Kegiatan Internal Public Relations di Dj Arie Broadcasting School Bandung.


Fathia Karimah, 210203100026, Tugas Akhir, 2015, “Kegiatan Internal Public Relations di DJ ARIE
SCHOOL Bandung”, dengan Dosen Pembimbing Dr. Hanny Hafiar, S.Sos., M.Si. Program Studi
Hubungan Masyarakat Diploma III peminatan Kehumasan, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas
Penulisan laporan tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kegiatan internal yaitu kegiatan employee
relations dan kegiatan stockholder di DJ Arie Broadcasting School. Penyusunan Laporan Tugas Akhir ini
menggunakan metode pengamatan deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka, observasi
lapangan dan wawancara.
Hasil pengamatan menujukan bahwa DJ Arie broadcasting school adalah sekolah broadcasting yang
menampung para calon broadcaster khususnya di bidang radio untuk mengetahui dunia radio itu sendiri.
Selain memperkenalkan dunia radio, DJ Arie School juga mengajarkan tentang vocal ekspresi, basic
vocal, English for announcer, skill presentation, sample siaran, use topic, pengisi suara iklan, produser tv,
presenter, menulis scriptwriter dan MC (Master of Ceremony).
Simpulan dari hasil observasi ini adalah sebaiknya DJ ARIE SCHOOL lebih mengoptimalkan jumlah
karyawan untuk pembagian tugas yang ada pada lembaga ini, disamping itu pengadaan Majalah
Organisasi juga diperlukan untuk memberikan perkembangan bagi organisasi.


Fathia Karimah, 210203100026, Final Report, 2015 "Internal Activities of Public Relations Activities at
ARIE DJ SCHOOL Bandung", Supervised by Dr. Hanny Hafiar , S. Sos., M.Si. Department of Public
Relations, Diploma III, Specialization in Public Relations, Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran
The Final Report aims to determine the internal activities, which are employee relations and stakeholder
activities at DJ Arie School. This report used the observation descriptive methods, with using the
techniques of data collection such as: document study, observation, and interviews.
The result of this observation shows that DJ Arie Broadcasting School is a broadcasting school that
accommodate the broadcasters to be, especially in radio to know more about radio itself, in addition to
introduce the world of radio. Beside that, DJ Arie School also teaches the student about vocal expression,
basic vocal English for announcer, skill presentation, broadcast sampling, use topic, the voice of
advertising, television producer, scriptwriter and MC (Master of Ceremony).
The conclusion of this observation is DJ Arie School should more optimize the number of employees to
share the tasks in this Institute. Beside that, providing the organization magazine also needed to improve
the organization development it self.