‘Your Flying Partner” Sriwijaya Air “Just Relax, Your Home in The Air” Eva Air

excommunicating. From that, we can conclude the type of illocutionary categorized as declaration illocution . Illocutionally, in advertising condition, if people read this slogan on the internet , The words ‘Airline of Indonesia’ shows super authentic indentity that belongs to this flight company. It can influence the reader have a will to use this company services in their personal or business flight.. Based on that declaration, slogan ‘The Airline of Indonesia’illocutionally means that the company of advertiser want to make people want to feel also the identity of Indonesian flight company hospitality. .

4. ‘Your Flying Partner” Sriwijaya Air

“Your Flying Partner” from Sriwijaya Air has illocution because it is consist of words that has ability to change the consequences, interpretation, and thought of the readers based on the context of advertisement. The context here is to promote a product in marketing strategy. According to Searle’s theory; commissive: an illocutionary act for getting the speaker i.e. the one performing the speech act to do something. In analyzing the words“ Your” and “Partner” on that slogan, clearlyshows that the advertiser comitting that they will be a partner of their prospective customer during flight. The word “Flying” is to make convince the reader of the advertiser to trust their flight to this company illocution represent a commit to the second person, one of the example is committing something. From that described point, the type of illocutionary categorized as commissive illocution. In normal situation, the meaning of that slogan is to tell in fly you may have a patner., But illocutionally in advertising condition, if people read this slogan, they will have a new option to decide who is their “partner” or trusted flight company for their personal flight.

5. “Just Relax, Your Home in The Air” Eva Air

Slogan “Just Relax, Your Home in The Air”has illocution because it is consist of group of words that has ability to change the consequences and interpretation of the readers based on the context of advertisement. The context here is to promote a product in marketing strategy. The order of advertiser can we see in this slogan of advertisement from the words “Just Relax” . This slogan classified as directive illocutionbecause the advertiser ordering the partner of speech in this case, prospective customer to relax because Eva Air, as a flight company provides services that so comfortable just like home. Based on Searle’s theory that directive is an illocutionary act for getting the addresseetodosomething. For example: ordering, commanding, daring, defying, challenging. In normal situation, we interpreted our home is really in the air or in the sky. But illocutionally in flight advertisement context, the advertiser want to make the prospect consumer understanding that trustworthy, capability, and comfort is number one priority of Eva Air flight company. So the prospective consumer needs no worry or doubt anymore to Eva Air.

6. “Now Everyone Can Fly” Air Asia