Hubungan Antara Work-Family Conflict Dengan Happiness At Work

Hubungan antara Work-family conflict dengan Happiness at work
Maria Sianturi dan Zulkarnain

Keberhasilan suatu organisasi ditandai dengan karyawan yang bahagia di
tempat kerjanya. Bagi karyawan yang sudah menikah, tuntutan pekerjaan dan
keluarga harus dijalankan dengan seimbang karena kepuasan dalam keluarga
berkontribusi terhadap kebahagiaaan di tempat kerja. Selanjutnya, ketika
karyawan dapat menjaga keseimbangan pemenuhan tuntutan pekerjaan dan
keluarga, maka karyawan akan terhindar dari work-family conflict. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara work-family conflict dengan
happiness at work. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif korelasional dengan
melibatkan 288 karyawan perkebunan di Medan. Alat ukur yang digunakan
adalah skala happiness at work berdasarkan teori Ryff dan Keyes (1995) dan skala
work-family conflict berdasarkan teori Greenhaus dan Beutell (1985). Analisa data
dilakukan dengan menggunakan Pearson product moment. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan nilai r = -.329 yang berarti bahwa ada hubungan negatif antara
work-family conflict dengan happiness at work. Untuk mengetahui dimensi workfamily conflict yang berhubungan dengan happiness at work, maka dilakukan
analisa regresi stepwise. Berdasarkan analisa diperoleh dua dimensi yang
berkorelasi dengan happiness at work, yaitu time-based conflict dan strain-based

Kata kunci: karyawan, happiness at work, work-family conflict.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Relationship between Work-family Conflict and Hapiness at Work
Maria Sianturi and Zulkarnain

The success of an organization is characterized by employees happiness at
work. For married employees, the demands of work and family should be
balanced because family satisfaction contributes to happiness at work.
Furthermore, if the employees can maintain the balancing of work and family
demands, they would be avoided of work-family conflict. This study was aimed to
ditermine the correlation between work-family conflict and happiness at work. A
correlational quantitative was used in this study and involved 288 plantation
employees in Medan. Data was collected using happiness at work scale based on
Ryff and Keyes (1995) and work-family conflict scale based on Greenhaus and
Beutell (1985). Data were statistically analyzed using Pearson product moment.
The result showed r = -.329 means that there’s negative correlation between

work-family conflict and happiness at work. To find out the determinants of workfamily conflict, a stepwise reggresion was used. Based on the stepwise method,
the two predictor variables were found to be of significance in explaining
happiness at work. The two predictor variables were time-based conflict and
strain-based conflict.
Key words: employee, happiness at work, work-family conflict.

Universitas Sumatera Utara