Harris Kristanto
Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Aditya Chandra
Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian, ialah menganalisis strategi serta proses bisnis PT.INKOASKU untuk
mengetahui kebutuhan informasi yang diperlukan perusahaan dan merancang sistem dashboard
yang dapat membantu pencapaian tujuan perusahaan. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah
metode pengumpulan data,metode analisis dan metode perancangan. Metode pengumpulan data
yang digunakan adalah studi lapangan berupa observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan.
Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis SWOT. Sedangkan untuk metode perancangan

yang digunakan adalah konsep perancangan database multidimensional, skema bintang,
perancangan layar dan perancangan dengan menggunakan notasi UML. Hasil yang dicapai

adalah suatu sistem dashboard yang digunakan oleh Manager produksi untuk memantau kinerja
produksi. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah sistem dashboard yang telah dibuat dalam bentuk
aplikasi dapat membantu Manager produksi untuk memantau kinerja produksi secara real time.
Aplikasi ini mendukung pengambilan keputusan Manager serta perencanaan produksi
selanjutnya karena menyediakan informasi dengan mudah, cepat, ringkas dan interaktif. Aplikasi
juga turut mendukung dalam pencapaian visi misi PT Inkoasku yaitu “SPEED & Safety”.

Kata Kunci
Perancangan, Produksi, Dashboard

1. Pendahuluan
Persaingan dunia bisnis saat ini telah berkembang pesat, perusahaan berlomba-lomba
untuk memenangkan persaingan bisnis yang ada dengan keunggulan kompetitif mereka
masing-masing. Teknologi informasi menjadi hal yang sangat penting bagi perusahaan.
Teknologi informasi dan sistem informasi membantu perusahaan dalam menangani
data yang semakin banyak dengan cepat, handal dan efisien serta membantu meminimalkan
kesalahan yang terjadi karena human error dengan menyediakan otomatisasi proses bisnis.

Teknologi informasi juga dapat menyediakan informasi yang tepat dan akurat yang akan
membantu pihak eksekutif perusahaan dalam mengambil keputusan untuk menentukan
strategi dan kebijakan perusahaan.
Pengambilan keputusan sangat penting bagi perusahaan karena perusahaan akan
menentukan langkah yang akan diambil selanjutnya mengingat persaingan bisnis global yang

semakin ketat dan kebutuhan informasi sudah menjadi hal yang sudah pasti dan harus ada
bagi setiap perusahaan.
PT. Inkoasku bergerak di bidang produksi velg baja untuk pasar OEM (Original
Equipment Manufacturer) mobil berpenumpang. PT. Inkoasku dipercaya sebagai supplier
oleh produsen kendaraan domestik seperti Daihatsu, Hyundai, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, Toyota, dan
Suzuki Indonesia.
Produksi merupakan salah satu ruang lingkup PT. Inkoasku yang memiliki dampak
langsung terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Pada departemen
produksi ini, semua pencatatan produksi dan pembuatan laporan produksi menggunakan
microsoft excel yang datanya berasal dari data warehouse PT.Inkoasku. Laporan produksi
disediakan hanya seminggu sekali sehingga pemantauan performa dan efisiensi produksi
tidak dapat dilakukan secara harian. Tindakan perbaikan atas turunnya efisiensi dan performa
produksi perusahaan kadang sudah terlalu lambat untuk dilakukan, padahal informasi
tersebut penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja produksi perusahaan.

Dashboard adalah sebuah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja perusahaan
seara real time. Sistem berupa dashboard dapat menangani dan memproses data yang luas
sehingga nilai-nilai dalam data dapat diwakili ke dalam beberapa halaman yang ringkas, yang
menampilkan trend dan banyak informasi yang diperlukan oleh manager. Dashboard
memberikan manager tampilan yang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan laporan pada
umumnya dimana manager cenderung untuk membandingkan banyak informasi dari banyak
laporan yang diterima selama beberapa hari.
Dashboard memberikan kemudahan dalam memahami pelaporan status kemajuan
perusahaan sepanjang tahun dan dapat mengidentifikasi trend dan masalah yang benar.

Adanya pengidentifikasian trend dan masalah yang lebih dini akan lebih cepat mendapat
penanganan yang tepat dari perusahaan untuk kemajuan perusahaan dan pelayanan yang
lebih baik bagi pelanggan.

2. Metodologi
Ruang lingkup dari penelitian mencakup analisa dan perancangan Sistem Dashboard
produksi PT.Inkoasku. Adapun pembahasan yang dilakukan meliputi sebagai berikut :

Model Arsitektur


Rancangan Layar

2.1 Model Arsitektur
Berikut merupakan model arsitektur yang digunakan dalam perancangan Sistem
Dashboard PT. Inkoasku. Perancangan dimulai dengan proses pengambilan data dari
Data warehouse, yang dilakukan melalui proses ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), menuju
Data Mart. Data Mart merupakan sumber data untuk sistem Dashboard.

2.2 Rancangan Layar
Sistem dashboard ini dapat diakses oleh para manager di PT.Inkoasku.
Rancangan layar dari dashboard ini menampilkan informasi yang bersumber dari data
mart secara ringkas dan interaktif. Dalam menampilkan informasi-informasi yang
dibutuhkan, rancangan layar ini menggunakan beberapa komponen seperti gauge, chart
dan grid, serta komponen form seperti textbox, combobox dan label.

1. User Interface – Halaman : Main Dashboard

2. User Interface – Halaman : Total Production Performance

3. User Interface – Halaman : Achievement Rate

4. User Interface – Halaman : Production Output


5. User Interface – Halaman : Production Loss Time

3. Kesimpulan
Simpulan yang dapat diambil setelah melakukan penelitian ini adalah :
1. PT.Inkoasku memerlukan adanya dashboard yang digunakan untuk mengikuti trend
dalam Bagian Produksi dan memantau kinerja perusahaan secara real time. Dashboard
juga menampilkan informasi yang dibutuhkan perusahaan secara ringkas dan interaktif,

bentuk visual dan grafik. Hal ini dapat mempermudah manager dalam

pengambilan keputusan.

2. Dashboard dibuat dengan mendukung strategi PT.Inkoasku. Dengan pengambilan
keputusan yang cepat dan pengidentifikasian masalah yang tepat, kini Bagian Produksi
PT.Inkoasku dapat menyelaraskan visi misi perusahaan yaitu ”SPEED & Safety”.

Daftar Pustaka
Anonymous. (2010, 11 29). Why Use a Dashboard? Retrieved 01 31, 2012, from Six
Sigma Online:
Arlow, J., & Neustadt, I. (2002). UML and The Unified Process; Practical ObjectOriented Analysis and Design. Great Britian: Pearson Education Limited.
Bennet, S., McRobb, S., & Farmer, R. (2010). Object-Oriented Systems Analysis And
Design Using UML 4th Edition. Glasgow: McGraw-Hill.
Bentley, L. D., & Whitten, J. L. (2007). System Analysis and Design for the Global
Enterprise 7th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Bray, T. (2011). The Role of Business Intelligence Dashboards in Financial Management.
ProQuest document ID: 905645884, 32 (5/6), 29-33.

Connolly, T. M., & Begg, C. E. (2010). Database System : A Practical Approach to
Design, Implementation, and Management. Fifth Edition. Boston: Pearson Education Limited.
Gurun, J. E., Starnes, S. K., Wang, F., & Barton, P. R. (2010). Internet Center for
Management and Business Administration. Retrieved 1 30, 2012, from NetMBA; Business
Knowledge Center:
Haag, S., Cummings, M., & J. McCobbrey, D. (2005). Management Information Systems
for the Information Age. USA: McGraw-Hill.

Inmon, W. H. (2005). Building The Data warehouse. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

[10] Kimball, R., & Ross, M. (2002). The Data warehouse Toolkit : The Complete Guide to
Dimensional Modeling. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
[11] Kyd, C. (2004, October 1). Introducing Excel Dashboard for Management Reporting.
Retrieved 1 30, 2012, from ExcelUser:
[12] Larman, C. (2005). Applying UML and Patterns; an introduction to Object-Oriented
Analysis and Design and Iterative Development 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
[13] Larson, B. (2006). Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL 2005.

Emeryville: McGraw-Hill.
[14] Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2010). Management Information Systems : Managing
the Digital Firm, 11th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

[15] Lorence, M. J. (2010). Balance Scorecard Report; The Strategy Execution Source. Using
Dashboards to Revolutionize Your Performance Management System , 10.
[16] Loshin, D. (2003). Business Intelligence The Savvy Manager's Guide : Getting Onboard
with Emerging IT. San Fransisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
[17] O'Brien, J. A., & Marakas, G. M. (2010). Introduction to Information System 15th
Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[18] Person, R. (2009). Balanced scorecards and operational dashboards with microsoft excel.
Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
[19] Rama, D. V., & Jones, F. L. (2006). Accounting Information System. South-Western
[20] Rangkuti, F. (2006). Analisis SWOT: Teknik Membedah Kasus Bisnis, Edisi Pertama.
Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2007). Management 9th Edition. New Jersey.

[22] Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., & Burd, S. D. (2008). System Analysis and Design in a
Changing World. Cengage Learning.
[23] Turban, Aronson, & Liang. (2005). Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems.
New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
[24] Turban, E., & Rainer Jr, R. K. (2009). Introduction to Information Systems Enabling and
Transformng Business 2nd Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
[25] Turban, E., Aronson, J. E., Sharda, R., & King, D. (2008). Business Intelligence; A
Managerial Approach. New Jersey: Pearson International, Inc.
[26] Turban, Efraim, Aronson, J. E., Liang, T. P., & Sharda, R. (2007). Decision Support and
Business Intelligence Systems. New Jersey: Pearson International.
[27] Whitten, J. L., Bentley, L. D., & Dittman, K. C. (2004). System analysis and Design
methods. McGraw-Hill.
[28] Windle, D. R., & Abreo, L. R. (2003). Software Requirements Using the Unified Process
A Practical Approach. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
[29] Wixom, B. H., Dennis, A., & Tegarden, D. (2010). System Analysis and Design with
UML : An Object-Oriented Approach. Indiana: Wiley.


Harris Kristanto
Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Aditya Chandra
Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Research purposes is to analyze the strategies and business processes of PT.Inkoasku to
know the necessary information needed and design the dashboard system that can help achieve
corporate goals. The research method used is a method of data collection, analysis method and
design method. Data collection method used are in the form of observational field studies,
interviews and literature study. The analytical method used is a SWOT analysis.
As for the design method used is the concept of multidimensional database design, a star
schema, user interface design and design using UML notation. The result achieved is a
dashboard system that is used by the production manager to monitor production performance.

The conclusions of this study is the dashboard system that has been made in the
application form can help the production manager to monitor production performance in real
time. The application supports manager for decision making and planning for the next production
because it provides information easy, quick, concise and interactive. Application also support
PT.Inkoasku achievement of vision, mission namely “SPEED & Safety”.

Key Words
Design, Production, Dashboard

1. Preliminary
Competitive world of today's business has grown rapidly, companies are competing
to win the competition with their competitive edge respectively. Information technology
makes it especially important for the company.
Information technology and information systems help companies handle data more
quickly, reliably and efficiently, and help minimize the errors that occurred due to human
error by providing business process automation. Information technology also can provide
precise and accurate information that will assist the executive in the company's decision to
determine corporate strategy and policy.
Decision-making is very important for the company because the company will
determine the next steps to be taken given the competition increasingly fierce global business
and information needs has become a thing that is certain and should be available to any

PT. Inkoasku specialized in the production of steel wheels for the car passengers
OEM market (Original Equipment Manufacturer). PT. Inkoasku trusted as a supplier by
domestic vehicle manufacturers such as Daihatsu, Hyundai, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, Toyota, and
Suzuki Indonesia.
Production is one of the scope of PT. Inkoasku which have a direct impact on overall
company financial performance. In the production department, all records of production and
manufacturing production reports using Microsoft Excel for which data is derived from the
data warehouse PT.Inkoasku. Production reports are provided only once a week so that the
monitoring of performance and production efficiency can not be done on a daily basis.
Corrective action on the fall of the efficiency and performance of the company's production
sometimes has been too slow to be done, but the information is important in improving the
performance of the company's production.
Dashboard is a tool used to measure the performance of the company in real time. A
dashboard system can handle and process the vast data so that values can be represented in
the data into a few pages of concise, which displays the trend and much of the information
required by the manager. Dashboard gives managers a more rapid compared with the reports
in general, where managers tend to compare a lot of information from the many reports
received for several days.
Dashboard provides easy to understand reporting status and progress of the company
throughout the year to identify trends and correct problems. The existence of identifying
trends and problems early will more quickly receive the correct handling of the company to
the company's progress and a better service for customers.

2. Methodology
The scope of research includes the analysis and design of PT.Inkoasku production
Dashboard System. The discussion is carried out include the following:
- Model Architecture
- User Interface Design

2.1 Model Architecture
Here is an architectural model that is used in the design of the Dashboard System PT.
Inkoasku. The design starts with the retrieval of data from the data warehouse, which is done
through a process of ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), to the Data Mart. Data Mart is a source
of data for Dashboard system.

2.2 User Interface Design
This dashboard system can be accessed by the manager in PT.Inkoasku. The
design of the dashboard user interface displays information sourced from the data mart is
concise and interactive. In presenting the information required, this screen design uses
several components such as gauges, charts and grids, as well as components such form
textbox, combobox and the label.

1. User Interface – Page : Main Dashboard


2. User Interface – Page : Total Production Performance


3. User Interface – Page : Achievement Rate


4. User Interface – Page : Production Output



5. User Interface – Page : Production Loss Time

3. Conclusion
The conclusions that can be made after doing this study are:
1. PT.Inkoasku require a dashboard that is used to follow the trend in the production section
and monitor company performance in real time. Dashboard also displays the required
information is concise and interactive firm, in the form of visual and graphic. This can
facilitate the manager in decision making.
2. Dashboard created with support PT.Inkoasku strategy. With the rapid decision making
and identifying the exact problem, now part PT.Inkoasku Production companies can align
vision and mission is "SPEED & Safety".


Anonymous. (2010, 11 29). Why Use a Dashboard? Retrieved 01 31, 2012, from Six
Sigma Online:
Arlow, J., & Neustadt, I. (2002). UML and The Unified Process; Practical ObjectOriented Analysis and Design. Great Britian: Pearson Education Limited.
Bennet, S., McRobb, S., & Farmer, R. (2010). Object-Oriented Systems Analysis And
Design Using UML 4th Edition. Glasgow: McGraw-Hill.
Bentley, L. D., & Whitten, J. L. (2007). System Analysis and Design for the Global
Enterprise 7th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Bray, T. (2011). The Role of Business Intelligence Dashboards in Financial Management.
ProQuest document ID: 905645884, 32 (5/6), 29-33.
Connolly, T. M., & Begg, C. E. (2010). Database System : A Practical Approach to
Design, Implementation, and Management. Fifth Edition. Boston: Pearson Education Limited.
Gurun, J. E., Starnes, S. K., Wang, F., & Barton, P. R. (2010). Internet Center for
Management and Business Administration. Retrieved 1 30, 2012, from NetMBA; Business
Knowledge Center:
Haag, S., Cummings, M., & J. McCobbrey, D. (2005). Management Information Systems
for the Information Age. USA: McGraw-Hill.

Inmon, W. H. (2005). Building The Data warehouse. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

[10] Kimball, R., & Ross, M. (2002). The Data warehouse Toolkit : The Complete Guide to
Dimensional Modeling. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
[11] Kyd, C. (2004, October 1). Introducing Excel Dashboard for Management Reporting.
Retrieved 1 30, 2012, from ExcelUser:
[12] Larman, C. (2005). Applying UML and Patterns; an introduction to Object-Oriented
Analysis and Design and Iterative Development 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
[13] Larson, B. (2006). Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL 2005.
Emeryville: McGraw-Hill.
[14] Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2010). Management Information Systems : Managing
the Digital Firm, 11th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

[15] Lorence, M. J. (2010). Balance Scorecard Report; The Strategy Execution Source. Using
Dashboards to Revolutionize Your Performance Management System , 10.
[16] Loshin, D. (2003). Business Intelligence The Savvy Manager's Guide : Getting Onboard
with Emerging IT. San Fransisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
[17] O'Brien, J. A., & Marakas, G. M. (2010). Introduction to Information System 15th
Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[18] Person, R. (2009). Balanced scorecards and operational dashboards with microsoft excel.
Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
[19] Rama, D. V., & Jones, F. L. (2006). Accounting Information System. South-Western
[20] Rangkuti, F. (2006). Analisis SWOT: Teknik Membedah Kasus Bisnis, Edisi Pertama.
Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2007). Management 9th Edition. New Jersey.

[22] Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., & Burd, S. D. (2008). System Analysis and Design in a
Changing World. Cengage Learning.
[23] Turban, Aronson, & Liang. (2005). Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems.
New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
[24] Turban, E., & Rainer Jr, R. K. (2009). Introduction to Information Systems Enabling and
Transformng Business 2nd Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
[25] Turban, E., Aronson, J. E., Sharda, R., & King, D. (2008). Business Intelligence; A
Managerial Approach. New Jersey: Pearson International, Inc.
[26] Turban, Efraim, Aronson, J. E., Liang, T. P., & Sharda, R. (2007). Decision Support and
Business Intelligence Systems. New Jersey: Pearson International.
[27] Whitten, J. L., Bentley, L. D., & Dittman, K. C. (2004). System analysis and Design
methods. McGraw-Hill.
[28] Windle, D. R., & Abreo, L. R. (2003). Software Requirements Using the Unified Process
A Practical Approach. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
[29] Wixom, B. H., Dennis, A., & Tegarden, D. (2010). System Analysis and Design with
UML : An Object-Oriented Approach. Indiana: Wiley.