: Sistem Informasi Penelitian Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana J01537

Roos Kities Andadari
Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia.
Sony Heru Priyanto
Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia.
Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia.
Jony Oktavian Haryanto
Podomoro University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Batik (local fashion in Indonesia) has become a national pride for Indonesia. UNESCO
has declared batik as a world heritage. This article will analyze the antecedents of future
anticipation which is believed to be very important for all entrepreneurs in the batik industry. The purpose of this article is to identify the effects of a model design, raw materials, human capital, competition, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and the
product price toward future market anticipation. In addition, this study is also conducted
to find out the anticipation of future events done by batik entrepreneurs in creating customer value. The method used is a quantitative approach using structural equation modeling methods in order to understand the antecedents of future anticipation in SMEs for
batik in Pekalongan, Solo, and Lasem. The results show that competition positively functions as the only antecedent for future anticipation. The managerial implications are also
discussed in this article.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 3 January 2016

Keywords: batik, design model, human capital, competition, AEC, product price, future
market anticipation
Batik is acknowledged as a
cultural product of Indonesia which is
admired by people all over the world.
Batik is not just cloth but this product
is a manifestation of styles, patterns,
and colors that reflect Indonesian culture. Admiration was even given by
UNESCO on October 2, 2009. Therefore, the government of Indonesia has
decided that October 2 is National Batik Day.
Recognition given by UNESCO
is the result of a long struggle by the
Indonesian government as other countries (such as Malaysia) also consider
batik as part of their culture. Malaysia
has acknowledged that historically

batik comes from Java. Malaysia also
has patented batik they argue that they
patented the patterns and motifs separately, which are different from Indonesian original batik motifs and patterns. Efforts to obtain admission to
UNESCO basically are to anticipate
other countries’ claims of the batik
ownership in the future.
However, the appreciation from
the world has not been responded proportionately by Indonesian consumers.
Instead of increasing the number of
purchases of real batik (handmade and
stamped batik), printed batik sales that
are actually not considered as batik
have increased. The momentum of increasing international appreciation has
not yet been able to switch to become

an incentive for entrepreneurs to take
advantage of this situation. This is evident from the stagnant sales of batik.
Previous work done by Haryanto and Priyanto (2013) has shown that
future market anticipation plays a very
important role for batik entrepreneurs.

This future anticipation will create customer value as well as perceived market performance. However, their research has not shown the antecedents
of future anticipation which is the central point of their findings. Since future
market anticipation is very important
for entrepreneurs, it is surprising that
only a limited number of studies have
analyzed future market anticipation,
especially its antecedents.
This research intends to analyze
the antecedents of future market anticipation in the batik industry. Previously,
in-depth interviews and focus group
discussions were conducted with batik
entrepreneurs in Solo, Lasem, and Pekalongan, which are central locations for
most batik producers in Indonesia. It is
proposed that model design, alternative
of raw materials, human capital, local
competition, competition from the
ASEAN economic community (AEC),
and price of product are the antecedents of future market anticipation (see
Figure 1).
Several hypotheses are developed to see whether there is a positive

effect of every antecedent toward future market anticipation.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 3 January 2016

Figure 1: The Antecedents of Future Market Anticipation



















Research Issues
Based on the above background, several research issues can be
arranged for later field tests. The results are then summarized. Several
research issues are:
1. Does model design positively influence future market anticipation?
2. Do raw materials positively influence future market anticipation?
3. Does human capital positively influence future market anticipation?
4. Does competition positively influence future market anticipation?
5. Does competition within AEC positively influence future market anticipation?
6. Does price of product positively
influence future market anticipation?

Literature Review
Future Market Anticipation
Entrepreneurs face a very dynamic market. Consumer needs and
meaning about the products can change
from time to time. These changes can
make consumers keep using a product
or switch to another product. In a situation of tighter competition, the ability
to read market changes and take action
to meet these changes will cause companies to survive in the market or exit
the market. Therefore, entrepreneurs
need to continuously anticipate the
changes. Jay and Duddy (1999) emphasize that anticipating the market is a
tool to maintain competitiveness. According to Jay and Duddy, in addition
to product improvements and innovations, anticipating consumer needs is
very important. Meanwhile, anticipa158

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 3 January 2016

tion is also necessary for customer value. According to Flint et al. (2008),

customer value anticipation (CVA) is a
driving factor for customer satisfaction
and loyalty.
Future market anticipation or
many times just referred to as future
anticipation is customer perception
about all the activities undertaken by
producers who are trying to provide
solutions for customer needs and requirements in the future. However, not
much research about future market
anticipation has been conducted and
literature on this topic is limited. In
order to discuss the theoretical framework of future anticipation, the author
used a futuristic approach or futurology, which is the science that studies the
future. It is currently continuing to
grow and gain in-depth attention from
academics (Mello, Bhadare, Fearn,
Galaviz, Hartmann, and Worrel, 2009).
Although this science can provide
enormous implications in the world of

marketing, research and theories about
the future are still rarely discussed in
the realm of marketing science.
Focusing on the future necessitates an understanding of the dynamic
environment and requires an understanding of the various factors, both
short term and long term, which will
have an impact on businesses and markets. To achieve the aim of maintaining
growth and market leadership, it requires a strong future orientation and
willingness to make long-term commitments to key stakeholders such as
customers, employees, suppliers, partners, shareholders, the public, and the
community. Organizational planning

should anticipate many factors such as
customer expectations, new business
opportunities and partnering opportunities, increasing the global market, developments in technology, the increasing e-commerce environment, new
customers and new market segments,
development regulations, public expectations and the community, as well as
strategic moves conducted by competitors. Strategic objectives and resource
allocations need to accommodate these
various influences. Focusing on the

future includes developing employees
and suppliers, creating innovation opportunities, and anticipating responsibility to the public.
According to Adam (2008),
employees and the company have a
right to create and shape their future.
Shaping the future is the task of a company or the company is also a future
shaper. A company uses resources in
order to get profits and maintain its
competitiveness. The fact is companies
spend money and large amounts of
funds for research and development
activities in order to deliver superior
customer value in the future. Companies compete for innovation of innovate product development and services
as part of future anticipation. When
companies do not anticipate the future
then they just wait for their death. One
interesting example is Nokia which had
been a market leader for decades in the
mobile phone market. Nokia failed to
maintain a strong will to innovate as a

part of its future anticipation, which
finally ended up being a major market
acquisition by Iphone and Blackberry.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 3 January 2016

The future is an activity related
to the awareness of alternative materials, social, and political environment.
Social concerns are related with a lot of
people to predict what will happen in
the future (De Roo, 2009). Regarding
the material, it requires a lot of funds
needed by the company to identify
trends in the future. It is said to be political because the company actually
wants to dictate the market to greater
competitiveness. Although the future is
a very complex matter to study, this
does not mean that the future cannot be
predicted. Many corporate leaders in
multinational companies such as Pizza
Hut or United Colors of Benetton have
conducted research by doing in-depth
talks and even by living together for a
few days with the younger generation
to understand their current needs as
well as to try to understand their preferences in the future (Ebert & Griffin,
2010). They do so in order to try to
understand the future. By comprehending the future, they can carry out a series of anticipations to get the benefits
out of them (Adam, 2008).
Chang, Hung, and Ho (2007)
introduced the process of finding potential customers through a needs analysis in the future. This process begins
with the profile determination of loyal
customers, continued with a search of
potential customers that leads to potential customer searches through predictions about their needs in the future. It
shows the importance of identifying
sales patterns for core products and
customer background to understand the
profile of loyal customers. It is also
necessary to analyze the potential buyers who have never made a purchase,

along with their characteristics to understand the buying opportunities that
exist. The last part is to use existing
data to understand buying opportunities
in the future resulting in a projection
for potential customers.
For SMEs, this analysis is important as SMEs rarely identify the
pattern of their sales and customer profiles (Haryanto, 2007). SMEs need to
understand patterns of sales and customer profiles, combined with anticipated future needs and desires. The
opportunity to gain market potential
will become large, which means an
increase in the performance of the
SME marketing.
Product Characteristics
Product characteristics are distinctive characteristics from the products which differentiate them from the
competitors and could be offered to the
markets to fulfill the customer needs
Brown, 1998). Thus, every product has
its own characteristics which make it
different from its competitors. Marketers try to develop products with their
own unique traits, in order to gain specific perceptions from customers. This
later concept is called positioning strategy (Kotler & Keller, 2006). A product
which is unique, competitive, and difficult to imitate by competitors will facilitate service providers to have a
competitive advantage.
One of the competitive advantages that could be offered is product characteristics (Acuff & Reiher,
1997). The uniqueness of a product and

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 3 January 2016

its specific competencies will differentiate the product from its competitors.
Three important product characteristics
in this research are model design,
alternative of raw materials, and price
of product (Solomon, 2007).
In accordance with the product
characteristics, Levin and Paige (2003)
conducted a research to prove that
product choices are influenced by the
specific characteristics of those products. Previous research has shown the
relationship between product characteristics on the intention to consume (Lev?C
Gruner & Homburg, 2000). Customers
are very concerned about the product
characteristics when they want to buy
or consume the products (McNeal,
If entrepreneurs are able to create an up-to-date model design, then
customers will perceive this as future
anticipation. Entrepreneurs who think
about the future will also seek alternative raw materials to make their products become better and cheaper. Hence,
raw materials and price of product play
a significant role in building future
anticipation. On the other hand, entrepreneurs will always look for better
human capital to be perceived as future-oriented and will think beyond the
competition. In a more formal framework, the following hypothesis can be
H1: Model design positively influences
future anticipation.
H2: Alternative raw materials positively influence future anticipation.

H3: Human capital positively influences future anticipation.
H4: Competition positively influences
future anticipation.
H5: AEC positively influences future
H6: Price of product positively influences future anticipation.
Research Method
The Type of Research and Location
This research was conducted in
three areas known as large batik producers in Pekalongan, Lasem, and Solo
in Central Java. Those three locations
were selected because in these regions
there are many batik SMEs, both exporters and non-exporters.
Data Sampling and Data Processing
The population for this research
is batik entrepreneurs in Solo, Lasem,
and Pekalongan. Questionnaires are
distributed with a Likert scale of 1-7 to
obtain respondents' perceptions of the
variables examined in this study. A
snowball sampling method is used in
this study with 50 respondents from
each city, so that a total of 150 samples
are obtained. However, there are 6
questionnaires which could not be used
in this research because of some missing data. Hence, a total of 144 respondents are involved in this research.
The data is then processed through a
structural equation modeling method
with LISREL 8.80 software to test the

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 3 January 2016

By using SEM and Lisrel 8.8, a
suitability test is obtained of the overall
structural model, which produces a

suitability value or GOF. In full, the
conformity values are displayed in Table 1.

Table 1: Suitability Value of the Overall Structural Model
GOF Indicator

Value Expected



GFI > 0.90
RMSEA < 0.08
NNFI > 0.90
NFI > 0.90
RFI > 0.90
IFI > 0.90


Marginal fit
Good fit
Good fit
Marginal fit
Marginal fit
Good fit


Good fit

CFI > 0.90
Source: Primary Data, 2014

Based on the Table 1. above, in
general it can be concluded that the
research model has a good level of
fitness. This is shown by the estimated
value that is dominated by the value of
good conformity (good fit).
Hypothesis Testing Results
The results show the value of
the subsequent coefficients and t │
│value. When the structural trajectory
has a value of t │ │≥1.96, then the
path coefficient is significant. Then if
│ t │≤ 1.96, it is concluded that the
coefficient of the path is not significant
(Hair et al., 2010).
Based on the results above, it is
found that model design does not positively influence future market anticipation. This is seen in the value of │ t │
in Table 2, which is in accordance with
the predetermined statistical require-

ments (│ t │ ≤ 1.96), so it is not confirmed that the hypothesis in this data
is supported. An up-to-date model
design is perceived as the company
effort to increase sales. Customers do
not appreciate this up-to-date model
because other competitors do the same
Based on the results above, it is
discovered that raw materials have no
positive effect on future anticipation.
This is seen from the value of │ t │in
Table 2, which is in accordance with
the predetermined statistical terms (t │
│≤ .& this means the hypothesis in
this data is not supported. In hypothesis
2, testing results found that there is no
improvement in searching for alternative raw materials. Batik entrepreneurs
think that raw materials are given and
they cannot look for substitutes. For
instance, previously gondorukem (one
of the main materials) was very cheap

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 3 January 2016

because only batik uses this material.
However, due to the increasing number
of batik entrepreneurs, it has made the
price of gondurukem become high, as
it is now sold in US dollars. Batik en-

trepreneurs are reluctant to find new
alternative materials, because they
think that new materials are not genuine for batik.

Table 2. Hypothesis Testing Results
H1: Model design positively influences future market
H2: Alternative raw materials positively influence
future market anticipation.
H3: Human capital positively influences future market
H4: Competition positively influences future market
H5: AEC positively influences future market anticipation.
H6: Price of product positively influences future market anticipation.

Based on the analysis above, it
is determined that human capital has no
positive effect on market future anticipation. This is viewed from the value
of │ t │ in Table 2, which is in accordance with the predetermined statistical
terms (t │ │≤ 1.96 this means that
hypothesis 3 is not supported by the
data. In hypothesis 3, testing results
found that human capital, i.e. employees do not play a significant role in
developing future anticipation. Most of
the employees in batik are older persons with old-fashioned technology.
They do not want to adapt to or learn
from new technology. In Lasem and
Pekalongan, most of them are part-time
worker, so loyalty and commitment is
questioned here. This provides an ex-


(Not) / Supported
Not supported


Not supported


Not supported




Not supported


Not supported

planation as to why human capital does
not positively influence future anticipation.
Based on the results of the
above analysis, it is found that competition has a positive effect on future
anticipation. This is proved by the value of │ t │ in Table 2, which is in accordance with the predetermined statistical terms (t │ │≥ .& this means
hypothesis 4 is supported by the data.
In the hypothesis 4 testing results, it is
revealed that competition is the only
antecedent of future anticipation. The
competition in batik is very intense,
because there are so many players
there. Since most of the batik entrepreneurs are skillful, it is very easy for

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 3 January 2016

them to copy or duplicate other producers’ designs. On the other hand, this
competition comes from batik entrepreneurs who have limited funding.
Every weekend, these entrepreneurs
have to pay their employees. If they
have no money on that weekend, then
they will sell their batik below the
market value in order to obtain cash.
This has resulted in price wars among
the batik entrepreneurs. However, this
competition also pushes the batik entrepreneurs to think about a new way to
anticipate the future. They are expanding their market abroad or to other islands in Indonesia, in order to cope
with the competition on Java Island.
Based on the analysis above, it
is found that AEC has no positive effect on future anticipation. This is
proved by the value of │ t │ in Table
2, which is in accordance with the predetermined statistical terms (t │ │≤
supported by the data. In the hypothesis 5 testing results, it is discovered that
batik entrepreneurs in Solo, Pekalongan, and Lasem do not think about the
competition in AEC. They think that
batik is an Indonesian heritage. Even
though Malaysia also has batik, they
consider this to be very different. On
the other hand, most of the batik entrepreneurs are not university graduates.
This low educational background
makes them incapable of thinking
about global competition. Research
conducted by Andadari (2014) found
that almost half of SMEs do not know
about the plan of ASEAN economic
community implementation in 2015.

Based on the analysis above, it
is determined that price of product has
no positive effect on future market anticipation. This is proved by the value
of │ t │in Table 2, which the value t ≤
1.96, so the hypothesis is not supported
by data. In the hypothesis 6 testing
results, it found that price is something
to be considered as being determined
by batik entrepreneurs. They perceive
that the competition has decreased the
price of the batik. On the other hand,
the cost of raw materials has increased
because they have to import most of
the materials from China. Thus, batik
entrepreneurs are not seeking a strategy
to cut their costs as a form of future
Conclusion & Recomendations
Future market anticipation is
customer perception about all the activities undertaken by producers who are
trying to provide solutions for customer needs and requirements in the future.
Future market anticipation is important
for marketing performance improvement. However, not much research
about future market anticipation has
been conducted and literature on this
topic is limited. More study on future
market anticipation is needed.
This study found that among
six factors that are derived as the antecedents of future market anticipation
(model design, alternative raw materials, human capital, competition, competition in AEC, and price of product),
only one factor, competition, is supported as an antecedent of future mar164

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 3 January 2016

ket anticipation. This means all efforts
taken by businesspeople are not related
to future anticipation except in considering competition.
As future anticipation is important for marketing performance
improvement, the entrepreneurs need
to make strategic plans regarding future anticipation.
1. How that can be done is to do
an analysis of what has been
done so far related to the company's marketing strategy. Also
note the strengths and weaknesses of a company that has
been there all along. Then need
to analyze recent consumer behavior and projections about
future consumer behavior.
Combination of these things are
used to formulate future strategies anticipation.
2. Need to set up a special team.
The team will continue to work
to audit specific consumer behavior and condition of the
company, which is then used as
the basis for future strategy.
This team could be formed
from the marketing and production divisions.
3. To be competitive, businesses
need to understand that they

can take advantage of a variety
of ways such as modify the design of the model, look for alternatives other than the use of
current raw materials that increase the quality of a product
and lower the cost, improve
human resources, as well as
price of product. Some of these
variables are important in creating the uniqueness of the products.
4. With the enactment of the AEC,
SMEs in Indonesia are mostly
unaware of the opportunities
and threats that they may face.
Most firms do not know or even
do not care about the implementation of this agreement.
This is because most of them
are still busy with their internal
problems. Socialization of the
AEC needs to be intensified
and improved. Also, SMEs
should be encouraged to try to
take advantage of opportunities
and avoid threats that may be
This research project was funded by Directorate of Higher Education, Republic Indonesia under the
scheme of “Hibah Penelitian
Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi”. The
authors thank them for their support.

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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 3 January 2016

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