Sistem Pelaksanaan Manajemen Logistik Alat Kesehatan di Puskesmas Kabupaten Deli Serdang Tahun 2015

Puskesmas Bandar Dolok telah melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi manajemen
logistik, namun masih terdapat beberapa masalah yaitu banyak alat kesehatan
yang rusak, alat dan barang yang sudah rusak hanya diletakkan di depan ruangan
karena tidak ada gudang penyimpanan, banyak pasien dirujuk karena kurangnya
alat kesehatan pendukung.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui sistem pelaksanaan
manajemen logistik alat kesehatan di Puskesmas. Desain penelitian ini adalah
kualitatif, dilakukan di Puskesmas Bandar Dolok, Puskesmas Talun Kenas,
Puskesmas Aras Kabu dan Puskesmas Tanjung Morawa dari bulan Juli sampai
Agustus 2015 dengan informan berjumlah 11 orang.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian metode pengelolaan alat kesehatan yang
dilaksanakan yaitu Permendagri nomor 17 tahun 2007, ada petugas khusus
pengelola alkes, perencanaan alkes dilaksanakan oleh puskesmas dan dinas
kesehatan, sumber anggaran berasal dari dana APBN, APBD dan BPJS.
Pengadaan dilaksanakan oleh Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPK) secara epurchasing, pendistribusian ke puskesmas dilakukan oleh dinas kesehatan. Tidak
ada gudang penyimpanan di puskesmas, pemeliharaan dan kalibrasi alat telah
terlaksana, penghapusan barang belum terealisasi, pengendalian barang dilakukan
dengan membuat KIR,KIB, kodefikasi barang dan aplikasi program Simda.
Diharapkan agar perencanaan alat kesehatan oleh puskesmas dan dinas
kesehatan mengacu kepada Kompendium Alat Kesehatan dan Permenkes nomor

75 tahun 2014, dinas kesehatan membuat anggaran untuk gudang penyimpanan,
dan penghapusan alat kesehatan segera dapat direalisasikan.
Kata kunci : Manajemen Logistik, Alat Kesehatan, Puskesmas


Bandar Dolok Public Health Center (PHC) has been carrying out the
fungction of logistics management is but there are still some problems that many
medical devices are damaged, many tools and items that have been damaged but
is placed in front of the room because there is no storage facilities, many patients
are referred because less of medical devices.
The objective of the research was to find out how the system of the
implementation logistic management of medical devices at PHC. This is a
qualitative approach, conducted in Bandar Dolok, Talun Kenas, Aras Kabu and
Tanjung Morawa PHC from July to August 2015 with eleven informans.
The results of the research showed the management method of medical
devices held that regulated minister of home affair number 17 of 2007, the
administrator goods of PHC had SK Bupati, planning health medical devices
carried out by PHC and health department, budget resources from APBN, APBD
and BPJS. Procurement carried out by the Committing Officier (PPK) in epurchasing, distributed to the PHC conducted by health department. No storage

facilities in PHC, maintenance and calibration tools had implemented, the
destructed of unrealized goods, control of goods was done by made KIR, KIB,
codification goods and application SIMDA program.
It is recommended that Public Health Center and Health Service of Deli
Serdang District has planning medical device refers to Compendium of medical
devices and regulation of health minister number 75 in 2014, the health
department to make budget for warehouse storage and destruction of goods
medical devices can be realized immediately.

Keywords : Logistic Management, Medical Devices, PHC