Social Community Aspects of Watershed Management

  M odu le 5 – ( L1 9 – L2 1 ) : “Socio- e con om ic Aspe ct s of W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t ” Socia l Aspe ct s of W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t : Com m u n it y pa r t icipa t ion , Pr iva t e se ct or pa r t icipa t ion , I n st it u t ion a l issu e s, Socio- e con om y, I n t e gr a t e d de ve lopm e n t , W a t e r le gisla t ion a n d Socio- e con om y I n t e gr a t e d de ve lopm e n t W a t e r le gisla t ion a n d im ple m e n t a t ion s, Ca se st u die s Socia l & Com m u n it y Aspe ct s Socia l & Com m u n it y Aspe ct s 1 9 1 9 of W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t

L1 9 L1 9 – Socia l & Com m u n it y Aspe ct s of W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t f W t h d M t


Topics Cove r e d Topics Cove r e d

    Social aspect s of wat ershed m anagem ent , Social aspect s of wat ershed m anagem ent , Com m unit y part icipat ion, Com m unit y based Com m unit y part icipat ion, Com m unit y based Com m unit y part icipat ion Com m unit y based Com m unit y part icipat ion Com m unit y based wat ershed m anagem ent , I nst it ut ional issues. wat ershed m anagem ent , I nst it ut ional issues.

    Social aspect s, Com m unit y part icipat ion, Social aspect s, Com m unit y part icipat ion, Keywords: Keywords: I nst it ut ional issues. I nst it ut ional issues.


Wat ershed Managem ent - Perspect ives

  Past Tradit ional and Current Developm ent Approaches Tiw ari et al., ( 2008) The Journal of Agricult ure and Environm ent Vol: .9, Jun.2008 Tiw ari et al ( 2008) The Journal of Agricult ure and Environm ent Vol: 9 Jun 2008

Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002 Socia l Aspe ct s

  • Wat ershed m anagem ent obj ect ive: Social uplift m ent & well being

  of inhabit ant s

W t h d t i t f t h di t d h • Wat ershed m anagem ent consist s of t hose coordinat ed hum an

  act ivit ies aim ed at cont rolling, enhancing, or rest oring wat ershed funct ions.

  Com m unit y- based wat ershed m anagem ent - approach t o •

  wat er- resource prot ect ion t hat enables individuals, groups, and inst it ut ions wit h a st ake in m anagem ent out com es ( oft en called inst it ut ions wit h a st ake in m anagem ent out com es ( oft en called st akeholders) t o part icipat e in ident ifying & addressing local issues t hat affect or are affect ed by wat ershed funct ions.

  wat ershed m anagem ent and it s cont ribut ion t h d t d it t ib t i Social Aspect s: • Social Aspect s: t owards opt im al ut ilizat ion of nat ural resources t hereby accruing great er and sust ainable benefit s t o m ankind. Wat ershed Managem ent - Social Aspect s 

  Wat ershed m anagem ent - process of im plem ent ing land

  use pract ices & wat er m anagem ent pract ices t o prot ect & im prove qualit y of wat er & ot her nat ural resources & im prove qualit y of wat er & ot her nat ural resources wit hin a wat ershed by m anaging t he use of t hose land & wat er resources in a com prehensive m anner.

   Wat ershed m anagem ent - a way of looking at relat ionships bet ween people, nat ure, land and wat er.

   Wat ershed m anagem ent - aim s at bringing about

  balance bet ween nat ural resources on one hand & balance bet ween nat ural resources on one hand & societ y on t he ot her. Ecology & environm ent uplift m ent Econom ic

Socia l Aspe ct s of Su st a in a ble D e ve lopm e n t Econ om ic Econ om ic Polit ica l S S D Socia l En vir on m e n t a l En vir on m e n t a l

  Socially accept able econom ically & Socially accept able, econom ically &

  To achieve sust ainabilit y: To achieve sust ainabilit y:

  t echnically viable proj ect , m ult i- disciplinary approach, social

  • inst it ut ion, involvem ent of st ake holders – Holist ic approach Capacit y Building Capacit y Building- “ good science & sm art planning good science & sm art planning ”

Socia l Aspe ct s of W a t e r sh e d D e ve lopm e n t


W h y Socia l Aspe ct s a r e im por t a n t in Ecosyst e m

M a n a ge m e n t ?

  • st at em ent s about how hum ans and hum an values are int egral ecosyst em com ponent s, suggest ing t hat : i l

  Principles of ecosyst em m anagem ent include

  i h


  “ People cannot be separat ed from nat ure,”


  “ Hum ans are fundam ent al influences on ecological Hum ans are fundam ent al influences on ecological

  pat t erns and processes and are in t urn affect ed by t hem ,” and

   “ Regardless of t he role of scient ific know ledge, hum an “ R dl f t h l f i t ifi k l d h

  values play a dom inant role in ecosyst em m anagem ent goals” .

Socia l Aspe ct s of W a t e r sh e d D e ve lopm e n t Sh a r in g Cost s a n d Be n e fit s

   unevenly, wit h t he cost s levied upst ream , t ypically am ong y, p , yp y g poorer users, and t he benefit s hogged by resident s dow nst ream , usually t he richer farm ers.

  Wat ershed proj ect s oft en dist ribut e cost s & benefit s

  I ndividuals m ust derive privat e t angible benefit s from t he I ndividuals m ust derive privat e t angible benefit s from t he  wat ershed act ivit ies such as raising agricult ural product ivit y, augm ent ing incom e, m eet ing food securit y & cont rolling land degradat ion. g g Expect ed privat e benefit s m ust subst ant ially exceed t he

   expect ed privat e cost s. Appropriat e arrangem ent s be m ade t o convert as m uch of Appropriat e arrangem ent s be m ade t o convert as m uch of   collect ive benefit s int o t angible privat e benefit s. Done t hrough developing need- based inst it ut ional

   arrangem ent s, which assess needs of t he st akeholders in arrangem ent s w hich assess needs of t he st akeholders in t he w at ershed & accordingly plan dist ribut ion of benefit s.

Com m u n it y Pa r t icipa t ion

  Proponent s of com m unit y- based wat ershed m anagem ent • m aint ain t hat involving local st akeholders result s in m ore locally relevant solut ions t hat t ake int o account each l ll l t l t i th t t k i t t h com m unit y's unique social, econom ic, and environm ent al condit ions and values.

  St akeholder part icipat ion is also t hought t o creat e a •

  sense of local ownership of ident ified problem s and solut ions, t hus ensuring long t erm support for result ing solut ions, t hus ensuring long- t erm support for result ing m anagem ent plans. Charact erist ics of Com m unit y-- Charact erist ics of Com m unit y Based Wat ershed Managem ent Based Wat ershed Managem ent Ch a n gin g Role s & Re la t ion sh ips : As local com m unit ies •

  part icipat e m ore act ively in wat ershed m anagem ent , roles & relat ionships of resource m anagers & st akeholders will change. Com m unit y- based wat ershed m anagem ent recognizes t hat all y g g st akeholders have a crit ical role t o play in t he m anagem ent planning process.

  W h ole Syst e m Pe r spe ct ive • • W h ole - Syst e m Pe r spe ct ive : Wat ershed m anagem ent is not : Wat ershed m anagem ent is not

  a single st rat egy, but is a general approach t o wat er resource prot ect ion t hat recognizes t he int erconnect edness of all t he physical and biological com ponent s of t he landscape, including h i l d bi l i l t f t h l d i l di hum an com m unit ies.

  Charact erist ics of Com m unit y-- Charact erist ics of Com m unit y Based Wat ershed Managem ent Based Wat ershed Managem ent Based Wat ershed Managem ent Based Wat ershed Managem ent W h ole - Syst e m Pe r spe ct ive : A com m unit y- based approach •

  considers not only t he physical charact erist ics of a wat ershed, considers not only t he physical charact erist ics of a wat ershed, but it also t akes int o account t he social & econom ic fact ors associat ed wit h wat ershed issues. The goal of com m unit y- based wat ershed m anagem ent is t o prot ect and rest ore wat ershed wat ershed m anagem ent is t o prot ect and rest ore wat ershed funct ions while considering t he variet y of social and econom ic benefit s of t hose funct ions.


I n t e gr a t ion of Scie n t ific I n for m a t ion & Socie t a l Va lu e s: if S i ifi f i & S i l l

  Wat ershed m anagem ent decisions should be based on sound scient ific inform at ion, bot h in t erm s of ident ifying problem s and select ing opt ions for addressing t hose problem s.

  Charact erist ics of Com m unit y Charact erist ics of Com m unit y-- Based Wat ershed Managem ent Based Wat ershed Managem ent B B d W t d W t h d M h d M t t Ada pt ive M a n a ge m e n t St yle : Addressing environm ent al, •

  social, and econom ic issues at t he wat ershed scale is com plex, i l d i i t t h t h d l i l and oft en t here is a high level of uncert aint y regarding t he out com es of m anagem ent decisions.

  Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002 Challenges Associat ed Wit h Com m unit y-- Challenges Associat ed Wit h Com m unit y Based Wat ershed Managem ent Based Wat ershed Managem ent W t Wat ersheds h d m ay cover t housands of acres of public & privat ely t h d f f bli & i t l •

  owned land. Developing a basic underst anding of how hum an act ivit ies affect wat ershed funct ions is a m aj or undert aking.

  Som e key st akeholders m ay lack t he t im e, m ot ivat ion, skills, •

  or resources t o part icipat e effect ively t hroughout t he m anagem ent planning process. g p g p

  Resource m anagem ent professionals m ay be reluct ant t o give •

  up t heir role as expert s and t o share aut horit y wit h lay persons regarding resource m anagem ent issues. regarding resource m anagem ent issues.

Challenges of Com m unit y-- Based Challenges of Com m unit y Based Wat ershed Managem ent Wat ershed Managem ent

  C Conflict s bet ween st akeholders over m anagem ent goals and fli t b t t k h ld

  • t l d t he m eans t o accom plishing t hose goals are inevit able, and resource m anagem ent professionals are oft en ill- prepared t o facilit at e const ruct ive dialogue t o resolve t hese conflict s.
  • Com m unit y- based approaches require t im e and resources t o • Com m unit y based approaches require t im e and resources t o generat e int erest and t o build relat ionships bet ween st akeholders.
  • Funding agencies and st akeholders m ay grow im pat ient wit h t he lack of observable out com es.

Developm ent Paradigm s

  Rural developm ent over t he past 20 years has been m arked by  a gradual shift from t he int ervent ion- based m et hod t o an

approach prom ot ing rural people’s involvem ent in t heir ow n

d developm ent so t hat m ore at t ent ion could be paid t o t he l h i ld b id h people’s requirem ent s, problem s on t he ground could be bet t er

underst ood & groups concerned could be helped t o im prove

t heir sit uat ion. t heir sit uat ion Direct I nt ervent ion Met hod Vs Part icipat ory Met hod.

Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002 Pu blic Pa r t icipa t ion En su r in g Pu blic pa r t icipa t ion : E i P bli i i i

  Sust ainabilit y, Equit y and Part icipat ion are t he t hree basic elem ent s of part icipat ory w at ershed m anagem ent .

  Sust ainabilit y involves conservat ion and enhancem ent of 

t he prim ary product ivit y of t he ecosyst em , t he m ain

com ponent s of which are land, wat er and biom ass. p Equit y has t o be seen in t erm s of creat ing an equit able

  • access t o livelihood resources for t he wat ershed com m unit y. y
  • ensuring sust ainabilit y of t he ecological, econom ic &

    social exchanges t aking place in t he wat ershed t errit ory. o a a g a g p a a d o y I ncludes nat ural resource exchange, which is t he

  Part icipat ory w at ershed m anagem ent at t em pt s at

  • convent ional w at ershed m anagem ent , and part icipat ory w at ershed m anagem ent addit ionally considers t he w at ershed m anagem ent addit ionally considers t he econom ic, polit ical and cult ural exchanges.

Com m u n it y Pa r t icipa t ion …

   sharing by users group t heir t im e, energy & m oney on program m e & adopt t he recom m ended m easures and program m e & adopt t he recom m ended m easures and pract ices on a sust ained basis. People’s part icipat ion is crit ical for t he success of t he  w at ershed program because t he sum of individual choices has w at ershed program because t he sum of individual choices has collect ive consequences on m anagem ent of nat ural resources. I n com m unit y part icipat ion people act collect ively & influence  out com es. out com es For success of t his t ype of part icipat ion, 3 aspect s are crit ical: ( 1) t he abilit y of m em bers t o part icipat e as a com m unit y or t o have a collect ive voice; ( 2) decision m ade j oint ly by t he com m unit y and im plem ent ing organizat ions; and ( 3) com m unit ies bearing a share of cost s.

  I n real t erm s com m unit y part icipat ion m eans volunt ary

Pu blic Pa r t icipa t ion Con dit ion s for fa cilit a t in g pe ople ’s pa r t icipa t ion :

  ( 1) Making people aware about pot ent ial benefit s of collect ive act ion in conserving & m anaging nat ural resources collect ive act ion in conserving & m anaging nat ural resources ( 2) Dem and- driven act ivit ies in t he w at ershed program ; ( 3) Em pow ering people in planning, im plem ent ing and m anaging w at ershed program s; i t h d ( 4) Sufficient privat e econom ic benefit s t o creat e incent ives for part icipat ion.

  Colle ct ive a ct ion ca n be de fin e d a s t h e pu r su it of a goa l or se t of goa ls by m or e t h a n on e a ct or . Em pow e r in g t h e com m u n it y p g y

When people are em pow ered t o t ake decisions & execut e

t he act ivit ies, t hey ow n t he program . They run t he wat ershed act ivit ies according t o local, social & cult ural g , syst em s.

S u c c e s s fu l W a te r s h e d

  c, t ion , icipa t ion H ig h r n m ic w it h e r va t ion e con om ic con se r va t pa t ion blic Pa r t i n ly w a t e r n se r va t ion o- e con om t e r con se Socio- e w a t e r c pa r t icip









  L o w

  M a in con Socio w a t W a te r s h e d d e v e lo p m e n t p Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

I n st it u t ion a l issu e s I n st it u t ion a l issu e s


  ole of inst it ut ions is t o develop rules

I nstitution building:

  for planning & m anaging wat ershed act ivit ies, sharing cost s & benefit s & disput e resolut ion. & b fit & di t l t i The inst it ut ion building process involves generat ion of self renewing capabilit y in t he organizat ion & also abilit y g p y g y t o align m issions & goals wit h t he em erging changes in t he environm ent wit hout losing basic et hics and spirit .


Som e of t h e k e y fa ct or s t h a t fa cilit a t e de ve lopm e n t of Som e of t h e k e y fa ct or s t h a t fa cilit a t e de ve lopm e n t of

socia l in st it u t ion s in t h e con t e x t of w a t e r sh e d:

  Capacit y building - An assured flow of funds t o t he proj ect - Cost sharing has t o be ‘real’. -

I n st it u t ion a l issu e s I n st it u t ion a l issu e s

  • cont ribut ion of volunt ary labor does not necessarily

  creat e a feeling of ownership of t he asset s creat ed for land & wat er developm ent .

  • St rong dedicat ed and com m it t ed leadership
  • A shared percept ion of benefit s by all group m em bers • A shared percept ion of benefit s by all group m em bers
    • Fa ct or s t h a t im pe de t h e pr oce ss of in st it u t ion

  bu ildin g in t h e w a t e r sh e d pr ogr a m s:

  • Unreasonable quot as and t arget s

  L k f lf li - • Lack of self- reliance

  • Lack of t ransparency
  • Failure t o m obilize local resources • Failure t o m obilize local resources

Wat ershed Managem ent – – Wat ershed Managem ent People Part icipat ion People Part icipat ion People Part icipat ion People Part icipat ion

  N a t u r a l Socia l Re sou r ce s M a ppin g M a ppin g M M a ppin g i V illa ge V olu n t e e r s V olu n t e e r s Pa r t icipa t or y Pa r t icipa t or y Appr a isa l

  I m ple m e n t a t ion Pr ior it isin g g Opt ion s Case St udy:

Th S kh The Sukhom aj iri Wat ershed Model j i i W t h d M d l

  • Dept . ( HFD) & Cent ral Soil and Wat er Conservat ion Research and Training I nst it ut e ( CSWCRTI ) wit h support from Ford Foundat ion w ere involved in undert aking soil & w at er conservat ion act ivit ies in Sukhom aj iri village in Haryana t i t i it i i S kh j i i ill i H

  From t he m id 1970s onw ards t he Gov. I ndia, Haryana Forest

  • I nit ially check dam s w ere const ruct ed t o arrest t he m ovem ent of silt from cat chm ent areas. How ever, w hen villagers dest royed t he check dam s and  cont inued t o open graze cat t le in forest areas, a m ore com prehensive dialogue was init iat ed wit h local com m unit ies. Discussions revealed t hat inadequat e irrigat ion facilit ies caused
  • fodder scarcit y, result ing in villagers open grazing Tw o eart hen dam s w ere const ruct ed in 1978 and furt her 2 m ore  in subsequent years.

  Ref: Public Privat e Part nerships in Wat ershed Managem ent - R f P bli P i t P t hi i W t h d M t Evidence from t he Him alayan foot hills: Mr. Mat hew Kurian Ca se st u dy:

Ca se st u dy: Six fe a t u r e s of t h e in st it u t ion a l con t r a ct s t h a t ch a r a ct e r iz e d for m a t ion of com m u n it y or ga n iz a t ion s a r e n ot a ble :

  Wat er user associat ions were const it ut ed

   Landless households were given a share of wat er from dam s Landless households were given a share of wat er from dam s

   and at t em pt s were m ade t o inst it ut e a syst em of t radable wat er shares so t hat landless households could sell t heir share of w at er t o ot her households. h f t t t h h h ld Profit s from t he sale of wat er from dam s ( fiber & fodder

   grasses) g ) could be used for com m unit y y developm ent p act ivit ies. Such act ivit ies could t ake t he form of const ruct ion of village roads, repair of school buildings or const ruct ion of rest areas for laborers. rest areas for laborers

Ca se st u dy:

   HFD w as t o facilit at e annual elect ions of t he m anaging com m it t ee. Mem bership issues were t ackled, especially in cases

   where not all m em bers in a village could benefit from w at er supply from dam s. pp y At least a t hird of posit ions in t he m anaging com m it t ee

   are t o be reserved for wom en. Every w om an in a household w as ent it led t o m em bership dist inct from household w as ent it led t o m em bership dist inct from m em bership of t he m ale head of household in t he general body of HRMS.

   

  Profit s from t he sale wat er from eart hen dam s ( and fiber Profit s from t he sale wat er from eart hen dam s ( and fiber and fodder grasses) const ruct ed in areas under j oint m anagem ent were t o be shared bet ween t he HFD and

  Hill Resource Managem ent Societ ies) . ou a ag o )

  t he HRMS ( e S (

Case St udy: Out com e

  • The dam s provided supplem ent al irrigat ion t o w heat crop

    and t hus helped t o increase agricult ural product ivit y in t he p g p y rabi season. Furt her, product ion of wheat st raw increased farm er’s
  • disposable incom e by enabling t hem t o reduce t heir fodder p y g grass purchases from ext ernal sources.

    The im proved supply of w heat st raw fodder also led t o an

  • increase in cat t le dung, w hich w as used as a cooking fuel, c ease cat t e du g, c as used as a coo g ue ,

    and t hus lessened pressure on st at e forest s for fuel wood.

    Success w it h part icipat ory wat ershed m anagem ent lead t he
  • forest depart m ent t o expand t he m andat e of t he JFM forest depart m ent t o expand t he m andat e of t he JFM program in t he Shiwalik hills.

Ca se st u dy: Le sson Le a r n t


  Wat ershed m anagem ent is m ore t han j ust t he cost - benefit analysis of invest m ent s.

   

  The m ain dist inct ion bet ween wat ershed The m ain dist inct ion bet ween wat ershed developm ent and ot her t radit ional developm ent al program m es is t hat t he form er is essent ially a com m unit y based one. com m unit y- based one.


  Raising awareness of t he people’s role in t he wat ershed approach.

   

  St rengt hening t he capabilit ies of local organizat ions. St rengt hening t he capabilit ies of local organizat ions

   Decent ralizat ion of decision- m aking by all players

  concerned, including t hose out side of wat ershed areas. areas


  Prom ot ing dialogue, part nership and alliances am ong players.

Re fe r e n ce s Re fe r e n ce s

   J.V.S Murt hy ( 1991) , Wat ershed Managem ent , New Age int ernat ional Publicat ions •

Econom ic and Polit ical Weekly Sept em ber 16, 2000, 3435- 3444, Sust ainable

Wat ershed Managem ent I nst it ut ional Approach. V Rat na Reddy.

  R l C Rule Com pliance in Part icipat ory Wat ershed Managem ent : I s it a Sufficient li i P i i W h d M I i S ffi i

Guarant ee of Sust ainable Rural Livelihoods? Mat hew Kurian, T. Diet z and K.S.


Joshi PK, Vasudha Pangare, Shiferaw B, Wani SP, Boum a J and Scot t C. 2004.

  Socioeconom ic and policy research on wat ershed m anagem ent in I ndia: Synt hesis of past experiences and needs for fut ure research. Global Them e on Agroecosyst em s Report no. 7. Pat ancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, I ndia: I nt ernat ional Crops Research I nst it ut e for t he Sem i- Arid Tropics. 88 pp.

  Public Privat e Part nerships in Wat ershed Managem ent - Evidence from t he Him alayan foot hills Mr. Mat hew Kurian Hydrologic Design That I ncorporat es Environm ent al, Qualit y, and Social Aspect s,

Environm ent al Qualit y Managem ent / DOI 10.1002/ t qem / spring 2006 © 2006 Environm ent al Qualit y Managem ent / DOI 10 1002/ t qem / spring 2006 © 2006

Wiley Periodicals, I nc. Published online in Wiley I nt erScience  ht t p: / / w w w .sw rw qcb2/ w at ershedm anagem ent .ht m w w w .int erscience.w ) . DOI : 10.1002/ t qem .20092 ht t p: / / en.w w iki/ Wat ershed_m anagem ent ht t / / iki di / iki/ W t h d t w w w .apm .

Tu t or ia ls - Qu e st ion !.?

   How com m unit y part icipat ion can be used t o

m ake appropriat e wat ershed m anagem ent m ake appropriat e wat ershed m anagem ent

plans & im plem ent at ions.? .

      Discuss t he possible levels of com m unit y Discuss t he possible levels of com m unit y Discuss t he possible levels of com m unit y Discuss t he possible levels of com m unit y

  part icipat ions in wat ershed m anagem ent plans. plans. plans. plans.

  part icipat ions in wat ershed m anagem ent

    How t he Wat ershed User Groups can help in How t he Wat ershed User Groups can help in t he overall sust ainable developm ent & t he overall sust ainable developm ent & t he overall sust ainable developm ent & t he overall sust ainable developm ent & m anagem ent of Wat ersheds?. m anagem ent of Wat ersheds?.

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Se lf Eva lu a t ion - Qu e st ion s!. Q

   Different iat e bet w een past t radit ional & current w at ershed developm ent approach plans. w at ershed developm ent approach plans

   Discuss social aspect s of w at ershed m anagem ent w it hin t he perspect ives of g p p sust ainable developm ent .

   What are t he im port ant charact erist ics of com m unit y based wat ershed m anagem ent ?. it b d t h d t ?

   Different iat e bet w een direct int ervent ion m et hods and part icipat ory m et hods in m et hods and part icipat ory m et hods in w at ershed m anagem ent .

  P Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay f T I Eldh D t t f Ci il E i i

  IIT B b

Assign m e n t - Qu e st ion s?. g Q

   I llust rat e im port ant social aspect s in wat ershed m anagem ent ?. m anagem ent ?

   How com m unit y part icipat ion can help in bet t er w at ershed developm ent plans & p p im plem ent at ions?.

   What are t he challenges associat ed w it h com m unit y based wat ershed m anagem ent ?. it b d t h d t ?

   I llust rat e t he w at ershed developm ent out look in I ndia for t he last 5 decades & it s success. I ndia for t he last 5 decades & it s success


What are t he im port ant I nst it ut ional issues in

w at ershed m anagem ent ?.


Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Un solve d Pr oble m !. Un solve d Pr oble m !

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  St udy t he various social issues in your wat ershed St udy t he various social issues in your wat ershed area. area.

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  D D Develop an appropriat e plan t o solve social issues Develop an appropriat e plan t o solve social issues l l i t i t l l t t l l i l i i l i such as povert y, lack of em ploym ent , lack of such as povert y, lack of em ploym ent , lack of educat ion t o children in your st udy area. educat ion t o children in your st udy area.

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  St udy how t he “ Com m unit y part icipat ion” can help St udy how t he “ Com m unit y part icipat ion” can help bet t er wat ershed m anagem ent in your st udy area. bet t er wat ershed m anagem ent in your st udy area.

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  Develop appropriat e plans for com m unit y Develop appropriat e plans for com m unit y Develop appropriat e plans for com m unit y Develop appropriat e plans for com m unit y involvem ent in sust ainable developm ent & wat ershed involvem ent in sust ainable developm ent & wat ershed m anagem ent . m anagem ent .

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  St udy t he role of wat ershed user groups in your St udy t he role of wat ershed user groups in your st udy area. st udy area.

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

  Dr. T. I. Eldho Dr. T. I. Eldho Professor, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, p p g g g g

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,

Mumbai, India, 400 076. Mumbai, India, 400 076.

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