Hasil Pembacaan Nilai Absorbansi: Perhitungan inhibisi Kurva Regresi Linier Hubungan Inhibisi dengan Seri Kadar Perhitungan IC

a. Kuersetin i. Konsentrasi 1µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 ii. Konsentrasi 2µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 iii. Konsentrasi 3µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 iv. Konsentrasi 4µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 v. Konsentrasi 5µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 b. Ekstrak etanolik biji C. moschata i. Konsentrasi 25µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 ii. Konsentrasi 50µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 iii. Konsentrasi 75µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 iv. Konsentrasi 100µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 v. Konsentrasi 125µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 vi. Konsentrasi 150µgml Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3

4. Kurva Regresi Linier Hubungan Inhibisi dengan Seri Kadar

Ektrak Etanolik Biji C. moschata a. Kuersetin b. Ekstrak etanolik biji C. moschata

5. Perhitungan IC

50 a. Kuersetin Aktivitas hambat antioksidan kuersetin mencapai 50 pada konsentrasi 2,55 µgml. y = 18.192x + 3.578 R² = 0.9963 20 40 60 80 100 2 4 6 in h ib isi Konsentrasi µgml kuersetin Linear kuersetin y = 0.1113x + 3.2447 R² = 0.9904 5 10 15 20 25 50 100 150 200 i nh ibis i Konsentrasi µgml ekstrak etanolik biji C. moschata Linear ekstrak etanolik biji C. moschata b. Ekstrak etanolik biji C. moschata Maka aktivitas hambat antioksidan ekstrak etanolik biji C. moschata mencapai 50 pada konsentrasi 420,08 µgml. Lampiran 5. Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak etanolik biji C. moschata dilarutkan dalam DMSO

1. Hasil pengamatan DZI uji antimikroba pembanding tetrasiklin

Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3

2. Hasil pengamatan DZI uji antimikroba pembanding ciprofloksasin

Replikasi 1 Replikasi 2 Replikasi 3 Naskah Publikasi Karya Tulis Ilmiah Ika Dewi Rahmawati 20120350024 Farmasi UMY Page 1 Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanolik Biji Labu Kuning Cucurbita moschata Duch Poir Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Pumpkin Seeds Cucurbita moschata Duch Poir Ethanolic Extract Sri Tasminatun, M.Si., Apt, Rifki Febriansah, M.Sc., Apt, Ika Dewi Rahmawati, Dr. Alfaina Wahyuni, Sp. OG Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta ABSTRACT Pumpkin Cucurbita moschata Duch Poir is one of the plants that are easily found in Indonesia, but has not been used optimally. C. moschata seeds are known to contain many different active compounds such as flavonoid and alkaloid. Flavonoid and alkaloid known to give the effect of antibacterial and anti radical. Free radicals is one of the main causes of the occurrence of degenerative diseases. The infection caused by bacteria may also aggravate a degenerative disease complications. This research aims to identify and investigate the effect of flavonoid and alkaloid compounds of ethanolic extract seeds of C. moschata as antioxidant and antibacteria. The seeds of C. moschata were extracted using maceration method with ethanol 70. The extract of C. moschata seeds was identified flavonoid and alkaloid compounds using thin layer chromatography methods. Then tested its antioxidant activity using DPPH method and the antibacteria was tested by disc diffusion method. The data inhibition got on the antioxidant activity testing poured into a curve between the inhibition and the concentration to get the equivalence of linear regression. The equivalence of linear regression was used to decide Inhibitory Concentration IC 50 . On antibacteria activity testing, it was done with diameter zone of inhibition measurement method toward Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, and then compared with the standard value of antibacterial activity. The results of the identification showed the extract ethanolic of C. moschata seeds contain of flavonoid and alkaloid compounds with Rf 0.87 and 0.56. Compared to standard quercetin and kuinin compounds that showed Rf 0.75 and 0.56. This study showed that extracts ethanolic of C. moschata seeds had weak antioxidant activity with IC 50 values of 420.08 µgml and has antibacterial effects on concentration of 25 1.31 mm and 50 2.24 toward the S. aureus bacteria. Key words: antibacteria, antioxidant, Cucurbita moschata, Staphylococcus aureus.