



Sartika Tampubolon ID. 4103312024

Bilingual Mathematics Education


Submitted to Fulfill Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan










Sartika Tampubolon was born in Medan on September, 10th 1992. Her father’s name is Hisar Tampubolon and her mother’s name is Oktarida Batubara, S.Pd. She is the fourth children of four children. In 1998 the author starts her education in SD Negeri 060885 Medan and graduated in 2004. In 2004, the author continues her education in SMP Swasta Methodist-1 Medan and graduated in 2007. And then in 2007, the author continue her education in SMA Negeri 2 Medan and graduated in 2010. After graduated from Senior High School, the author continues her education in State Univesity of Medan as student in bilingual class for Mathematics Education 2010.






Sartika Tampubolon (4103312024) ABSTRACT

The purpose of this research were (1) to find out how the think-talk-write (TTW) learning model can improve the students' mathematical communication ability, (2) to determine whether students' mathematical communication ability increased after following the think-talk-write (TTW) learning model, (3) to describe students' activities toward mathematics learning using think-talk-write (TTW) learning model, (4) to determine students' response toward mathematics learning using think-talk-write (TTW) learning model.

The type of his research was belongs to Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is implemented in SMP Negeri 1 Onan Ganjang. The subjects in this research were students of class VII-B in 2014/2015 that have total of 25 students. The object of this resarch were the students’ mathematical communiation ability and think-talk-write (TTW) learning model.

This research consisted of 2 cycles and from the first cycle consists of 2 meetings and the second cycle consists of 2 meetings. Students' mathematical communication ability test conducted at the end of each cycle. The results of this study can be seen: (1) The results of tests of mathematical communication ability of students in the first cycle known average value of 1.63, complete 6 people, 19 incomplete, 24% classical completeness and mathematical communication ability of students categorized very low. (2) The results of tests of mathematical communication ability of students in the second cycle known average value of 3.12, complete 23 persons, 2 persons incomplete, classical completeness 92% and mathematical communication ability of students are middle categorized. (3) Learning by using think-talk-write (TTW) learning model can make students’ activity were active categorized in learning, and (4) Learning by using think-talk-write (TTW) learning model can provide a positive response to the students in the learning process.

From the results of this research can be concluded that the implementation of the think-talk-write (TTW) learning model can improve the students' mathematical communication ability.




The greatest thankfulness is given to The Almighty God, my Lord Jesus Christ, for gives blessing, health, and wisdom to the author until the thesis entitled “The Increasing of Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability by Using Think -Talk-Write (TTW) Model in Quadrilateral of Grade VII at SMP Negeri 1 Onan Ganjang” was finish. This thesis was arranged to fulfill the requirement for Mathematics Education Bachelor’s Degree of Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty in State University of Medan.

In the completion of this thesis, the author was achieves so many helps and supports from various sides. For that, the author says thank you so much to Dr. Izwita Dewi, M.Pd as thesis supervisor who patiently guides the author by giving advice, input, and remarks. Also the author says thank you so much to Prof.Dr. Asmin,M.Pd, Dr. KMS. Amin Fauzi, M.Pd, and Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga, M.Pd as examiner lecturers for reviewing thesis by give input and great comments for this thesis perfection. Author say thank you so much to Dr. Syafari,M.Pd as academic supervisor who gives advices during lecturing process and also thank you so much for all FMIPA lecturers.

Big thanks are extended to Prof.Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si. as rector of State University of Medan and employee staff in office of university head,Prof.Drs. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D as Dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and to coordinator of bilingual Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si., Dr. Edy Surya, M.Si. as Chief of Mathematics Department, Dr. Zul Amry, M.Si., Ph.D as Chief of Mathematics Education Study Program, Drs. Yasifati Hia, M.Si as Secretary of Mathematics Education Department, and all of employee staff who have helped the author.

Especially the writer would like to express my gratitude to my belovedmother Oktarida Batubara, S.Pd and father Hisar Tampubolon (+) for their pray, advice, high motivate, endless love and financial support that have enable her to finish her thesis.



Special big thanks to Hotnida Tampubolon (beloved sister) and her husband B. Simanjuntak, S.E , Briptu Leonardo Tampubolon(+) (beloved brother),Bripka Rony Tampubolon (beloved brother) and Bintang Benyamin Simanjuntak (beloved nephew) who always gave supports and prays.

The author also says thank you so much to Hanifah Hasti Purba as school principle, Maya LumbanSiantar, S.Pd as mathematics teacher, all of teachers and staffs, and also VII-Bstudents in SMP Negeri 1Onan Ganjang who have helped the author during research action.

Special thanks to big family in Bilingual Mathematics Class 2010: Abdul (tam’s), Anggi, Dian, Dwi, Elfan, Erlin, Kiki, Ana, Lia, Mila, Maria, Martin (tam’s), Meiva, Melin (tam’s), Nelly, Surya, Petra, Rully, Riny, Sela, Siti, Uli, Mimi. And all my friends at PPLT in SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran,Yasir, Nurul, Nia, Sheila, Uli, Kartika, Rofi, Eska, Tri, Selly, and also thanks for Bripda Miwarddo Sahpin Hutajulu, Afriyeni Hutajulu (Aju Yeni)who gave support and motivation during completion of thesis.

The author already gave the big effort to write this thesis, and about the weakness of thesis the author need some suggestions to make it better. For the last, the author hopes the contents of this paper would be useful in enriching the knowledge.

Medan, Februari 2015 Author,

Sartika Tampubolon ID. 4103312024




Authentication sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Preface iv

Contents vi

Figure List ix

Table List xi

Appendix List xii


1.1 Problem Background 1

1.2 Problem Identification 6

1.3 Problem Limitation 7

1.4 Problem Formulation 7

1.5 Research Objectives 7

1.6 The Benefit of Research 8

1.7 Operational Definiton 8


2.1 Theoretical Framework 9

2.1.1 The Essence of Learning 9

2.1.2 Mathematics Lerning 10

2.1.3.Mathematical Reasoning Ability 12

2.1.4. Reasoning Ability in Mathematics Learning 17

2.1.5 Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) 17 The Characteristic of Realistic Mathematics Education 19 The Principle of Realistic Mathematics Education 22 The Step of Realistic Mathematic Education 23

(8) The Benefit and The Weakness of Realistic Education 25 Implementation Design of Realistic Mathematics Education Lesson 26 The Relationship between Realistic 29 Mathematics Education with the Improvement of

Reasoning Ability The effectiveness of realistic mathematic 30 approach in increasing students

2.1.6 The Lesson of Sets Matter 31 Understanding the concept of sets and venn diagram 31 Understanding Set Relation 33 Understanding Set Operation 42

2.2 Review of Relevant Research 52

2.3 Conceptual Framework 52

2.4.Action Hypothesis 53


3.1 The Type of Research 54

3.2 Location and Time Research 54

3.3 Subject and Research Object 54

3.3.1 Research Subject 54

3.3.2 Research Object 54

3.4 Research Design 55

3.4.1 Research Procedure 55

3.5 The Instrument of Data Collection 58

3.5.1 The Instrument of Student 58

Mathematical Reasoning Ability

3.5.2 Observation Sheet 59

3.5.3 Interview Test 60

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis 60


3.6.2 Data Explanation 60

3.7 Performance Indicator 63


4.1 Description of Research Result 65

4.1.1 Result Description of Cycle I Research 65 Problem I 65 Action Planning Stage 65 Action Implementation I 66 Data Analysis I 68 Interview I 68 Data Analysis II 73

4.1.2 Description of Research Result in Cycle II 82 Problem II 82 Action Planning Stage II 83 Action Implementation II 83 Data Analysis II 86 Interview 92 Reflection II 92

4.2. Research Result Discussion 98

4.2.1 Learning Factors 98

4.2.2 Mathematics Reasoning Ability 100

4.3 Research Findings 102


5.1 Conclusion 103

5.2 Suggestion 105




Page Figure 1.1 Mistaken work to expressed mathematics ideas into picture 5 Figure 1.2 Mistaken work to illustrate picture into the mathematical model 5 Figure 2.1 Design of Think-Talk-Write Learning Model 29

Figure 3.1 Model of Action Research 39

Figure 4.1 Percentage Level of Students’ Mathematical Communication

Ability in Cycle I 71

Figure 4.2 Percentage Level of Students’ Mathematical Communication

Ability in Cycle II 85

Figure 4.3 Increasing of Students’ Mathematical Communication

Ability 87




Page Table 2.1 Scoring Criteria for Mathematics Communications 18 Table 2.2 The Steps of Cooperative Learning model 23 Table 2.3 Learning Syntax with Think-Talk-Write Model 30

Table 3.1 The steps in cycle I 44

Table 3.2 The steps in cycle II 45

Table 3.3 List of students’ predicate and the criteria 50 Table 3.4 Interpretation of Students’ Mathematical Communication

Ability 50

Table 3.5 Interpretation of Gain normalization 51 Table 3.6 Interpretation of Students’ Activity 53 Table 3.7 Interpretation of Teacher’s Response 54 Table 3.8 Interpretation of Students’ Response Individually 55 Table 3.9 Interpretation of Students’ Response Classically 55 Table 4.1 Data of Initial Mathematics Communication Ability of Students 59 Table 4.2 Observation of Teacher’s Activity in Cycle I 62 Table 4.3 Observation of Students’ Activity in Cycle I 63 Table 4.4 Result of Students’ Response Questionnaire to Mathematics

Learning in Cycle I 66

Table 4.5 Results Description of Students’ Mathematical Communication

Ability Cycle I 67

Table 4.6 The Description of Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability in Writing Situation or Mathematical Idea into Picture

Test I 69

Table 4.7 The Description of Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability in Illustrating The Mathematical Idea in Mathematical

Model Test I 69



Ability in Explaining The Procedures of Solution Test I 70 Table 4.9 Result of Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability in

Cycle I 71

Table 4.10 Data of Students’ Mastery Learning of Mathematical

Communication Test in Cycle I 72 Table 4.11 Observattions of Teacher’s Activity in Cycle II 77 Table 4.12 Observattions of Students’ Activity in Cycle II 78 Table 4.13 Result of Students’ Response Questionnaire to Mathematics

Learning in Cycle II 80

Table 4.14 Results Description of Students’ mathematical Communication

Ability Cycle II 82

Table 4.15 The Description of Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability in Writing Situation or Mathematical Idea into Picture

Test II 83

Table 4.16 The Description of Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability in Illustrating The Mathematical Idea in Mathematical

Model Test II 83

Table 4.17 The The Description of Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability in Explaining The Procedures of Solution Test II 84 Table 4.18 Result of Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability in

Cycle II 85

Table 4.19 Data of Students’ Mastery Learning of Mathematical

Communication Test in Cycle II 86

Table 4.20 Description Increasing of Students’ Mathematical

Communication Ability Based on Cycle I and Cycle II Test 86 Table 4.21 The Increasing Criteria of Each Indicator 88 Table 4.22 The Difference Between Cycle I and Cycle II 89 Table 4.23 The Weakness and The Improvement of Cycle I and Cycle II 90





Appendix 1 Lesson Plan I (Cycle I) 100

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan II (Cycle I) 108

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan III (Cycle II) 116

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan IV (Cycle II) 124

Appendix 5 Student Worksheet I 132

Appendix 6 Student Worksheet II 138

Appendix 7 Student Worksheet III 143

Appendix 8 Student Worksheet IV 147

Appendix 9 Alternative Solution of Student Worksheet I 151 Appendix 10 Alternative Solution of Student Worksheet II 153 Appendix 11 Alternative Solution of Student Worksheet III 156 Appendix 12 Alternative Solution of Student Worksheet IV 159

Appendix 13 Lattice of Initial Test 162

Appendix 14 Lattice of Mathematical Communication Ability Test I 163 Appendix 15 Lattice of Mathematical Communication Ability Test II 164

Appendix 16 Initial Test 165

Appendix 17 Mathematical Communication Ability Test I 166 Appendix 18 Mathematical Communication Ability Test II 167 Appendix 19 Alternative Solution of Initial Test 168 Appendix 20 Alternative Solution of Mathematical Communication

Ability Test I 169

Appendix 21 Alternative Solution of Mathematical Communication

Ability Test II 172

Appendix 22 Guidelines for Scoring of Initial Test 175 Appendix 23 Guidelines for Scoring of Mathematical Communication

Ability Test I 177

Appendix 24 Guidelines for Scoring of Mathematical Communication



Appendix 25 Questionnaire of Students’ Response 181 Appendix 26 Observation Sheet of Teacher Activity 184 Appendix 27 Observation Sheet of Students’ Activity 208

Appendix 28 Validation Sheet of Initial Test 220

Appendix 29 Validation Sheet of Mathematical Communication

Ability Test I 222

Appendix 30 Validation Sheet of Mathematical Communication

Ability Test II 228

Appendix 31 Result Description of Diagnostic Test 234 Appendix 32 Result Description of Mathematical Communication

Ability Test I 235

Appendix 33 Result Description of Mathematical Communication

Ability Test II 236

Appendix 34 Observation’s Result of Teacher’s Activity in Cycle I 237 Appendix 35 Observation’s Result of Teacher’s Activity in Cycle II 238 Appendix 36 Observation’s Result of Students’ Activity in Cycle I 239 Appendix 37 Observation’s Result of Students’ Activity in Cycle II 240 Appendix 38 Observation Result of Students’ Response in Cycle I 241 Appendix 39 Observation Result of Students’ Response in Cycle II 243



1.1. Background

Education is every effort, influence, protection and assistance provided to the child to drawn child maturation or more enough to help children to carry out their own life. The influence come from an adult (or created by adults such as schools, books, daily live, and so on) and addressed to people who have not grown up (Hasbullah, 1997:2). Changing and developing in education is something that indeed supposed to occur in accordance with the changing culture of life. Therefore, development of time in the education world is constantly changing with significant and can changing the mindset of a educators from rigid mindset into a more modern, more skillful, creative, and innovative. It is very influential in the progress of education in Indonesia. Facing the facts, educational experts criticaling with expression and the real theoretical education to achieve the real education goal. Mudyaharjo (2004: 59) states:

Tujuan pendidikan dapat dibagi atas dua bagian yaitu tujuan pendidikan yang bersifat personal dan sosial. Tujuan pendidikan bersifat personal adalah untuk mengoptimalkan perkembangan kemampuan-kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh setiap orang, sehingga mengalami perubahan-perubahan dalam pola tingkah laku. Sedangkan tujuan pendidikan bersifat sosial menggambarkan pendidikan dalam memelihara dan membangun kehidupan bersama dalam masyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara.

One of the subjects that reflect the above objectives is mathematics, because mathematical knowledge is develop according to with the developing of information technology, which causes the mathematics is seen as a structured and integrated science, the science of patterns, relationships, ways of thinking, understanding the around world, the deductive science, symbols and numerical language. Hudojo (2005 : 65) states that mathematics as a language of symbols which gives communical facility and it can get so much information and make a new concept. It means symbols have benefit for intellectual efficiency since these can used to communicate idea effectively and efficiently. In order to symbols is



meaningful, every person have to understand idea which contain in the symbol. That is why idea has to understand ahead before it is symbolized and mathematics is universal and can be understood by anyone, anytime and anywhere. As noted Cockroft (in Abdurrahman, 2003:253) argued the importance of students learning mathematics:

Matematika perlu diajarkan kepada siswa karena : (1) Selalu digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari; (2) semua bidang studi memerlukan keterampilan matematika yang sesuai; (3) merupakan sarana komunikasi yang kuat, singkat dan jelas; (4) dapat digunakan untuk menyajikan informasi dalam berbagai cara; (5) meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir logis, ketelitian, dan kesadaran keruangan, dan; (6) memberikan kemampuan terhadap usaha memecahkan masalah yang menantang. Therefore, students need to have mathematics knowledge to facing in the future. But in reality there are many students in every level of education considers mathematics as a difficult subject, not a pleasant subject, and often lead to a variety of complex problems to solved, until have the impact in the low students’ learning result. In the process of mathematics learning, the teacher focuses the students to remember "methods" that is taught in solving the problem than stimulating the students to construct their own knowledge. Almost students never given the opportunity by the teacher to understand the rational behind the formulas are given to them. As a result, the knowledge gained by the students not understanding, they are confusion when confronted with different problems with the examples given of their teachers.

In the curriculum2006 has been formulated five skill or proficiency expected in the learning of mathematics, namely, (1) learn for communicating, (2) learn for reasoning, (3) learn for problem solving, (4) learn to connecting the idea, and (5) establishment of a positive nature to mathematics. The above relates to opinions about the importance of communication in learning mathematics, communication is not only used in science but also in the overall use of mathematics learning activities.

Communication is one of the important objectives in the learning of mathematics. The process of communication is helping students to build ideas, publicize the idea, and can build a good social network in a classroom



environment. Mathematical communication is one of the important competencies that should be developed at every mathematical topic. According to Guerreiro (in Izzati and Suryadi, 2010) mathematical communication are tools in the transmission of knowledge of mathematics or as a foundation in building mathematical knowledge.

Communication ability should be owned by every student, communication ability can be built up in student. This is in accordance with the opinion expressed by Lindquist based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) revealed that mathematical communication ability need to be established so that students can: (1) reflecting in thinking about mathematical ideas in a variety of situations, (2) modeling the situation with oral, written, graphic images and algebraically, (3) developing an understanding of mathematical ideas, including the definition of the role of mathematics in a variety of situations, (4) using the skills of reading, listening and writing, interpret and evaluate mathematical ideas, (5) reviewing the mathematical ideas through conjecture and convincing reasons, (6) understanding the value of math notation and role in the development of mathematical ideas.

In the view of the experts, mathematical communication ability needs to be developed among students. Mathematical communication is the ability to include and contain a variety of opportunities for students to communicate in the form of: reflecting real objects, pictures, or ideas of mathematics, modeling situations or problems using oral, written, concrete, graphs, and algebra, using skills of reading, writing, listening, and study to interpret and evaluate ideas, symbols, terms, and mathematical information.

Baroody (in Ansari, 2009:4) mentions at least two important reasons why communication in learning mathematics should be cultivated among the students. First, mathematics is essentially a language for mathematics it self. Mathematics is not just a thinking tool that helps us to find patterns, solve the problem and make conclusion, but also a tool to communicate our thoughts about various ideas with clear, precise and concise. In fact, mathematics is considered as a "universal language" with symbols and unique structure.



Everyone in the world can use it to communicate mathematical information although their have the different original language. Second, the learning and teaching of mathematics is a social activity that involves at least two parties, namely the teachers and students. In the learning and teaching process, it is imperative that express thoughts and ideas to others through language. Basically the exchange of thoughts and ideas is a process of teaching and learning. Of course, communicating with peers is very important for the development of communication skills so that they can learn to think like a mathematician and managed to solve the problem that is really new.

According to Kosko & Wilkins ( 2010 )

Communication is an essential part of mathematics and mathematics education ( NCTM, 2000:60 ). Both writing and discussion are seen as integral parts of communication that promote deeper understanding of concepts. Writing is seen as a way for individuals to reflect on or explain in detail certain mathematical ideas. It helps students to articulate strategies, therefore increasing their procedural knowledge and producing cognitive benefits in general. Discussion between students is another avenue in deepening understanding of concepts through social interaction. It enables students to reflect upon concepts through interactions with others engaged in the same activity as well as allow students to become familiar with certain ways of describing mathematics while they are doing mathematics- therefore providing students opportunities to become more knowledgeable.

But in reality, the mathematics learning activities still found that when students are given written assignments, students always try to jump start writing answers. Although it is not something wrong, but it would be more meaningful if the students do the first activity such that think, reflect and develop ideas, and to test the ideas before starting to write.

Based on field observation is conducted by Ansari toward tenth grade students in several high schools in Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam show that the average of students’ communication ability to convey information such as conveying ideas, asking questions, and responding to questions from other people's opinions.

The low mathematical communication ability of students can also take a look of grade VII at SMP Negeri 1 Onan Ganjang. Based on observation is made



by the researcher to give a diagnostic test as many as two description question, it is clear that many students are not able to resolve the question.

1. Budi has a park with the area of 180 m2 behind his house, in the middle of the park there is a fish pond. The distance east side of the pond with the east side of the park is 2m and the distance of the south side of the pond to the south side of the park is 3m. The length of the pool is 5m longer than the width.

a. Create picture based on the problem

b. Make a mathematics model to determine the area of Budi’s fish pond c. What is the area of Budi’s fish pond

This is one of student’s work results that illustrating students have not be able to express mathematics ideas contained in a question into the picture. Students are not able to write about the situation into images.

Figure 1.1. Mistaken work to expressed mathematics ideas into picture This is one of the student’s answer who have not been able to illustrate a picture into a mathematics model.



The analysis showed that from 25 students who take the diagnostic test, which is the complete categorize with scored  2,66, only 4 people who completed or about 16%, while 84% of students do not complete. Furthermore viewed from mathematical communication ability category around 4% higher mathematical communication ability, 12% medium, while 8% lower and 76% is very low. It showed that students’ mathematical communication ability of students is still low.

One of way to overcome the low of students’ mathematical communication ability is the teacher effort to improve learning model. The learning model that should be applied is a learning model that provides the opportunity for students to construct their own knowledge so that the students easier to understand the concepts that are taught and communicate ideas in oral and written form.

One of learning model that is expected to increase the students’ communication ability is to implement Think - Talk – Write learning model. Think - Talk - Write introduced by Huinker and Laughin basically through thinking, speaking and writing. Think-Talk-Write learning model is one of the cooperative learning that builds precisely to think, to reflect, to coordinate ideas and test these ideas before students are asked to write.

From the description above is so important to explain the meaning of the role of education to improve students’ mathematic communication ability. In connection with the above problems, researcher interested in conducting research entitled "Increasing of Students Mathematical Communication Ability by Using Think-Talk-Write (TTW) model in Quadrilateral of Grade VII at SMP Negeri 1 Onan Ganjang".

1.2. Problem Identifications

Based on the background above, the problem becomes identifying a problem in this study are:

1.Students having difficulty to completing the new question or different question which are different from the examples described by teachers.



2.The students’ mathematical communication ability is still low. 3.Think-Talk-Write (TTW) model does not use in the school yet. 4.Usually students’ activity is passive.

5.Students’ interest in math is less

1.3. Limitation of The Problems

Based on background and problems identification above, it needs problems limitation to be more focused. Researcher limits the problems only in:

1. The increasing of students’ mathematical communication ability by using Think-Talk-Write in quadrilateral of grade VII at SMP Negeri 1 Onan Ganjang academic year 2014/2015.

2. In learning process the students’ activity tend to be passive. 3. Students’ response who not interest in mathematics lesson.

1.4. Problem Formulations

The problems formulation of this research are:

1. Does students’ mathematical communication ability increase after learning with Think-Talk-Write cooperative learning in topic quadrilateral?

2. How the students’ activity with TTW leaning model? 3. How the students’ response with TTW learning model?

1.5. Research Objectives

In accordance with the formulation of the problem above, the expected goal of this study are:

1. To determine the improvement of students' mathematical communication ability after participating in cooperative learning think-talk-write the material quadrilateral.

2. To describe how students’ activity with TTW learning model. 3. To describe how students’ response with TTW learning model.



1.6. Result Benefits

After doing this research study is expected to provide benefits for all people, including:

1. For Teacher : Can improve the quality of mathematics learning achievement through the create mathematical communication and as one of learning model alternative that can be used in mathematics learning. 2. For Students : Able to develop the students’ communication ability. 3. For Researcher : a. From problem solution will get new learning model

to increase srudents’ mathematical communication ability.

b. Get experience and knowledge by doing research in applying in mathematics concept.

c. As information and reference for researcher to teach next time.

1.7. Defenition of Operational

To avoid the differencies in interpretation of the terms contained in the problem formulation in this research, it should be noted the operational definition as follows:

1. Mathematical Communication

Mathematical communication consists of two aspects, namely oral communication (talking) and written communication (writing). Talking, such as reading, listening, discussing, explaining, and sharing. While writing, such as expressing mathematical ideas in a real-world phenomenon through graph,/figure, table, algebraic equation, or with daily language (written words).

2. Mathematical Communication Ability

Mathematical communication ability referred to in this research is the ability of students to write the situation or mathematical idea into picture, illustrate the mathematical idea in mathematical model, explain the procedures of solution.



3. Cooperative learning model Think-Talk-Write is a learning model into action, there are several parts:

a. Think, that the activities of students in reading the text and then make little notes in their own words containing teaching materials they read. b. Talk, which allow the exchange of student activities (discussions) with

each group about the little notes that they discussed.

c. Write, write down the results of which activities students construct their knowledge at the same discussion on the student activity sheet that has been available.

4. Students’ activity are the activities performed by students during the learning process and observed by two observers and measured based on the achievement of the ideal time include: (1) listening, pay attention to the teacher's explanation, (2) reading / understanding the contextual problem in SAS, (3) resolve the problem / find a way and the answer to the problem, (4) writing the problem solution, summarize and conclude a procedure / concept, (5) demonstrate the results / presentation, (6) discussing / asking to friends / asking to teacher, (7) making conclusion of a procedure / concept, (8) writing the things that are relevant to the learning process, (9) activities that are not relevant with learning process. 5. Students’ response questionnaires are used to determine students' opinions

or comments to TTW learning. The questionnaire will be given to students and filled after learning, include: students' opinion on the subject matter component, SAS, students’ books, how to learn and how the teachers teach.





5.1 Conclusion

1. Learning model by using Think-Talk-Write (TTW) can increasing students' mathematical communication ability, especially in solving mathematical problems of quadrilateral from the first cycle to the second cycle. In the second cycle teachers have been able to maintain and increase the implementation of teaching and learning activities with the application of the Think-Talk-Write (TTW) and increase the weaknesses of students in cycle I. Through Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model, the results of tests of students’ mathematical communication ability in particular on the subject of quadrilateral has increased. It can be seen from the increase in the average value of each indicator writing situation or mathematical idea in to picture by 0.72; illustrating the mathematical ideas in mathematical models is 1.66; explaining the procedures of solution is 1.73. Likewise, the number of students who have reached a value  2.66 increased by 68% and the gain normalized index is 0.77.

2. Learning by using Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model can make

students’ activity be in active category.

3. Learning by using Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model can make

students’ response be in positive response in the learning process. 5.2. Suggestion

Based on these results, the writer propose some suggestions for learning mathematics, especially in secondary schools, namely:

1. For mathematics teachers, in learning process were suggested to applicate

students centered learning. Meanwhile if teacher wants to measure students’

mathematical communication ability were suggested to using Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model as part of efforts to increase students' mathematical communication. In addition to increasing students’



mathematical communication ability and learning outcomes, Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model can also stimulate the activity of students during learning process and can help students in forming a positive response to the learning of mathematics. Therefore this kind of learning is recommended to be developed further on mathematical topics and different levels of education.

2. To the students of SMP Negeri 1 Onan Ganjang particularly for the students who have low mathematical communication ability to do practice, reading and be confidence to communicate mathematical ideas both orally and in writing in mathematics.

3. To the researchers, expected to use the research result as comparison matter and to implement Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model in the other topic. For researchers who want to measure students’ activity and responses were suggested to use the other media such as photos and videos. More active to giude the students in learning process.




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3. Cooperative learning model Think-Talk-Write is a learning model into action, there are several parts:

a. Think, that the activities of students in reading the text and then make little notes in their own words containing teaching materials they read. b. Talk, which allow the exchange of student activities (discussions) with

each group about the little notes that they discussed.

c. Write, write down the results of which activities students construct their knowledge at the same discussion on the student activity sheet that has been available.

4. Students’ activity are the activities performed by students during the learning process and observed by two observers and measured based on the achievement of the ideal time include: (1) listening, pay attention to the teacher's explanation, (2) reading / understanding the contextual problem in SAS, (3) resolve the problem / find a way and the answer to the problem, (4) writing the problem solution, summarize and conclude a procedure / concept, (5) demonstrate the results / presentation, (6) discussing / asking to friends / asking to teacher, (7) making conclusion of a procedure / concept, (8) writing the things that are relevant to the learning process, (9) activities that are not relevant with learning process. 5. Students’ response questionnaires are used to determine students' opinions

or comments to TTW learning. The questionnaire will be given to students and filled after learning, include: students' opinion on the subject matter component, SAS, students’ books, how to learn and how the teachers teach.





5.1 Conclusion

1. Learning model by using Think-Talk-Write (TTW) can increasing students' mathematical communication ability, especially in solving mathematical problems of quadrilateral from the first cycle to the second cycle. In the second cycle teachers have been able to maintain and increase the implementation of teaching and learning activities with the application of the Think-Talk-Write (TTW) and increase the weaknesses of students in cycle I. Through Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model, the results of tests of students’ mathematical communication ability in particular on the subject of quadrilateral has increased. It can be seen from the increase in the average value of each indicator writing situation or mathematical idea in to picture by 0.72; illustrating the mathematical ideas in mathematical models is 1.66; explaining the procedures of solution is 1.73. Likewise, the number of students who have reached a value  2.66 increased by 68% and the gain normalized index is 0.77.

2. Learning by using Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model can make students’ activity be in active category.

3. Learning by using Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model can make students’ response be in positive response in the learning process.

5.2. Suggestion

Based on these results, the writer propose some suggestions for learning mathematics, especially in secondary schools, namely:

1. For mathematics teachers, in learning process were suggested to applicate students centered learning. Meanwhile if teacher wants to measure students’ mathematical communication ability were suggested to using Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model as part of efforts to increase students' mathematical communication. In addition to increasing students’



mathematical communication ability and learning outcomes, Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model can also stimulate the activity of students during learning process and can help students in forming a positive response to the learning of mathematics. Therefore this kind of learning is recommended to be developed further on mathematical topics and different levels of education.

2. To the students of SMP Negeri 1 Onan Ganjang particularly for the students who have low mathematical communication ability to do practice, reading and be confidence to communicate mathematical ideas both orally and in writing in mathematics.

3. To the researchers, expected to use the research result as comparison matter and to implement Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model in the other topic. For researchers who want to measure students’ activity and responses were suggested to use the other media such as photos and videos. More active to giude the students in learning process.



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Yunita, Herlima., (2013), Perbedaan Kemampuan Komunikasi Dan Koneksi Matematis Siswa Dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik dan Konvensional, Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan, Not Published.

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