







By :














This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

By :







This thesis written by Dwi Yunita Sari approved on October 28, 2013



This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on October 28, 2013



Everything needs a struggle to get success

Do not ever be afraid of the failure

Because the failure occurs only when we give up


I dedicated this thesis to:

 Allah SWT.

 Mr. Soeparto, M.Pd and Mr. Dian Arsitades Wiranegara, M.Pd.

 My beloved Mom “Ibu

Ranti” and dad “Bapak Muljono (Alm)”, my sister “Mbk. Ipung, my brother “Mas. Joni”, and my lovely niece “Dek. Amel”

 My beloved dear Dio Natra Pratama.

 My beloved friends who always give me spirit (Dyah as ibuk, Nunun, cuzy, and others).

 All my friends in Soeparto’s Thesis Guidance (Ramly, Irma, Bintang, and


 All my friends of English Department 2009.

 All friends in Jasmine kost ( Mbk. Aye, Mbk. Mia, Olip, and others)

 And for all who is always pray and support me, and gives their help to finish

this thesis, thank you…



Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah, all grateful prays to the great loving Allah SWT, the almighty and the most merciful, for his gift to the writer in finishing the thesis. My lord sends salutations upon Muhammad SAW and upon the family of Muhammad SAW.

The writer would like to express her deep appreciation and gratitude to Drs. Soeparto. M. Pd and Dian Arsitades Wiranegara, M. Pd, their supervisor, for their patience, willingness and invaluable guidance as well as suggestion for the completion of this thesis writing.

The researcher dedicated her deepest and whole hearted gratitude to her beloved mother, Ranti, beloved father, Muljono (Alm) for their love, patience, and also to her sister, brother and niece, Purwaningsih, Farizal Joni Affandi, and Reza Amelia Purwa Puspita, for his support and patience and of course for my beloved dear Dio Natra Pratama for his pray for her.

Finally, her deepest and special thank goes to all of her best friends whose names cannot be mentioned here one by one, to all her friends in campus and many people who know her, thank you very much. She will always remember you all the time. May Allah bless you all, amin

Malang, October 28, 2013 The Researcher,

Dwi Yunita Sari iv










CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problems ... 6

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 7

1.4 Significance of Study ... 7

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 7

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 7


2.1.1 The Concept of Comprehension... 9

2.1.2 Level of Comprehension ... 10

2.2 Digital Native ... 12

2.2.1 Criteria being Digital Native ... 11

2.3 Digital Immigrant ... 15 vi


2.4 The Comparison between Digital Native and Digital Immigrant ... 16

2.4.1 The Language of Digital Native and Digital Immigrant ... 17

2.4.2 The Characteristic of Digital Native and Digital Immigrant 19

2.4.3 The Behavior of Digital Native Vs Digital Immigrant ... 20

2.5 Twitter ... 23


3.2 Research Subject ... 27

3.3 Research Instrument ... 28

3.3.1 Document ... 28

3.3.2 Interview ... 28

3.4 Data Collection... 29

3.5 Data Analysis ... 30

CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Research Finding ... 31

4.2 Discussion ... 35


5.2 Suggestions ... 40




Table 2.4.1 The Comparison between the Languages of Digital Native and Digital Immigrant ... 19 Table 2.4.2 The Comparison Between The Characteristic of Digital Native and Digital

Immigrant ... 20 Table 2.4.3 The Comparison Between The Behavior of Digital Native and Digital

Immigrant ... 21



Ary, Donald. 2010. An Introduction to research in education, United state of America: Cambridge University.

Bayne,S and Ross,J. 2010. “Digital Native” and “Digital Immigrant” Discourse: a

critique. Scotland: The University of Edinburgh.

Bogdan, Robert.C and Biklen,K. 2003. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. United State of America: Pearson education group.

Crystal, David. 2001. Language and the internet. Cambridge University Press. Ebner,M and Schiefner,M. 2010. Looking Toward the Future of

Technology-Enhanced Education: Ubiquitous Learning and the Digital Native. New York: Information Science Reference.

Fitton, 2012. Twitter For Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Inc. on January 15th 2013

Luhab,H. 2011. Teaching reading comprehension by using comic story reading activity

as a strategy to improve student’s comprehension. Unpublished thesis. Malang UMM.

Pang, Elizabeth S. et. al. 2003. teaching reading, international academy of education. Available at - accessed on March 15 2013

Prensky, Marc. 2001. Digital Native, Digital Immigrant, part I and part II. From on the Horizon: NCB University Press. accessed on February 15 2013

Rahayu, S. 2011. The digital native’s perception toward the mobile phone roles in

school at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Malang. Unpublished thesis: Malang UMM.


Tisnanda, D.A. 2012. Word Formation Used by the Alay Twitter User in Tweeting. Unpublished thesis: Malang UMM

Thomases, H. 2010.Twitter Marketing an Hour a Day. Canada: Wiley Publishing, Inc.




This chapter discusses about background of the study, statements of problem, purpose of study, significances of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of Study

In modern era, technology is very important especially internet. Many people use internet to communicate with other people. Nowadays, almost every people in the world use internet as their social life to make them easier in finding many information or knowledge. Internet is new developing every year, followed by as social media. Hence is become life style. In this case people involve internet source or technology is called digital native.

Digital natives are the first generation to grow up with this new technology. Digital natives used all kinds of digital toys and tools, which are an integral part of their life. Digital activity is like a mother tongue for them. They are included generation of technological acceleration of the Internet and its networks. Growing up in such an environment, digital natives think and process information in a totally different way than previous generations Mack Prensky (2001).

Nowadays digital native is very familiar with social networking. According Cahyono (2009: 2-3) “Social networking is a social structural create from personal or



are many social networking that usually used by digital native and newest one is


Twitter is free social networking micro-blogging service that allows people to easily and instantly post status update and news (Boyd: 2009). Twitter is different with another social networking. Twitter is very simple the character letter compose the Twitter is limited not more than 140 characters, automatically the Twitter users mostly shorten the word. Updating status in Twitter is called “tweet”. It is very interest by digital native to express their feeling.

Tweet is a post or status update on twitter, a micro-blogging service. Twitter

only allows message of 140 characters or less. So, digital native creates many new words to show up their feeling by shortening words because of the limited number of words provided by twitter. The generations before digital native cannot fully comprehend the meaning of the new words of status update or tweet written by digital

native. The previous generation of digital native is called “digital immigrant”.

The concept of digital immigrant was introduced by Marc Prensky (2001). "They are individuals not born in the digital world, but who adopted many aspects of the new digital age". They are essentially different from digital natives in the sense that they must learn what digital natives grow up knowing as a mother tongue. The generations before digital natives cannot fully understand them or share their values, and face difficulties when communicating with them, collaborating with them, and of course educating them.



Digital native always is different from digital immigrant. Digital native is the new generation and always use technology in their life, differently with digital immigrant. Digital immigrant is people who have limited knowledge in using technology. The one of the significant problems faced by digital immigrant is to comprehend what the digital native wants or means.

The differences between these two generations also go to their languages. One of Digital Native nature is easy to accept new transformation in their life including new language or new word. The new popular language which is used by Digital Natives nowadays such as; cemungudh eah (keep spirit), cemua (all), maca ceh

(really), semanka (spirit brother/sister), cpt beut (very fast), etc. And then the digital immigrant is difficult to accept the new word, they always use language based on dictionary or original word that easy to understand. The original words, such as;

semangat ya, semua, masak sih, semangat kakak, tebar pesona, cepat sekali, etc.

When people read text or hear someone‟s talk, they need to understand the passage or called comprehension. Comprehension is the process of deriving meaning from connected text. This is quoted from International Academy of Education in a book titled Teaching Reading by Pang, it can be defined as an ability to understand the meaning or importance of something (or the knowledge acquired as a

result). The important of comprehension itself is to minimize digital immigrant‟s

misunderstanding meaning of language used by digital native updating status in twitter.



The description above is about theoretical consideration about digital native versus digital immigrant, Twitter, and Comprehension. The following discussion is about the some previous studied about Twitter conducted by Anggita Dwi Tisnanda (2012), digital native by Sri Rahayu (2011), and comprehension conducted by Habibul Luhab (2011).

Based on previous study by Anggita (2012) “Word Formation Used by the Alay Twitter User in Tweeting” from this study the researcher focus on investigates the writing status update used by Alay people in Twitter. The researcher takes the data by observation and documentation. The researcher found many Alay words used by

Twitter user in composing tweet such as, C4NTIK, H4i, S4Y4, GU3, etc. it means that the researcher took the Alay word in her Timeline from her follower in her Twitter. She collected the data when the data appeared in the Timeline during the time. In addition the same word with the different structure of word is included in the number of the Alay word. The researcher found 3 kind type Alay word. First clipping, the definition of clipping is shortening or reducing long word for example AJ it means SAJA in English means only. Second, multiple processes for example W it means GUE or SAYA in English means I. The last is borrowing; the definition of borrowing is taking a word from one language and incorporating it into another. For example of borrowing is LO it means KAMU in English You. The digital native use the Alay word and become habit to composed tweet which difficult to understand other.



Another previous studies by Sri Rahayu (2011) “The digital native‟s

perception toward the mobile phone roles in school at SMK Muhammadiyah 2

Malang”. The study focused on digital native‟s perception of mobile phone. The researcher takes the data through interview and observation. Firstly the researcher found the positive impact of mobile phone. The digital native said that they need mobile phone to help their difficulty in study such as: in English subject to search difficult words in dictionary application in mobile phone, browsing something new concern with the material.

Moreover, another previous studies by Habibul Luhab (2011) “Teaching reading comprehension by using comic story reading activity as a strategy to improve

student‟s comprehension”. The study focused on student‟s comprehension toward teaching reading comprehension by using comic story in reading comprehension

class. The researcher got the data from the result of the students‟ English achievement

in the comprehension test in preliminary study and each cycles, the students‟ and

teacher‟s observation sheet, the students‟ and teacher‟s interview, and the researcher„s

field note. The result of data showed that the students were interested and had a positive response toward the comic story used in teaching reading comprehension. In addition, in the implementation of teaching reading comprehension by using comic

story could make the student‟s comprehension looked easy. In short, the development

of using comic story can certainly improve students‟ reading comprehension.

Based on the explanation above, it is very clear that digital native need technology to learn, social network to communicate, and make technology as the



digital native‟s daily life. Nowadays technology become life style in our society it‟s

called digital native. The important of digital native is about digital era and the development their language which difficult to comprehend by digital immigrant.

From the facts delivered above, the researcher tries to know the comprehension of the digital immigrant teacher as the educator of digital native. The

teachers‟ comprehension toward the language of digital native students is important

for teaching learning success. Here, the researcher taken the research in SMPN 18 Malang teachers because the location of the school is in the city as the centre of technology development and technology is habit for them. So, this research will be interesting because it is conduct from the digital immigrants who started to adopted technologies around them.

Therefore, it is important to investigate the language used on Twitter status update by digital native and digital immigrant comprehension about the language used on it, because no one has investigated this topic. From several explanations above, the researcher would like to investigate The Comprehension of SMPN 18 Malang Teachers as Digital Immigrant Toward Language Used by Digital Native Status Update in Twitter.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

From the explanation in the background above the researcher arrangs the



teachers as digital immigrant toward language used by digital natives‟ status update in


1.3 Purpose of Study

Based on statement problem above, purpose of this study is to know the comprehension of SMPN 18 Malang teachers as digital immigrant toward language used by digital natives‟ status update in Twitter.

1.4 Significant of the Study

This research is aims at giving knowledge and a clear description to the readers about the digital immigrant comprehension, especially in status updating in

Twitter. Besides, it is hoped that can be references for students who want to arrange the thesis about digital immigrant, especially when they study about comprehension of digital immigrant.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is the comprehension of digital immigrant toward language used by digital native status update in Twitter. It is limited on the comprehension of SMPN 18 Malang teachers as digital immigrant.

1.6 Definition of Key terms

There are several key terms, which are necessary to be defined are as follows 1. Comprehension is the process of deriving meaning from connected text.

2. Digital immigrant Digital immigrant is people who have limited knowledge in using technology.



3. Digital native is a person who was born during or after the general introduction of digital technology, and through interacting with digital technology from an early age, has a greater understanding of its concepts. (Prensky Marc: 2001)

4. Twitter is mini-blog, social website, allowing people to easily and instantly post status update and news (Boyd: 2009). Twitter is social networking, help in connecting the members to their friends.

5. Update status also referred to simply as status which allows users to post message for all of their friends to read. In turn friends can respond with their comment. (Zuckerberg, 2009)



Digital native always is different from digital immigrant. Digital native is the new generation and always use technology in their life, differently with digital immigrant. Digital immigrant is people who have limited knowledge in using technology. The one of the significant problems faced by digital immigrant is to comprehend what the digital native wants or means.

The differences between these two generations also go to their languages. One of Digital Native nature is easy to accept new transformation in their life including new language or new word. The new popular language which is used by Digital Natives nowadays such as; cemungudh eah (keep spirit), cemua (all), maca ceh (really), semanka (spirit brother/sister), cpt beut (very fast), etc. And then the digital immigrant is difficult to accept the new word, they always use language based on dictionary or original word that easy to understand. The original words, such as; semangat ya, semua, masak sih, semangat kakak, tebar pesona, cepat sekali, etc.

When people read text or hear someone‟s talk, they need to understand the passage or called comprehension. Comprehension is the process of deriving meaning from connected text. This is quoted from International Academy of Education in a book titled Teaching Reading by Pang, it can be defined as an ability to understand the meaning or importance of something (or the knowledge acquired as a result). The important of comprehension itself is to minimize digital immigrant‟s misunderstanding meaning of language used by digital native updating status in twitter.



The description above is about theoretical consideration about digital native versus digital immigrant, Twitter, and Comprehension. The following discussion is about the some previous studied about Twitter conducted by Anggita Dwi Tisnanda (2012), digital native by Sri Rahayu (2011), and comprehension conducted by Habibul Luhab (2011).

Based on previous study by Anggita (2012) “Word Formation Used by the Alay Twitter User in Tweeting” from this study the researcher focus on investigates the writing status update used by Alay people in Twitter. The researcher takes the data by observation and documentation. The researcher found many Alay words used by Twitter user in composing tweet such as, C4NTIK, H4i, S4Y4, GU3, etc. it means that the researcher took the Alay word in her Timeline from her follower in her Twitter. She collected the data when the data appeared in the Timeline during the time. In addition the same word with the different structure of word is included in the number of the Alay word. The researcher found 3 kind type Alay word. First clipping, the definition of clipping is shortening or reducing long word for example AJ it means SAJA in English means only. Second, multiple processes for example W it means GUE or SAYA in English means I. The last is borrowing; the definition of borrowing is taking a word from one language and incorporating it into another. For example of borrowing is LO it means KAMU in English You. The digital native use the Alay word and become habit to composed tweet which difficult to understand other.



Another previous studies by Sri Rahayu (2011) “The digital native‟s perception toward the mobile phone roles in school at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Malang”. The study focused on digital native‟s perception of mobile phone. The researcher takes the data through interview and observation. Firstly the researcher found the positive impact of mobile phone. The digital native said that they need mobile phone to help their difficulty in study such as: in English subject to search difficult words in dictionary application in mobile phone, browsing something new concern with the material.

Moreover, another previous studies by Habibul Luhab (2011) “Teaching reading comprehension by using comic story reading activity as a strategy to improve student‟s comprehension”. The study focused on student‟s comprehension toward teaching reading comprehension by using comic story in reading comprehension class. The researcher got the data from the result of the students‟ English achievement in the comprehension test in preliminary study and each cycles, the students‟ and teacher‟s observation sheet, the students‟ and teacher‟s interview, and the researcher„s field note. The result of data showed that the students were interested and had a positive response toward the comic story used in teaching reading comprehension. In addition, in the implementation of teaching reading comprehension by using comic story could make the student‟s comprehension looked easy. In short, the development of using comic story can certainly improve students‟ reading comprehension.

Based on the explanation above, it is very clear that digital native need technology to learn, social network to communicate, and make technology as the



digital native‟s daily life. Nowadays technology become life style in our society it‟s called digital native. The important of digital native is about digital era and the development their language which difficult to comprehend by digital immigrant.

From the facts delivered above, the researcher tries to know the comprehension of the digital immigrant teacher as the educator of digital native. The teachers‟ comprehension toward the language of digital native students is important for teaching learning success. Here, the researcher taken the research in SMPN 18 Malang teachers because the location of the school is in the city as the centre of technology development and technology is habit for them. So, this research will be interesting because it is conduct from the digital immigrants who started to adopted technologies around them.

Therefore, it is important to investigate the language used on Twitter status update by digital native and digital immigrant comprehension about the language used on it, because no one has investigated this topic. From several explanations above, the researcher would like to investigate The Comprehension of SMPN 18 Malang Teachers as Digital Immigrant Toward Language Used by Digital Native Status Update in Twitter.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

From the explanation in the background above the researcher arrangs the statement of problem as follow “How is the comprehension of SMPN 18 Malang



teachers as digital immigrant toward language used by digital natives‟ status update in Twitter?”

1.3 Purpose of Study

Based on statement problem above, purpose of this study is to know the comprehension of SMPN 18 Malang teachers as digital immigrant toward language used by digital natives‟ status update in Twitter.

1.4 Significant of the Study

This research is aims at giving knowledge and a clear description to the readers about the digital immigrant comprehension, especially in status updating in Twitter. Besides, it is hoped that can be references for students who want to arrange the thesis about digital immigrant, especially when they study about comprehension of digital immigrant.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is the comprehension of digital immigrant toward language used by digital native status update in Twitter. It is limited on the comprehension of SMPN 18 Malang teachers as digital immigrant.

1.6 Definition of Key terms

There are several key terms, which are necessary to be defined are as follows 1. Comprehension is the process of deriving meaning from connected text.

2. Digital immigrant Digital immigrant is people who have limited knowledge in using technology.



3. Digital native is a person who was born during or after the general introduction of digital technology, and through interacting with digital technology from an early age, has a greater understanding of its concepts. (Prensky Marc: 2001)

4. Twitter is mini-blog, social website, allowing people to easily and instantly post status update and news (Boyd: 2009). Twitter is social networking, help in connecting the members to their friends.

5. Update status also referred to simply as status which allows users to post message for all of their friends to read. In turn friends can respond with their comment. (Zuckerberg, 2009)