The Reasons of Using Those Code Switchings by MTV VJ of MTV Global Room

2. The Reasons of Using Those Code Switchings by MTV VJ of MTV Global Room

In presenting MTV Global Room program, all of the hosts or commonly called video jockey usually use two different languages. They use English and Indonesian language in their conversation with the guests, the viewers and also the others hosts. Those hosts have some reasons why they usually use code switching when they are presenting that program. As it has been discussed before in the second chapter, code switching cannot be separated from bilingual and multilingual societies.

People are mostly bilinguals or multilinguals now because they usually master more than one language. The fact that people usually use more than one language can encourage them to switch codes whenever they are speaking. For the example, it can be seen when the hosts are presenting MTV Global Room program. Therefore, this part will explain the reasons of the hosts in using those code switchings when they present that program. Those reasons are going to be discussed below:

2.1. Intrasentential Switching In presenting MTV Global Room program, the hosts sometimes create intrasentential switching when they are speaking. They have own reasons why they create intrasentential switching when they are presenting that program. The reasons are because of familiar and simpler words, and the use of jargon.Those reasons will be explained more below:

a. Familiar and simpler words In presenting the program, the hosts always use familiar and commonly words in order to have closer relationship with the guest star and the viewers. They not only present the program but they also always try to have closer relationship with the viewers and the guest. Therefore, the guest will feel more comfortable when they are invited into the program. Besides, the program will be more interesting so the viewers will like to watch it. The examples will be given below:

a.1. data number 1 / MTV GR / Intra.S / A21 – 07 VJ Daniel

: Suharta, mau ngerequest lagu apa? Suharta

: Samsons

This datum example was taken from the recorded of MTV Global Room program on August 21 st , 2007. In this part, the host uses this term ngerequest,

when he wants to ask one of the callers (Suharta) about the request songs. The word, ngerequest, is mixed together with, nge-. Here, the form of –nge is a non standard word in Indonesian language and it is also a kind of informal Indonesian language. He uses the word ngerequest because that word is more familiar to the viewers ears than the word minta. All of the hosts often use the word ngerequest when they want to ask the callers about their request songs. This word is also part of broadcasting language so it is more popular and familiar.

a.2. data number 7 / MTV GR / Intra.S / A22 – 07 VJ Daniel

: Welcome back to MTV Global Room masih sama gue Daniel, Franda and of course Park Drive. Park Drive is MTV Artist bulan Agustus. Dan tentang repackagenya, congratulation banget karena album ke – 2 kalian bakal masuk mayor label ya?

Park Drive : Album ke – 2 masih dalam proses pembuatan dan sekarang ini kita baru ngejalanin repackage.

The next data was taken from the second recorded of MTV Global Room program on August 22 nd , 2007 in Global TV. Here, Daniel uses that term,

repackagenya when he wants to tell the viewers that the word repackagenya is about Park Drive’s second album. The host also wants to have closer relationship

with the guest and the viewers. Therefore he likes to use the word repackagenya than album daur ulang because this word is simpler, familiar and commonly used in music industry. It can be seen that the word is not only used by the host but the group band also. It means the word repackage has been more popular and known than album daur ulang.

b. The use of jargon In presenting a program like MTV Global Room, the hosts usually use jargon. Jargon is language used by certain group. It means that jargon is usually used in broadcasting. By using jargon, it will be more understood for the guests and the viewers because it is easy to listen and know. The examples are going to

be given below:

b.1. data number 2 / MTV GR/ Intra.S / A21 – 07 VJ Millane : Buat anak – anak nongkrong di luar bisa aja ga tahu, mungkin music directionnya lebih kemana, pop, pop rock atau rock saja? ST 12

: Semua ada jadi gado – gado.

This data was taken from the recorded of MTV Global Room program on August 21st, 2007. Here Millane creates that term, music directionnya, when she

is asking the guest about their flow of songs in making their first album. In this data, the word music directionnya is mixed together with –nya, (suffix as possesive). She prefers to use music directionnya than aliran musiknya because that word is familiar and commonly used in music industry and the guest also has known what she is asking to them. It can be seen from their answer, “semua ada jadi gado – gado” (ST 12).

b.2. data number 11 / MTV GR / Intra.S / A22 – 07 VJ Daniel

: Oh, jadi lagu – lagu lama diarranged dan dimixed lagi? dan loe sendiri loe yang ngerequest vokal loe?

The next data was taken from the recorded of MTV Global Room program on August 22 nd , 2007. He uses the term, dimixed, when he wants to ask the guest

about the process of making their second album. He also wants to know about the new album which contains some old songs and new songs. In that album, the old and new songs are mixed together. He likes to use the term, dimixed because this word is more familiar and commonly used in industry music than the word dicampur. This word is also part of broadcasting language and it is usually used to create the word ”mencampur”.

2.2 Intersentential Switching In presenting MTV Global Room program, the hosts sometimes create intersentential switching. There are some reasons why they create intersentential

switching. Those reasons are to clarify, to give information, to express condolence feeling, to express thanks feeling, to introduce guest star and to have break time. The reasons will be explained below:

a. To clarify The hosts usually use English when they want to open the program. They use English because it is one of their habits and to make variation in their utterances. They want to make the program will be more interesting. For example will be given below: data number 1 / MTV GR / Inter.S / A21 – 07 VJ Daniel

: Welcome back to MTV Global Room. Now we have guest. Selamat datang di MTV Global Room, sekarang kita udah punya bintang tamu yang sangat terhormat disini dan mereka datang jauh-jauh dari Bandung. Langsung aja tepuk tangan buat ST 12 (Guest). Disini sudah ada Pepeng, Pepep, dan Charly Van Houtten.

VJ Millane : Ya, ST 12! (She clapped her hands)

This datum above was taken from the recorded of MTV Global Room program on August 21 st , 2007. In this part, VJ Daniel creates intersentential code

switching. He speaks in English when he opens the program and greets the viewers, Welcome back to MTV Global Room. He also says to them that there will be guest star in that program, and now we have guest. Most of the hosts

usually use English when they want to greet the viewers. It happens because it is one of their ways to attract them and make the program is more interesting.

Then, he switches the code from English to Indonesian, Selamat datang di MTV Global Room, sekarang kita udah punya bintang tamu yang sangat terhormat disini dan mereka datang jauh-jauh dari Bandung. Langsung aja tepuk tangan buat ST 12 (Guest). Disini sudah ada Pepeng, Pepep, dan Charly Van Houtten. He switches the code from English to Indonesian in order to explain more about the guest. He mentions the members of the group band and they are from Bandung. By switching the code into Indonesian, hopefully the viewers will more understand about what he has said before in English. The similar data examples can be found in data number 3 / MTV GR / Inter.S / A21 – 07, data number 5 / MTV GR / Inter.S / A21 – 07, data number 7 / MTV GR / Inter.S / A22 – 07, data number 9 / MTV GR / Inter.S / A22 – 07, data number 12 / MTV GR / Inter.S / S3 – 07, data number 14 / MTV GR / Inter.S / S3 – 07.

b. To give information to the viewers In presenting the program, the hosts not only have conversation with the guests star and tell the viewers about the requesting song which can be requested by them but the hosts also give information about the quiz so the viewers will be interested in joining the program. The example is: data number 6 / MTV GR / Inter.S / A21 – 07 VJ Daniel

: Welcome back to MTV Global Room. We have CD from ST

12. Oh ya kita juga punya CD dari ST 12 dan langsung saja kita

mau bagi – bagiin CD dari ST 12. So kalau kamu anak nongkrong, telepon kesini! Call us right now,okay? Hallo, siapa ini?

The sixth data above was taken from the recorded of MTV Global Room program on August 21 st , 2007 in Global TV. At first, VJ Daniel speaks in English

that he has CD from ST 12 band, We have CD from ST 12. Then he switches the code into Indonesian language, Oh ya kita juga punya CD dari ST 12. Langsung saja kita mau bagi – bagiin CD dari ST 12. By switching the code, the viewers will more understand that he will give free CD to the viewers. Therefore, they will feel more enthuastics to join into the program.

Here, he persuades the viewers if they want to get free CD from ST 12, they have to call into the program first. But he does not tell them that he has quiz because it is one of his tricks to invite them in joining the program. Then, he will give free CD from that group band to the viewers who can answer the quiz. The similar examples can be seen in data number 2 / MTV GR / Inter.S / A21 – 0 and data number 15 / MTV GR / Inter.S / S3 – 07.

c. To express condolence feeling Sometimes the hosts use English when they want to express their condolence but they also switch the code into Indonesian language in order to have more respect and as solidarity. The example can be seen below:

data number 4 / MTV GR / Inter.S / A21 – 07 VJ Daniel

: I’m very sorry to hear that. Aku turut berduka cita dengan meninggalnya Iman. Now we are having phone. So, don’t forget to call us on 5835366. Okay, langsung aja.

This fourth data was taken from the recorded of MTV Global Room program on August 21 st , 2007. At first Daniel speaks in English when he knows

that one of the members of ST 12 group band has died because of sick, I’m very

sorry to hear that. Then he switches the code into Indonesian, Aku turut berduka cita dengan meninggalnya Iman. By swtching the code, he wants to express his deep condolence about the died of Iman and to show his solidarity as the same

artists even though he is not a singer.

d. To have break time When they hosts want to have break time, they usually create intersentential switching in their utterances to make variation in presenting the program so it will not be monotonous. The example is: data number 8 / MTV GR / Inter.S / A22 – 07 VJ Daniel

: Nanti kita bakal ngomong lebih banyak lagi. So, we have to

break. Don’t go anywhere from MTV Global Room. So stay

tune! Kita sekarang mau istirahat dulu. Jangan kemana – mana,okay? Tetap di MTV Global Room!

That data above was recorded from MTV Global Room program on August 22, 2007. At first, Daniel speaks in English when he wants to have break

time, So, we have to break. Don’t go anywhere from MTV Global Room. So

stay tune! Then he switches the code into Indonesian, Kita sekarang mau istirahat dulu. Jangan kemana – mana! Tetap di MTV Global Room! By switching the code, the viewers will know that the program is not end but he only has break time and he will continue to present the program again after the commercial brake. Therefore it is hoped that they will watch until in the end of the program.

e. To express thanks feeling data number 13 / MTV GR / Inter.S / S3 - 07 VJ Marissa : Thank you so much for calling. Buat Nita makasih udah telepon

kesini ya.

This data was recorded from MTV Global Room program in Global television on September 3, 2007. In this part, VJ Marissa speaks in English first when she wants to express her thanks to one of the callers. Then, she switches the code into Indonesian language in order to tell the other viewers that one of them namely Nita has joined into the program. By mentioning the name, she can express her deep thanks to Nita and she wants to respect her who has joined into the program. Similar example can be found in data number 10 / MTV GR / Inter.S / S3 – 07.

f. To introduce guest star When the hosts want to introduce the guest star, sometimes they speak in English first before they speak in Indonesian language. Here, they want to attract the viewers in joining the program and to make variaton in their utterances. So the program will be more interesting. The example is: data number 11 / MTV GR / Inter.S / S3 – 07 VJ Marissa : Bukan pacarmu ya? Pokoknya udah rame disini di MTV Global

Room. Today, we have guest. They are J-Rocks. Hari ini kita punya bintang tamu sebuah grup band terkenal di Indonesia dan mereka adalah J-Rocks. Apa kabar?

This data above was recorded from MTV Global Room program in Global television station on September 3, 2007. When Marissa opens the program again after the commercial brake, she speaks in English, Today, we have guest. They are J-Rocks. Then, she switches the code into Indonesian language, Hari ini kita punya bintang tamu, salah satu grup band di Indonesia dan mereka adalah J- Rocks. By switching the code into Indonesian language, the viewers will know more about the guest. She hopes that they will watch the program and join into program.

2.3 Tag Switching When the hosts are presenting the program, they sometimes create tag switching in their language because of some reasons. Those reasons are to

confirm, as an agreement to play song, to remind the viewers and to make sure. These reasons are going to be explained below:

a. To confirm In presenting the program, the hosts not only have conversation with the guests star but they also tell the viewers about the songs which can be requested, the way in sending emails or requesting songs, to read emails which have been sent by the viewers, and to give quiz. The example will be given below: data number 1 / MTV GR / TS / A21 – 07 VJ Millane : Hi guys yang pasti in MTV Global Room bareng kita berdua and

all about the requests, jadi buat kamu semua yang pengen request langsung aja request ke MTV Global Room@Global, okay? Pastinya dibawah situ juga ditulis apa faxnya. Dan buat requests kita ada Natasha Bedingfield with Soulmate, Samsons with For You, Dotrie with Home and ST 12 with Rasa Yang Tertinggal.

The data was taken from the recorded of MTV Global Room program on August 21 st , 2007. In this conversation, VJ Millane inserts an English tag after she

speaks in Indonesian language. Here, she wants to confirm to the viewers about the way in requesting songs. If the viewers want to request songs, they can send emails to MTV Global Room@Global or they can send by using fax. She also tells the viewers that there are some songs which can be requested by them. The data which have the same characteristics can be seen in data number 4 /

MTV GR / TS / A21 – 07, data number 6 / MTV GR / TS / A22 – 07, data number 7 / MTV GR / TS / A22 – 07.

b. As agreement to play song In MTV Global Room program, the viewers can participate into the program by requesting songs too. They can request by phone or sending emails. As the example below, one of the viewers joins into the program by sending email. The example is:

data number 2 / MTV GR / TS / A21 - 07 VJ Daniel

: Absolutely. We have some emails today. Nah hari ini kita punya beberapa email yang udah masuk dan kita langsung baca aja email yang udah masuk (Email: “Hai VJ MTV! Gue Ami dari

Tangerang. Gue mo request lagu dari Natasha Badingfield with Soulmate. Salamnya buat VJ aja deh. Makasih udah bacain”. Habis

itu ada email satu lagi. VJ Millane : Coba kita lihat. VJ Daniel

: Nih ya “Hai, dari Arya, Okay? Halo VJ, Arya mau bilang, selamat siang deh buat all course kamar bedah di RS WS and

semua cowok – cowok yang koas di seantero Makassar. About song ya, gue pengen Natasha Badingfield. Selamet ya yang buat jaga. Yang lagi diskusi bagi – bagi ilmu dan tetap semangat. Thanks VJ”.

VJ Millane : Hei Mas dan Mbak VJ, dari Ulum di Tegal.

VJ Daniel : Dari Ulum di Tegal mau request dong lagu Natasha yang Soulmate.

VJ Millane : Tenang aja ntar kita langsung puterin Natasha dengan Soulmate, okay? Check it out.

That data above was recorded from MTV Global Room program on August 21, 2007 in Global TV. In this conversation, VJ Millane inserts English tag after she speaks in Indonesian language when she wants to play a song which is requested by one of the callers (Ulum in Tegal, Central Java). Here, the caller requests song by sending an email. This word or this tag serves as an agreement to play song. It means that VJ Millane agrees to play song which has been requested before by the caller (Ulum). The data that has the same characteristics can be found in data number 3 / MTV GR / TS / A21 – 07.

c. To remind the viewers data number 5 / MTV GR / TS / A21 – 07 VJ Daniel

: Welcome back to MTV Global Room. We have CD from ST 12. Oh ya kita juga punya CD dari ST 12. Langsung saja kita mau bagi

– bagiin CD dari ST 12. So kalau kamu anak nongkrong, telepon kesini! Call us right now, okay? Hallo, siapa ini?

The datum above was taken from the recorded of MTV Global Room program on August 21, 2007. The host creates English tag when he is speaking in

English before he answers the telephone. Here, he reminds the viewers to call into the program because he has free CD (compact disk) from the guest (ST 12). It can

be seen from his utterance, “Langsung saja kita mau bagi – bagiin CD dari ST 12. So kalau kamu anak nongkrong, telepon kesini! Call us right now, okay?”.

Therefore, the viewers have to call into the program soon if they want to get free CD from ST 12. The similar data can be found in data number 9 / MTV GR / TS / S3 – 07 and data number 10 / MTV GR / TS / S3 – 07.

e. To make sure the viewers data number 8 / MTV GR / TS / S3 – 07 VJ Marissa : We have, wait a few minute, J Rock featuring Rizal (Kau Curi