The Need for Others


2. The Need for Others

The need for others also beca me the teachers‟ belief in practice of giving teachers‟ written feedback in Critical Reading and Writing II Class. This belief appeared for 11 times in Critical Reading and Writing II Class. According to Gebhard and Oprandy 1999, pp. 5-6, the teacher has a belief in the need for others in order to explore their teaching. The teacher had to know the students‟ needs in teaching learning of writing. The teaching learning activity was held at least two people as teacher and student. Thus, both teacher and student improved and explored their skill, ability, and knowledge to complete each other needs in teaching learning activity. Table 4.15 The Examples of Teacher’s Belief 2 No. Beliefs Teachers’ Comments 2. The need for others. - Add more sentences. - Is it the conclusion? Start with: In conclusion... - Student A, I think you have strong thesis. Yet, it‟s not well-supported with evidencefacts. Therefore, people who read your essay might not be persuadedmight disagree with you easily. The teachers delivered their knowledge to the student then the students obtained knowledge to improve their skill on writing. The example of this belief was recognized in the sentences, ”Student A, I think you have a strong thesis. Yet, it‟s not well-supported with evidencefacts. Therefore, people who read your essay might not be persuadedmight disagree with you easily.” The thesis on the student‟s writing was strong. However, the teacher did not find evidences or facts 84 to support the thesis. The teacher considered that a good essay in student‟s writing needed facts or evidences to convince the reader. It showed that the teacher asked the student to think about the need for others. It influenced the readers‟ opinion to be persuaded or not. Other needs in the essay were very important because it helped the reader to understand and to support the essay. The other examples were the teacher said “Add more sentences.” and “Is it the conclusion? Start with: In conclusion...”. The teacher knew student‟s need to add more sentences in the paragraph in order to support the content of the essay. Besides, the teacher also gave feedback in making conclusion that the student had to begin the conclusion on the paragraph using “In concl usion...”. The teacher had to be aware about the students‟ need in writing class.

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