak hal ya bu’ ya? (I’m sorry, we interfere you an hour.

One hour for you can do many things, right?) Guest (GS) : Ia, sangat berharga sekali (Yes, invaluable)

HS : Ibu apa rasanya didapuk menjadi walikota terbaik? ( How do you feel as the best mayor?)

GS : Biasa aja. (Just ordinary)

HS : Tapi senang ia juga kan bu’? ( But, you are happy, aren’t you?) GS : Nggak, malah takut. ((Not, but I feel afraid)

HR : Takut kenapa? ( Why do you feel afraid?)

GS : Takut nggak bisa menyangga bebannya itu. (I’m afraid can not prop the load).

HS : Adipura udah sampai 3 kali kalau tidak salah ya bu’ ya? ( “Adipura has up for three times” that’s correct?)

GS : Bagi saya penghargaan ya udah hari itu, karena tujuan utamanya kan bukan penghargaan. Tujuannya adalah saya diangkat jadi walikota adalah bagaimana warga surabaya hidup sejahtera. (For me the award is not important, because my purpose not an award. My



purpose as the mayor of Surabaya is how to make residents live of surabaya is prosperity)

HS : Katanya ibu pernah bikin istilah “menlock”? (By the way did you ever made the term “menlock”?)

GS : Hahaha...

Menteri urusan lokalisasi. (Localization affairs minister)

HS : Oh...

Jadi istilahnya menlock? (So, is the term “menlock”?) GS : Habis ditanyain terus. (Because they always ask me) HS : Tapi benar bu’ pernah menawari itu, jabatan menteri?

(Did ever somebody bid you as the mayor?)

GS : Ndak, ndak ada. Yang ngajukan teman-teman aja. Ga’ ada yang nawari. (No body, only my friends)

HS : Yang langsung nawari ke ibu ga’ ada? (Any body bid you as the mayor directly?)

GS : Ndak ada. Makanya saya juga bingung. (No body, thats make me confuse)

HS : Kalau ada yang nawari, mau?

GS : Nggak. (Not)

HS : Kenapa? (Why?)

GS : Karena berat jabatan-jabatan begitu. ( Because that’s so hard for me)

HS : Jadi kalau dipilih menjadi walikota yang kedua kali? (So, how if you choosen as the mayor in the second time?)

GS : Sama, saya tidak akan pernah meminta jabatan. (I never as that position)

As the example exclusive interview between the host of satu jam lebih dekat talk show and the interviewees is presented on TV One. When the host speak, as the hearer we will know style based on the diction she uses. The style that host uses in speaking is usually based on social situation, age, and social status of the hearer. One of the social variables that determine the weightiness of an FTA is social distance. This relationship interview also in the opposite direction and by choosing certain politeness strategy, the host can not manipulate the perceived social distance. From the conversation above, the host used more direct utterances in interview. The more indirect the utterance is, the more polite the utterance is. On the other hand, the more direct the utterance is, the more impolite the utterance is. Absolutely she has not to use more direct utterance in interview, because he spoke to the guests who have high status in Indonesia. Through this research, the researcher wants to analyze the politeness strategies used by the host of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat talk show, 2014-2015 on TV One.


6 1.2 The Problems of the Study

In accordance of the background of the study the problems of the study are formulated as the following:

1. What types of directive utterances are used by the host of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat Talk

Show on TV One?

2. How does directive utterance related to politeness strategies used by the host of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat talk show on TV One?

3. Why does the host use the directive utterances as politeness strategies in the interview?

1.3The Objective of the Study

In accordance with the problem of the study, the objectives of the study are as follows:

1. To identify types of directive utterances used by the host of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat

talk show on TV One.

2. To describe the directive utterances relate to politeness strategies used by the host of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat talk show on TV One.

3. To find out the reasons of the host used the directive utterances as politeness strategies in the interview.

1.4The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is limited to investigate to:

1. The politeness strategy of directive utterances used by the host of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat talk show on TV One.

2. The reader uses the combination of politeness strategy of Brown and Levinson, Vanderveken and Leech’s politeness maxims to analyze the politeness strategy.


7 1.5The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study have two general significances, theoretical and practical significanes.

Theoretically, the findings of this study are useful for:

1. The enrichment of knowledge for the university students who are interested in studying politeness strategy especially in directive utterances.

2. Those who want to carry out further study on politeness of directive utterances. Practically, the findings of this study are useful for:

1. Interviewees and interviewers as a leading information to obey the rules of the politeness of directive utterances during the interview.






5.1 Conclusion

Having analyzed the data in Satu Jam Lebih Dekat talk show, the conclusions were drawn as the following;

(1) Nine types of directive utterance were used by the interviewer in Satu Jam Lebih Dekat talk show there are request, question, interrogate, caution, ask, order, invite, claim, and urge).

(2) Directive utterance relate to politeness strategy were employed by bald on record is said to be used when the speaker makes no attempt to minimize the threat to the other person‟s face. This strategy can use when the speaker has more power than the listener; positive politeness is somewhat similar to positive politeness; however in this situation the speaker recognizes friendliness but assumes that whatever is said in the conversation would most likely be an imposition on the listener; negative politeness is somewhat similar to positive politeness; however in this situation the speaker recognizes friendliness but assumes that whatever is said in the conversation would most likely be an imposition on the listener; and off record can be recognized in situations where the speaker

(3) Directive utterances as politeness strategy was used since the interviewer tries to get the addressee to perform some act or refrain from performing an act more polite. While new finding out of Vanderveken, Brown and Levinson’s theory that the usage of directive utterance as positive politeness strategy since she wants to try to get the addressee to perform some act or refrain from performing an act more polite. It happened since this show broadcsted on television station.



5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are offered to the following:

(1) The lecturers of sociolinguistics to introduce the theory of politeness strategies to their students so that can be trigger the students to conduct a reserch relate to the field. (2) The speaker or listener to understand the relation of directive utterance as politeness

strategy particularly the types of directive utterance in trying to get the addressee to perform some act or refrain from performing an act to make the communication is relax and comfortable.

(3) Other researchers to conduct further research about the types of directive utterance as politeness in different episodes used by the interviewer in trying to get the addressee to perform some act or refrain from performing an act to know different significant from the previous utterances and to enrich theee theory of directive utterance and politeness strategy.




Annisa. 2009. Politeness Strategies Used by Javanese. Unpublish M. Hum Thesis. Medan: English Applied Linguistic Study Program, State University of Medan.

Austin, John Langshaw. (1962). How to do things with words. UK: OUP

Blum-Kulka, Shoshana ; House, Juliane & Kasper, Gabriele (eds.) (1989) Cross-cultural

pragmatics: requests and apologies. Norwood, NJ: Ablex

Bogdan, Robert. and Biklen, S. 1992. Qualitative Research for Education (2�� ed). Boston:

Ally and Bacon.

Levinson, Stephen C, and Penelope Brown. (1987). Politeness: Some UnivErsal )nLonguage Usage. Cambridge Universiti Pres3.

Crowley, David. and Mitchell, D. 1994. Communication Theory Today. Stanford: Stanford University Press

Denzim, Norman K.and Lincoln, YS. 1994. Introduction: Entering the Field of Qualitativ

Research. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.

Grice, H. Paul. (1975) Logic and Conversation, in P. Cole and J.L. Morgan eds, Syntax and

Semantics, vol. 3. New York: Academic Press.

Holmes, Janet. 1995. Women, Men and Politeness. London and New York: Longman Kreidler, Charles W. 1998. Introducing English Semantics. London: Routledge.

Lakoff, Robin. 1990. Talking Power: The Politics of Language. New York: Harper And Row. Lincoln Yvonna S.and Cuba E.G. 1985. Naturalistic Inquiry. California: Saga Publication. Marshall. B, Miles. & Huberman, A. M. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded

Sourcebook. 2nd Edition. New York: SAGE publications Inc.

Richards, J et al. (1992). Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. UK: Longman

Sperber, Dan (1996) Explaining culture: a naturalistic approach. Oxford: Blackwell.

Sugiyono, 2011. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung. AFABETA,cv. Tennant, David. 2000. Talk Isn’t Cheap: A Brief History of the Talk Show.

Timberg, Bernard. M. 2002. Television Talk: A History of the Talk Show. University of Texas Press

Vanderveken, Daniel. (1990). Meaning and Speech Act. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Wray, Alison, Kate Trott and Aileen Bloomer. 1998. Projects in Linguistics: A Practical

Guide to Research Language. London: Arnold.

Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ali, Mahmoud. 2013. An Analysis of Apology as a Politeness Strategy Expressed by Jordanian University Students. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science: Vol. 3 No. 2

Fraser, B. 1990. “Perspectives on Politeness”. Journal of Pragmatics 14: 219-236. Hickey, L.(1994) ´Comparatively polite people in Spain and Britain´. ACIS, 4/2:2-6.

Kumari, Nivedita and S. Devaki Reddy . 2012.(In)directness of Requesting in Hindi. SKY Journal of Linguistics 25 (2012), 125–149

Omar Muhammad Farhat, Emdelellah. 2013. Gender, Power, Politeness and Women in the Arab Society. IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. Sebha: Libya.

Searle, John R. 1975. A Taxonomy of Illocutionary Acts, in: Günderson, K. (ed.), Language, Mind, and Knowledge, (Minneapolis Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 7), University of Minneapolis Press

Ariana Marazita, Romina. 2000. The role of negative politeness in requests: the strategies that non-native speakers apply and fail to apply when performing requests.


Paglia, C. 2009. Talk Shows. Retrieved on February, 20th, 2015




Annisa. 2009. Politeness Strategies Used by Javanese. Unpublish M. Hum Thesis. Medan:

English Applied Linguistic Study Program, State University of Medan. Austin, John Langshaw. (1962). How to do things with words. UK: OUP

Blum-Kulka, Shoshana ; House, Juliane & Kasper, Gabriele (eds.) (1989) Cross-cultural

pragmatics: requests and apologies. Norwood, NJ: Ablex

Bogdan, Robert. and Biklen, S. 1992. Qualitative Research for Education (2�� ed). Boston:

Ally and Bacon.

Levinson, Stephen C, and Penelope Brown. (1987). Politeness: Some UnivErsal )nLonguage

Usage. Cambridge Universiti Pres3.

Crowley, David. and Mitchell, D. 1994. Communication Theory Today. Stanford: Stanford

University Press

Denzim, Norman K.and Lincoln, YS. 1994. Introduction: Entering the Field of Qualitativ

Research. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.

Grice, H. Paul. (1975) Logic and Conversation, in P. Cole and J.L. Morgan eds, Syntax and

Semantics, vol. 3. New York: Academic Press.

Holmes, Janet. 1995. Women, Men and Politeness. London and New York: Longman

Kreidler, Charles W. 1998. Introducing English Semantics. London: Routledge.

Lakoff, Robin. 1990. Talking Power: The Politics of Language. New York: Harper And Row.

Lincoln Yvonna S.and Cuba E.G. 1985. Naturalistic Inquiry. California: Saga Publication.

Marshall. B, Miles. & Huberman, A. M. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded

Sourcebook. 2nd Edition. New York: SAGE publications Inc.

Richards, J et al. (1992). Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. UK: Longman

Sperber, Dan (1996) Explaining culture: a naturalistic approach. Oxford: Blackwell.

Sugiyono, 2011. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung. AFABETA,cv.

Tennant, David. 2000. Talk Isn’t Cheap: A Brief History of the Talk Show.

Timberg, Bernard. M. 2002. Television Talk: A History of the Talk Show. University of Texas


Vanderveken, Daniel. (1990). Meaning and Speech Act. Cambridge: Cambridge University



Wray, Alison, Kate Trott and Aileen Bloomer. 1998. Projects in Linguistics: A Practical

Guide to Research Language. London: Arnold.

Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ali, Mahmoud. 2013. An Analysis of Apology as a Politeness Strategy Expressed by

Jordanian University Students. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science: Vol. 3 No. 2

Fraser, B. 1990. “Perspectives on Politeness”. Journal of Pragmatics 14: 219-236.

Hickey, L.(1994) ´Comparatively polite people in Spain and Britain´. ACIS, 4/2:2-6.

Kumari, Nivedita and S. Devaki Reddy . 2012.(In)directness of Requesting in Hindi. SKY

Journal of Linguistics 25 (2012), 125–149

Omar Muhammad Farhat, Emdelellah. 2013. Gender, Power, Politeness and Women in the

Arab Society. IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. Sebha: Libya.

Searle, John R. 1975. A Taxonomy of Illocutionary Acts, in: Günderson, K. (ed.), Language,

Mind, and Knowledge, (Minneapolis Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 7), University of Minneapolis Press

Ariana Marazita, Romina. 2000. The role of negative politeness in requests: the strategies

that non-native speakers apply and fail to apply when performing requests. rominamarazita@hotmail.com

Paglia, C. 2009. Talk Shows. Retrieved on February, 20th, 2015


2 5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are offered to the following:

(1) The lecturers of sociolinguistics to introduce the theory of politeness strategies to their students so that can be trigger the students to conduct a reserch relate to the field. (2) The speaker or listener to understand the relation of directive utterance as politeness

strategy particularly the types of directive utterance in trying to get the addressee to perform some act or refrain from performing an act to make the communication is relax and comfortable.

(3) Other researchers to conduct further research about the types of directive utterance as politeness in different episodes used by the interviewer in trying to get the addressee to perform some act or refrain from performing an act to know different significant from the previous utterances and to enrich theee theory of directive utterance and politeness strategy.




Annisa. 2009. Politeness Strategies Used by Javanese. Unpublish M. Hum Thesis. Medan: English Applied Linguistic Study Program, State University of Medan.

Austin, John Langshaw. (1962). How to do things with words. UK: OUP

Blum-Kulka, Shoshana ; House, Juliane & Kasper, Gabriele (eds.) (1989) Cross-cultural pragmatics: requests and apologies. Norwood, NJ: Ablex

Bogdan, Robert. and Biklen, S. 1992. Qualitative Research for Education (2�� ed). Boston: Ally and Bacon.

Levinson, Stephen C, and Penelope Brown. (1987). Politeness: Some UnivErsal )nLonguage Usage. Cambridge Universiti Pres3.

Crowley, David. and Mitchell, D. 1994. Communication Theory Today. Stanford: Stanford University Press

Denzim, Norman K.and Lincoln, YS. 1994. Introduction: Entering the Field of Qualitativ Research. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.

Grice, H. Paul. (1975) Logic and Conversation, in P. Cole and J.L. Morgan eds, Syntax and Semantics, vol. 3. New York: Academic Press.

Holmes, Janet. 1995. Women, Men and Politeness. London and New York: Longman Kreidler, Charles W. 1998. Introducing English Semantics. London: Routledge.

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Omar Muhammad Farhat, Emdelellah. 2013. Gender, Power, Politeness and Women in the Arab Society. IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. Sebha: Libya.

Searle, John R. 1975. A Taxonomy of Illocutionary Acts, in: Günderson, K. (ed.), Language, Mind, and Knowledge, (Minneapolis Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 7), University of Minneapolis Press

Ariana Marazita, Romina. 2000. The role of negative politeness in requests: the strategies that non-native speakers apply and fail to apply when performing requests.


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Grice, H. Paul. (1975) Logic and Conversation, in P. Cole and J.L. Morgan eds, Syntax and Semantics, vol. 3. New York: Academic Press.

Holmes, Janet. 1995. Women, Men and Politeness. London and New York: Longman Kreidler, Charles W. 1998. Introducing English Semantics. London: Routledge.

Lakoff, Robin. 1990. Talking Power: The Politics of Language. New York: Harper And Row. Lincoln Yvonna S.and Cuba E.G. 1985. Naturalistic Inquiry. California: Saga Publication. Marshall. B, Miles. & Huberman, A. M. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded

Sourcebook. 2nd Edition. New York: SAGE publications Inc.

Richards, J et al. (1992). Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. UK: Longman

Sperber, Dan (1996) Explaining culture: a naturalistic approach. Oxford: Blackwell.

Sugiyono, 2011. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung. AFABETA,cv. Tennant, David. 2000. Talk Isn’t Cheap: A Brief History of the Talk Show.

Timberg, Bernard. M. 2002. Television Talk: A History of the Talk Show. University of Texas Press

Vanderveken, Daniel. (1990). Meaning and Speech Act. Cambridge: Cambridge University



Wray, Alison, Kate Trott and Aileen Bloomer. 1998. Projects in Linguistics: A Practical Guide to Research Language. London: Arnold.

Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ali, Mahmoud. 2013. An Analysis of Apology as a Politeness Strategy Expressed by Jordanian University Students. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science: Vol. 3 No. 2

Fraser, B. 1990. “Perspectives on Politeness”. Journal of Pragmatics 14: 219-236. Hickey, L.(1994) ´Comparatively polite people in Spain and Britain´. ACIS, 4/2:2-6.

Kumari, Nivedita and S. Devaki Reddy . 2012.(In)directness of Requesting in Hindi. SKY Journal of Linguistics 25 (2012), 125–149

Omar Muhammad Farhat, Emdelellah. 2013. Gender, Power, Politeness and Women in the

Arab Society. IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. Sebha: Libya.

Searle, John R. 1975. A Taxonomy of Illocutionary Acts, in: Günderson, K. (ed.), Language, Mind, and Knowledge, (Minneapolis Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 7), University of Minneapolis Press

Ariana Marazita, Romina. 2000. The role of negative politeness in requests: the strategies that non-native speakers apply and fail to apply when performing requests.


Paglia, C. 2009. Talk Shows. Retrieved on February, 20th, 2015

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