SENSUALITAS DALAM FILM HOROR DI INDONESIA(Analisis Isi pada Film Tali Pocong Perawan karya Arie Azis)
Film Tali Pocong Perawan karya Arie Azis)
Oleh: Ratih Rakasiwi ( 05220268 )
Communication Science
Dibuat: 2010-03-31 , dengan 3 file(s).
Keywords: Kata Kunci: Film, Sensualitas
Peneliti mengambil judul ini karena dalam film yang berjudul Tali Pocong Perawan terdapat
adegan-adegan yang variatif (beragam), contohnya adalah adegan tidak senonoh yang banyak
mengumbar nafsu syahwat untuk ditampilkan kepada masyarakat, sehingga tema besar yang
ditawarkan oleh film tersebut kalah menariknya.
Berkaitan dengan beberapa uraian diatas yang menimbulkan berbagai interpretasi bagi
audiens (penonton), maka disini peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan studi terhadap sensualitas
yang ditunjukkan dalam perfilman Indonesia saat ini, khususnya pada film horor. Penelitian
ini mengambil judul Sensualitas dalam Film Horor di Indonesia (Analisis Isi pada Film Tali
Pocong Perawan karya Arie Aziz.). Dengan tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bentukbentuk sensualitas dan seberapa besar adegan sensualitas yang ada dalam film horor di
Indonesia yang terdapat pada film Tali Pocong Perawan.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis isi dengan pendekatan
deskriptif kuantitatif. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini adalah film horor yang berjudul Tali
Pocong Perawan karya Arie Azis dengan unsur pesan yang mengandung sensualitas.
Penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan unit analisis ekspresi, sedangkan satuan ukur yang
digunakan adalah durasi kemunculan struktur kategori yang dihitung berdasarkan detik.
Dari keseluruhan tayangan film Tali Pocong Perawan didapat bahwa Sensualitas pada
Indikasi Verbal adalah 95 detik, yang paling sering muncul adalah kategori berkata mesra,
yaitu sebanyak 55 detik. Hal ini dikarenakan sifat bawaan pemeran utama perempuan yang
terkenal dengan tingkah laku yang manja dan kata-kata yang berirama menggoda terhadap
lawan jenisnya. Sementara kategori lainnya yaitu merayu sebanyak 26 detik dan indikasi
mendesah sebanyak 14 detik. Sedangkan pada Indikasi Non Verbal adalah1350 detik,
kategori yang memiliki durasi paling banyak adalah pakaian minim, yaitu sebesar 801 detik.
Lalu kedua adalah kategori merangkul (sociofugal) yaitu sebesar 168 detik Di urutan ketiga
terdapat kategori melotot (affect display) dengan durasi 114 detik.
Film ini genre aslinya adalah horor, namun terdapat temuan tentang adanya unsur sensualitas.
Dimana adegan sensualitas yang didapatkan dalam seluruh tayangan berdurasi selama 24,1
menit (1445 detik) dari 88,23 menit (5303 detik). Hal itu mencapai 27,3% atau dapat
dikatakan hampir 1/3 bagian dari tayangan Tali Pocong Perawan ini. Sehingga dapat
disimpulkan bahwa tayangan ini menyimpang atau tidak sesuai dengan tema besar yang
diangkatnya yaitu Horor.
The researcher took this title because in the film that was entitled the Tali Pocong Perawan
was gotten by scenes that variatif (heterogenous), for example to be the scene was improper
that often let the lust desire loose to be put forward to the community, so as the big theme that
was offered by this film more uninteresting him.
Regarding several analyses above that caused various interpretations for audiens (the
spectator), then here the researcher was interested carrying out the study towards sensuality
that was shown in the Indonesian movies industry at this time, especially in the scary movies.
This research took the title of Sensuality in the Scary Movies in Indonesia (the Analysis of
the Contents in the Tali Pocong Perawan movies the work of Arie Aziz. ). With the aim of the
research of knowing forms of sensuality and as big the available sensuality scene in scary
movies in Indonesia that was gotten in the Tali Pocong Perawan Movies.
The method that was used in this research was the analysis method filled with the descriptive
approach quantitative. The scope of this research was the horror film that was entitled the
Tali Pocong Perawan the Arie Azis work with the element ordered that contained sensuality.
This research the researcher used the analysis unit of the expression, whereas the unit
measured that was used was the duration of the structure emergence of the category that was
counted be based on the second.
From the presentation whole of the Tali Pocong Perawan Movies was gotten that Sensuality
in the Verbal Indication was 95 seconds, that most often emerged was the talking category
intimate, that is as many as 55 seconds. This was caused by the characteristics of the actor's
main gift the woman who was famous with the spoilt behaviour and words that were
rhythmic tempted against the opponent of his kind. Now the other category that is feeling
touched totalling 26 seconds and the indication sighed totalling 14 seconds. Whereas in the
Verbal Indication adalah1350 the second, the category that had the duration often was
minimal clothes, that is of 801 seconds. Then the two were the category embraced
(sociofugal) that is of 168 seconds In the third place was gotten by the category of saw (affect
display) with the duration 114 seconds.
This film his original genre was the scary, but was received by the findings about the
existence of the element of sensuality. Where the sensuality scene that was obtained in all the
presentation have a duration for 24.1 minutes (1445 seconds) from 88.23 minutes (5303
seconds). That reached 27.3% or could be said almost 1/3 part of the presentation of this Tali
Pocong Perawan. So as to be able to be concluded that this presentation deviated or was not
in accordance with the big theme that was promoted by him that is the Scary.
Film Tali Pocong Perawan karya Arie Azis)
Oleh: Ratih Rakasiwi ( 05220268 )
Communication Science
Dibuat: 2010-03-31 , dengan 3 file(s).
Keywords: Kata Kunci: Film, Sensualitas
Peneliti mengambil judul ini karena dalam film yang berjudul Tali Pocong Perawan terdapat
adegan-adegan yang variatif (beragam), contohnya adalah adegan tidak senonoh yang banyak
mengumbar nafsu syahwat untuk ditampilkan kepada masyarakat, sehingga tema besar yang
ditawarkan oleh film tersebut kalah menariknya.
Berkaitan dengan beberapa uraian diatas yang menimbulkan berbagai interpretasi bagi
audiens (penonton), maka disini peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan studi terhadap sensualitas
yang ditunjukkan dalam perfilman Indonesia saat ini, khususnya pada film horor. Penelitian
ini mengambil judul Sensualitas dalam Film Horor di Indonesia (Analisis Isi pada Film Tali
Pocong Perawan karya Arie Aziz.). Dengan tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bentukbentuk sensualitas dan seberapa besar adegan sensualitas yang ada dalam film horor di
Indonesia yang terdapat pada film Tali Pocong Perawan.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis isi dengan pendekatan
deskriptif kuantitatif. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini adalah film horor yang berjudul Tali
Pocong Perawan karya Arie Azis dengan unsur pesan yang mengandung sensualitas.
Penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan unit analisis ekspresi, sedangkan satuan ukur yang
digunakan adalah durasi kemunculan struktur kategori yang dihitung berdasarkan detik.
Dari keseluruhan tayangan film Tali Pocong Perawan didapat bahwa Sensualitas pada
Indikasi Verbal adalah 95 detik, yang paling sering muncul adalah kategori berkata mesra,
yaitu sebanyak 55 detik. Hal ini dikarenakan sifat bawaan pemeran utama perempuan yang
terkenal dengan tingkah laku yang manja dan kata-kata yang berirama menggoda terhadap
lawan jenisnya. Sementara kategori lainnya yaitu merayu sebanyak 26 detik dan indikasi
mendesah sebanyak 14 detik. Sedangkan pada Indikasi Non Verbal adalah1350 detik,
kategori yang memiliki durasi paling banyak adalah pakaian minim, yaitu sebesar 801 detik.
Lalu kedua adalah kategori merangkul (sociofugal) yaitu sebesar 168 detik Di urutan ketiga
terdapat kategori melotot (affect display) dengan durasi 114 detik.
Film ini genre aslinya adalah horor, namun terdapat temuan tentang adanya unsur sensualitas.
Dimana adegan sensualitas yang didapatkan dalam seluruh tayangan berdurasi selama 24,1
menit (1445 detik) dari 88,23 menit (5303 detik). Hal itu mencapai 27,3% atau dapat
dikatakan hampir 1/3 bagian dari tayangan Tali Pocong Perawan ini. Sehingga dapat
disimpulkan bahwa tayangan ini menyimpang atau tidak sesuai dengan tema besar yang
diangkatnya yaitu Horor.
The researcher took this title because in the film that was entitled the Tali Pocong Perawan
was gotten by scenes that variatif (heterogenous), for example to be the scene was improper
that often let the lust desire loose to be put forward to the community, so as the big theme that
was offered by this film more uninteresting him.
Regarding several analyses above that caused various interpretations for audiens (the
spectator), then here the researcher was interested carrying out the study towards sensuality
that was shown in the Indonesian movies industry at this time, especially in the scary movies.
This research took the title of Sensuality in the Scary Movies in Indonesia (the Analysis of
the Contents in the Tali Pocong Perawan movies the work of Arie Aziz. ). With the aim of the
research of knowing forms of sensuality and as big the available sensuality scene in scary
movies in Indonesia that was gotten in the Tali Pocong Perawan Movies.
The method that was used in this research was the analysis method filled with the descriptive
approach quantitative. The scope of this research was the horror film that was entitled the
Tali Pocong Perawan the Arie Azis work with the element ordered that contained sensuality.
This research the researcher used the analysis unit of the expression, whereas the unit
measured that was used was the duration of the structure emergence of the category that was
counted be based on the second.
From the presentation whole of the Tali Pocong Perawan Movies was gotten that Sensuality
in the Verbal Indication was 95 seconds, that most often emerged was the talking category
intimate, that is as many as 55 seconds. This was caused by the characteristics of the actor's
main gift the woman who was famous with the spoilt behaviour and words that were
rhythmic tempted against the opponent of his kind. Now the other category that is feeling
touched totalling 26 seconds and the indication sighed totalling 14 seconds. Whereas in the
Verbal Indication adalah1350 the second, the category that had the duration often was
minimal clothes, that is of 801 seconds. Then the two were the category embraced
(sociofugal) that is of 168 seconds In the third place was gotten by the category of saw (affect
display) with the duration 114 seconds.
This film his original genre was the scary, but was received by the findings about the
existence of the element of sensuality. Where the sensuality scene that was obtained in all the
presentation have a duration for 24.1 minutes (1445 seconds) from 88.23 minutes (5303
seconds). That reached 27.3% or could be said almost 1/3 part of the presentation of this Tali
Pocong Perawan. So as to be able to be concluded that this presentation deviated or was not
in accordance with the big theme that was promoted by him that is the Scary.