The Effects Job Stress on Job Performance


2.5.4 The Effects Job Stress on Job Performance

Job stress has become a serious threat to pshycal and psychological health of individuals, especially those serving as policemen, fire fighters, medical personnel, and rescue-team members Mitani et all. 2006. It has been shown in previous studies that some types of stress can have desirable consequences and there are certain types that are commonly associated with positive work out- comes, for example, Lepine, Podsakof 2005 observed that when a stressor is appraised primarily as a challenge it may lead to internal arousal and better performances outcomes. The most widely studied pattern in the stress-performance literature is inverted-U relationship Robbin, 2003. This is shown in figure 2.1 Figure 2.1 Inverted-U relationships between stress, and job performance The logic underlying the inverted U is that to modearte levels of stress stimulate the body and increase its ability to react. Individuals then often perform their tasks better, more intensely, or more rapidly. But too much stress places unattainable demands or constraints on a person, which result in lower performance. 31 Although some researchers have indicated that the relationship between stress and performance is either positive linear or an inverted U-shape, most have found a negative stress-performance relationship eg Gilboa et all 2008. Job stress is often seen as dysfunctional in effect in that it decades both quality and quantity of job performance. Job stress also wastes the time and energy that an individual spends dealing with the stressor, limiting cocentration on the task at hand and thereby affecting performance Siu. 2003. Strenghten by Chen 2009 investigated the relationship between the relationship between job stress and job performance. There was a significant negative relationship between job stress and job performance, higher job stress led to lower job performance. This study also support by Wu 2011 which did present study examined the relationship between Job stress and job performance among employees in the Taiwanese Finance sectors. It’s found that job stres and job performance were negatively correlated with employees in the Taiwanese finance sector. Thus, research proposes the following hypothesis: H4: the higher level job stress in workplace, the lower level job Performance H6: Job satisfaction has a role in mediating the relationship between job stress and job performance.

2.5.5 The Effects Organizational Support on Job Performance