Theory of Motivation THEORETICAL REVIEW

13 person’s character through his reaction to various situations. Conversation of others means the author can give the readers clues to a person’s character through the conversations of other characters and things they say about him. Thought means the author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a person thinking about pp. 161-172. 2. 2. 2. Theory of Motivation Based on The Oxford Paperback Dictionary and Thesaurus, Motivation is the reason for the action or behavior. Kendra Cherry in Theories of Motivation says that motivation is the desire that fuels a person to do certain things based on the wants and needs of a person. If a person wishes to meet these wants and needs, then it necessitates him to motivate himself so that he can make certain moves p. 1. From this definition, it can be concluded that motivation is the driving force of the heart of a person to do or to achieve the objectives. Many psychologists have tried to explain the meaning and the essence of motivation, but in this thesis only two of the experts that will be discussed. They are Abraham Maslow 1890-1970 and Frederick Herzberg 1923-2000. Joseph Gawel 1997 in Hezberg’s Theory of Motivation and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs says that in 1954, Maslow introduced theory of Hierarchy of Needs in his book Motivation and Personality. In the theory of Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow says that people have different motivations at different levels. The needs are biological needs thirst, sex; safety needs security, stability, protection; belongingness needs to escape loneliness and love; esteem needs self respect 14 and respect others; and self actualization needs to fulfill one’s potentialities. The first level is biological needs. He states that a person could not recognize or pursue the next higher need in the hierarchy until her or his currently recognized need was substantially or completely satisfied. A lower need took priority and it might be fulfilled before the others are activated pp. 1-2. While Herzberg who has close links with Maslow believes that there are certain factors that will directly motivate employees to work harder. These factors are called Hygiene extrinsic factors and Motivators factor intrinsic factor. Hygiene factors motivate a person to get out of dissatisfaction, which includes relationships, benefits and environmental conditions while motivator factors motivate a person to strive for satisfaction, which shall include achievement, recognition, advancement of living standards Jim Riley, Theories of Motivation, pp.2-3. From the theories of hierarchy needs by Maslow and the factors influence in doing something by Herzberg, it can be concluded that people act based on the specific need and the factors from inside and outside their life. 2. 2. 3. Theory of Psychology and Psychological Approach