Karakterisasi Asap Cair Dari Tempurung Kelapa Hasil Pemurnian Dengan Metode Adsorpsi-Desorpsi

Asap cair merupakan suatu hasil kondensasi pembakaran bahan-bahan yang banyak
mengandung lignin, selulosa, hemiselulosa. Asap cair dibedakan berdasarkan tingkat
kemurnian serta karakterisasi dari bahan aktif didalamnya seperti asam asetat dan
fenol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi asap cair hasil pemurnian
secara adsorpsi dan desorpsi meliputi kadar total asam, kadar total fenol, pH, dan
densitas. Variasi massa dan jenis zeolit memberikan karakterisasi sifat yang berbeda
pada asap cair. Zeolit alam sebanyak 10 gram pada fraksi adsorpsi menunjukkan
kadar asam dan total fenol tertinggi yaitu masing-masing sebesar 9 % dan 13,7 %.
Fraksi desorpsi yang memiliki kadar asam dan total fenol tertinggi diperoleh pada
penggunaan zeolit alam aktivasi sebanyak 90 gram yakni masing-masing sebesar 6,3
% dan 9,4 %. Zeolit aktivasi sebanyak 90 gram memilki daya jerap yang tertinggi
yaitu 19,3 gram massa asap cair. Variasi jenis dan massa adsorben tidak memberikan
pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap nilai densitas dan pH asap cair dimana nilainya
masing-masing berkisar 1,001-1,107 dan 2,5-3.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
karakteristik fraksi adsorpsi dan fraksi desorpsi telah lulus mutu standar asap cair
Kata kunci: asap cair, zeolit alam, zeolit aktivasi, adsorpsi, desorpsi.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Liquid smoke result from condensation of combustible materials that contain lignin,
cellulose, and hemicelluloses. Liquid smoke is categorized by its level of purity and
the active compound such as acetic acid and phenol. The purpose of this study was to
characterize the liquid smoke by adsorption and desorption method including total
acid content, total phenol content, pH, and density. Different properties compound
in liquid smoke obtained with variation of mass and type of zeolite. As much as 10
gram natural zeolite on adsorption fraction showed the highest acid and total phenol
content, which were 9% and 13,7% respectively. The other hand of desorption
fraction method with the highest acid and total phenol content was obtained by using
activated natural zeolite 90 grams were 6,3% and 9,4% respectively. Activation
zeolite as much as 90 grams showed the highest adsorption mass of liquid smoke
thats 19,3 gram. Variation of type and mass of adsorbent did not give a significant
influence to the value of density and pH of liquid smoke where the value of each
ranged from 1,001-1,107 and 2,5-3 respectively. The results showed that the
characteristic of adsorption fraction and desorption fraction have passed the standard
quality of Japanese liquid smoke.
Keywords: liquid smoke, natural zeolite, activation zeolite, adsorption, desorption.

Universitas Sumatera Utara