


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Humanities UIN SunanAmpel


Zakiyatud Darojah Reg. Number: A03212073







Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Humanities UIN SunanAmpel


Zakiyatud Darojah Reg. Number: A03212073









Darojah, Zakiyatud. 2016. A Cohesive Device of Reference in Qur’anic

Translation Text of Surah Yasin. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, the State Islamic University of SunanAmpel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag

Key Terms : Cohesion, Cohesive Device, Reference, Text, Surah Yasin, Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation

This thesis discusses the types of cohesive device of reference in Quranic translation text of Surah Yasin. The aims of the study are to know the typical of reference which used in Quranic translation text of Surah Yasin, and the function of it. The writer limits her study which only focuses to analyze Surah Yasin verse 1 – 50 with using Quranic translation text by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. He is the most popularly among other translators, and his translation also closely related to Arabic language.

The study is using qualitative research method. The writer collects the data, analyzes, classifies, and interprets them, then draws conclusion about the type cohesive device of reference and the function of reference. The results show that personal reference is the most frequent than demonstrative reference and comparative reference. The numbers of personal reference are 120 words with percentage 60,3%, while demonstrative references 62 words with percentage 31,1% and comparative references which only 17 words with percentage 8,5%.

Most of personal references are referring to the messengers who spread Islam religion, and also can refer to unfaithful people who did not want to follow the messenger. While most of demonstrative references are referring to location of some places such usAntakiyah city, the heaven, the earth that produces the variety of grains, and so on. Most of comparative references are referring to Allah SWT who Most Gracious to every human.



Darojah, Zakiyatud. 2016. A Cohesive Device of Reference in Qur’anic

Translation Text of Surah Yasin. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, the State Islamic University of SunanAmpel Surabaya. Pembimbing : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag

Kata Kunci : Cohesion, Cohesive Device, Reference, Text, Surah Yasin, Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation

Skripsi ini mendiskusikan tentang tipe-tipe rujukan pada bagian kohesi di teks terjemahan Al Quran Surat Yasin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe rujukan yang digunakan di teks terjemahan Al Quran, dan fungsi dari rujukan tersebut. Penulis membatasi penelitianya hanya fokus untuk menganalisa Surat Yasin ayat 1-50 dengan menggunakan Al Quran terjemahan dari Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Dia sangat tekenal di antara para penterjemah lainnya, dan terjemahannya lebih dekat pada Bahasa Arab.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode qualitative. Penulis mengumpulkan data, menganalisis, mengklasifikasi, dan menginterpretasikannya, kemudian menggambarkan kesimpulan mengenai tipe-tipe rujukan pada bagian kohesi dan fungsi dari rujukan tersebut. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa personal reference adalah paling sering diucapkan dari pada demonstrative reference dan comparative reference. Jumlah personal reference yakni 120 kata dengan prosentase 60,3%, sedangakan demonstrative reference terdapat 62 kata dengan prosentase 31,1%, dan comparative reference yang hanya ada 17 kata dengan prosentase 8,5%.

Sebagian besar personal reference ini merujuk pada para utusan yang menyebarkan agama islam, dan juga bisa merujuk pada orang-orang yang tidak beriman yang tidak ingin mengikuti para utusan Allah SWT. Sedangkan demonstrative reference yakni merujuk pada lokasi di beberapa tempat, sepert ikotaAntakiyah, surga, bumi yang menghasilkan berbagai macam biji-bjian, dll. Sebgaian besar comparative reference merujuk pada Allah SWT yang sangat ramah terhadap setiap manusia.



Inside Cover Page ... i

Inside Title Page ... ii

Declaration Page ... iii

Dedication Page ... iv

Advisor’s Approval Page ... v

The Examiner’s Approval Page ... vi

Motto ... vii

Acknowledgment ... viii

Table of Content ... x

List of Table ... xiii

Abstract ... xiv

Intisari ... xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of The Study ... 1

1.2Statement Problem ... 4

1.3Objectives of The Study ... 4

1.4Significant of The Study ... 4

1.5Scope and Limitation ... 5



2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 7

2.1.1 Discourse Competence ... 7

2.1.2 Text ... 9

2.1.3 Cohesion ... 10

2.1.4 Cohesive Device... 11

2.1.5 Reference... 12

2.2 Review of Related Studies ... 18


3.2 Data Source ... 22

3.3 Technique of Data Collection ... 22

3.4 Instrument ... 23

3.5 Data Analysis ... 23


4.1.1 Types Cohesive Device of Reference in Quranic Translation Text of Surah Yasin Verse 1 – 50 ... 25 Personal Reference ... 26 Personal Pronoun ... 26

(10) Possessive pronoun ... 32 Demonstrative Reference ... 33 Comparative Reference ... 36

4.2 The Function of Cohesive Device of Reference ... 38

4.3 Discussion ... 72

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion ... 75

5.2 Suggestion ... 76 REFERENCES



Table 2.1 ... 13

Table 2.2 ... 14

Table 2.3 ... 15

Table 4.1 ... 26

Table 4.2 ... 26

Table 4.3 ... 31

Table 4.4 ... 32

Table 4.5 ... 33


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study

A good text is a text which must pay attention to the relationship between one sentence to other sentences, it should note to maintain linkages of the sentences. The word “text” refers to any kind of languages, and someone can produce a text through spoken or written. Text, whether spoken or written, is a semantic and pragmatic unit, but sentence is considered a grammatical unit (Quirk, 1985: 142). As we know, semantic describes the meaning of word or text, while pragmatic is dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical consideration. Thus, both spoken and written text closely related to the semantic meaning or pragmatic meaning, whereas,a sentence related to grammar or sentence structure.

Halliday and Hasan (1976:1) assumed that the text is used in linguistic, which refer to any passage whether spoken or written. It means that there are several ways studying on a text, it can be taken not only in the form of spoken, such as conversation, speech, movie, and so forth, but also in the form of written, such us mass media, newspaper, magazine, and so on. Besides, texts must contain a certain characteristics, especially cohesive texture, in order to each sentence connected and well-structured, so that it will understand easily and correctly.

Certainly, text correlated on cohesion and coherence. Cohesion focuses on text based on structural words, which related to each other. Whereas


coherence is more incline in resulting of the reader’s interpretation, but it is a mistake if we only interpret our understanding, it should consider to other assumptions which relate to the text.

The previous paragraph, it has explained about a text that can be written or spoken. In this research, the writer focuses on cohesive text in field of Quran Translation, which has been translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Thoha (2012) said that Abdullah Yusuf Ali is a famous translator who has translated Al Quran from Arabic language to the English, his translation is mostly used by people in this world as the reference, because his translation is easy to understand for everyone and the meaning is closely related to the Arabic (Thoha, Muhammad. 2012).

There were many researchers who analyzed cohesive device in any kind of text, newspaper (Tarsidasari, 2014), Magazine (Sunarto, 2014) and also Surah in Al Quran (Hatab, 2003, and Ilyas, 2014).

Tarsidasari (2014) observed cohesive device in Jakarta Post’s

newspaper, which is using English as lingua franca of writing. She observed it to identify and to derive the types of cohesive devices dominantly used in headline news of the Jakarta Post. The result of her research showed that the most dominant type of cohesive devices was conjunction, in which has an important rules in the text, because to connect ideas within the text in order to make its readers easy to understand.

Sunarto (2014) analyzed cohesive device in some articles in Newsweek Magazine, and the finding shows that cohesive devices are used in


Newsweekmagazine such us grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion.Hatab (2003) observed a cohesive role of reference in some Surah in Quran, such us: Yunus, Yusuf, Ar-Ro’du, and Ibrahim. He found that demonstrative and comparative references were more dominant than personal reference. Moreover, Ilyas (2014) analyzed cohesive device in ten short Surah of the Quran, which has the main cohesive devices, those are the rhyming sound unit, reference, repetition, conjunction, and synonymy.

Most of writers analyzed about cohesion in media, such us magazine, newspaper, short story, and so on. However, in this present study, the writer tries to make different angle from the previous writer that had analyzed text in the field of Quran translation, which translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The writer selectsSurah Yasin to be the subject of analyzing, because it is the heart of Quran, as narrated by Ad-Darimy, At-Turmudzi, and Anasin one hadits:

“Everythinghas acardiac(heart), the heart ofthe QuranissurahYasin, andanyone whoreadssurah YasinAllahwill record their readingsuch asreading Al Qurantentimes”. (Ad-Darimy, At-Turmudzi, and Anasra.)

The significance of this research is to enrich the knowledge of cohesion, particularly in assessing the reference cohesion in Surah Yasin. The writer hopes this research can give references, not only for the further researchers, but also for the Muslims reader to get understanding more about the stylistic of Holy Quran, which is known through its cohesion. Then, this research gives many benefits to the students of English department in conducting research of cohesion in Quran translation.


Overall, based on the explanation above, the writer tends to analyze cohesive device of reference, entitled: A CohesiveDevice of Reference in Quranic Translation Text of Surah Yasin.

1.2 Statement of The Problems

There are some statementsof the problems of this research:

1. What are cohesive device of reference used in Quranic translation of Surah Yasin?

2. What are the functions of cohesive device of reference in Quranic translation of SurahYasin?

1.3 Objectives of The Study

There are some objectives of the study in this research:

1. To explain what cohesive device of reference are used in Quranic translation of Surah Yasin.

2. To explain what is the function of cohesive device of reference in Quranic translation of SurahYasin.

1.4 Significant of The Study

There are some significant of the study in this research:

1. The researcher hopes to get well understanding of language used in the Quranic translation book, especially in Surah Yasin.

2. It can give a good knowledge for students of Islamic University students of SunanAmpel Surabaya.


3. The researcher will expect this study is helpful to the other researcher or students who are interested in doing further studies on the related with this research.

4. It can give a new knowledge about the structures of word in Al Quran.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is the writer focuses on analyzing cohesive device of reference in the Holy Quran, whether personal reference, demonstrative reference, and comparative reference. Besides that, the writer selects Quranic translation of Surah Yasin, which has been translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Furthermore, the writer focuses on Surah Yasinverse 1 up to 50, because the meaning of those verses are correlated each others.

Meanwhile, the limitation of this study is the writer realizes that there are 83 verses in Surah Yasin, it may difficult for the researcher to analyze all of the verses in Surah Yasin, so the writer has limited which only focus to analyze of Surah Yasin verse 1-50.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

There are some definitions of key terms related to this study:

Cohesive Devices is the simplest form of cohesion in which the presupposed element is verbally explicit and found immediately preceding sentence. (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 14).


Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation of Surah YasinisQur’anic English translation which tells about the hassle of the Messengers to spreading Islam religion.




2.1Theoretical Framework

These related theories are the basic in collecting and analyzing any

information related to cohesive devices in the Qur’anic translation text of

Surah Yasin. These steps are important before discussing further about the research problem. In this part the writer would like to review the theories related to the topic of the study. These theories include the concept of discourse competence, cohesion, cohesive device, and reference. All of the theories are given explanations and examples which are able to support them.

2.1.1 Discourse Competence

Discourse refers to the set of norms, preferences, and expectations relating language to context, which language users draw on and modify in producing and making sense out of language context. Discourse knowledge allows language users to produce and interpret discourse structures such us verbal act (e.g. request, offers), conversational sequence (such us question-answer), activities (such us storytelling, and

arguing), and communicative style (such us woman’s speech) (Ochs &

Bambi. 1979:1). It means that discourse relate to speech or piece of writing which makes the language user produces discourse through verbal act, conversation or communication. Blakemore (1987) describes


discourse as the linguistic form of the utterance, contextual assumptions and the assumption that the speaker is being relevant (Blakemore. 1987:44)

Discourse competence is the ability to create and maintain social identities and relationships through language. Discourse competence involves the ability to built context through linguistic structures. Children and other acquires come to understand that a single structure or a set of structures may, in the same moment of use, build a multitude of context, a type of affect, a social act and a social identity. Acquirers also come to understand that context are built sequentially and develop the competence to create and interpret language activities through ordered acts and expressed stances. (Ochs & Bambi. 1979:6)

Martin, Perez has the view that the communicative competence is defined as the knowledge which enables us to use language as a communication device in a give social context, it is a dynamic concept based on the negotiation of meanings among interlocutors, which can be applied either to written or spoken modes of communication (Martin, Perez. 1996:316). Canale and Swain took up this notion of communicative competence and distinguished four aspects of communicative competence:


a. Grammatical/linguistic competence, which includes knowledge of the lexicon, syntax and semantics (mastery of language codes).

b. Sociolinguistic competence, concerned with the appropriateness of communication depending on the context including the participants and the rules for interaction.

c. Strategic competence, a set of strategies devised for effective communication and put into use when communication breaks down (grammatical and sociolinguistic strategies).

d. Discourse competence, which is concerned with the cohesion and coherence of utterances/sentences (Canale& Swain. 1980:10).

Discourse Competence can be seen as the ability to understand, create and develop forms of the language that are longer than sentences (stories, conversations, letters, and others) with the appropriate cohesion, coherence and rhetorical organization to combine ideas.

2.1.2 Text

Text is the verbal record of the communicative event. (Brown & Yule. 1983:190) It means that text is relating to words to keep a permanent account which obtained from speaking. Actually, text not only speaking but also it can be writing. According to Halliday&Hasan, the word text is used in linguistic to refer to any passage, spoken, or


be spoken or written, prose or verse, dialogue or monologue. It may be anything from single proverb to whole play, from a momentary cry for help to an all-day discussion on a committee. A text is unit of language in use (Halliday&Hasan, 1976:1)

The word “text” refers to any instance of languages, and someone

can produce a text through spoken or written. Text, whether spoken or written, is a semantic and pragmatic unit, but sentence is considered a grammatical unit (Quirk, 1985: 142). So, it means that text is unit of language in use, it is not lexico-grammatical unit like clause or sentence

and it is not defined by size. Actually, we can’t count that a text has two

or three sentences. A text does not consist of sentence, it is realized by, or encoded in sentences.

All text have texture, and this is distinguishes them from what is not text. Crane (2000: 1) stated that texture is the basis for unity and semantic interdependence within text and a text without texture would just be a group of isolated sentences with no relationship to one another.

2.1.3 Cohesion

Cohesive is one of criteria in making a sequence of sentence which constitute in a text.The concept of “cohesion” was introduced by Halliday and Hasan (1976), whose major concern is to investigate how sentences are linked in a text. A text has texture, and this is what distinguishes it from something that is not a text. If a passage of English


containing more than one sentence is perceived as a text, there will be certain linguistic features present in that passage which can be identified as contributing to its total unity and giving it texture (Halliday&Hasan. 1976:2).

The concept of cohesion is a semantic one; it refers to relation of meaning that exist within the text, and that define it as a text. Cohesion occurs where the interpretation of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another (Halliday&Hasan. 1976:4). It means that cohesion is connection of whole meaning within text. Cohesion also includes comprehend meaning which compose a relation with a text to make it understanding. Halliday and Hasan (1976) explicitly state that cohesion does not concern what a text means; it concerns how the text is constructed as a semantic edifice (Halliday&Hasan. 1976:21) That is, although cohesion usually plays a role in a paragraph, it does not lead to the global flow of a text across paragraphs.

2.1.4 Cohesive Device

Millward in Muslimah’s thesis (2007:13) says that cohesive

devices are certain words or phrases and their location within the discourse will activate a set of assumptions to the meaning of what has gone beforehand or will generate a set of expectations to what may follow. Halliday and Hasan (1976:5) have divided cohesive devices into five:


a) Reference, Halliday and Hasan (1976:31) state that reference is the specific nature of the information that is signaled for retrieval. b) Subtitution, Renkema (2004:101) explains that substitution is the

replacement of a word (group) or sentence segment by a “dummy”

word. Dummy word here is another word that still has the same meaning. This means there is no omitted within the text but the writer change it with another word which has relation to the previously.

c) Ellipsis, according to Halliday and Hasan (1976:142), ellipsis is

something left unsaid. The word “unsaid” here means that the

omission a word or phrase in the text.

d) Conjunction, Halliday and Hasan (1976: 320) state that there are a number of possible ways in which the systems allow for the parts of a text to be connected to one another in meaning.

e) Lexical cohesion, Halliday and Hasan (1976: 274) state that Lexical cohesion refers to the cohesive effect achieved by the selection of vocabulary.


Lyons (1968: 404) says that the relationship which holds between words and thing is the relationship of reference: word refer to thing. Brown, Gillian and George Yule (1983: 28) reference is treated as an action to the part of the speaker/written. In the following conversational


fragment, we shall say, for example, that speaker A uses the expressions my uncle and he to refer to one individual and my mother’s sister and she to refer to another. We will not, for example, say that he ‘refers to’ my uncle.

A: my uncle’s coming home from Canada on Sunday + He’s due in +

B: how long has he been away for or has just been away?

A: Oh no they lived in Canada eh he was married to my mother’s

sister ++ well she’s been dead for a number of years now.

There are three main types of cohesive references: personal, demonstrative, and comparative.

- Personal Reference

Personal reference is reference by means of function in the speech situation, through the category of person (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 37). The personal category includes the three classes of personal pronouns, possessive determiners usually called possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 43). The items of the reference are as follows:

Table 2.1 Personal Reference Function

Determinative Possessive Class


Masculine He/ him His His


Neuter It Its Its

Plural They/ them Theirs Their

(Halliday, 1985: 295)

The following example is Alice’s conversation with the flowers:

- “Aren’t you sometimes frightened at being planted out here, with nobody to take care of you?”

- “There’s the tree in the middle,” said the Rose. “What else is it good for?”

- “But what could itdo, if danger came?” Alice asked. - Itcould bark,” said the Rose.

- “It says ‘Bough-wough!’” cried a Daisy: “that’s why its branches are called boughs!” (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 48). - Demonstrative Reference

Demonstrative reference is reference by means of location, on a scale of proximity (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 37). Demonstrative reference is essentially a form of verbal pointing. The speaker identifies the referent by locating it on a scale of proximity.

Table 2.2 Demonstrative Reference

Specific Near This/ these This/ these Here (now) Remote That/ those That/ those There (then)



(Halliday, 1985: 295)

The circumstantial (adverbial) demonstratives here, there, now and then refer to the location of a process in space or time, and they normally do so directly, not via the location of some person or object, that is participating in the process. The nominal demonstrative this, these, that, those and the refer to the location of something, typically some entity person or object that is participating in the process. They therefore occur as elements within the nominal group (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 57-58). Look at the example below:

- “I like the lions, and I like the polar bears. Theseare my


- “Those are my favorites too.” (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 60).

These and Those in the example above are the demonstrative references of the lions and the bears.

- Comparative Reference

Comparative reference is indirect reference by means of identity or similarity (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 37).

Table 2.3 ComparativeReference


Class numerative submodifier

General Identity Same, equal, identical, etc.

Identically, (just) as etc. Similarity Similar,

additional, etc.

Such So, likewise, similarly etc.

Difference Other,

different, etc.

Otherwise, else, differently etc.

Particular More, fewer, less, further, etc; so, as, etc; + numeral

Bigger etc.; so, as, more less etc. + adjective

Better etc.; so, as, more less etc. + adverb

(Halliday and Hasan, 1985: 295)

General comparison is a comparison that is simplified in terms of likeness and unlikeness, without respect to any particular property: two things may be the same, similar or different (‘different’ includes both ‘not the same’ and; not similar’). Meanwhile particular comparison means comparison in respect to quantity or quality. For example:

- There were twice as many people there as last time. - He’s a better man than I am.

- There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 82)


First example is comparison of quantity, with numeral as comparison and (the people who were there) last time as referent. Second example is quality, with an epithet as the comparison and I as referent. In third example, the referent is (the things that) are dreamt of in your philosophy; the comparison is again quantity.

Reference also divided into three parts:

a) Homophoric reference: the identity of a presuming item can be retrieved from the general context of culture.

For example:

- How hot the sun is today!

(We all know which sun we are talking about, the specific sun of our solar system)

b) Exophoric reference: the identity of a presuming item can be retrieved from the immediate context of situation.

For example:

- Put it down next to her, please.

(If you are in the same place and in the same time, you are able to decode the it and the her)

c) Endophoric reference: the identity of a presuming item can be retrieved from elsewhere within the text itself. The identity of the participant has been given at an earlier point in the text:


She was called Mary by her parents

(the identity of the female participant identified as she has been revealed somewhere before in the text)

In Endophoric also divided into:

- Anaphoric reference: this occurs when the referent has appeared at an earlier point in the text.

- Cataphoric reference: this occurs when the referent has not yet appeared, but will be provided subsequently (Halliday&Hasan, 1976:60-63)

2.2 Review of Related Studies

There were several similar studies or research about cohesive device in some of text. The first research was conduct by Tarsidasari (2014), which

entitled “Cohesive Device Used in The Headline of The Jakarta Post.” There were seven articles, which analyzed in this study. In this research identified and derived the types of cohesive devices dominantly used in headline news of the Jakarta Post. She used descriptive method and the result showed that the most dominant type of cohesive devices was conjunction because she would like to connect ideas within the text to make its readers easy to understand.

The second research was conduct by Ilyas, Asim Ismail (2014) which

entitled “Cohesive Devices in the Short Surahsof the Glorious Quran.” This study tackled cohesive devices in the short Surahs of the Glorious Quran which connected sentence or text relations that contribute to the text’s unity


or texture beyond intra sentence relations or ties. The writer of this study was use qualitative method to analyze each Surah. The result of this research was the main cohesive devices in the short Surahs of the holy Quran were the sound unit, reference, repetition, conjunction, and synonymy. The least used devices were substitution, ellipsis, hyponym, and antonym.

The third research was conduct by Hatab, Wafa Abu (2003) which

entitled “The Cohesive Role of Reference in Qur’anic Text.” The study was confined to analyze the cohesive device in the following Surahs: Yunus, Hud, Yusuf, Ar-ra’d, and Ibrahim. It dealt with the distribution and frequency of personal, demonstrative, and comparative reference on the discourse level. The result of this research showed that personal reference was the most frequent than comparative and demonstrative reference in all Surahs which have to be analyzed.

The fourth research was conduct by Abdurrahman, Nur Aziz (2013) which entitled “Grammatical Cohesion Analysis of Student’s Thesis Writing.” This research aimed to find out types of grammatical cohesive devices students mostly used in their thesis writing and how these devices create cohesive discourse. In this study, researcher applied descriptive case study as form of research. The result of the research was the students were more familiar with the use of reference although they were able to use other type of grammatical cohesive devices as well.

The fifth research was conduct by Tangkiengsirisin, Supong(2014)


various pointed of view regarding cohesion and coherence in text and provided a review of research studies on cohesion and coherence in writing. The result of the research showed differences in the frequencies of grammatical cohesive devices in good versus poor essays.

The sixth research was conduct by Sunarto (2014) which entitled

“Study of Cohesive Device in The Article of Newsweek Magazine.” This

study was discuss about cohesive device in some articles in Newsweek Magazine, and the writer used qualitative approach because the fact that the data collected were in the form of words. The finding showed that cohesive devices used grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion.

Overall, the researches analyzed cohesive device in several texts such us in news paper, magazine, kinds of Surahs in Al Qur’an, and

analyzed cohesive device in student’s thesis writing. From those researches can conclude that most of Surah in Qur’an text used more personal reference

than comparative and demonstrative reference. In Qur’an text also there were many repetition, conjunction, and synonymy, whereas in a news paper, the most dominant type of cohesive devices was conjunction, it was different with one of magazine which has been analyzed by Sunarto (2014), that showed grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion such us reference, ellipsis, substitution, conjunction, reiteration, and collocation. It different

with Abdurrahman (2013), he analyzed cohesive device in student’s thesis



This chapter explains about research design, data sources, instrument, technique of data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

In this study, the approach is applied by the writer is qualitative approach as a tool of research because it does not deal with numeric data, but descriptive data in the analysis. Neuman (2012) viewed that qualitative data come in the form of photos, written words, phrases, or symbol describing or representing people, actions, and events in social life. Under the qualitative research, there is the so-called illustrates or anchors a theory with empirical evidence (Neuman, 2012)

This research uses a descriptive method. Surakhmad (1994: 139) stated that descriptive method is a kind of research using technique of searching, collecting, classifying, analyzing the data, interpreting them and finally drawing conclusion. The conclusion in descriptive method is conducted without making generalizing.

From some views above, it can be pointed out that in a descriptive qualitative research, the researcher just collects the data, organizes them, and classifies based on the data analyzed. By using descriptive method the researcher tries to describe the reference in Qur’anic translation text of Surah Yasinverse 1 - 50. Therefore, the researcher collects the data, analyzes and


interprets them, and draws conclusion about the kinds of reference and the function of reference in that verse.

3.2 Data Source

Quranic translation text which has been translated into English by Abdullah Yusuf Ali focuses in Surah Yasin verse 1 – 50, from the source of data, the writer analyzes the data that show cohesive device of reference.

3.3 Technique of Data Collection

The data was taken from Quranic translation text of Surah Yasinverse 1 – 50, and the writer used several steps to collect the data, they are:

3.3.1 First, the writer takes the data of Surah Yasin verse 1 – 50 through

Quran’s translation book

3.3.2 Second, the writer began to observe the verses of Surah Yasin which there are references. In this research the writer will focus to collect personal reference, demonstrative reference, and comparative reference. Example :





We have put yokes round their necks right up to their chins, so that their heads are forced up (and they cannot see).

3.3.3 Third, the writer identified the data by giving underlined the script which consist of reference.

Example :


We have put yokes round their necksright up to their chins, so that their heads are forced up (and they cannot see).

3.4 Instrument

The instrument of this research was the writer herself through read

Qura’nic translation text of Surah Yasin verse 1 – 50 which has been translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali.

3.5 Data Analysis

After collecting data, the writer did several steps to analyze the data. In data analysis, the writer would answer two problems using several steps they were classifying the kinds of reference in each verses and give the function of that reference.

3.5.1 Classifying the kinds of reference and describe the function of Surah Yasin verse 1 - 50

In this step the writer classified the data. The data was taken from Quranic translation text which translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali.

Example :





We have put yokes round their necksright up to their chins, so that their heads are forced up (and they cannot see).

After giving underline, the writer would give a little bit description about that verse. Then the writer started to analyze the data based on the theory to answer the two problems.


After analyzing each verse, the writer will calculate the relative frequency of reference in Surah Yasin verse 1-50. T-unit also used by Tsareva (2010) and Thompson (2004).

Table 3.1 Percentage Formula

P = N x 100 T

P : percentage sub-types of reference

N : Types or sub-types of cohesive device of reference T : Total cohesive device of reference.




This chapter is divided into two parts, finding and discussion of cohesive device of reference. The first is cohesive devices of reference that applied in Quranic translation text of Surah Yasin verse 1 – 50 which has been translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The second is discussion of cohesive device of reference.

4.1 Finding

In this part, the writer focused on Quranic translation text of Surah Yasin which has been translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali that the writer only analyzed verse 1-50 as the study. The data to be analyzed based on types of cohesive devices of references; they are personal reference, demonstrative reference, and comparative reference.

4.1.1 Types of Cohesive Device of Reference in Quranic Translation Text of Surah Yasin Verse 1 - 50

The results of the analysis are presented in the following tables that contain the figure obtained for the categories as well as subcategories of reference. Then the writer also calculates the number of each subcategories of reference.


Table 4.1

Relative Frequency of Cohesive Device of Reference

Reference Frequency Percentage

Personal Reference

120 60,3%

Demonstrative Reference

62 31,1%

Comparative Reference

17 8,5%

Total 199

As table 4.1 clearly showed that personal reference was the most frequent in Surah Yasin verses 1 – 50 which amount 120 words with 60,3% percentage, while comparative reference was the least frequent which amount 17 words or 8,5% percentage, and demonstrative reference which consists of 62 words or only 31,1% percentage. This study also classifying personal reference based on personal references, possessive adjectives, and possessive pronouns. Personal Reference Personal Pronoun

As the subcategory of personal reference, personal pronoun is the most frequency than other subcategories. It can be seen in the table below.


Table 4.2

Relative Frequency of Personal Pronoun in Personal Reference

Personal Pronoun

Class Function Word Verse Reference


Masculine (he, him)


5, 22, 23, 38 - Refer to Allah 28, 30, 47 - The


38 - The sun

He 26 - The

messenger Feminine

(she, her)

She 39

- The moon

Her 39

I 22, 23, 24, 26, - Refer to the messengers Me 22, 23, 27 - Refer to

Allah SWT

Neuter (it)

33 - Refer to the earth - Refer to a

single mighty blast


which can destroy humans 49 - Unfaithful

people (Quraish) Plural They/them They 6, 8, 9, 10, 48 - Human who

has died 12 - Antakiyah

people who did not unfaithful to Allah 14, 30, 31 - The

messengers 14, 16, 19, - God who

believed by Antakiyah people 23 - People who

faithful to Allah


36, 37, 42, 45, 46, 47

- Human who unbeliever to Allah

49, 50 - Unfaithful people (Quraish) them 6, 9, 10, 13, - Antakiyah

people who did not unfaithful to Allah 14, 30, 31, 32 - Those

people who had perished earlier 31 - People who

faithful to Allah 33, 37 - Clans of

Prophet Nuh

41 - Human

42, 43, 46 - Human who unbeliever to


Allah 49 - Refer to

Muhammad SAW

You 3, 6 - Refer to the

messengers 10, 11, 15, 18 - Unfaithful

people 19, 21, 22, 25,

47, 48

- Refer to human 33, 45 - Refer to the

messengers We 8, 9, 12, 14, 28,

33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43

- Unfaithful people

Us 18, 28, 32, 44 - Refer to Allah Possessive Adjective

Possessive Adjective shows the belonging words, it as subcategory of personal reference also still commonly found in Surah Yasin verse 1 – 50.


Table 4.3

Relative Frequency of Possessive Adjective in Personal Pronoun

Possessive Adjective

Class Function Word Verse Reference

Singular Masculine (he, his)

His 28 - The Messenger

38 - The sun

Feminine (she, her)

Her 39 - The moon

Neuter (it/its)

- - -

Plural They/their Their 8 - Unfaithful to Allah (Quraish) 23 - God that

believed by Antakiyah People 35 - Faithful to


41, 43 - Clans of Prophet Nuh 46 - Refer to Allah


50 - Human who

unbeliever to Allah

Your 19 - Unfaithful


Our 43 - Refer to Allah Possessive Pronoun

The writer only found two words that indicate possessive pronoun in Surah Yasin verse 1 – 50.

Table 4.4

Relative Frequency of Possessive Pronoun in Personal Reference

Class Function Word Verse Reference

Singular Masculine (his)

- - -

Feminine (her, hers)

- - -

Neuter (its) Its 40 - The moon

and the sun

(44) Demonstrative Reference

The following are the words that indicate demonstrative references in Surah Yasin verse 1 – 50.

Table 4.5

Relative Frequency of Demonstrative Reference

Class Function Word Verse Reference

Specific Near (this/these/her

e (now))

This 19 - the unfortunate fate that befell Antakiyah people 35 - refer to thing

which has made by human 49 - promise of

Allah for the doomsday Remote

(that/those/the re (then))

That 12 - human attitude

26 - refer to location of person (Antakiyah people)


33 - show location of place (the earth)

38 - demonstrate an object (the sun) 45 - Demonstrate an

entity, which ordered to afraid the punishment of Allah.

Those 21 - Refer to the messenger 47 - Refer to

unbeliever people There 13, 20 - Location of

place (Amtakiyah city)

30 - The messengers in Antakiyah city


33 - Earth that produces the variety of grains 37 - Indicate the

time that of night and day 46 - Clans of

prophet Nuh who did not want to follow him

43 - The sinking of

prophet Nuh’s


therein 34 - Location of place (the earth) Then 20, 25, 35,


- A continuation of previous verses

43 - To make a clear that there was


no one who can help human except Allah 50 - Unbeliever

condition Comparative Reference

The writer found some comparative references in Surah Yasin verse 1 - 50 such us similarity, difference, superlatives, and so on, it can be seen at the table below.

Table 4.6

Relative Frequency of Comparative Reference

Class Function Word Verse Reference

General Similarity Such 11 - Comparing

people who unfaithful to Allah with the people who faithful to Allah Like 15 - Comparing the

messenger with Antakiyah people which there is no


difference. 39 - A deformation of

the moon

29 - Unfaithful people like ashes

So 28 - Allah did not sent down a messenger anymore, after the previous

messengers has killed by them Similar 42 - Another vessels

that can be used by humans

Difference Other 23 - Comparison of the God worshiped by unfaithful people 36 - Allah has been

created all things, it was well known by human or not Particular Most 11, 15, 23 - Refer to Allah


the faithful humans. Farthest 20 - Location of

Antakiyah city More


29 - Comparison that no torture for unfaithful people except with a single mighty blast

As well as

36 - Allah created all things in pairs. So +


8 - To adjunct the sentence before it.

4.1.2 The Function of Cohesive Device of Reference

Based on the data analysis, the writer found kinds of reference such us personal reference, demonstrative reference, and comparative reference in Surah Yasin verse 1 - 50.

Data 1


Thou art indeed one of the messengers

Personal Reference : thou Demonstrative Reference : --- Comparative Reference : ---

The word ‘thou’ includes personal pronoun, it is the sub-category of personal

reference. ‘Thou’ is the archaic form of ‘you’, we can found this word in the old poets.In this verse ‘thou’ refers to Prophet Muhammad as the one of messengers who has commanded by Allah to spread Islam religion.

Data 2

َليز تزيزعل يح ل

- -

It is a Revelation sent down by (Him),theExalted in Might, Most Merciful.

Personal Reference : him Demonstrative Reference : the Comparative Reference : most

Based on the fifth verse above, the word ‘him’ is personal reference which shows singular masculine. The function of word ‘Him’is homophoric reference that refers to Allah SWT. The word ‘the’also shows homophoric referencebecause of the general context. Besides it, the word ‘most’shows comparative reference(superlative) which means that Allah is the only God who


has to be believed for every human, there is no God that should be respected except Allah, and He is the merciful.

Data 3

َ تل موق م ن ه ب فنولف غ

- -

In orderthatthoumayest admonish a people, whose fathers had received no admonition, and who therefore remain heedless (of the Signs of Allah).

Personal Reference : thou Demonstrative Reference : the Comparative Reference : ---

The word ‘thou’ as personal pronoun refers to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Allah SWT asks him to spread Islam religion to unfaithful people (Quraish), it shows endophoric reference. Besides it, there is demonstrative reference of article ‘the’thatpoints to word Sign, and it can be called as anaphoric reference.

Data 4

ىلع فَنو م ي


ه ثك



- -

The Word is proved true against the greater part of them: for they do not believe.

Personal Reference : them, they


Comparative Reference : ---

In this verse, there are two words which show personal references, the word ‘them’ and ‘they’. Both of wordsare endophoric references that refer to the sixth verse, it about unfaithful people (Quraish) who did not want to convert to Islam. While, demonstrative reference of words‘the’showscataphoric reference which refers to nothing, but it shows the specific thing.

Data 5

َق أ فنوح قم

ن لعجيف ق ع اَغ ي فىلإن

- -

We have put yokes round their necks right up to their chins, so that their heads are forced up (and they cannot see).

Personal Reference : we, their, they Demonstrative Reference : ---

Comparative Reference : so

There are three kinds of personal reference which show endophoric references. The word ‘we’ as personal pronoun refers to Allah SWT and the

angles. In Arabic language, Allah uses the word ‘we’ (nahnu) because the anglesalso participate to reply human’s behavior in the doomsday. The word ‘their’as possessive adjective has mentioned three times, all of them refer to unfaithful people (Quraish). Allah SWT said that their bodies will be handcuffed; this is a punishment for unfaithful people (Quraish). The word ‘they’shows


comparative reference of the word ‘so’ which the function is to adjunct the sentence before it.

Data 6

لعجو ي ي ي س مو فلخ س ه يشغ ف فَن ص ي


And We have put a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and further, Wehave covered them up; so that they cannot see.

Personal Reference : we, them, they Demonstrative Reference : ---

Comparative Reference : so

In this verse, the writer found personal reference ‘them’, ‘we’and ‘they’as endophoric references. As explanation in the previous verses, the word

‘we’ refers to Allah SWT, but it uses the word ‘we’ because the angles also

interfere into part of it. The word ‘them’ which has mentioned two times refer to the unfaithful people (Quraish) who did not want to convert to Islam. While the word ‘they’ also refers to unfaithful people. Then, the word ‘so’ is comparative reference which function is as adjunct of the sentences before it.

Data 7


Thesame is it to them whether thou admonish them or thou do not admonish them: they will not believe.

Personal Reference : them, they, it, thou Demonstrative Reference : the

Comparative Reference : same

In this verse, there are four kinds of Personal references. They are word ‘them’, ‘they’,‘it’ and ‘thou’. These words includeendophoric references. The word‘them’ which has been mentioned three times refer to unfaithful people (Quraish), it same with word ‘they’ which still refers to unfaithful people.While the word ‘it’ refers to statement of similarity (“It same, whether Prophet Muhammad reminds the quraish people or does not remind the quraish people, they will not believe”). Besides it, there is an article ‘the’that demonstrates a specific thing. Then, there is comparative reference of similarity,it appropriates with that statement. It includes exophoric reference, because it retrieves from the immediate context of situation.

Data 8

َ ك ل ع ت



َن ح ل


َ ش ف يغل ب


َ فغ

ن ت م




Thou canst but admonish such a one as follows the Message and fears the(Lord) Most Gracious, unseen: give such a one, therefore, good tidings, of Forgiveness and a Reward most generous.

Personal Reference : thou Demonstrative Reference : the

Comparative Reference : such, most

There is personal pronoun of word ‘thou’ which shows endophoric reference, it refers to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Article ‘the’ shows anaphoric referencethat point to word message and Lord. There are words ‘such’ and ‘most’ as comparative references. The word ‘such’ is comparingthe impact of differences between faithful and unfaithful people, they follow the message of Prophet Muhammad, and the word ‘most’(homophoric reference) refers to Allah SWT who generous to the faithful humans.

Data 9

ييح حن ن

َوىتو ل

َ م

َ تكن

َمه ث َ ومَ قَ

َ ءيشلك



َ َ يصح

َ ني م مإيف

Verily Weshall give life to the dead, and We record that which they send before and that which they leave behind, and of all things have We taken account in a clear Book (of evidence).


Demonstrative Reference : that, the Comparative Reference : ---

As we know from the previous verses that the word ‘we’ includes personal pronoun. It is Exophoric reference, because it retrieves from the

immediate context of situation. In Arabic language, Allah uses the word ‘we’ and does not uses word ‘I’ because there is substance of the angle in record the human’s behavior. Certainly, it appropriates with desire of Allah SWT. The word

‘they’ is personal pronoun which refers to human who has died, it includes endophoric reference. This verse reminds every people that all of them will die. Then, the word ‘that’ which have mentioned two times are demonstrative reference thatrefer to human attitude,it has been recorded by the angles (Munkar

and Nakir). The function of ‘that’ shows something distant and invisible to the eyes, so it uses the word ‘that.’ It includes endophoric reference. While, the word

‘the’ demonstrates the particular thing, it points to word died.

Data 10

َ ض و لَث ب حص ةي قل هء جنولس ل




Set forth to them, by way of a parable, the (story of) the Companions of the City. Behold!,there came messengers to it.

Personal Reference : them, it


Comparative Reference : ---

The word ‘them’ is personal reference which includes endophoric reference, it refers to unfaithful people (quraish). While the word ‘it’asexophoric reference refers to Antakiyah city. The word ‘there’ is non-specific demonstrative reference which shows location of a place, it name Antakiyah city. Thatcity consists of unfaithful people, they rejected the messengers.The meaning of this verse, Allah asked Prophet Muhammad to tell the unfaithful people (quraish) the story of Antakiah people who did not want to follow the messengers and Allah rewarded them with a painful punishment. Then, the word ‘the’ demonstrates the specific thing.

Data 11

َني ث يل لس


َ ه وبَ كف


َول قف ثل ثب ن

َإ كيل ن



َ ولس م

When We (first) sent to them two messengers, they rejected them: But We strengthened them with a third: theysaid, “Truly, we have been sent on a mission to you.”

Personal Reference : them, they, we, you Demonstrative Reference : ---


In this verse, the writer only found the personal references, which consist of words ‘them’,‘they’, ‘we’, and ‘you’. Those words include endophoric references. The word ‘them’ has mentioned three times, first ‘them’ refers to unfaithful people (Antakiyah people), second ‘them’ refers to the Messengers, and third ‘them’ refers to unfaithful people. Whereas, the word ‘they’ refers to the Messengers. This verse tells that Allah SWT has sent down three messengers to Antakiah people or they called as AshabulQaryah, but the Antakiyah people rejected the messengers and did not want to follow them. While, first‘we’ refers to Allah SWT, and second ‘we’ refers to the messengers who spread Islam religion. Then, the word ‘you’ as personal pronoun refers to Antakiyah people who unfaithful to Allah SWT.

Data 12

َن ح لازن َ م لثم شباإ تن م ول ق


َمتن ن ءيش م




نوب ك


The (people) said: “Ye are only men likeourselves; and (Allah) Most Gracious sends no sort of revelation: yedo nothing but lie.”

Personal Reference : ye, ourselves Demonstrative Reference : the


This verse, the word ‘ye’ and ‘ourselves’includeendophoric references,

‘ye’ is archaic form of you, it poetic language that means the messengers (AshabulQaryah), then the word ‘ourselves’ as reflexive pronoun refers to Antakiyah people. Demonstrative reference of word ‘the’ includes anaphoric

reference because it points to word people. While, the word ‘like’ and ‘most’ are comparative references. The unfaithful people are comparing themselves to the Messengers; they assumed that there was not different with them, so they did not have to follow them. The Antakiyah people not only rejected the mission of the

particular messengers, but they denied the possibility of Allah’s sending such

mission. The word ‘most’ refers to Allah SWT who generous to the faithful humans. It includes homophoric reference, because certainly we know the most Gracious only refers to Allah SWT.

Data 13


ول ق ب لعي نإ كيلإنولس



Theysaid: “Our Lord doth know that we have been sent on a mission to you”.

Personal Reference : they, we, our, you Demonstrative Reference : ---

Comparative Reference : ---

There are personal references of word ‘they’, ‘we’, ‘our’, and ‘you’.The word ‘they’ is personal pronoun which refers to the Messengers who spread Islam religion, it includes endophoric reference. Then, the word ‘our’ is possessive


adjective which shows belonging word (Allah SWT as the only God for the messengers), it includes homophoric reference because of the general context. The word ‘we’ as personal pronoun refers to the messengers, it includes endophoric reference. While the word ‘you’ refers to unfaithful people (Antakiyah people), it

same with the reference ‘we’ that includesendophoric reference. The messengers

said to Antakiyah people that the knowledge of Allah SWT is perfect, and He knows that our mission is from Him, if you do not it is your own misfortune.

Data 14

م يلعاإغَ ل ي ل



And our duty is only to proclaim the clear Message.

Personal Reference : our

Demonstrative Reference : the

Comparative Reference : ---

There is personal reference of word ‘our’which includes endophoric reference, because it retrieves within the text itself. It refers to the messengers who spread Islam religion. While, the word ‘the’ as demonstrates particular thing, it includes anaphoric reference which points to word clear message. The messengers proceed to explain their mission that it is not to force them but to convince them.


َن ن يطت ك ل ل و ت ت ك ج ل ك س يل ب ع يل

ول ق

-The (people) said: “for us, we augur an evil omen from you: if yedesist not, we will certainly stone you. And a grievous punishment indeed will be inflicted on you by us.”

Personal Reference : us, we, you

Demonstrative Reference : the

Comparative Reference : ---

There are three kindsof word which show personal references, they are word ‘us’, ‘we’, and ‘you’, those words include endophoric references. The word ‘us’ is personal pronoun which refers to Antakiyah people who did not want to follow

the messengers. It same with the word ‘we’ which still refers to Antakiyah people. While, the word ‘you’ or ‘ye’ refers to the messengers who threatened by Antakiyah people. The demonstrative ‘the’ shows anaphoric reference which

points to word people.

Data 16

ول ق ك ئ ط كع ئ ت ك ل تن موقنوف سم



They said: “Your evil omens are with yourselves: (deem yethis an evil omen). If ye are admonished? Nay, but ye are a people transgressing all bounds!”


Demonstrative Reference : this

Comparative Reference : ---

There are personal reference of ‘they’,‘your’, ‘ye’, and ‘yourselves’. Those words show endophoric references, because it retrieves within the text itself. The word ‘they’ as personal pronoun refers to the Messengers. Then, the

word ‘your’, ‘ye’ and ‘yourselves’ refer to Antakiyah people who did not want to follow the messengers. While, the word ‘this’is cataphoric reference, because the reference will be provided subsequently. It refers to the unfortunate fate that befell Antakiyah people.

Data 17

ء جو ىصق ة ي لَج ىعسيل ق يموق وع ت يلس ل




Thenthere came running, from the farthest part of theCity, a man, saying, “O my people! Obey themessengers:

Personal Reference : ---

Demonstrative Reference : there, then, the

Comparative Reference : farthest

In this verse, there are three kinds of demonstrative references, the word ‘there’, ‘then’and ‘the’. The word ‘there’ is specific demonstrative reference


reference because the reference appears subsequently. Then, the word ‘then’ as

demonstrative reference which a continuation of previous verses. The word ‘the’

which has mentioned three times are anaphoric references, because it appears in earlier point in the text. Besides it, there is comparative reference of the word ‘farthest’, the function of ‘farthest’ is to showsthe location of Antakiyah city.

Data 18

وع ت مَ كل سي ج هون ت م



Obey those who ask no reward of you (for themselves), and who have

themselvesreceived Guidance.

Personal Reference : themselves, you Demonstrative Reference : those

Comparative Reference : ---

In this verse above, the word ‘themselves’ and ‘you’ are endophoric references. The word ‘themselves’ as reflexive pronoun refers to people or the messengers, and the word ‘you’ includes personal pronoun refers to Antakiyah

people. Then, the word ‘those’ is cataphoric reference that also refers to the

messengers.The truth was seen a man in the outskirts of the City, a man held in low esteem by the arrogant. He had believed, and he wanted his City to believe.


مويلا ع ي ل ين طف يل ونوعج ت



Why should not I serve Him who created me, and to whom ye shall (all) be brought back

Personal Reference : him, I, ye, me Demonstrative Reference : ---

Comparative Reference : ---

There are personal references of word ‘him’, ‘I’, and ‘you’. Those words include endophoric references.The word ‘I’ and ‘me’ refer to the messengers who will not change their beliefs. For the word ‘him’ refers to Allah SWT who has

been created humans. Then, the word ‘you’ is same with previous reference which

refers to Antakiyah people.

Data 20

َ ت ي عَنغتا

ح ل ن ين ة ل ن م




َم تع فش يشاون ق ي

Shall I take (other) gods besides Him? If (Allah) Most Gracious should intend some adversity for me, of no use whatever will be their intercession for me, nor can they deliver me.

Personal Reference : him, their, they, I, me Demonstrative Reference : ---


Comparative Reference : other, most

There are four kinds of words which show personal references and those words include endophoric references. The word ‘him’ as personal pronoun refers to Allah SWT, then the word ‘their’ and ‘they’ refer to God that believed by unfaithful people. Besides it, the word ‘I’ and ‘me’ refer to the messengers. Actually in this verse, the messengers give averment for unfaithful people that only Allah SWT who has capable providing disaster, and He also capable to save them from the disaster. While, the comparative references are the word ‘other’ and ‘most’, the word ‘other’includescataphoric reference which comparing the God who worshiped by unfaithful people with the God of faithful people, while the word ‘most’refers to Allah SWT, who gracious for every human, and only to Him, we worship.

Data 21

ين إيفل لَ ي م




I would indeed, if I were to do so, be in manifest Error.

Personal Reference : I Demonstrative Reference : --- Comparative Reference : ---

In the verse above, there is only personal reference of word ‘I’ that


ينإت م كب نوع س ف

-For me, I have faith in the Lord of you (all): listen, then, to me!

Personal Reference : me, I, you Demonstrative Reference : then Comparative Reference : ---

In twenty-fifth verse, there are three words which show personal

references, the word ‘me’ is cataphoric referencethat refers to the messengers. The word ‘I’ as endophoric reference, it also refers to the messengers. While, the word

‘you’ is endophoric reference which refers to Antakiyah people who did not want

to follow the messengers. Then, there is demonstrative reference of word ‘then’ which includes cataphoric reference; it shows a continuation of the previous words.

Data 23

َليقلخ ة جلا ق يتيلقيمونو لعي



It was said: “Enter thouthe Garden.” He said: “Ah me! Would thatmy People knew (what Iknow)”

Personal Reference : thou, he, me, my, I Demonstrative Reference : ---


There are four personal references in twenty-sixth verses, the word

‘thou’, ‘he’, ‘me’, and ‘I’. These words include endophoric references, because it retrieves in the text itself. The word ‘thou’, ‘me’, and ‘I’ are personal

pronounsthat refer to the messengers who has guaranteed by Allah SWT to enter the Garden. The word ‘Healso shows personal pronoun refers to Allah SWT.

Then, the word ‘my’ as possessive adjective refers to Antakiyah people who do not want to change their beliefs. Whereas, the word ‘that’ in the verse above is a

conjunction, so it is not include in demonstrative reference.

Data 24

ب فغيليب ي لعجو يم ك ل



For thatmy Lord has granted me Forgiveness and has enrolled me among those held in honour!

Personal Reference : my, me Demonstrative Reference : those Comparative Reference : ---

There are two words which show personal reference (‘my’ and ‘me’). The word ‘my’ is homophoric referencebecause we have already known that it means refers to Allah SWT, the only God who has to worship for every human.

While, the word ‘me’ is endophoric reference because it retrieves in the text itself,


‘those’ is exophoric reference, because it retrieves in out of text that refers to people who has entered into the Garden.

Data 25

م لزن ىلع موق ه ع م ج مء سل م ك يلز م



And We sent not down against his People, after him, any hosts from heaven, nor was it needful for Usso to do.

Personal Reference : we, his, him, it, us

Demonstrative Reference : ---

Comparative Reference : so

In twenty-eight verse, there are personal references of word ‘we’, ‘his’, ‘him’, ‘it’, and ‘us’. Those words include endophoric references, because those

retrieve in the text. The word ‘we’ is personal pronoun as the subject, it refers to Allah SWT, and it uses the word ‘we’ which means is plural because the angle

also includes on it. Then, The word ‘his’ refers to unfaithful people, while the

word ‘him’ refers to the messengers who has died because they have killed by unfaithful people, and for the word ‘it’ refers to Allah who did not sent down the

Messengers after they died. Whereas, the word ‘so’ as comparative reference of similarity (it same whether Allah SWT sent down the messengers or not, they will not convert to Islam).


Data 26

إتن كا ةحيص ح إف ن م خ



It was no morethan a single mighty Blast, and behold! they were (like ashes) quenched and silent.

Personal Reference : they Demonstrative Reference : ---

Comparative Reference : more than, like

In this verse, there is personal references of word ‘they’, the meaning of word ‘they’ refers to people who unfaithful to Allah. It includes endophoric reference. Whereas, comparative reference of word ‘more than’ is a comparison that no torture for unfaithful people except with a single mighty blast, and the word ‘like’ also comparative reference that shows a similarity. In this verse they made a great deal of noise in their time, but they were reduced to silent like spent ashes.

Data 27

ي سحىلع عل

يت ي لوس ا ون ك نوئز تسي




Ah! Alas for (My) Servants! There comes not a messenger to them but they mock him.


Demonstrative Reference : there Comparative Reference : ---

The personal references of this verse are word ‘them’, ‘they’,‘him’ and ‘my’, these words include endophoric references. The word ‘my’ and ‘him’ refer

to the messengers who invited Antakiah people to walk in the right way. Then, the

word ‘them’ and ‘they’ refer to unfaithful people. While the word ‘there’ as specific demonstrative pronoun refersto location of person. It also includesendophoric reference, because it retrieves in the text.

Data 28

َاَم يلإنوعج ي

َ ن

َمل ي ك كله ل ق ن قل




See, they not how many generations before themwe destroyed? Not to them will they return:

Personal Reference : they, them, we Demonstrative Reference : ---

Comparative Reference : ---

There are only personal references of word ‘they’, ‘them’, and ‘we’ which those words are mentioned two times. The word ‘they’ has mentioned two times referto unfaithful people. While the word ‘them’, first ‘them’ refers to unfaithful people and second ‘them’ refers to people who has wiped out by Allah because they did not follow the Messengers. So, here Allah destroyed the unfaithful people as acknowledgment for them.


Data 29

وٌلك لعي ج ي لن





But each one of them all - will be brought before Us (for judgment).

Personal Reference : them, us

Demonstrative Reference : ---

Comparative Reference : ---

In this verse, there are personal references of word ‘them’and ‘us’. The

word ‘them’ include exophoric reference, because it retrieves from context of situation. The word ‘them’ refers to all of human in the world will be collected

and faced to Allah SWT for the judgment. While, the word ‘us’ is homophoric

reference, because we have known the reference of word ‘us’ refers to Allah SWT. It is personal pronoun (object) that uses the word ‘us’ because the angle

also include on it.

Data 30

َك ي

َةيآو لض أ ةتي ل ه ييح ج خ

م ح فنول




A Sign for them is the earth that is dead: We do give it life, and produce grain therefrom, of which ye do eat.


Personal Reference : them, we, it, ye

Demonstrative Reference : that, there

Comparative Reference : ---

In the thirty-third verse, the personal references are the word ‘them’, ‘we’, ‘ye’and ‘it’. The word ‘them’is personal pronoun which includesendophoric reference, it refers to humans who faithful to Allah SWT. The word ‘we’ is homophoric reference because we have known the reference of it (general

knowledge). It refers to Allah SWT who has created the earth. Then, the word ‘it’ is endophoric reference that refers to the earth. The word ‘ye’ includes endophoric reference which refers to human. While demonstrative references of the word ‘that’and ‘there’ are endophoric references, word ‘that’ demonstrates location of place (the earth) while the word ‘there’ demonstrates an object (grain).

Data 31

لعج يف ت ج لي ب ع ن جف يف نويعل




And We produce therein orchard with date-palms and vines, and We cause springs to gush forth therein:

Personal Reference : we

Demonstrative Reference : therein


In the verse above, there is personal reference of word ‘we’ which shows

homophoric reference, it refers to Allah SWT. While, demonstrative reference of

word ‘therein’ has mentioned two times, those include cataphoric references

which back to location of place (the earth).

Data 32

ولك يل ه ث مو تل ع ي ي َف ن كشي




That they may enjoy the fruits of this (artistry): Itwas not their hands that made this: will they not then give thanks?

Personal Reference : they, their, it

Demonstrative Reference : this, then, the

Comparative Reference : ---

There are several personal references of this verse, the word ‘they’and ‘their’, both of words refer to human. These include endophoric references. While the word ‘it’ also endophoric reference which refers to the field that has made by Allah SWT for human in the earth. Besides it, there are word ‘this’ as demonstrative references, first ‘this’ refers to artistry, then second ‘this’ refers to thing which has made by humans. The word ‘the’ as anaphoric reference points to word fruit. While the word ‘then’ as demonstrative reference which explains an adverb after it.


Data 33

َم سفن موض أ ت ت م لكج أ قل ي ل ن ح س




مَنو لعي

Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things thatthe earth produces, as well astheir own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge.

Personal Reference : their, they Demonstrative Reference : that, the

Comparative Reference : as well as, other

In thirty-sixth verse, there are personal references of word ‘their’ and ‘they’ which both words include endophoric reference, those refer to human. Whereas, the word ‘that’ is demonstrative reference that correlates to all things in this world are in pairs. It also includes endophoric reference. The word ‘as well as’ and ‘other’ as comparative references, word ‘as well as’ shows a similarity and word ‘other’ shows a difference, it explained that Allah has been created in pairs of all things, it is well known or not known by humans.

Data 34

َةيآو لليلل لس م

ل إف نو لظم




And a Sign for them is theNight: We withdraw therefrom the Day, and behold they are plunged in darkness;




This chapter is the last chapter of all. The writer has explained the result of the analysis in the previous chapter and given suggestion to the reader


Based on the finding and discussion in the previous chapter, the writer has analyzed cohesive device of reference in Surah Yasin verse 1 – 50. This analysis is conducted by using the written herself. In this case, the writer limited her research by analyzing verse 1 – 50, while the numbers of Surah

Yasin are 83 verses. The data show that personal reference is the most frequent

than demonstrative reference and comparative reference. The numbers of personal reference are 120 words with percentage 60,3%, while demonstrative references 62 words with percentage 31,1% and comparative references which only 17 words with percentage 8,5%.

As for subcategories of personal reference, personal pronouns are the most frequent than possessive adjective and possessive pronoun. Most of verses in Surah Yasin show personal reference are using words ‘they’, ‘them’, and ‘their’, that words refer to unfaithful people (Quraish) who did not want to follow the messenger, it same with Antakiyah people who has killed the messengers, they pelted them with the stones until they died. Besides it, it also


flood. The word ‘they’ also often refers to human, Allah asked them to be grateful people and give part of their wealth to the needy people.The relative frequency of demonstrative reference is amount 31,1% which use word ‘that’, ‘there’, ‘then’, ‘this’, and ‘those’ as reference, it is to make the verses connected with other. Most of words refer to location of some places such usAntakiyah city, the heaven, the earth that produces the variety of grains, and so on. The relative frequency of comparative reference is amount 8,5% which shows similarity and difference. The unfaithful people assumed that there was no difference between believers to Allah SWT with the people who unbelievers to Allah SWT. In that verses, also showed a comparison with using word ‘other’, the messengers affirmed that they did not have to worship another God as they did, because they only believe in Allah SWT.


This study focuses on the cohesive device of reference in Quranic translation text of Surah Yasin verse 1 – 50. For further study, other researchers can explore a study about cohesive device of reference in other

Surah of Qur’an. Besides that, the further study also can develop the research

is not only limited to cohesive device of reference, but all of devices in the cohesion such us substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical grammatical. That would make the research more perfect.



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Surah Yasin verse 1-12


Surah Yasin verse 28-40