2. Qualifications of the Assessment Team 2. 1. Qualifications of the Lead Assessor and Assessment Team Tuti Suryani Sirait Lead Auditor :


B. 2. Qualifications of the Assessment Team

B. 2. 1. Qualifications of the Lead Assessor and Assessment Team Tuti Suryani Sirait Lead Auditor :

Graduated from Institute Agriculture in Bogor IPB, 1991 She has more than 10 years audit experiences in auditing HACCP, GMP, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005, ISPO and RSPO. She has successfully completion training RSPO by Komisi RSPO, Jakarta, SCC Standard Training by David Ogg Partner – Jakarta, ISPO Lead Auditor Training by Komisi ISPO, Jakarta, Lead Auditor Training of ISO 900019011 organized by SICS – Sucofindo, ISO 22000 : 2005 FSMS Auditor Lead Auditor by Moody International, Singapore; Lead Assessor for Food Safety Management System HACCPGMP by QAS Sydney, Australia and Social Lead Auditor Training SA 8000 from Social International Audit SIA, Turkey. She is actively participated in RSPO meeting to discuss RSPO P C and also as a trainer in ISPO Lead auditor training. Warsid Sumarlin Auditor He graduated from Institute Agriculture of Bogor IPB majoring Economic and Social. He has more than 5 years audit experiences in OSHAS and SMK3. He has successfully completion from Lead auditor for SMK3, Lead Auditor for OHSAS and Lead Auditor for ISO 9001. He has successfully completion training RSPO by Komisi RSPO, Jakarta, ISPO Lead Auditor Training by Komisi ISPO, Jakarta. Harris Silalahi HS HCV Aspect He graduated from North Sumatra University USU Medan majoring in Chemistry in 1995. He has qualified as an IRCA Auditor, Auditor Certification TUV, Young Expert K3 Construction, Lead Auditor and Assessment RSPO High Conservation Value Areas HCVA. He has completed such training Assessment Technical Training High Conservation Value Areas HCVA, Technical Training Assessment High Conservation Value Areas HCVA, Lead Auditor Training RSPO Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil, Expert Training Young Construction Safety and Health K3 Expert construction, Training Auditor Lead Auditor ISO 9000: 2000. Vidyana P. Ahmad Plantation Aspect She is Bachelor in Agricultural majoring in Plant Cultivation, Padjadjaran University, 2004. She is an Auditor for Food Safety System HACCPOrganicFSMS, Auditor for Organic System Certification, Auditor for Food Safety Management System FSMS, Auditor for Sustainable Palm SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 3.04 Issue 04 Rev. 6 19of 117 Oil RSPO and Accepted Auditor for GMP + B2 – PDV The Netherlands Certification PER 00000736 She has successfully completion training from Auditor for Food Safety System HACCP, Lead Auditor Training for Organic System Certification, Lead auditor Training for Food Safety Management System FSMS, Lead Auditor Training for GMP B2, PDV Standard Scheme 2006 and Lead Auditor Training for RSPO

M. Irwin MI Environment Aspect