Treaty Room - Treaty


fiir Wiederaufbau
Kreditanstalt fiir Wiederaufbau
Pa lmengartenstraBe 5-9

6000 Frankfurt am Main 1

Direktorat Jendral Moneter
Luar Negeri
Departemen Keuangan
Jalan Lapangan Banteng
Timur 2-4

PalmengartenstraBe 5-9
6000 Frankfurt am Main 1
Telefon (0611) 7431-1
Telex : 411352
Te legrammadresse:

Kreditanstalt Frankfurtmain

-Republic of Indonesia
-- --- -lhre Nachricht
your letter
votre lettre
su carts

officer in charge
emp loye compete nt
func 1onano encargado

lhr Zeichen
your sign
votre reference
su referencia

Dr . Heydenreich

Re: L III b I

Un ser Ze ichen
our sign
notre reference
nuestra referencia

Durchwah l
exte nsion
ex te nsi6n







DM 10.0 Million Loan for Fund for Project Studies II
Loan No. AL 80 65 963

Dear Sirs,
The Loan Agreement entered into between the Republic of Indonesia
("Borrower") and Kreditanstalt flir Wiede ra u fbau ("Kreditanstalt")

June 3, 1981

provides that the following be determined

by separate agreement:
Pursuant to Article 1.2
the details of the Project as well as the
goods and services to be financed from the
Pursuant to Article 2.1
the disbursement procedure, in particular the
evidence to be furnished by the Borrower for the
disbursement of the Loan proving the use of the
loan amounts for the purpose stipulated in the
above Loan Agreement;
Pursuant to Article 7.2
the details pertaining to Article 7.1
(Execution of the Project) .

Deutsche Bundesbank Frankfurt (BLZ 504 000 00) Girokonto 504 09100 · Postscheckamt Frankfurt (BLZ 500100 60) Konto 498 37 609


Therefore, we propose that the following be agreed upon:

Details of the Project as well as of the Goods and Services
(1) The individual project studies/detailed engineering (hereinafter referred to as "Projects") to be financed from
the loan shall be determined between the Borrower and Kredi tanstalt.
The Borrower will cause the Indonesian National Planning
Agency Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (hereinafter
referred to as "BAPPENAS") to submit for approval by Kredit-

anstalt proposals for studies/detailed engineering for development investments considered to be of high priority.
Thereat the projects enlisted under para 2.2.5 of the "Summary Record of the Indonesian-German Government Discussions
in Bonn from 14-16 May 1980" will be considered above all.
At the same time BAPPENAS shall inform Kreditanstalt who
will be the project sponsor responsible for the execution
of the corresponding study/detailed engineering (ministry,,
competent authority a.o.). The approval for financing a
project study/detailed engineering does not include any

consent to cover the investment costs involved in the pertaining investment .

After Kreditanstalt has given its consent for financing a
project study/detailed engineering the details of the study/
detailed engineering, the Terms of Reference, the costs,
the duration of preparing the study/detailed engineering,
and the contributions eventually to be rendered by the Indonesian side shall be agreed upon separately between Kredi tanstal t and the project sponsor named by BAPPENAS for
the execution of the study/detailed engineering.
Should there be any indication of major changes in the
measures to be defined in the Terms of References for the
individual studies/detailed engineering or in the cost
estimates, Kreditanstalt shall be informed without delay.
Execution of such measures shall commence only on the basis
of revised planning and after Kreditanstalt ha s given its


(2) The list of goods and services to be financed from the
Lo an s hall be prepared on the basis of the contracts
concluded for s uch goods and services. Accordingly,
Kreditanstalt shall be


with a copy of eac h

Having checked the contracts, Kreditanstalt shall transmit to the Borrower numbered letters stating the a moun ts
which have been reserved for the financing fro m the Loan
and send him the
"List of Goods and Services"

as supplemented from case to case .
(3) When concluding contracts for goods and services to
be financed from the Loan, the fo llowi ng principles

s h a ll be adhered to by t h e Borrower:
(a) The payment conditions of the contracts shall



line with commercial practice.
(b) To safeguard the advance payments a nd the due imple mentation of the contracts, t h e contracts shall p r o vide for appropriate advance payment and performance
guarantees to be given by banks or insurance companies.
(c) As according to Article 1.3 of the Loan Agreement
no import duties shall be financed from the Loan,
such import duties, if part of the contract value,
shall be stated separately in the contracts to be
concluded for the goods and services a nd in the
invoices .
(d) It shall be ensured that the goods to be financed
from the Loan are insured adequately a nd to the
customary extent against transport risks so that
th eir replacement or re pair is possible . Such

insurance shall be taken out in a freely conver tible currency as far as foreign exchange costs
accruing to the Borrower shall be financed.

(e ) It shall be ens ured that all contracts for goods and
services, if payable from the Loan, contain a pro vision to t h e effect that any reimbursements, insurance, guarantee or simila r claimable payments
shall be made for the account of t h e Borrower to
Kreditanstalt into its account No. 504 091 00 with
Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main, with Kreditanstalt crediting him with the a mounts. If such
payments are made in local currency they shall be
transferred to a special account of the Borrower in
Jakarta; such account may be operated only with the
consent of Kreditanstalt. Such funds may be reutilized in accord with Kreditanstalt for the execution


of the Project.

In accordance with Article 1.2 of the Loan Agreement ,

the fir ms s h all confirm on the invoices to be submitted to Kredita n stalt that the goods and services
billed do not essential ly originate from countries
o ther than the Federal Republic of Germany including
the Land Berlin.


Disbursement Procedure
The "List of Goods and Services'' shall be the basis for
the payments to be made from the Loan.
Having fulfilled all contractual prerequisites for the
disbursement of loan amounts, the Borrower may avail h i mself of the Loan in conformity with the progress of the
Project in the following three ways:
The Borrower may apply for reimbursement by Kreditanstalt of the amounts paid by him (Reimbursement Procedure) ;
the Borrower may have the a mounts paid by Kreditanstalt
to the beneficiary direct if and when such invoiced
amounts fall due (Direct Disbursement Procedure) ;


if payment by letter of credit of a commercial bank
has been agreed upon Kreditanstalt may be instructed
to reimburse the payments to be made under the letter
of credit (Letter of Credit Disbursement Procedure).
Kreditanstalt shall not be liable for delays in the disbursement and remittance of loan amounts caused by the
transferring banking institutions. In the case of fault on
the part of Kreditanstalt, its liability shall be limited to
payment of the interest accrued in this context.
Reimbursement Procedure

(1) The Borrower shall pay in full the amounts due and
thereafter apply to Kreditanstalt for reimbursement of
such amounts as according to the "List of Goods and
Services" shall be financed from the Loan.
(2) To avoid frequent disbursement of minor amounts reimbursement shall be applied for quarterly. However, if
the amount to be reimbursed exceeds the equivalent of
DM 100,000.--, reimbursement may be applied for immediately.
(3) Requests for Disbursement of the amounts to be reimbursed shall be filed by the Borrower with Kreditanstalt
in conformity with the attached standard form; such
Requests shall be numbered consecutively and signed by
the representatives of the Borrower authorized vis-avis Kreditanstalt.
The Requests for Disbursement shall be supported by the
following documents:
(a) Copies of commercial invoices for the goods and services for which reimbursement of costs is requested.
The invoices shall contain the same specifications
as agreed upon in the supply and service contract.
Payment in full of the invoices shall be proved to
Kreditanstalt/confirmed to Kreditanstalt, with the
date and mode of payment stated (e.g. cheque, bank
transfer) .


In the case of price increases due to a price escalator clause, the evidences stipulated in the contract for goods and services of the bases for calculation.

(c) A declaration to the effect that the goods and services have not already been financed from grants
or long - term loans.

In the case of supplies from abroad, copies of the
shipping documents

(e.g. on - board bill of lading,

consignment note, airway bill)

stating the name and

flag of the vessel or the type and nationality of
any other means of transport, the kind and quantity
of the goods shipped as well as place and date of
(e) As the case may be, copies of the bank guarantees to
be given in accordance with the contract for goods
and services, copies of certificates of the progress of work and of acceptance certificates.
(4) For payments which at the Borrower's request are made
by Kreditanstalt in a currency other than Deutsche Mark,
Kreditanstalt shall debit the Borrower with such amounts
in Deutsche Mark as were paid by it to procure such
other currency , inclusive of i ncidental charges .
Direct Disbursement Procedure
(1) The Borrower having requested disbursement, Kreditanstalt
shall pay the costs of the project execution to be fi nanced from the Loan and stated in the "List of Goods
and Services" directly to the contractors of the
goods and services for account of the Borrower.
(2) The Borrower shall request Kreditanstalt to disburse the
amounts to be financed from the Loan by submitting a request made out in conformity with the standard form
attached he reto; the Requests for Disbursement shall be
numbered consecutively and signed by the representatives
of the Borrower authorized vis-a-vis Kreditanstalt.


The Requests for Disbursement shall be supported by t he
following documents:
(a) Copies of commercial invoices for such goods and
services as shall be paid from the Loan. The invoices
shall contain the same specifications as agreed upon
in the supply and service contract.
(b) In the case of price increases due to a price escalator clause, the evidences stipulated in the contract
for goods and services of the basis for calculation.
(c) In the case of supplies from abroad, copies of the
shipping documents (e.g. on-board bill of lading,
consignment note, airway bill) stating the name and
flag of the vessel or the type and nationality of
any other means of transport, the kind and quantity
of the goods shipped as well as place and date of
s h ipmen t.
(d) As the case may be, copies of t h e bank guarantees to
be given in accordance with the contract for goods
and services, copies of certificates of the progress of work and of acceptance certificates.


(3) For payments which at the Borrower's request are made
by Kreditanstalt in a currency other than Deutsche Mark,
Kreditanstalt shall debit the Borrower with such amounts
in Deutsche Mark as were paid by it to procure such
other currency, inclusive of incidental charges.
Letter of Credit Disbursement Procedure
(1) When instructing his bank to open letters of credit, the
Borrower shall take care that the goods and services for
which the documents shall be issued and all other provision s of the letters of credit are in conformity with
the provisions of the contracts for goods and services.
The lette rs of credit shall contain the following note:
''Financial Co-operation with Indonesia /Lo an No . hL 80 65 963".
The letters of credit shall stipul ate that at least the fol lowing documents s h a ll be submitted:


(a) A copy of the commercial invoice for the commodity
and service to be paid. The invoices shall contain
the same specifications as agreed upon in the supply
and service contract.
(b) Shipping documents (e.g. on-board bill of lading,
consignment note, airway bill) stating the type and
nationality of the means of transport, the kind and
quantity of the goods shipped as well as place and
date of shipment.
(c) Copies of freight notes if also transport charges
shall be paid under the letter of credit.
(d) As the case may be, copies of the bank guarantees
to be given in accordance with the contract for
goods and services, copies of certifications of the
progress of work and of acceptance certificates.
(2) To enable Kreditanstalt to reimburse fro m the Loan s uch
amounts as are payable under the letters of credit, the
Borrower hereby authorizes Kreditanstalt irrevocably to
make the payments stipulated in the letters of credit to
the banks which advise or confirm the letters of credit
(Correspondent Banks) to the contractors of t h e goods
and services, and to issue the respective Agreements to
Disburse to these banks in accordance with the "General
Conditions of Kreditanstalt flir Wiederaufbau ("Kreditanstalt") for Payments Under the Letter of Credit Disburse ment Procedure" attached hereto.
(3) The Borrower shall cause his bank which opens the
letters of credit to instruct the Correspondent Banks
to send Kreditanstalt two copies each of the letters of
credit. The delivery of such copies shall be considered
to be a Request for Disbursement within the meaning of
the Loan Agreement.
By returning to the Correspondent Bank one c opy of the
letter of credit bearing a stamp signed by Kreditan stal t, Kreditanstalt s h all confirm its willingness to
make payments up to the a mount of the letter of credit
in accordance with the above-mentioned General Con ditions.


(4) As soon as the Correspondent Bank has received and
checked the documents stipulated in the letter of credit
and has found them to be in order, it shall send Kreditanstalt a Request for Disbursement in conformity with
the standard form attached hereto to which copies of
the documents specified under (1),

(a) to (d)

shall be

attached. The Requests for Disbursement may cover several
payments to be made under one and the same letter of
credit (collective request).

If the Request for Disbursement is found to be in order
Kreditanstalt shall remit the amount requested to the
Correspondent Bank . Such remittance shall be considered
to be a disbursement within the meaning of the Loan

(6) For payments which in accordance with the letter of
credit are made by Kreditanstalt in a currency other than
Deutsche Mark, Kreditanstalt shall debit the Borrower
with such amounts in Deutsche Mark as were paid by it
to procure such other currency, inclusive of incidental
III. Execution of the Projects
(1) When submitting a proposal for the financing of a study /
detailed engineering BAPPENAS shall inform Kreditanstalt
who will be the Project Sponsor - ministry, competent
authority a . o . -

(hereinafter referred to as "Project

Sponsor") responsible for the execution of the corres ponding study/detailed engineering. The time - table and
the cost and financing schedule required for the proper
technical and financial execution of the corresponding
study /detailed engineering shall be prepared as soon as
possible in cooperation with the Consulting Engineers
and shall be forwarded to Kreditanstalt. Such schedule
shall show


presumable timing and coordination of the

individual me asures as laid down in the Terms of Reference
and the resulting financial requirements, by dates and
amounts. As far as any deviation fro m such schedule becomes necessary in the course of the execution of the
study / detailed engineering Kreditanstalt shall be furnished with a revides schedule.


(2) The contracts concerning the preparation of the individual
project studies/detailed engineering shall be awarded to
independent qualified Consulting Engineers domiciled in
the Federal Republic of Germany including the Land Berl in in the course of public competition. The Project
Sponsor shall invite Consulting Engineers for the public
competition. For this purpose, the Project Sponsor shall
publish a corresponding notice at least in the "Nachrichten ftir Aussenhandel"

(NfA) of the

Bundesstelle ftir Aussenhandelsinformation
Blaubach 13


o 1


under the

":::' inanz ielle und Technisc)'.e Zusamr:ien-

arbei t der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (Financial and
Technical Cooperation of the Federal Republic of Germany) .
Publication in the NfA is free of charge. From a mong the
applications of the consulting engineers interested (longlist), the Project Sponsor shall preselect the consulting
engineers particularly qualified for executing the Project (short-list), with the preselection requiring the
approval of Kreditanstalt. Accordingly, the Project Sponsor shall furnish Kreditanstalt with an evaluation report
on the preselection together with all other relevant documents as requested by Kreditanstalt. Sufficient time
allowed, the consulting engineers selected shall be invited to submit their tenders of services and price quotations separately.
The final selection shall depend on the quality of the
tenders of services; only if the tenders are of equal
quality shall the price quotations be decisive.


anstalt reserves the right to approve the proposal to
award the contract. Accordingly, it shall be furnished
with an evaluation report on the final selection together with any documents as requested by it. Furthermore, the engagement of the consulting engineers selected shall require the prior approval of Kreditanstalt.
Accordingly, it shall be furnished in due course with
the draft of the consulting contract.


( 3 ) Until completion of the corresponding study/deta il ed e ngineering the Project Sponsor will cause the Consulting
Engineers engaged for the preparation of the corresponding
study/detailed engineering to report on its state quarterly.
Th e first report s hall be submitted three months after the
contract with the Consulting Engineers has been signed.
The points stated in the enclosed list shall be incorportated
in the reports.

The above stipulations may at any time be amended or modified by mutual consent if this should appear useful for the
execution of the Project or the implementation of the Loan
Agreement. In addition, the provisions of Article 6.3 and 8
of the Loan Agreement shall apply to this agreement accordingly.

Please confirm your approval of the above agreement by signi ng
in a legally binding form and returning the enclosed copies
in German and in English.
Yours faithfully,

Standard form of Requests
for Disbursement under the
Reimbursement Procedure
Standard form of Requests
for Disbursement under the
Direct Disbursement Procedure
Letter of Credit Disbursement
Procedure - General Conditions
Standard form of Request for

Memo for セイッァ・ウ@






Request for Disbursement
under the Reimbursement Procedure



Kreditanstalt flir Wiederaufbau
Palmengartenstrasse 5 - 9
D - 6000 Frankfurt am Main
Federal Republic of Germany

Re: L III b I

Loan Agreement dated
for DM 10 Million
Loan No. AL 80 65 963
Request for Disbursement No.
(Reimbursement Procedure)

In conformity with the contracts/schedules of measures specified
below, copies of which were forwarded to you, the following
goods and services were duly supplied and paid by us:
Item ·

Contract for goods/
services dated .....
with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
or schedule of measures (work under public
ownership + management) dated . . . . . . . . . .


• ••••.••

dated ..... .
or schedule
dated ..... .

*) Item of the "List of Goods and Services"


Mode and date
of payment

According to the "List of Goods and Services", the following
amounts paid by us shall be reimbursed from the Loan:
Amounts paid

Amounts to be reimbursed

Please remit the total amount to be reimbursed of

to the account
account No ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Copies of the above-mentioned invoices and schedules, respectively, and certificates of the consulting engineers in charge
of the supervision of construction, as stipulated in our
Separate Agreement dated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as well as evidence
of the payments made by us are enclosed herewith.
For your information we enclose herewith, as agreed, copies of
the shipping documents of the supplies from abroad.
We declare that the above-mentioned goods/services have not
already been financed from grants or long - term loans.
We await your debit advice for the disbursement effected by you.

(Signature of the Borrower's
authorized representative)

Encls .

Request for Disbursement
under the Di rect Disbursement Procedure


. . . . . .. .. . . . . ..


Kreditanstalt flir Wiederaufbau
Palmengartenstrasse 5 - 9


6000 Frankfurt am Main

Federal Republic of Germany

Re: L III b I

Loan Agreement
for DM 10 Million
Loan No . AL 80 65 963
Request for Disbursement No . . . .
(Di rect Disbursement Procedure)

In conformity with the cont racts /schedules of measures specified
below , copies of which were forwarded to you, the following
goods / services were duly s upplied and are to be paid:
No .*)

Contract for goods/
services dated .....
with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
or schedule of measures (work under public
ownership + management) dated . . . . . . . . . .

No .

• •••••••

dated ..... .
or schedule
dated .....•

*) Item of the "List of Goods and Services"


According to the "List of Goods and Services", the following
amounts of the payments due shall be paid from the Loan, which
we ask you to disburse as follows:

to the firm

bank and account No.

Such amounts of the invoices as shall not be paid from the Loan
have been paid by us as follows:

to the firm

mode and date of payment

Copies of the above-mentioned invoices and schedules, respectively, the certificates of the consulting engineers in charge of .
the supervision of construction, as stipulated in our Separate
Agreement dated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as well as the evidences of
payment of such invoiced amounts as shall not be paid from the
Loan are enclosed herewith.
For your information we enclose herewith, as agreed, copies of
the shipping documents of the supplies from abroad.

We await your debit advices for the disbursements made by you .

(Signature of the Borrower's
authorized representative)


General Conditions of Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau
("Kreditanstalt") for Payments Under the Letter of
Credit Disbursement Procedure

The following conditions apply to payments made by Kreditanstal t to commercial banks which advised or confirmed letters
of credit (Correspondent Banks)

in connection with a loan grant-

ed by Kreditanstalt under the Financial Co-operation Scheme.

By returning to the Correspondent Bank one copy of the
letter of credit bearing the stamp*) signed by Kreditanstalt, Kreditanstalt agrees to make payments to the
Correspondent Bank in accordance with the provisions of
the present Conditions up to the amount stated in the
letter of credit upon all Requests for Disbursement
which is submitted by the Correspondent Bank in conformity with the enclosed standard form and for which
the Correspondent Bank has received the proper documents
during the life of the letter of credit.


Kreditanstalt shall not be obliged to make further payments if


pursuant to the Loan Agreement it is entitled visa-vis the Borrower to suspend disbursement, or

*) The stamp of Kreditanstalt reads as follows (translation):
"Agreement to Disburse No . . . . . . . : In accordance with the
attached General Conditions of Kreditanstalt fur Wiederauf bau for Payments Under the Letter of Credit Disbursement
Procedure we agree to disburse up to the amount of
DM .•...•.......... subject to our letter 、。エ・セ@
.......... .
Frankfurt am Main, . . . . . . . . . . .


the Correspondent Bank violates the provisions of
t h e present General Conditions.

In such cases Kreditanstalt shall immediately notify the
Correspondent Bank. However, no claims for damages may be
derived from any default or delay in the transmission of
such notification.

If the letter of credit has been opened in Deutsche Mark
Kreditanstalt shall make payments up to the amount of the
letter of credit. If the letter of credit has been opened
in a currency other than Deutsche Mark, Kreditanstalt shall
make payments to the Correspondent Bank in the currency
stated in the letter of credit up to the a mount of such
letter of credit, however only up to such equiv ale nt as
Kreditanstalt is able to procure at the current maximum
exchange rate for the OM-amount reserved for the letter
of credit.


Kreditanstalt is prepared to remit to the Correspondent
Bank the a mount s to be disbursed as early as when the
Correspondent Bank confirms by cable or telex that payment is due pursuant to the conditions of the letter of
credit, and upon examination of the relevant documents .

Kreditanstalt will make the remittance to the Correspondent Bank on account of such cable or telex confirmation
with the proviso that Kreditanstalt receives a proper
Request for Disbursement within one week; the Request for
Disbursement may also cover several payments under one
and the same letter of credit (collective request).

Kreditanstalt shall not be obliged to pay or ref und any
expenses, commissions, interest or other charges payable
in connection with the letters of credit.


If letters of credit are modified or transferred without
Kreditanstalt's express approval, Kreditanstalt shall be
entitled to refuse to make any further disbursements.
Therefore, the Correspondent Bank shall immediately notify
Kreditanstalt of such modifications, or transfers, of the
letters of credit.


Upon payment of the last of the goods and services under
the respective letter of credit, the Correspondent Bank
shall also inform Kreditanstalt about the amount not utilized, if any.


The Correspondent Bank undertakes vis-a-vis Kreditanstalt
to check the documents in line with banking practice and
in conformity with the uniform rules and practices for
documentary credits.


The legal relationship between Kreditanstalt and the
Correspondent Bank shall be governed by the law of the
Federal Republic of Germany. In case of doubt as to the
interpretation of the present General Conditions, the
German text shall be controlling. Place of performance

and venue shall be Frankfurt am Main .

Standard form of
Request for Disbursement

Standard Form of "Request for Disbursement"

Correspondent Bank


Kreditanstalt flir Wiederaufbau


D - 6000 Frankfurt am Main
Federal Republic of Germany

Re: L III b I

Financial Co-operation with Indonesia
Project Studies Fund II
Your Loan No . AL 80 65 963
L/ C opened by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (bank) No .
Your Agreement to Disburse No . . . . . . . . .
Our L / C No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Request for Disbursement

In conformity with the conditions of the above letter(s) of
credit, we have received documents relating to the delivery of
(quantity and specification according to the L / C)
Gross weight or volume . . . . . . . . . . . Country of origin
The goods were shipped

on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

vessel (name)
bill of lading No.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . issued on . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

plane of the airline (name and nationality)

To evidence the delivery / ies we enclose the following documents:
supplier's invoices (copies)
shipping documents (non-negotiable copies)
freight note (if freight charges are p ayable under the L/C)
oth er documents:

*) Delete as appropriate.

Referring to your Agr eement to Disburse as well as to the
General Conditions of Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau ("Kredit .:..
anstalt") for Payments under the Letter of Credit Di sburseme nt
Procedure, we request you to remit the total amount of

which is due under the letter(s) of credit
by mail*)
by cable*)

(cable expenses to be borne by us)

to our account No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


This Request for Disbursement was advised to you on . . . . . . . . . . .
by cable / telex*).
The letter(s) of credit, on a copy of which you gave u s your
Agreement(s) to Di sburse, h as (have) not been cancelled o r
modi fied without your approval.

(Seal and signature)

*) Delete as appropriate or - in the case of
collective requests - specify on a separate sheet.


Memo for Progress Reports
In the reports on the progress of the study / detailed engineering
to be submitted quarterly, the following points at least shall be
dealt with:

General Information
- name of project
- name of Project Sponsor and of Consulting Engineers
- reporting period


Activities executed within the reporting period
Progress of the measures to be rendered by the Consulting
Engineers (and by the Indonesian side, if any)


Time Schedule and reasons for deviation, if any


Changes and proposals for changes
(referring to the Project)


Assignment of personnel
- German personnel and personnel of partner


- Difficulties in connection with the assignment of personnel
- Cooperation with the Project Sponsor, within the Team and
with other authorities of the partner country
- Comparison of estimated and actual man/months

Use of equipments and material and partnership services


Comments relating to the scheduled date of termination
of the Study / detailed engineering

. - ,.,

fiir Wiederaufbau
Kreditanstalt Wiederaufbau
Palmengarte nstraBe 5-9

6000 Frankfurt am Main 1

Direktorat Jendral Moneter
Luar Negeri
Departemen Keuangan
Jalan Lapangan Banteng
Timur 2-4

PalmengartenstraBe 5-9
6000 Frankfurt am Main 1
Telefon (0611) 7431-1
Kreditanstalt Frankfurtmain

lhre Nachncht
your letter
votre lettre
su carta

lhr Ze ichen
your sign

votre r9f8rence
su referencia

officer in charge
emp loye competent
func 1onano encargado

Dr . Heydenreich

Unser Ze 1chen
our sign

Durchwah l

notre reference
nuestra referencia



extens i6n


Dat um

3.6 . 1981

Betr.: L III b I DM 10,0 Mio - Darlehen ftir Projektstudienfonds II
Darlehens-Nr. AL 80 65 963
Sehr geehrte Herren!
GemaB dem zwischen der Republik Indonesien ("Darlehensnehmer") und
der Kreditanstalt ftir Wiederaufbau ("Kreditanstalt") am 3. Juni 1981
geschlossenen Darlehensvertrag sind durch besondere Vereinbarungen
zu regeln:
Nach Artikel 1 . 2
die Einzelheiten des Projekts sowie die
Bestimmung der Lieferungen und Leistungen, die
aus dern Darlehen finanziert werden sollen,
nach Artikel 2.1
das Auszahlungsverfahren, insbesondere der
vorn Darlehensnehrner ftir die Auszahlung zu
erbringende Nachweis ftir die vereinbarungs gernaBe Verwendung der Darlehensbetrage,
nach Artikel 7.2
die Einzelheiten zu Artikel 7.1
(Projektdurchftihrung) .

De utsche Bundesbank Frankfurt (BLZ 504 000 00) Girokonto 504 091 00 · Postscheckamt Frankfurt (BLZ 500100 60) Konto 498 37 609

. -,.


Wir schlagen vor, zu diesem Zweck folgendes zu vereinbaren:

Einzelheiten des Projekts sowie Lieferungen und Leistungen
1. Die einzelnen Projektstudien/Detailplanungen (im nachfolgenden "Projekte'' genannt) , deren Kosten aus dem Darlehen
finanziert werden sollen , sind zwischen dem Darlehensnehmer
und der Kreditanstalt zu vereinbaren.
Der Darlehensnehmer wird die indonesische Planungsbehorde
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (im nachfolgenden

"BAPPENAS" genannt) veranlassen, der Kreditanstalt Vor schlage flir Studien/Detailplanungen fur entwicklungspolitisch prioritare Investitionsvorhaben zur Zustimmung zu
unterbreiten. Dabei werden zunachst die im "Summary Record
of the Indonesian-German Government Discussions in Bonn
from 14-16 May 1980" unter Abschnitt 2.2.5 aufgefuhrten
Projekte berlicksichtigt. Gleichzeitig wird BAPPENAS der
Kreditanstalt den flir die Durchflihrung der jeweiligen Stu die / Detailplanung zustandigen Projekttrager (Ministerium,
Fachbehorde u.a.) benennen. Die Zusage zur Finanzierung
einer Projektstudie/Detailplanung beinhaltet keine Zusage
zur Finanzierung der Investitionskosten des jeweiligen Investitionsvorhabens.
Nach Zustimmung der Kreditanstalt zur Finanzierung einer
Projektstudie/Detailplanung werden die Einzelheiten der
Studie/Detailplanung, die Terms of Reference, die Kosten,
die Dauer der Durchfuhrung und die gegebenenf alls von indonesischer Seite zu erbringenden Leistungen zwischen der
Kreditanstalt und dem jeweils von BAPPENAS flir die Durchfilhrung der Studie/Detailplanung benannten Projekttrager
Sollten sich wesentliche Anderungen der in den Terms of Reference fur die einzelnen Studien/Detailplanungen zu vereinbarenden MaBnahmen oder der Kostenschatz u ngen abzeichn e n ,
so ist die Kreditanstalt hiervon unverz uglich zu u nterric h ten. Mit der Durchfuhrung derartiger Ma Bnahmen kan n erst
aufgrund geanderter Planung und nur n ac h vorh erig er Zu s t i rn mung der Kreditanstalt begonnen werde n .


2. Die Liste der a us dem Darlehen zu finanzierenden Li efer ungen und Leistungen wi rd a uf der Grundlage der abgeschlossenen Liefer- und Leistungsve rtra ge erstellt. Die
Kreditanstalt erhalt deshalb je eine Ausfertigung oder
Abschrift dieser Vertrage.
Die Kreditanstalt wird dem Darlehensnehmer nach Prlifung
der Vertrage in numerierten Reservierungsschreiben mitteilen, welche Betrage sie flir die Finanzierung aus dem
Darlehen reserviert hat, und ihm die von Fall zu Fall erganzte

"Liste der Lieferungen und Leistungen"
3. Bei dem AbschluB von Vertragen Uber Lief erungen und
Leistungen, die aus dem Darlehen finanziert werden s ollen,
beachtet der Darlehensnehmer folgende Grundsatze:
a) Di e Zahlungsbedingungen der Vertrage mlissen im handels liblichen Rahmen liegen.

Zur Sicherung der Anzahlungen und der ordnungsgemaBen
Vertragserflillung ist in den Vertragen die Gestellung

angemessener Anzahlungs- und Erflillungsgarantien